
In an instant, all the comments were quiet. This is indeed a very important issue.

They have also experienced the examination of the iron and steel forest, and suffered from the ignorance of Warcraft. Moreover, they are all low-level Warcraft. If they really go to the wilderness, any kind of Warcraft may appear there.

At that time, if I didn't know him, it would be a fatal thing!

"It's not just the general knowledge of Warcraft, but also the theory of Warcraft. If you don't know the evolution route and method of warspirit, how can you cultivate excellent warspirit? Is it luck? " Jialan Ziyu continued.

At the moment, even the slightest voice of discussion disappeared, and the whole training hall became audible.

All the students in class D are attentive and listen to every word the teacher says. It is possible that a casual sentence may save their lives in the future!

"Our theoretical courses are divided into general knowledge of Warcraft, war spirit theory research, combat skills research, and finally general culture course, which contains the necessary knowledge as a high school student. If you don't want to be said that Zhanling teacher is illiterate, don't be lazy for me!"

After that, Jialan Ziyu waved, and a pile of books was moved to the training hall.

All the students are about to cry. The number of books is twice as much as that of ordinary high schools!

"Gulu That's too much of an exaggeration

"I understand why I don't hand out books in the morning. There's no room for that classroom!"

"I always thought that ordinary high school was hell, but compared with here, it was heaven!"

Not only the other students in class D, but also Feng Yixiu and others were stunned.

"Monitor, when the actual combat class is over, you are responsible for distributing all the books." Jialan Purple Jade deep voice.

"Good teacher." Shen Ruyu nodded his head and said cleverly.

"Since I ran for monitor in the morning, I want to tell you some basic knowledge you must know. If you already know it, you should deepen your memory."

After that, Jialan Ziyu suddenly took out a remote control. He pressed the button, and a stereo projector began to work.

A very clear picture appeared in front of the public. This picture clearly distinguishes the level of warspirit master.

"The warspirit division is divided into ten levels, and each level is divided into nine levels. However, the level 5 warspirit division is a watershed. After reaching level 5, the warspirit division can obtain a kind of ability given by the spirit soldier. At that time, the warspirit division's own combat power will be changed qualitatively. After obtaining the spirit soldier, it can be called the war spirit king! The ten level war spirit Master is the legendary existence. The war spirit is no longer called the war spirit, but the spirit. And the king of war spirit is upgraded to the king of the spirit. For the existence of that level, it is just a thought! "

Jialan Purple Jade teacher in the hands of the teaching stick pointed to the top of the holy spirit king word, patiently explained.

"Wow Holy spirit king! If I could become the king of the Holy Spirit one day, what a terrible prestige

Under the stage, many of the students with a long mind are full of stars.

"Students, it's good to have a dream, but the king of the Holy Spirit is not so easy to achieve. Don't be so ambitious now. Think about your current path of cultivation. One step at a time is the right way." Jialan Ziyu nodded happily and then said in a deep voice.

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