"After finishing the war spirit Master level, let's talk about the level of war spirit. The level of war spirit can be divided into six levels. All of your fighting spirit belong to the young spirit stage. After that, the young spirit can evolve into the growing war spirit, and then it will be mature, perfect, ultimate and Holy Spirit." The remote control in the hand of Jialan Ziyu gently shakes, and the next picture appears in front of everyone.

"But when can warspirit evolve? Can I now evolve from my cub to a growing warlord? " Suddenly someone raised his hand and asked.

"Well asked by this student, whether the warspirit can evolve or not depends on the level of the warspirit master. If you have to upgrade yourself at a lower level, you can't succeed at all, because the process has to consume a lot of spiritual power, not only to test the warspirit, but also to the warspirit master!"

Jialan Ziyu shook the remote control again, turned to the next picture, and continued: "the level 1 warspirit master can only be a child spirit stage. After reaching level 2, they can try to evolve into a growing stage. After that, they can try to evolve into a growth stage. After that, they can try to evolve warspirit. However, evolution warspirit may fail. Let's talk about this in detail in warspirit theory class."

"This magic card must be familiar to all of you. After all, the second level of our martial arts examination is to ask you to obtain a magic Spirit card. It can be seen that the magic Spirit card is very important to our warspirit masters. Even some excellent warspirit masters can rely on the rational use of magic cards to defeat warspirit masters who are higher than their own level."

"Each time we cross a large level, we must use the power impact of the magic card to cross a large level. For example, when you reach level 1 and level 9 warspirit masters, you must absorb a magic card to upgrade to level 2 and level 1 warspirit masters." Jialan Ziyu said, pointing to the dendrogram of the projection picture.

"Teacher, I heard that the magic card absorbed will be more powerful. Is it true?" Another member of the line asked.

"Yes! The magic card absorbed from the magic Scripture is twice as powerful as the ordinary one! So we must be very careful when we absorb the magic card. Is this magic card helpful to you? After all, the magic card can't be changed! " Jialan Ziyu patiently explained.

"What are the levels of the magic card? I only know that gray iron is the lowest, followed by bronze, and then I'm not sure... " A pretty girl in the line stood up and asked.

"This is what I'm going to talk about. The magic cards are divided into gray iron, bronze, silver, gold, black gold, diamond and epic. The more powerful the Warcraft is, the more likely it is to produce high-level magic cards." Jia Lan Ziyu smiles, and then explains it carefully.

"Well, we have almost finished introducing the basic knowledge of warspirit master to you. But we still need to explain the detailed knowledge in the theory class. But now is the time of actual combat class, so I won't take up your time." Jialan Ziyu gently waved, and the projector was slowly shut down.

"Now! All of you will summon all your fighting spirits, and we will start to form a group Jialan Ziyu's expression immediately became serious. She carried her hands behind her and said in a deep voice.

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