"It's too good to cut the moon!" The wind also Xiu can't help but drum up his hands, full of worship.

"Don't flatter me..." Uncle Bai directly threw the silver bone dragon gun to Feng Yixiu, and said faintly: "you should learn it! Come on Try it. "

Feng Yixiu, after taking over the silver bone dragon spear, remained in place for a long time. The whole person seemed to be petrified.

The first king of the Holy Spirit is still as unreliable as ever!

"You have overestimated me, don't you? How can you learn such a high-level spirit soldier skill again... " Wind also repair, face piled up with a smile, smiling way.

"Oh? You boy, even chaos magic beads dare to directly absorb, I'm afraid I underestimate you! Why do you admit it now? " Uncle in White said with a smile.

"Haha I'm a child. What do you care about me? I promise I won't dare to do such a stupid thing again. You can tell me how to use this behemoth! " The wind also repairs to clap the chest to assure a way directly.

"The purpose of cutting the moon is to bring the compression pressure of the silver bone dragon gun to the extreme, and compress it into a thin plane to form the ultimate cutting meaning. In this way, we can produce a substantial cutting Moon Flower..." Uncle White said in a deep voice.

Feng Yixiu imitated uncle White's movements thoughtfully and practiced his skills and experience.

"Yes San Xingyao pays attention to the range of damage, so it must be fast, but jianyuehua pays attention to the ultimate chopping attack, so the time of accumulating strength should be as long as possible, and the action can be slow, but you can't let the other party know your attack intention, and really be as quiet as a virgin and as active as a rabbit... "

Feng Yixiu is training hard, and uncle in white guides the action essentials of Feng Yixiu.

Just in the past few hours, Feng Yixiu has learned the second of the eight anti chaos movements: cutting the moon!

"Remember, don't pay attention to the magic beads of chaos next time, you know?" Uncle in White said solemnly.

"I see, how can I make the same mistake twice..." The wind also deepens the voice.

Uncle in white nodded and waved to the wind. Then he turned his back.

Until Feng Yixiu completely left the spirit soldier space, uncle white slowly turned around and frowned: "is it almost impossible to suppress it?"

Feng Yixiu slowly wakes up from the spirit soldier space. The consumption in the spirit space will also cause the same burden to his body.

"I'm so tired..." Feng Yixiu stood up slowly, patted his numb legs and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

After washing, Feng Yixiu lies in bed and falls into a deep sleep instantly.

The next morning, a series of knock on the door woke the wind.

"Today is the official beginning of school. Don't get up soon!" Outside the door came the heavy voice of Han Xiao.

"I'll get up soon..." The wind also opened his eyes vaguely and rubbed his eyes.

After a while, he got up and took a look at the clock.

Xuanji teacher and Jialan Ziyu teacher have been waiting for them in the living room. They nodded after seeing all the people.

"Today is the first day for you to enter Nu scale college. All of you must keep up your spirits!" Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"Yes They all cried out in unison.

Later, Feng Yixiu and others went to the teaching area of the school under the guidance of teacher Xuanji.

The teaching area here is very different from the traditional college. The tutorial system is adopted. The situation that a teacher leads dozens of people or even hundreds of people does not appear.

Because the students in the four holy shrines are all elites of the war spirit world and the pillars of China in the future, they will spare no effort to cultivate them.

Therefore, a tutor can only lead four to eight students, so as to ensure the efficiency and pertinence of practice.

Of course, this kind of dedication is compared with those of ordinary senior war spirit colleges. If we compare the treatment of the inner and outer colleges, there is no comparison.

After being registered as a teacher in foreign schools, Feng Yixiu naturally became a senior tutor of Feng Yixiu and others.

"You wait for me here. I'll apply for lingfu and come back soon." Xuanji teacher explained.

Feng Yixiu and others all nodded obediently and then stood at the door of the office hall where people came and went.

However, at the entrance of the office hall, Feng Yixiu met many acquaintances. Many freshmen saw Feng Yixiu with a warm face and said hello to Feng Yixiu.

"Good old wind!" When they saw the wind, they bowed down immediately.

Feng Yixiu nodded awkwardly and then signaled them to go.

Another group of people passed by Feng Yixiu and immediately bowed down and saluted: "good old wind!"

The wind is also full of black lines and says with a smile, "hello How do you do! Don't call me boss, just call me classmates... "

Then the several people looked at each other, and then almost at the same time cried: "OK! Big brother FengFor a time, the wind also repair the corners of the mouth twitch, full of black lines.

Is there any difference between the boss and the elder brother?

Are you kidding me?!

"I'll go..." The wind also repairs helplessly to cover up the face, immediately waved the hand, motioned them to retreat.

Those few people also very cooperate to retreat, and then Feng Yixiu encountered a lot of this situation along the way.

Seeing this, Jialan Ziyu also said with a smile: "the wind is also Xiu. You have just entered the school and become a star of Nu scale college!"

Feng also shrugged his shoulders and said, "no way, I don't want to! Who makes me too good... "

After that, Feng Yixiu could only block his face and see people with the light from his fingers.

All of a sudden, he saw that Dean Lu came out of the hall with Lin cooking wine and others.

Feng Yixiu didn't recognize him even though he blocked his face. So Lin cooked wine came over with a smile.

"Brother Feng, why are you blocking your face?" Lin cooked wine with a smile.

"Nothing Why did you come with Dean Lu? Is it difficult for you? " The wind is also a little curious.

"Haha President Lu is now our mentor. " Lin cooked wine very seriously.

"Congratulations The wind also repairs a smile way.

"It's also my luck to receive such excellent students from the central China team." Lu Changzhen looks a little ugly.

Feng Yixiu saw that President Lu's expression was a little ugly, and asked, "Dean Lu, you don't look very good? What can I do for you? "

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