"Ah..." President Lu sighed deeply and explained, "I just learned that the inner courtyard has allocated half of the resources of our outer courtyard. I'm afraid it will be more difficult for our outer courtyard in the future."

"Did the elder do it again?" Wind also repair eyebrow a frown, cold voice way.

"Who else but him! Who let us offend him? The resources of the outer courtyard are all in the hands of the inner courtyard. The inner courtyard clearly has the green scale tree. There is no need for the Spirit Crystal to build the spirit gathering array. It's really deceiving to confiscate the Spirit Crystal of our outer courtyard! " Lu thought.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also frowned. After a while, Xuanji came out slowly and leisurely. His face was even worse than that of President Lu.

"Teacher Xuanji, what's the matter with you? How can you look a little out of your wits? " Dean Lu also saw something wrong with Xuanji and said in doubt.

Mr. Xuanji then took out a yellow token and let Dean Lu have a look at it. There was a word "yellow" on it.

"This..." Dean Lu looked at the token, and finally couldn't help it. He said angrily, "how unreasonable! They even assigned you to the Yellow level lingfu?"

The place where Nu scale academy practices is called lingfu, but the lingfu of outer academy also has grades, which are four levels of heaven and earth, xuanhuang.

Then, according to the potential of the team, the higher the team potential, the better the lingfu will be.

Spirit Crystal is a kind of material which is more advanced than spirit stone. Their spirit power purity is more pure than spirit stone, and their efficiency will be greatly improved.

The better the place where the spirit house is, the more spirit crystals in the spirit gathering array will be, and the faster the speed of natural cultivation will be. This yellow level lingfu is the worst kind of lingfu in the outer courtyard.

"They said that three of the four of us were not the king of war spirit, so they gave them to a Xuan level lingfu." It's a very low voice.

"But you are clearly a yellow level spirit house!" After confirming this, President Lu was even more puzzled, thinking that the other party had taken the wrong token.

"I was so angry that I beat the elder in the inner courtyard..." After a moment's silence, Xuanji said slowly.

“……” President Lu didn't say anything for a long time. You are too fierce.

Feng Yixiu and others are also stunned. Xuanji teacher is too rigid!

The staff in this office hall are all elders of the Research Institute and are in charge of all the resources in the inner and outer courts.

You beat them up. They have to take away all your Xuan level tokens!

"No! The more I think about it, the more angry I am. I have to seek justice from them! "Mr. Xuanji's face suddenly changed, and then he walked angrily behind him.

"Teacher Xuanji, don't be impulsive

"Xuanji brother, impulse is the devil!"

"Xuanji, if you go again, you will not even have the Yellow level lingfu!"

Shen Ruyu, Lu Changzhen, and Jialan Ziyu all came to embrace Xuanji, for fear that he would create extra troubles.

Xuanji teacher then calmed down a little, frowned and said, "can't we just use such a broken spirit house? The speed of children's practice will be more and more thrown away by others! "

Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu had already lagged behind the other students of Nu scale, and now they have been divided into such a broken lingfu.

The speed of practice is not comparable to that of the inner courtyard. Even with the excellent teams in the outer courtyard, it is far away.

Every day of the top universities is very important. If you don't pay attention, you will be thrown away by others. The backwardness of lingfu is an irreparable problem.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we're still together, there's nothing we can't make it through. We'll figure out a way."

Looking at Feng Yixiu's confident eyes, Xuanji finally gave up the resistance and said calmly: "you are right Let's go there first

Then Feng Yixiu and others came to the "legend" of the Yellow level lingfu.

The wind also Xiu looks at this is the spirit house of spider web everywhere, eyebrow also can't help wrinkling.

If he didn't know that this was the lingfu, I'm afraid that others would tell him that it was a mass burial post. He believed that it was too shabby.

It has not been used for at least ten years. It smells old and shabby. It smells very bad.

"Click..." Xuanji teacher stood at the gate of lingfu for a long time without going in. His finger joints were pinched and turned white.

This is obviously aimed at them. How can such a place be used for cultivation?

Lingfu is supposed to be a place full of aura. There must be a huge spirit gathering array. As for the Taoist field in the center, the Spirit Crystal should at least make the array work normally.

But this is a ruin. The spirit crystals on the spirit stone grooves around the spirit gathering array have lost their luster. It is estimated that they have no spiritual power for a long time.

"Damn it! What a bully! I'm going to find them out! " Xuanji teacher roared.

"Xuanji teacher, don't worry, let's go to them now, and we'll really lose!" The wind also repairs a pull hold Xuan Ji teacher, a face serious way."But Can this kind of place really practice? " Xuanji teacher looked at the dim yellow level lingfu, puzzled.

The wind also meditated for a moment, and said definitely, "I'll find a way. Let's clean up this place first."

"Well Let's clean this up first. At least it doesn't look like a mass grave Jialan also agreed.

Then Feng Yixiu and others began to clean up the ruined lingfu.

It took a whole day to clean up the dilapidated lingfu, and they were able to peep at the whole picture of the lingfu.

The size of the lingfu is very large. It may be a relic of the ancient times. It can be seen after it is cleaned up.

The sky gradually became dark, and they quickly repaired all the lighting equipment in the spirit house, but the light was still very dim.

Both Xuanji and Jialan went to find a way to collect Lingjing. Only Feng Yixiu and others remained in the dilapidated lingfu.

When he is bored, Feng Yixiu goes to the spirit gathering array and squats down to twist a crystal. However, he finds that his arm turns into fly ash as soon as he touches the crystal.

With a frown on his brow, he touched more than a dozen spirit crystals, all of which turned into flying ash without exception.

"One of them can't be used. It's going to force us to death!" The wind also shook off his hands, a face of coagulation heavy road.

"Oh, dear There is such a place to practice! It's incredible

Suddenly, a rather bad voice came over, the official dragon's gate in Chu mangtian.

What are you doing here, tianmang Wind also repair eyebrow a frown, deep voice way.

"Today, I just heard that someone moved to this ghost place. I didn't believe it at the beginning. I didn't think there was a fool moving here! I didn't expect it was you! Ha ha... " Chu mangtian grinned.

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