"You are not welcome here. Get out of here!" Han Xiao stood up and roared.

"Squeak Are you angry? " Chu mang Tian smiles and shakes his head, and then says faintly: "but it's no wonder that whoever gets to this kind of ghost place will be this kind of reaction!"

"It doesn't seem to matter to you what lingfu we get! If you don't want to be beaten, I advise you to get out of here The wind is also facial expression.

"Cut! You think I'm afraid you won't succeed. I just want to have a quarrel with you Chu mang day cold hum a, full face disdain way.

"Oh? I don't think you were beaten hard enough last time The wind also Xiu sneered, a ring finger after, bramble enchantress then appears in their side.

Two magic spirit cards of purple and gold level slowly floated out of the red magic card, and turned into two purple lights and disappeared into the bramble enchantress.

Bramble enchantress's armor all turned to black purple, emitting a suffocating poison gas, which made people shiver.

Her cold eyes languidly looked at the Chu Tian Mang in front of her, leaning against the thorn throne formed by thousands of thorns behind her.

"You You wait! Don't think we are really afraid of you Chu mang day although the mouth clamors, the body is unable to stop backward.

Not only Chu mangtian, but also dozens of people who followed him also retreated.

The bramble enchantress is powerful, but they have witnessed it with their own eyes. They don't want to be eroded by the ten thousand poisons field.

"What a noise!" The wind also repairs eyebrow a frown, and then nods toward the thorn enchantress.

Under the thorn enchantress's eye, several ten thousand poisonous vines fluttering around her body slowly attack, frightening Chu mangtian and others to run.

Chu mangtian knew that he had run out of the range of ten thousand poisonous vines and stopped to wipe the sweat on his face.

Then he turned around and roared, "you are arrogant now. In a few months, when I break through the level six warspirit king, that will be your death time!"

After saying that, he left fengyixiu's lingfu area without looking back, and soon disappeared into the public's sight.

Feng Yixiu and others looked at the direction of Chu mang Tian's disappearance and did not speak for half a day.

The atmosphere seems to be a little suppressed. Chu mangtian is certainly not the opponent of Feng Yixiu, but now that his own lingfu is in this situation, I am afraid that their distance will be rapidly separated from those in the inner courtyard.

When they entered the school, their level was much lower than others. Now the lingfu is assigned the worst one. Now, it is difficult to narrow the distance between them and the inner courtyard. It is difficult to keep even.

There are such precious trees as green scale tree in the inner courtyard. However, their role is much stronger than the spirit gathering array. Even the spirit gathering array of the heaven level lingfu is not as good as the aura provided by the green scale tree.

Shen Ruyu also saw the helplessness of wind cultivation, and said in a deep voice: "if only the aura provided by the Senluo lingfu of the little demon can be used for cultivation."

Hearing the speech, Feng Yixiu also frowned. Seeing the thorn enchantress beside her who was taking a rest, she also said with a bitter smile: "I hope I can too! It's a pity that although there are many auras provided by senro realm, there is a qualitative difference between the aura provided by senro and the aura provided by Lingjing. The former can only be used for absorption, but it can't impact the spirit sea, so don't count on it. "

With the improvement of zhanlingshi's realm, the quality of aura required for meditation practice is getting higher and higher. The amount of Reiki provided by senro realm is equivalent to that of nature. Although the quantity is large, the quality is not necessarily very high.

If it has extraordinary magical effect in the battle, it can make the war spirit Master have no worries about the lack of aura, but it is not helpful for cultivation.

The cultivation of war spirit Master is to expand the scope of spirit sea by pounding the wall of spirit sea again and again. This is not a problem that can be solved by a large amount. It is necessary to continuously impact the wall of spirit sea with high-quality spirit elements. Obviously, it is very difficult for the spirit elements formed by ordinary spirit Qi to achieve this.

All of a sudden, the thorn enchantress slowly opened her eyes and twisted her eyebrows like a group of leprosy.

She seems to be very unconvinced by the idea of Feng Yixiu. She makes a rustling voice, as if she is communicating with Feng Yixiu.

"What? Do you think you have a way to use the aura provided by senro realm for cultivation? " The wind also repairs, the eye suddenly a bright, extremely excited way.

"My God! If this can be achieved, then we can't take off! " Han Xiao is also interested in, laughing.

Then all people's eyes are focused on the body of the thorn witch, want to see the way he said.

The thorn enchantress nodded, and then began to communicate with the wind.

"In fact, the green scale tree is not only an ancient tree, but also a kind of plant-based Warcraft!" The thorn enchantress murmured.

"Green scale tree is a Warcraft? No, I didn't see him attacking people? " The wind also touched the chin, some doubt way.

"Who said that all Warcraft will attack people. Although they are plant-based Warcraft, they are not aggressive, and there is no need for them to attack humans." The thorn witch explained."You just said that you can use the aura provided by the senro realm for cultivation. Are you kidding me The wind also mended, some doubted.

"I have never played such a boring joke. I said that if we can do it, we can do it!" The queen of thorns has some strange breath.

"Haha Tell me about it The wind also repair, full of expectation.

"I think it's too much trouble for me. I'd better forget it..." Briar witch again slowly closed her eyes.

When the wind is also xiudun, some of them are crazy. The temper of the briar witch is really cloudy and sunny. It is said that if you don't do it, you will stop. It's really capricious!

"Your Majesty, don't be petty here. I've become stronger, and you've become stronger with me..." The wind was also patient and began to nag.

The thorn enchantress seems to have some vexed wind to also repair the recitation broken, then slowly opened her eyes, light way: "if you can let this queen smile once, I promise to help you!"

"Good! It's a deal The wind also builds the confidence to clap the chest, then tries every means to let the thorn enchantress laugh.

"A little bit..." Feng Yixiu began to make faces and tell jokes, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Han Xiao, Shen Ruyu and others don't know what they are talking about. They are full of question marks when they look at all kinds of funny wind.

Is captain Feng crazy? It's crying and laughing. What's that for?

However, no matter how Feng Yixiu behaves, the thorn enchantress is like a huge iceberg. All the tricks are used once, and the expression on her face does not change a bit.

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