"I said," Your Majesty, is your face made of ice? Can you give me some expression? "

Fifteen minutes later, Feng Yixiu's face muscles were about to twitch. In a very depressed mood, she sat down beside the briar witch subconsciously.

"Oh, Hello!"

The wind also suddenly bounced up from the thorn throne, and there were several poisonous thorns on the buttocks.

He forgot that this is not an ordinary throne, but a thorn!

Ordinary people can't do this thing. Besides, it's not a common thorn, but a poisonous sting!

Fortunately, Feng Yixiu is sitting on it. This fierce toxin has no effect on fengyixiu. Because he is the master of the spider king, the toxins they produce can't do harm to its owner.

"Poo Hoo..."

The bramble enchantress looked at the wind that was full of poisonous thorns on her buttocks. She didn't resist laughing.

Now the wind also repair the buttocks like a hedgehog, although there is no poisoning, but the pain is really painful ah!

"You laugh!" The thorn on the face of the thorn, also catch the pain.

Bramble enchantress immediately stopped smiling, light way: "OK For the sake of your hard work, I will help you

"Well, at least tell me what you want to do? You don't want me to steal the green scale tree The wind also makes a face wonderful.

This green scale tree is unique to the inner courtyard. Even if they successfully steal it, they can't hide it from others. It's estimated that it will be discovered soon.

The punishment for stealing the green scale tree is very serious. If you are caught, you will be punished. If you are serious, you will be expelled directly.

In the past, some people have tried, but most of them ended in failure, and a few successful people were found out soon.

Because the green scale tree is not a small object, it is easy to be found, and there is hardly any condition that can be used secretly.

The bramble enchantress looked at Feng Yixiu with a look of disgust, and then said, "the green scale tree is actually a monster of the plant family. As long as you let him become a magic card, and then let me use it, can't you?"

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, then suddenly patted his head and exclaimed, "yes! I didn't think of it

Since the green scale tree is a plant-based Warcraft, it must be able to generate magic cards, as long as you can make them produce magic cards and then enchant them

Feng Yixiu thought of this, and his brow was tight again. He asked again, "this method doesn't look complicated. Why doesn't anyone want to kill the green scale tree to get the magic card?"

The bramble witch explained: "the green scale tree is not aggressive. It is better to use it directly than to kill and explode the magic Spirit card. Moreover, the green scale tree is when the green dragon becomes a saint, and the surrounding ancient trees are infected by the green dragon's breath and become the green scale tree. Naturally, it has its own pride and particularity. Unless he voluntarily sacrifices, no one will want him to release the magic Spirit card."

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment and asked, "did you just say that unless he offered sacrifice voluntarily, could this kind of thing be done?"

Bramble enchantress gently wrinkled and said in a cold voice, "have you forgotten how your three queen senro absorbed them? Are you doubting the king's position in the wood fighting spirit

Feng Yixiu quickly waved his hand and hurriedly said, "I dare not! You are the most powerful wood fighting spirit. It's not easy to take down a green scale tree... "

Bramble enchantress nodded, light way: "this king pour is to say more to the point, this king certainly won't let you go empty handed and return!"

"That's a deal. You can't go back on it!" Wind also repair, eyes burning, deep voice.

"When did you see this king go back on his word? Let's go... " Bramble enchantress stands up slowly, cold voice way.

"Wait a minute..." The wind also builds some difficult roads.

"What's wrong with you?" Thorn enchantress some not happy way.

"Don't you see my ass is full of stings? I'll pull them out first

After saying that, the wind also frowned and pulled out a poisonous thorn behind him. The painful one was a straight grin.

"When will you have to pull it out like this! I'll help you! "

After saying that, thousands of tiny vines stretched out behind the briar enchantress. These vines are as flexible as fingers. They are almost twined with those poisonous thorns at the same time, and they are pulled out in an instant!

"Ah Almost, a faint wind was heard.


Shen Ruyu and the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty and others were stunned, and they felt a little sympathy for each other, and the wind also improved.

It looks like it hurts. It's not easy for captain Feng!

"How can a man cry and howl and still can't leave?" Bramble enchantress repressed smile, cold voice way.

"Go The wind also repairs silence for a long time, clenching a word.

Feng Yixiu immediately followed the steps of the thorn enchantress, and Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and others all followed."Aren't we going to fight? Do you need to take so many people? " Bramble enchantress suddenly stopped, looked behind one eye cold voice way.

"It's true that there are so many people here that it's really conspicuous..." The wind also nodded and said in a deep voice.

Then Feng Yixiu explained: "we should carry out this operation in secret. The fewer the number, the better. I'd better go alone."

After hearing the speech, Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao both nodded and agreed with Feng Yixiu.

After all, it's a secret operation to go to the inner courtyard, so it's better to be cautious.

At the end of the summer, however, he suggested: "let me go with the captain! Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to sneak into the inner yard

Shen Ruyu echoed: "brother Feng, take the end of summer with you! The shadow attack at the end of summer allows you to sneak into the inner courtyard without leaving a trace. "

Feng Yixiu thought for a moment and agreed, "OK! Come with me at the end of summer

After saying that, the wind also Xiu then took the eastern end of summer to follow the thorn enchantress's step toward the distance.

"Brother Feng, you must be careful!" Shen Ruyu asked him again and again.

"Don't worry! I will come back safe and sound, waiting for our good news The wind laughed and waved.

As the leader of the wind Department, Feng Yixiu has been trained to walk soundlessly through the night.

As the source of dark system, the end of summer in the East can naturally blend into the night without any attention.

They came to the inner courtyard outside the wall, the wind is also looking at the guard some of the gate is also a crime.

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