"It's so late. Why are there so many guards guarding the gate?" Feng Yixiu hid in a shadow and watched for a while, then frowned.

"Captain, I'm good at sneaking. Leave it to me." At the end of summer, the East waved with a smile and immediately called out the evil eye tiger.

The dark eye of the evil spirit of a card, and then a black spirit in the body.

The evil eye tiger soon disappeared into the black whirlpool and disappeared. At the end of the eastern summer, it did not enter the whirlpool, followed by fengyixiu.

"I forgot you have such a convenient magic card. It's really a sneak skill." The wind is also moving towards the East. In the end of summer, the wind makes a big thumb.

"Haha Although I don't fight as much as you, I'm still very good at sneaking. It's not wrong to bring me here! " At the end of summer in the East.

Wind also Xiu smile, and then light way: "this green scale tree is estimated to have advantages and disadvantages, we also can't see, or let the little demon see it."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu summoned the bramble enchantress again. Bramble enchantress just was summoned, then looked around to see, then went straight to a direction.

"Come with me!" Bramble enchantress follows the wind and cultivates spiritual exchanges.

Feng Yixiu immediately followed the steps of the briar witch to a place with rich aura.

The aura of this place is not comparable to that of the courtyard. There are green scale trees all around.

The faint light of the green scale tree in the night is particularly conspicuous, the green aura around the floating back and forth, like the fireflies in summer, especially beautiful!

"Wow How beautiful it is! There are so many green scale trees At the end of summer, I look around at the beautiful stars.

"This should be the lingfu in the inner courtyard..." Feng Yixiu also looked around and guessed.

Sure enough, not long after they left, they saw a huge stone, and the wind was repairing. Then the faint light around them barely saw the big words on it.

"Longmen lingfu." The wind also read it out subconsciously.

It turns out that this is the place for people in Longmen to practice, but the master of this lingfu must be a powerful person in Longmen. Otherwise, he would not dare to name lingfu directly with the word Longmen.

However, the briar witch is not interested in this, and is still moving slowly towards the interior.

"Your Majesty, wait for me Feng Yixiu rushed to catch up.

A moment later, Feng Yixiu and others finally arrived at the central area, which was like a paradise.

Although it's night now, it's still impossible to block the beautiful scenery here. However, the most important thing that the wind also pays attention to is the most tall green scale trees in the middle!

These green scale trees are at least twice as high as other ordinary green scale trees.

It is like a dragon like roots firmly rooted in the ground, the wind also carefully counted a number of a total of nine!

The bramble enchantress looked at the green scale trees, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "the green scale trees of more than 200 years have been a disaster level Warcraft, and should be able to pop out gold level magic cards."

Feng Yixiu was curious and said, "is there a hierarchy of green scale trees?"

Bramble enchantress full face disdain way: "you don't do not plant Warcraft not Warcraft, you see only appearance."

Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully and then asked, "what should we do now?"

Bramble enchantress did not answer, just slowly walked forward a few steps, and then put her hand on one of the tallest green scale trees.

I saw the thorn enchantress slowly closed her eyes, and her whole body was emitting red light, which kept flashing.

The green scale tree seems to be responding to the response of the briar enchantress, and its faint green light echoes with each other.

All of a sudden, the thorn enchantress frowned, and then slowly put her hand down, facing the wind also xiudao: "ten thousand poison enchantment."

Feng Yixiu immediately understood, immediately took out two purple gold magic spirit cards, and then whispered: "ten thousand poisonous spider emperor - ten thousand poison enchantment!"

Bramble enchantress changed, her body is no longer full of natural breath, but that emitting purple light of poison gas.

"A toast is a penalty if you don't eat or eat!"

After saying that, bramble enchantress gently with a finger a little, that fierce poison instantly erupts.

The trunk of the largest green scale tree began to decay rapidly from the place it touched, and it was getting faster and faster.

"Sand and sand..."

The old green scale tree suddenly began to shake, and then something startled fengyixiu happened.

The old green scale tree has a pair of eyes, and the whole trunk is like a human face in the middle.

Drop by drop, like the tears of the liquid flow, and constantly issued a "rustling" sound.

Although Feng Yixiu can't understand the words of the green scale ancient tree, he can understand what the thorn enchantress is saying."As long as you are willing to sacrifice, I will let your offspring go." The voice of bramble enchantress is very cold.

The ancient green scale tree shakes its branches like gratitude, and then the whole body bursts out a faint green light. After a moment, it forms a golden light.

A gold magic card floats in the air.


Then the thorn enchantress's cold eyes glanced at the other green scale ancient trees, and then those green scale ancient trees were shaking their trunks like shaking.

Almost all of them began to sacrifice, but after a while they formed eight golden lights.

The bramble enchantress gently waved her hand, and the magic Spirit card in the nine golden light regiment automatically flew to the thorn witch's hand.

"I promise the green scale tree king here that as long as they offer sacrifices, the rest of the young green scale trees will be fine." All of the cards were handed over to the devil spirit.

Feng also nodded and said in a deep voice, "don't worry I don't think so. "

There are a lot of green scale trees here. If they are taken away by themselves, I'm afraid the inner courtyard will be crazy!

At that time, even if I can clear the suspicion, it will be very troublesome. Moreover, I don't need so many green scale tree demon spirit cards. Nine cards are enough.

Feng Yixiu is also elated when he looks at the nine magic spirit cards in his hand. This is only a gold level magic Spirit card. If he upgrades it to a platinum magic Spirit card, or even upgrades it to a purple gold magic Spirit card, he can hardly imagine what kind of situation this is.

The growth cycle of the green scale tree is very slow. The green scale ancient tree of more than 200 years in the Nu scale college is extremely rare. But what about the purple and gold magic Spirit card that can only be burst out after 1000 years of Qinglong ancient tree?

Thinking of this, Feng Yixiu smiles like a child

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