"Young man, Longmen is not something you can provoke. You're playing with fire." The voice of the woman in black is still very cold.

"I'm sorry, but I don't need to do it." The wind also repairs the cold voice.

He always hated people who pretended to be high up, and he also hated the feeling of looking up at others.

Therefore, without waiting for the woman to speak, Feng xiubian left the territory of lingmen without looking back.

"It's interesting It's been a long time since such figures appeared in Nu scale college. " The woman in black looked at the leaving wind, smiling.

"My sister doesn't like him, does she? I've never seen you care so much about a freshman. " A woman in a white cheongsam came from behind him and said with a smile.

If the wind is still there, I will be very surprised. As like as two peas or two as like as two peas, they are almost identical in their voices.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense. I'm just curious." Black dress woman pretty face a red, shame anger way.

"Good, good If you don't say it, you don't have to say it. But the man who can make long Shao hostile is not a simple character. " The woman in white quickly agreed.

After Feng Yixiu left lingfu, he asked Xiang Lin to cook wine and others: "did you know that woman just now?"

Lin Shaojiu shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I don't know her name. I only know that the master of the lingmen gate is a woman, maybe she is!"

"Lingmen master Do they have a close relationship with Longmen? " Feng Yixiu asked again.

"As a special existence, lingmen has the highest status and financial resources. I didn't say that I was close to that society. Maybe I had a good relationship. After all, no one wanted to offend a high-level spiritual master. " Leng fan a face serious response way.

"Oh? Do you make money like this Feng Yixiu smiles and then says with a smile, "what do you think if we yuan men also undertake the research spirit business?"

"Ah? It doesn't seem very good... " Lin's cooking wine made him sweat.

It's very troublesome that the enemy of Yuanmen has Longmen. Fengyixiu even wants to hold the job of lingmen. It's totally inappropriate!

He is now a little worried about the future of Yuanyuan gate. The three major associations of Nu scale college offended two at once. How can we play!

"What's wrong? In the future, we'll set up a branch in the source gate, which is called the spirit department." The wind is light.

"This Is it so hasty? Are you not deliberating? " Lin's face was covered with sweat.

"No need to discuss. I think it's settled!" Feng Yixiu's attitude is very firm.

All the people heard that fengyixiu's decision was full of sadness. The status of the spiritual gate in their hearts was very high.

They would rather offend the most powerful dragon's gate than the spirit gate, because no one can guarantee that they will be asked for in the future.

Only Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu are laughing. They know that Feng Yixiu can be invincible in the research of spirit. They don't need to worry.

"Well! I'm going to set up a separate spiritual ministry to recruit the talents of spiritual research Lin's attitude is very resolute and can only compromise.

"Then I'll trouble you!" Feng Yixiu smiles and pats Lin on the shoulder of cooking wine, Shuang Lang Dao.

Since they set foot on the territory of lingfu, where they still go, the doors of that association are all closed, and almost no one dares to meet them head-on.

Until they saw a huge black building, this building and lingmen that snow-white building is very different.

The whole building is dark black, the front door paved with a huge animal skin. Above the plaque is a huge skull bone, full of wild smell.

This was the second club that they met that was not closed. Feng Yixiu looked up curiously and said in a deep voice, "what kind of association is this, beast gate?"

"Where are you from? I don't even know the beast gate, one of the three major societies!"

A big man with a strong back and a strong back happened to come back. He heard the words of Feng Yixiu and said a word with disdain on his face.

The wind also coolly looked at the man, full of murderous spirit and pressure.

The big man subconsciously stepped back two steps towards his back. After the reaction, his face turned red and he said, "you boy, you want to die!"

As hard as a huge hammer, his fist is about to touch Daofeng Yixiu's back. Han Xiao blocks him in front of him and directly meets him with a fist.

"Baji collapsing fist!" Han Xiao angrily drinks a way.


Under the violent force collision, issued the dull huge sound, a naked eye visible air wave burst instantly.

Both arms were wrapped in a thick layer of rock, which cracked open almost at the same time.Han looked at Han Xiao solemnly and said in a deep voice, "good boy! The fourth level war spirit Master can be equal to me in strength, but it's some skills

"You're not bad either..." Han Xiao slowly closed his fist and said in a deep voice.

"I guess you are all freshmen! I don't know the existence of the beast gate The great man said in a deep voice.

"We are indeed new students. My name is Han Xiao. I am a freshman in the outer courtyard. This is the main style of our school Han Xiao said slowly.

"Yuanmen? Wind also mends? Never heard of... " The big man shook his head in doubt.

He spent the whole week hunting outside and came back today after finishing his task. Naturally, he couldn't have heard the names of Feng Yixiu and others.

Because they have only been here for about three days, the big man will not know.

"My name is Tieli. I'm the deputy head of the beast gate." Tieli held out his hand towards the wind.

Feng Yixiu was silent for a moment and held out his hand. However, as soon as the other party grasped his hand, he felt a huge force attacking him.

But it's tough on the surface.

Feng Yixiu smiles. When the thunder mode is turned on in an instant, the opposite party is crushed in terms of strength in an instant, and the violent thunder makes the other party unable to get away.

The boy is so domineering that he can crush himself in strength.

Isn't the native warrior the most powerful? This is simply unscientific!

"Hello! Let me introduce you again. I'm the master of Yuanmen. I'm called fengyixiu. " The wind also repairs to shake off the other side to be about to scorch the hand, smiles the way.

Tieli shook his hand, which was about to be abandoned. He said in a loud voice, "the main wind of Yuanmen is also repairing. I remember it!"

"Vice headmaster, what are you talking to them! Come back quickly

All of a sudden, a man with an anxious face came up and pulled the iron force away in a hurry.

"What's the situation? This group of people is just a group of freshmen. You don't have to crowd out the freshmen like this! " Tieli suddenly broke away and was unhappy.

"No! They... " The man came whispering in Tieli's ear.

"What!" Iron force suddenly a Zheng, can't help but exhale.

Then Tieli's whole face changed and said in a deep voice, "you dare to offend Longmen. You are looking for death! Now the master of the dragon's gate has given you the order of the dragon's gate. I advise you to leave school as soon as possible! "

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