"Longmen order? What the hell is that? " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"The so-called Longmen order, for the people in Nu scale academy, is sentenced to death! All organizations are not allowed to cooperate with you. Violators will inevitably be retaliated by Longmen. You must have felt the attitude of those associations towards you? "

The wind also cultivates this just then suddenly understood, originally just oneself suffered all white eyes are thanks to the dragon's gate.

Thinking of this, Feng Yixiu clenched his fist involuntarily and said in a deep voice, "do they think that we will be afraid? It's childish... "

Seeing the wind, Tieli sighed helplessly and said in a deep voice, "ah That's all I have to say. You can do it yourself! In the future, it will be extremely difficult for you to survive in Nu scale college. "

After saying that, Tieli walked toward the door of the beast, shaking his head as he walked.

"It's been a long time since the dragon's gate order was issued. I didn't expect that they would pay so much attention to us." Lin's face was worried.

Although they had conflicts with Longmen, they didn't want to fight each other so much.

According to the principle, the basic existence of dragon's gate is not easy to issue a dragon's gate order to a newly established association, which shows that the other side regards the source gate as a real opponent.

"I don't think there's anything unexpected. It's all about sooner or later..." Wind is also repair, is not satisfied, deep voice.

Although he and longchen have not met, but they should have heard of each other for a long time. In addition, under the accumulated resentment of these days, it is normal to have such a big hostility.

"I don't think you're worried at all! With the order of the dragon's gate, spirit gate and beast gate will no longer cooperate with our source gate. In the future, it will be difficult for us to obtain spirit research scheme and evolution materials! This dragon gate is trying to kill us Lengfan a face anxious way.

The spirit gate and beast gate hold the most important resources. The spirit gate is the research plan and the origin medicine, and the beast gate is the necessary materials for evolution, such as Warcraft crystal core and magic card.

The community channel is a way to obtain resources at a lower cost in addition to the resources regularly distributed by Nu scale college and its own resources.

This is equivalent to the existence of free market in Nu scale college. More students are willing to buy materials here because their price is much cheaper than the official price of Nu scale college.

Feng Yixiu didn't take it seriously. He said, "it's their loss that they don't cooperate with us. We don't have any loss. Why do you make such a fuss. Maybe one day they will ask us to cooperate... "

People look at the calm to the extreme wind also repair, in their hearts are confused. It's burning. The headmaster doesn't even have the slightest worry. I don't know whether he is brave or not.

The strength of Feng Yixiu is obvious to all. Otherwise, so many people would not follow him.

But some things can't be solved by force. For example, the research program and evolutionary materials can't be solved by force alone.

They also don't know whether fengyixiu is overconfident or really relying on. They even say such crazy words to replace the role of spirit gate and beast gate.

"The biggest club left is Longmen, right?" Feng Yixiu points to a tall green building not far away and asks.

"You You're not going to see it, are you? " Lin Zhijiu looks at Feng Yixiu's interested eyes and asks carefully.

"What? Can't you? " The wind also raises eyebrows.

Lin boiled wine and Han Xiao and others are about to faint. How big is your heart, big brother!

Do you think that if you go to Longmen's territory, the other party will simply let us back?

"Boss My elder brother, you'd better not be joking. The dragon's gate is not billingmen and beast gates. You can't go there! "

"Yes, yes! At the beginning of the founding of our Yuanmen, it is the time for vigorous development. There is no need to cause big conflicts now! "

"It will not be too late for us to fight against them when we are strong! There's no need to go now

All people are painstaking persuasion, you and I under a word let the wind also hair will be noisy explosion.

"OK, ok Listen to you Feng Yixiu finally compromised, but said: "I'm not close, I'll take a look from afar!"

After saying that, he suddenly disappeared in the same place. People could only see a series of golden thunder lights flashing in the air. They could not keep up with the speed of fengyixiu.

They can only watch fengyixiu get closer to Longmen's territory, but they can only follow fengyixiu behind.

Feng Yixiu stops about 100 meters outside the gate, but he doesn't violate his promise to the people. He just looks at the tall building from a distance.

The building where Longmen is located is green, but it is quite similar to the traditional architecture of Nu scale college, which is also very imposing. In particular, the main gate has a huge blue dragon head, which is more lifelike.The scale of the building is not much different from that of Yuanmen, but it is obviously much new. It must be repaired frequently.

Just as Feng Yixiu was about to leave, a huge stone nearby caught his attention.

Feng Yixiu walked slowly. The contents on it made him feel very angry. He saw that it said: "the Longmen area is a place where people and dogs are not allowed to enter."

He stood in front of this huge stone for a long time, his face became more and more iron green, and the golden thunder light slowly condensed in his right hand, which was the tyrant gun.

"What a source, people and dogs are not allowed in!"

Feng Yixiu sneers three times, and the tyrant dragon gun is buzzing in his hand, as if feeling the anger of Feng Yixiu.


The tyrannosaurus revolves and stabs out, and easily stabs into the boulder.


Wind also repair wrist with a tyrannosaurus dart, the boulder was suddenly split into two pieces.

The furious thunder then blew up the huge stone fragments in the air and dissipated them in the air. The huge noise soon attracted the attention of Longmen.

At the moment, Lin boiled wine and Han Xiao and others were stunned when they heard this loud noise. Then they said, "it's over! There's still something wrong

All of them are crazy to speed up, for fear that fengyixiu is in danger.

There are people rushing out of the dragon's gate, but in a moment, they are surrounded by hundreds of people.

Wind also repair a face of indifference standing in place, the powerful gas field let everyone dare not act rashly. The crowd quickly separated a road, a man with a face full of injuries came out, it was Chu mangtian.

"Good! If you don't go to heaven, you'll break into hell Chu mangtian stares at Feng Yixiu for a long time. It seems that some people can't believe that Feng Yixiu will take the initiative to send him to the door. Then he says in a loud voice, "come on! Take him down for me

"I don't think so! Go ahead, your headmaster Wind also repair a sneer, disdain way.

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