"Why did you meet me? Is this also a ghost? " Transparent little girl should choke.

At the end of the eastern summer, some people doubted: "can't ordinary people touch you?"

"Mmm Most people can't touch me at all. Except for the elements of the Illuminati that can hurt me, no entity can touch me, because I am a ghost... " Transparent little girl nodded and whispered.

Feng Yixiu is a little suspicious. After dispersing the thunder in his hand, he goes to touch the little girl in front of him. Of course, he really penetrates the past like this.

Except for the cold feeling in the legend, it seems that he has no sense of cold.

After thinking about it for a while, he said seriously, "my shadow mode can touch the shadow. Maybe the spirit and shadow are similar in nature! I think that's why I can touch you. "

"This ability is very good But I still don't want to be bound. " Transparent little girl still hesitated.

"No! I must teach you how to be a man today incorrect! Be a ghost When Feng Yixiu talks, he pretends to do it.

He can see that the ability of this demon is really very powerful, and the key is that it really fits in with the end of the eastern summer.

The only flaw of the shadow mode is that the shadow is visible. If the shadow becomes transparent, the picture is not too beautiful.

This kind of killing in the invisible ability must be very powerful, and the other side should also be a dark evil spirit, the degree of fit is also very high.

For some reason, Feng Yixiu felt that the White Gold Spirit gave him a very unusual feeling. After all, it was the first time that he saw the White Gold demon who could speak his words.

And the feeling of this demon spirit is no less than that of human beings. It must be no ordinary demon.

At the end of summer, the East stopped Feng Yixiu again. After shaking his head, he said faintly: "forget it! Since she doesn't want to, let her go... "

"I don't think so much of this white gold demon After this village, I'm afraid there will be no shop. " Wind also repair, some regret way.

"I've heard that this place has been known as an ominous place for decades. In fact, she is very poor and should be very lonely..." At the end of summer in the East.

"Do you really let me go?" Transparent little girl some can't believe.

"Go, go! Before we regret it. " Feng also waved his hand, indicating that he should go quickly.

The transparent little girl slowly turned around and floated all the way towards the open wall, but the speed was really very slow, like some reluctant to give up.

Her figure has become illusory again, finally even so easily penetrated the wall, completely disappeared in front of Feng Yixiu and the end of the eastern summer.

Feng Yixiu was stunned by the magic wall piercing technique. Now he fully believes that the little demon is running out of the Green Dragon Tower. It is estimated that there is no place to be able to trap her.

"Ah It's a pity. If this little devil is your platinum demon, it would be the best. " Wind also repair, some regret way.

"In fact, I feel that she is very poor, alone No, it should be a ghost. It should be quite lonely. I also want to recognize her as my sister At the end of summer, the East looked at the wall and sighed.

"A ghost sister? Are you serious? " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"Of course, it is true. In my opinion, she is no different from ordinary girls. She is just more playful and does not harm people." At the end of the eastern summer, he said seriously.

"Is that true, sister?"

All of a sudden, a cold voice suddenly appeared behind Feng Yixiu and the end of the summer in the East, which frightened them.

"My God! Why are you like a ghost? Is there no sound in walking? " Wind also Xiu suddenly turned around, but saw the transparent little girl is grinning.

Transparent little girl immediately full of question marks, said: "I was a ghost, OK? And I don't have to walk on my feet, thank you! "

The wind also repairs for a time also is speechless, was despised half day did not say a word.

Of course, at the end of summer, the eastern sister was really happy

Then the little girl slowly floated to the east at the end of summer, seriously said: "I can be your magic card, but you promise me never to absorb me!"

At the end of the eastern summer, he agreed without hesitation: "my sister likes you so much, how can I bear to absorb you?"

"Then let's pull the hook!" Transparent little girl stretched out delicate little thumb, a face serious way.

At the end of the summer, the East put out his little thumb with a smile and put it on the other side's thumb directly. While shaking, he said: "hang the hook for a hundred years. Don't change it!"

If the spirit becomes a magic card, it still has its own self-consciousness. However, if it is conquered and absorbed, it will become a part of the magic book of warspirit master, and will no longer have its own subjective consciousness.This is also the main reason why the magic card effect will be greatly enhanced after conquering and absorbing.

Because of the existence of self-consciousness, the magic card which has not been fully absorbed will instinctively repel the warlord, so the ability can not be fully exerted.

This is also the spirit in the magic card will try to resist the warspirit master to conquer them, so it is rare to take the initiative to be absorbed, unless the opponent is willing to.

"Well, we have an agreement! If anyone repents, he will be a stupid pig Transparent little girl pursed.

"Good, good It's up to you. " The eastern summer end pinched the little girl's face with a smile.

"Then I will begin to sacrifice..." Transparent little girl soft voice.

Then, her figure began to become illusory, and finally turned into a shining white gold magic card.

When Feng Yixiu was going to get the magic card, he found that his hand had passed through the card.

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