"I'll go! What is the situation? " Feng Yixiu is a little suspicious of life.

This magic card is a magic card that he has seen with real personality!

At the end of summer, the Oriental tried to touch the magic card. Before she touched the hand, the card flew into her hand.

The light around the magic card slowly dissipated, and the information of the card gradually became clear.

At the end of the eastern summer, he took a careful look at the magic card and said in a soft voice, "Princess ghost?"

The name of this magic card is "ghost princess - Ghost"!

Later, in the end of the summer, the Oriental turned the white gold magic card to the back, but saw a pattern that had never been seen before.

It is different from the eye of the abyss of the dark crack series and the green dragon totem of the green dragon series. It is a completely strange pattern.

There is a skull with a magic horn on the design, which is black as a whole, which is in sharp contrast to the overall color of the platinum magic card.

"What the hell is this? I haven't seen it before... " Feng Yixiu looks at this strange regiment, but also makes trouble.

"It's so old-fashioned that I don't even know the totem of the ancient devil. I'm the spirit of the ancient time!" The ghost princess's voice came from the magic card.

"I'll go! The magic card talks Feng Yixiu doubted life again.

Even if the demon state can speak, even if you become a demon card, you can still speak, which is a bit frightening!

"What a talk! I can still come out! "

After that, a black fog floated out of the magic card and slowly condensed into the appearance of a ghost princess.

Feng Yixiu looked at the end of summer in the East and wondered, "did you release it?"

At the end of summer in the East, he was confused, shook his head and said, "I didn't..."

"Haha I thought of it myself. The Green Dragon Tower can't trap me. How can a mere demon card trap this princess The ghost princess is very spiritual.

"My God! At the end of summer, you really got a ghost... " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"What are you talking about? Be careful that I draw a big turtle on your face at night! The one that can't be washed out "Princess Ba," said the ghost with her hands akimbo.

“……” The wind is completely speechless.

Yes, yes Scared! Scared!

He would rather you had a fight with him. What the hell is painting a big turtle!

You are such a child!

At the end of the eastern summer, he said in a soft voice, "don't monkey around."

"Oh, oh..." Ghost princess very clever stand, immediately doubt way: "ghost is you give me the name?"

"Mmm Do you like it? If I don't like it, I can take another one. " At the end of summer in the East.

"It's good. I'll have my own name in the future. It's good." The ghost princess laughed very happily.

"Is your ability free to shuttle the magic card?" The East inquired at the end of summer.

"Yes, but if the cardholder calls me, I will still be forced to return to the magic space of the magic card, but if I am conquered and absorbed, I will not be able to come out." The ghost princess said seriously.

"Don't worry! I will never let you lose your freedom. As long as you want to, you will always be free. " The East smiles at the end of summer.

"Really? It's very kind of you, sister Princess ghost directly stood on tiptoe to kiss the eastern end of summer, and suddenly bowed her head: "now I am a platinum magic card, you can still use me, but after you upgrade, you will not use me."

At the end of summer in the East, he is now the fifth level warlord. The highest level magic card that can be used is platinum magic card. But when she is upgraded to level 6 warspirit king or even warspirit Zun, she will use more advanced magic cards.

And the ghost princess does not want to be absorbed, so it can not become a part of the magic Scripture of the end of summer in the East. It is estimated that there will be no chance to use it in the future.

"It doesn't matter. You are my sister. Even if you don't, you are my sister. I won't abandon you." At the end of the summer, the East embraces the ghost princess and says softly.

"Oh, oh..." The ghost princess nodded very obediently, but I could see that she was still unhappy.

If she lost her subjective consciousness, she would be reduced to a magic card without freedom. He really didn't want to be like this.

But she really wanted to help the end of the summer!

Feng Yixiu smiles and says confidently, "hi I thought it was something! There is no need to hurt the spring and the autumn like this. I can help you to solve this small matter! "

"Cut! You don't have to brag. How can you have a way, you bragging King... " The ghost princess looked incredulous.

Feng also Xiu did not explain, then took out two ordinary gold magic cards, and then performed a magic in front of her.

Two gold magic cards become a platinum level ordinary magic card."Wow! How did you do it? Can you help me? " The ghost princess's eyes are bright, full of stars.

"Brother! Call your brother and help you A faint smile.

"Brother Brother The ghost princess called several times.

"Call Dad!" The wind also repairs first is Leng for a while, then bad smile way.

"Dad Dad The ghost princess hardly hesitated.

"Don't bully children!" At the end of summer in the East.

"Haha This is the most fickle little smart guy I have ever seen. What a sweet little mouth Feng Yixiu scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Dad, Dad You said you helped me! " The ghost princess simply hugs the thigh of the wind also repair, pitifully Baba way.

"All right, all right! But now you are already a platinum magic card. If you upgrade it, you can't use it at the end of summer. Are you still ready to upgrade The wind also builds a serious way.

"Forget it, then." Princess ghost is very agile to let go of the wind, compared with the temptation to upgrade, or the late summer sister is more important.

"Ghost, do you want to live in the magic space, or here?" At the end of the summer, the East suddenly asked.

The princess thought deeply: "I live here! I've been a ghost for a long time. On weekdays, some people here are quite fun, but some are not scared. "

Fengyixiu and the East are covered with black lines in the end of summer. No wonder these tianyuanmen have so many students left. I'm afraid that in addition to being suppressed by Longmen, the ghost princess must also have made outstanding contributions!

At the end of the summer, the East squatted down patiently and said in a soft voice, "good ghost This will be your home after that. All the people in Yuanmen are your family members. How can you scare them? "

"Well But I'm really bored... " Ghost princess aggrieved way.

"If you are bored, you should do something earlier! Such as cleaning, but only when there is no one! " The wind also repairs specially reminds a way.

"Cut! I'm a nobleman. I don't do such a low-level job... " Ghost princess a face is not willing to say.

"Then don't come to me if you upgrade later." The wind also repairs the cold voice.

"I love cleaning! In the future, no one wants to rob me. Whoever robs me is in a hurry! " The ghost princess changed her face immediately.

Wind is also a little speechless when xiudun, it seems that he really underestimated the temptation of easy upgrade for the devil.

Maybe the wind is used to it and doesn't feel anything, but for the devil, it's a big chance.

After all, being a demon means that she can't grow up, but the ability of Feng Yixiu shows her hope.

"You are such a fickle little clever devil The wind also smile, and then doubt: "you say you are the Warcraft of the ancient times? So how can you be a platinum demon? Shouldn't all the wild old Warcraft I imagined be strong? "

Ghost princess murmured: "I can't bear to kill so many people, and I don't want to fight with other Warcraft, so I grow up much slower than other Warcraft."

Feng also nodded and said, "that's the first time I've seen such a Buddha ghost. Thank you for meeting me."

The ghost princess became very clever and said, "thank you, Dad! You are going to Qinglong tower tomorrow. I can be your guide

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