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Episode 34: Business Talks Between the Cockroach Family and Nara

It was one of the most luxurious residential neighborhoods in a row of mansions.

Slack on your Y-shirt for today's outfit.

Sitting great in front of you is the village chief of Hanshon, Doddle Messala, 30 (looking 50).

I didn't see him yesterday when I visited him in the name of a business meeting, but I guess the mirror of the appearance I left as a sample worked, the Dollar came out in person today.

Perhaps it was a good idea to say that the business talks would not take place unless directly with Master Doddle.

"Well, I got it delivered yesterday, but where the hell did you get this shiloh thing..."

Large one mirror as tall as it is.

Even though it's hard to make glass, that's the mirror. Doddle trembles his fingers and turns his appearance.

"Doddler knows about the carriage we were riding in.

"I see... you mean unearthed at the end of the west"

The clothing Doddle wears is a silo thing that copies Tessa's ethnic costume in SHOP that she previously gave Chelina as a gift. I thought you'd probably be wearing it, and I'm visiting you today on a Y-shirt.

"So how much can you sell this (...) for?

That was business beta... I guess it's because the butler, who had a great sense of money, also let go of Hanshon, it was easy to keep talking.

"I'm talking about it... Actually, I have more than one mirror (...) ready for you."

"Nah...... what!? You got this national treasure shiloh thing!?

"Yep, naturally I don't believe it, but I was wondering if you could convince me if I had the real thing ready to show you"

"Oh... really... multiple... how many do you possess?


I cut the words out of my body. I shake my head left and right exaggerated.

"What? Is it still a lie that you have more than one possession?

Dollars that suddenly make me grumpy. Really, this guy's downstairs as a merchant. You say it's a lie or something in the middle of the conversation. Normal.

"No, actually... it's the other way around"


I shook my head with care but frowned on how I took it.

"In other words, they possess a significant number of valuables."

"What? Is that about this mirror!?

"Yeah. You must have been lucky. We have excavated large quantities from the ruins."

"Ho... ho!

Dollars that change the color of your eyes. That would be a lot more expensive than a bad jewel. If you heard about the massive number of giant mirrors you found, you'd have a lot of greed.

"... frankly, I'm having a little trouble with that."

"Trouble? Why not? Isn't it good to make money?"

"Dear Messala, Sometimes business is too lucrative to make a deal."

"What...? I don't know what that means..."

Well, I guess your head doesn't know.

Then I'll explain it plainly. Easy to understand (...).

"It's a simple story. It's too massive to have my forehead bought."

"Not so many..."

"Yeah. If it's a small chamber of commerce, you won't get your hands or feet."

"You're talking absent-minded. If you can buy it, make sure you make money."

"Yes, absolutely."

Fool discovery with no understanding of the market at all.

You wouldn't necessarily be sure that what you buy will sell......

"So... Dear Messala, why don't you buy a mirror instead of a chamber of commerce?


Doddle leaks a bewildered voice, but went on unabated with his hair.

At times like this, you can't let them think calmly.

"I heard rumors that Master Messala told your relatives that there was a face-to-face president of the Chamber of Commerce in the Civil Assembly and the Three Old Men's Guild called the Graha Chamber of Commerce"

"You know very well. It's the Chamber of Commerce of my brother Bel Graha."

I've been going over this area. Doddle's brother Bell apparently inherited the Chamber of Commerce in the form of a son-in-law into the Graha family. Actually, Doddle's father is the heavy town of the country's political institution, the Three Old Men's Society. I see you like it. When I found out, I couldn't contain my anger.

"Then the story is simple, as long as Master Messala purchases the mirror and asks the Graha Chamber of Commerce to stay. Both Messala and Belle Graha make money and make everyone happy."

"Ho, ho..."

"Even if I were you, I'd appreciate a lot more cash than carrying a ton of mirrors forever."

"I see."



The dollar shook his body with a sudden shout.

"Drink on certain terms… let Doddler study the price"


I guess it's uncomfortable to be able to stick conditions to the merchant style. wrinkled between my eyebrows.

"Yeah...... I want you to buy all the mirrors in my possession. This is the condition."

"What? Everything?


"No... how many mirrors do you have?

"Three hundred"

For a few seconds, Doddle blinks repeatedly, clawing his neck and rebuffing my words. And......

"What!? Three hundred!?

"Yes, exactly three hundred."

"Ko... this national treasure... three hundred!?


Stunning. Stunning.

A lot of fat sweat spills out onto the dull surface of the Doddle. I guess you know a little bit of what that means when you say that's just stupid.

Three hundred national treasures. It's not normal.

"No... but... three hundred!? How much will the whole thing cost...?

Zero dumb lines for the rest of the situation. It's your job to decide that now, isn't it?

There's no way this guy would know how to do that.

That's why I have to decide.

"If it were meant to be..."

Slowly, as slowly as you talk, clarity. I put my hands on my hips a little greatly and went on to tell them.

"Do you understand that with so many mirrors, well 4 million yen is crap...?

"No... no... well... but..."

"Yes, but if it's the Graha Chamber of Commerce, isn't it easy to sell it for five million yen a piece, etc? Doddle, if you look in the mirror in front of him, won't you let that out?

"No... yes... maybe..."

"If so, if you bought it for 4 million, you would say at least 100 million yen in the interest of the Graha Chamber of Commerce. Fantastic!"

"Ri... that the profit is... 100 million!?

Yes, 100 million yen.

Totally...... It surprises me a lot that we're going through a whole hypothetical premise story. If this were a play, it would be my complete defeat.

"Yes... 100 million..."

"Yeah. Great profit."

"Ugh... um"

"How about that? Why don't you make some money?

"No... no, but... why did you bring that story to me?

Oh, have you calmed down just a little?

But the degree is assumed.

"For a reason"


"Now Your Excellency (...) needs a lot of money"


"Yep. You need it to restore (...) the village of Hanshon (...), right? Quick big money (...)."

"Hmm?... Oh, oh! too, of course! Right. You need money to restore it. Ha ha!

... kill him. Although I wouldn't have remembered as much as a grain of rice until now.

That's why I don't hesitate to do it.

"So I didn't even think about helping you or taking it to someone else."

"Oh... right. I see, with good intentions. It's great."

I can't seem to hide my intent to kill on the dollar that wipes sweat off my forehead under the guise of calm.

I promised Giro and Clari. When you match this guy with a harder eye than death. That's a promise of vengeance. I am the agent of vengeance. I have no hesitation in making this guy go to hell.

"So... let's move on to business for Hanshon Village."

I'm sure my smile would have been as dark as darkness.

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