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Episode 35: The Cockroach Family and the Scammer's Method

The mansion of the village chief of Hanshon, Dodor Messala.

It is a magnificent mansion. It's too fine a building from the title of village chief. The word "minute disproportionate" would fit perfectly.

Above all, the place where the building was located was not in the village of Hanshon, but in the city state Sevites. Even the title of village chief would be disproportionate. Hunshon Village should be busy restoring Goblin Hazard at the moment.

Why is the village chief in another town?

I smiled and suggested to Doddle.

"Dear Mayor Messala, I would like you to buy three hundred mirrors of this state-of-the-art appearance and make sure that your profits are used to restore the village of Hanshon."

"I see..."

By emphasising the part called village chief, an honorary position, we shall not be able to escape the business talks. No, this is no longer even a business deal. Yes, this is a golden measure for recovery (...).

So a merchant named me can emphasize profits (...) against the village chief.

If this is a business meeting, there can be no such thing as emphasizing benefits to the other person. It would be just a scam if I thought about it normally.

If you think about it normally.

"How about that? That's why we're proposing a bulk deal"

"Well... right..."

The face of the village chief turns this business deal into another form. But he doesn't realize it at all.

"If... if you can decide... with the thought of a disconnect... I will deduct the unit price of the mirror to 3.5 million"

"... what?

"Look, look at this fine looking mirror! No distortion, no cloudiness! Have you ever seen so many mirrors before!?

"Yes, no..."

"Yes! No one even has this royal nobility. This! Great mirror! For only 3.5 million! I'm going to sell it!

They don't see my big trick, and from me, Doddle stares at the normal appearance that's good for mass retailers. There won't be an answer where I stared at my dumb face.

"Yes... then the profits of the Graha Chamber of Commerce will be 150 million yen! Could it make a significant contribution to the restoration of the village?

"Ah? Oh... um. Right."

It's on your face. I don't even want to give a yen to the village!

"A profit of… 100 million yen… 50 million yen…"

"Yeah. How about that?

"Well... well... because of the village... um. Maybe we could have that kind of money for the village..."

Desperately trying to stay calm, but not at all successful. A cramped look irritates me.

"Yes. Now let's move on."

"Ugh... um"

"Then take the price of the mirror as 3.5 million..."

"No, wait a minute"

Dollars with your face up, sweating.

"How much the hell is it going to be?

Can't you do as much as reckon...

"... a billion yen and 50 million yen."

"Become!? What!? A billion!?

"A billion and 50 million yen."

I dare you to repeat firmly. It's as if it's natural.

"Are you an idiot!? It can't be the amount you can have a billion or something! I'm not dealing with that amount with the Grand Chamber of Commerce!

Well, I guess so.

With the Veriero Chamber of Commerce at Cerina's, there will be no business deal for a billion dollars in one deal.

"What are you talking about? If the price of the mirror was 4 million yen, it would have been 1.2 billion yen, wouldn't it, 150 million yen cheaper? Without Hanshon Village, we wouldn't be deducting 150 million yen... or 150 million yen discounted and you're still unhappy?

"No... that's... but!

Discount of 500,000 in unit price. But in total, it will be 150 million yen. Techniques that illuminate the opponent with a hell of a discount by switching the units they present to them.

It's similar to whispering in your ear that it's a cup of coffee a day for a fraudster to make you take out a loan.

"As a result, the profits that the Graha Chamber of Commerce will have will be enormous. Earlier I said you could sell it for five million, but isn't it possible to sell it more than that? I was wondering if it would be possible to sell it for double the purchase value."

"If... times? of a billion... times?

Dollars that no longer whine and squeal their faces pale. Anyway, some of this guy said, "Well, if I could sell one for six million... roughly double?" or so I guess I'm keeping an account.

It is best to have them delusional on their own. The more I dream, the less I get out of it.

To restore the village in the first place, it's in the interest of the Graha Chamber of Commerce, and it's stuck in Doddle's heart. I guided the imagination of getting the full amount of money in him.

... That's really rubbish, this guy.

"Yeah. You think the Graha Chamber of Commerce not only has a good face for the upper classes of this country, but also has dealings with royal aristocracy in neighboring countries? This is so much product. How much good would that be?

I'm not lying about what I'm saying.

From what I've looked into, if I think of a trading partner for the Graha Chamber of Commerce, autoparts in this world, it would even be possible to trade for 7 million yen.

Yeah —— if that's one.

No, maybe even a hundred sheets can make a big profit. But Doddle doesn't know. Rare products are valuable because there is no number of them.

If it is still three hundred pieces in the world, then it would be sufficiently rare. If it's a sochage, it would be a level of legendary, SSR, or rainbow glow.

And it's a pitfall that the Chamber of Commerce called the Graha Chamber of Commerce is the Chamber of Commerce that can keep 300 extremely rare pieces.

"... and... but... I see... for restoration... but... I don't have any cash whatsoever. There's no way..."

"Yep. I guess (...)"

"... what?

In response to my sober response, I've turned my gaze away by distorting my face.

"What if I told you I could borrow all the money?

"Nah... what?

"If you could borrow a billion yen and 50 million yen for instant money, what would you do?

"Ha... ha... yep... yep. You can call it a state budget if you're bad, in cash?

"No cash exchange exactly"

"... what?

"You will form a deposition with a Chamber of Commerce. In nominal terms, we owe a billion yen and 50 million yen."

"So that kind of cash..."

"At the time you put together that testimony, all the mirrors will be delivered to the Mayor of Messala"

"... what?

"but the recipient of the cash in that statement will do it to me."

"Wait, what do you mean?

"The cash exchange is between me and the Chamber of Commerce. I won't be bothered by Messala."

"Then what am I borrowing for!

"Oh, don't worry. We will also prepare a mirror transaction deed when preparing the borrowing documents"

"Seriously, I can't see the story"

You're retarded. This guy.

"Deal with me, Messala, the Chamber of Commerce at the same time."

"What do you mean?

"My deal with Messala is to get cash in exchange for 300 deliveries of mirrors, but Messala has no cash."

"Ugh, um. Not that there isn't..."

I ignore it and go on. I don't care what you look like.

"So I will borrow cash at the Chamber of Commerce with Dear Messala. So the Chamber of Commerce draws up a loan deed to Dear Messala. Do you understand this far?

"No... we'll see."

The village chief desperately looks good without even realizing the flow of the story has been finalized. He's gullible.

"So at the same time that I deliver 300 mirrors to Master Messala, this time I will prepare a loan deed with the Chamber of Commerce (...)"

"... what?

"So I issue a loan deed to the Chamber of Commerce. Instead of Messala, the Chamber of Commerce pays for the mirror."

"No...? One, that is?

"Lending the mirror bill to the chamber of commerce means the same thing I receive the mirror bill."

"Ugh... huh?

He doesn't know very well.

Well I can't help it......

"Let's do all those deals on a fair exchange in this country. I was wondering if you could check with the officials there to see if there were any discrepancies in the deal."

"I see."

"I pay for the mirror to the Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber prepares a loan deed to Dear Messala. And Messala will have three hundred mirrors in her hand."

"Ooh! We finally figured it out! That's why I don't need cash!

"Excellent, Master Messala."

"... but then isn't your Lord making no money?

"What are you talking about, exchanging a loan to the Chamber of Commerce on a fair exchange? You just have to give it back to me one by one. Unlike the mayor, we don't need cash right now."

"I see..."

"If the Chamber of Commerce can also help restore the village of Hanshon, we propose a low interest rate"


"You may not believe it, but we say it's good at 5% a year"

"What the fuck!?

"We will contract everything on a fair exchange, so there is no lie or falsehood"


"Of course, if the mirror sells immediately and returns faster, the interest rate will be lower for that"

"Ho, is that true?

"Yep. Swear to God... except"


"The contract for today will be conditional"

Well, shall we tighten it?

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