Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1045: victory is in sight


The meaning of the pupils shrinks.

He knows, Zhang Hanyang, must be in this crowd.

Take a closer look, on the side, isn't the seven princesses of the elemental elf standing?

"Seven princesses!"

Mo Wen’s face was a bit weird, and several tribes flew past. Before they saw it, they looked around. They were not hurt, and they were relieved. Then they smiled bitterly: “Seven princesses, our current situation is not very good. ""

"Uncle Mo Wen." Nina smiled slightly and nodded and said hello.

"Not very good?" Liu instructor glanced at the crowd.

His face was as fierce as his tiger, and his heart was panicked.

‘My mother, so many machines? ’


Nothing to fear.

Liu instructor took two steps forward to the stride, and Jiang Yan Lan La did not pull.


In his right hand, there was a spike hammer, kneeling on his shoulder, and his left hand shot very hard.


I saw the face of Liu’s instructor revealing the loneliness of the master:

"Hey, the sixth-order treasure, it doesn't mean anything, do you want it?"

In an instant, the on-the-spot digital infants’ face changed slightly.

Damn, are you provoking?

"Which is Zhang Hanyang?" Dorn sounded Lang Lang, and he had a posture that overlooked the audience.

"Is there something?" Zhang Han glanced at him.

"Oh." Dorn's eyes fixed on Zhang Han, and his tone was fierce: "Do you know sin?"

To be **** for tat!

The audience couldn't help but hold their breath, and the eyes gathered in the center of the field.

"you ask me?"

Zhang Han couldn't help but laugh and used his right finger to get down.

"Otherwise?" Dorn's brow wrinkled, and his body gradually rose.

"Don, have something to say." Mo Wen couldn't help but stand up. He said very weakly: "Everyone knows each other and can sit down and talk about it. At the moment, it won't be a big move."

"Who is talking to you?" Dorn sneered: "There is no place for you to interrupt."

Mowen’s facial muscles trembled a few times and eventually did not say anything.

"Is you killing Hu Bin?" Tiger Zhiqiang stared at Zhang Han and opened his mouth.

"it's me."

"You know that he is the prince of my royal family, but he still dared to kill him. It is an enemy of the tiger's royal family." Hu Zhiqiang is now anxious, and he said slowly.

"Which is so much nonsense?" Liu instructor took another wolf hammer, then his right hand cocked the spike hammer and pointed at the tiger to strong sneer: "Your stupid prince is not licking our treasure, will Death? Oh, I think you will be arrogant, saying that there is nothing, you have to do it, the ink is useless, and you are broken and iron, and Laozi can be decadent."

The premise is that you don't fight back.

Liu’s instructor secretly added a sentence, but the momentum is still necessary.

As soon as this statement came out, the tiger's strong face was gloomy.

Was the monk in the Jindan period of the special district pointing to the nose?


Tiger to strong heart anger, cold channel: "Wait, I will kill you personally."

"I am so scared." Liu instructor hurried back a few steps, standing next to Jiang Lanlan, cocking the **** against Tiger.

"Who are the elders? Didn't you come across?" Hu Zhiqiang asked another Yuan Ying period.

"The fifteen people? Dead." Mu Xue replied faintly.

"Ha ha ha."

The atmosphere on the court was tight first, followed by a little laughter.

"This seems to be the biggest joke I have ever heard."

"The fifteen-digit infant strong, dead? Open, open, open... Hey! How do they know that it is fifteen?"

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

A small amount of light becomes amazed.

Among them is the cloud shadow party.

"Don't those people really have an accident?" Li Mu looked very dignified: "There is such a possibility, Zhang Hanyang, who is very mysterious and very powerful, if he can really kill the fifteen people, maybe this battle The outcome is unknown."

"Can be used for several kinds of six-order treasures, but also dare to come out with greatness, I doubt their origins, Mu Gongzi your decision is correct, this lively, not good to make." Yi Hou said with emotion.

Li Mu is one of the eight majors in the Yunxing District. He is the youngest and the means are very powerful. He is still very optimistic about this.

"I was really moved at the time." Li Mu smiled: "It’s just a matter of restraint. Compared to stealing other treasures, I prefer to go to the secrets and other places, but that is a sixth-order treasure. I am very reluctant to do this. I can’t see through their origins and see the strength. I’m very reluctant to do this.”

"Look at it, between them, it is impossible to be good. In the face of the huge mechanical army of the tiger to the strong, how will they crack?" Li Mu sinks.

Even if he is, facing the countless machinery around him, he must temporarily avoid the edge.

"It seems that you have met the three waves of people?" Dorn said: "It is true that there are some ways to escape under their tiger's mouth."

"Oh, hehe." Mu Xue laughed.

Not taking care of him.

All said, the fifteen people are already dead, and there is no way to believe it.

"you guys......"

Tiger Xeon has just noticed that when Liu’s instructor took out the sixth-order treasure, it appeared out of thin air. Obviously there was also space for treasures. Others did not hold treasures, which means that those who have six-order spirits have Space treasures.

If you break the space treasure, the things inside will also be lost in the secondary space. If you don't know how many years, you may appear in a secret or a secret land.

It is also a problem.

Tiger Xeon certainly wants those treasures, and Hu Bin’s death makes him angry, but his heart is not sad, and his emotions are not much.

After two seconds of indulging, he slowly said:

"You will offer the sixth-order treasures, and I will not pursue the rest."


A crisp sound spread throughout the valley.

Just listen to Liu instructor laughing:

"The treasure is here, you have the ability to come by yourself!"

"So you are not willing to do this?"

He said that the other party is not willing, do they really take their own life seriously?

"Dad, there are too many machines around, I am a little scared."

Meng Meng tightly grasped Zhang Han’s hand and listened to those people who opened their mouths one after another. The little girl’s heart was a bit messy.

"Nothing to play." Mu Xue and others looked at each other.

When Meng Meng opened his mouth, Zhang Han could still let other people indulge.

"Wife, let's get started."

Zhang Han loosened the purple hand and grabbed her waist.


The purple scorpion taps his forehead and is ready to go.


Mo Wen’s face is greatly changed. Is this awkward? Do you want to do it?

Say it and hit it?

Isn't it good to talk about?

Ah, this temper!

Nina's gaze also looks at the purple, she feels that Meng Meng does not have the strong breath, is it an invisible strong?

Li Mu, Zhong An, and hundreds of people watching the battle, closed their mouths at this time, and looked at the scene with stunned eyes.

"Ha ha."

Tiger Zhiqiang sneered: "Since you are so chosen, don't blame me for being mad."

He plans to kill a few people first.

Thousands of mechanical corps around us moved instantly.

But they are just about to fire.


There was a buzzing sound between heaven and earth, as if the space somewhere was crushed.

I saw Zhang Hanyang’s beautiful woman, raised her right hand and probed forward.

Haiyue fan!

A huge fan of more than two hundred feet suddenly formed from the right wing.

Still not moving, the power around the fan oscillates the space, and the nearby machinery is completely crushed.


Like the rain, it fell to the ground.

"My grass!"

"This, how, what is this?"

“Is it so fast?”

"Without warning, the sky is falling!"

The crowd was shocked.

Even the face of Tiger Xeon and Dorn has changed.

They thought that they could crush each other. I never imagined that in addition to Zhang Hanyang, there was another Yuanying period monk.

And the attacks that were made made their hearts tremble.

The cliff is a very powerful supernatural power!




Tiger Xeon and the digital infants around him moved in an instant.

But what they didn't expect was that the speed of the Haiyue fan was so fast that the mechanical corps in front of the fan was smashed and smashed to the tiger and the strong.

Oh la la!

Tiger Xeon is not only a well-known strongman, but also controls all kinds of machinery in an instant, and fights thousands of attacks. In conjunction with the magical powers of several other Yuan Ying monks, the eyes of Haiyue fans are getting lighter and lighter and more and more faded. Heaven and earth.


With just one blow, one-fifth of the machinery was lost. It seems that although it is only a minority, the tiger is strong and feels a little pressure.

His machinery, one less, one less, and it will take a short time to go back and rebuild.

"court death!"

Dorn was filled with red awns and rushed over.

Just halfway through, huge fans appeared across the sky.

Haiyue fan!

"First kill her attack!"

Hu Zhiqiang screamed and fought. Several people were extremely calm. This time, the number of machines consumed was less. At the same time, Hu Zhiqiang commanded other machinery and attacked while surrounding the crowd.

But this is surrounded by circles, but it can't be surrounded.

"Sea Moon Fan!"

"Sea Moon Fan!"

"Sea Moon Fan!"


five minutes later.

Hu Jinqiang’s cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and his mechanical army had fallen by one-tenth. His loss was huge and his heart was bleeding.

At the same time, it is even more troublesome. What is the attack on the other party? Endless?

"I don't believe she can keep playing!"

"Kill her first!"

Dorn is extremely angry with the strong infant.

"Ha ha."

The scene made Zhang Mu and others familiar. Some time ago, the three ancestors of the South Qinghai of Fengxue Hall did not experience the horror of this infinite empty silence from Zi Yan?

The feeling of being dominated, you will soon realize it.


In the successive battles, they couldn't get close, and they had huge fans. The secrets of each of them alone could not be erased.

Even all of them have attacked five or six attacks in succession, and dozens of attacks can exhaust them.

Damn, monster!

Seeing this scene, hundreds of people around it are stunned:

"It's so strong!"

"People are beautiful, strong? Queen!"

"My God, a manpower pressing Tiger Xeon and others, the mechanical corps that gave him to him can not lift his head, it is terrible."

"How many attacks did she make? Can continue, this is not scientific."


It can be said that I was shocked by the eye. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe it. The tiger-like royal family, which has always been invincible, is known as the Tiger of the Quartet.

The range of the cloud side of the back side.

Li Mu’s face is a little pale:

"Sure enough, sure enough! They must come from high-end places, and there will be no such enchanting people in the sea dragon star field. Fortunately, I have not been blinded by the sixth-order spiritual treasure, reason is still the most important, I am now.... .. I feel now that what they just said is true. The fifteen people may have fallen. Zhang Hanyang’s strength is very strong. I didn’t expect his woman to be so fierce.”


It seems that there is a few minutes without gasping, and after hearing the words, I will return to God and exhale, and marvel:

"A terrible attack, it should be a supernatural power, a terrible magical power. If she can continue to play for a while, Zhang Hanyang comes out to clean up the mess, this battle, they win!"

Mo Wen at the side of Nina.

The eyes are rounded, look at the sea moon fan, look at the tiger to the strong and others, and finally look at the calm purple cicada, and then look at the sea moon fan again... so repeatedly, the head turns around ,shocked.

"Meng Meng Ma..."

Nina lost her heart and trembled in her heart: "It's no wonder that the Taoist name is the emperor, so powerful, such strength, placed in the sea dragon star field, is also one of the top figures."

I have always been chatting and playing with Meng Meng, and I can always see Zhang Han and Zi Yan.

After a few days of contact, Nina felt that the two were very easy-going, and very cheerful and optimistic. Meng Meng was sometimes naughty, feeling that her age was not very big, she was also full of goodwill, and now she is silent. I found out that Meng Meng Ma has another side and is very strong.

"No wonder Zhang Shu listened to her opinion. It turned out that her strength is even worse."

Nina thought of it in her heart.

If she knows her thoughts, Zhang Han is afraid to laugh out and not take it seriously.

The same is true of the purple cicadas. Their family of three, in the eyes of outsiders, sometimes do not know what it is.

Very casual and chic life, the previous purple is not like this, Meng Meng is not so cheerful, all of which is the transformation brought by Zhang Han after returning.

The strong people of other people's homes, Jin Dan period, Yuan Ying period, feel that they are not allowed, very proud, say one.

When I arrived at Zhang Han, whether it was congenital, Jin Dan, or Yuan Ying, it was always the same.

Zi Yan can feel that strength is not his greatest pursuit.

No matter where, in what circumstances, he is always thinking about himself and Meng Meng.

This kind of life is what Ziyan once dared not think about.

Occasionally remembered, my heart is as sweet as honey.

Happiness bursts into a watch, and at this time, while fighting, leaning against Zhang Han’s arms.

The baby girl is not worried at all, and she is willing to play a variety of sea moon fans.

She is not worried, and Yue Wuwei is a bit worried.

"It's starting again."

"This can be adjusted."

Yue Wuwei scratched his head:

"Or else I will solve those people? Don't break the balance."

"It seems that there is nothing to fight once, hey, stop, let her play, let her fight."

"Greed, original sin."

"The people are terrible."

"Sometimes life and death, just in a thought."

"I don't know if this time, can anyone get the lord of the sky, the ninth time, the lord, someone who won the lord of the sky, the ideas you left will appear, for a long time, I have never seen you... ..."

Yue Wuwei sighed deeply.

In the canyon, the huge sea moon fan appears again.

At this time, the mechanical team of the Tiger Strong, has lost more than half, this guy is red-eyed, angry in his heart, and somewhat confused.

"I do not believe!"

The tiger screamed with a strong sigh, and the right hand waved, and the mechanical armage appeared again.

This is his last mechanical card.

Can still not stop the sea moon fan like the suppression of the world.

"No, I can't stop it!"

Dorn horrified: "What should I do?"

The implication is that you should not escape?

It is not a matter of playing this way.

Several other yuan infants also sprouted.

How do you play this special?

There is no way to fight.

Hu Zhiqiang is confused inside, do you want to fight?

Tiger Bin is dead, his mechanical army loss is so big, will you continue to fight?

Yes, escape, and escape, the fleet that I brought, is in the void of the universe, the main ship energy cannon started, they can not stop.

Even Tiger Xeon has retired, but more is the inner anger and resentment.

at this time.

Zhang Han’s mouth moved and he gave a voice to Zi Yan.

The purple eyes were slightly stunned, and their eyes were a little wrong. Yu Guang looked at Zhang Han and then he would like to.

The acting is on the line.

"Wait! She can't hold on! Hahaha, she finally can't hold on!"

Dorn suddenly noticed the purple eyes, the big eyes shining, some blurred, his face seemed to be pale and weak, biting his lower lip, and insisting on it.

For a moment, Dorn was full of energy and sighed with his companions.

"Kill! She can't hold on!"

When Tiger Zhiqiang took the initiative, he finally saw hope, lost so much, and did not reclaim some of the sixth-order treasures, which could not make up for his painful heart.


The attack is more tyrannical.

Three times the moon and the moon, the tiger's strong mechanical army, consumed 70%.

At this time, the purple scorpion swayed slightly, biting his lip and taking the sea moon fan again.

"Go all out!"

In this fierce battle, they saw each other's decline and did not want to give in.

It is also a three-way sea moon fan.

Aster stroking his forehead with his right hand.

"Mom!" Meng Meng scared a big jump, my heart was really scared, and the little face suddenly changed.

But at this time, she heard a light cough, so she looked at Zhang Han and found that he was blinking at himself.

"Amount?" Meng Meng was stunned, and the big eyes that were shining were solidified. But when I thought about it, I understood it and quickly closed my mouth. I didn’t say it, I was afraid to disturb my mother’s performance. it is good.

"Sister, how are you doing? Please don't stop, stop!" Mu Xue said with amazement.


Jiang Yanlan and Zhao Feng looked at Zhang Han.

I saw Zhang Han’s face tangled... Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it’s tangled. In Zhao Feng’s and Zhang Guangyou’s and Dong Chen’s, I couldn’t help but think:

‘Your expression is really good! ’

Instantly understand what is going on, these people are noisy:

"Small Han, I’m going to shoot, I can’t stop it!”

"Shi Niang!"


No one cares what they are calling, but Hu Zhiqiang and others stop in their ears and feel these words are like the most beautiful melodies in the world.

"victory is in sight!"

Dorn laughed and played a magical power again.

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