Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1046: Wind and white

Zi Yan ‘strongly’ played three sea-moon fans.

The speed of mecha consumption has increased dramatically, leaving only 10% of the solitary.

At the same time, there are a few people in the body, and there is not much energy left in the body.

Only 30% is at the tipping point to escape.

Their faces flashed and hesitated, and they continued to fight, and they still had to face Zhang Hanyang.

Do you want to continue?

"I am fine."

The face of the purple cicada has changed. It seems that there is nothing like that. It is very strong to look at a few people in front: "With them, you can't help me."

Haiyue fan!

This time, the sable used half the strength.

Only Baizhang’s Haiyue fan swept forward.


The tiger is strong, and Dorn and others are shining.

"She finally can't hold on!"

It seems that the audience did not hear it for the first time.

"kill and kill! Must kill them!"


Perseverance is the king, these people fight again.

When Ziyan played three hundred-hundred-foot-hundred moon fans, his face seemed to be pale again, and his breathing was short, and he was soft in Zhang Han’s arms, a pair of ‘I can’t move’ expression.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Mu and You Huo looked at each other.

Confidence in the heart.

This acting is really good!

Completely served.

Continue to play the sea moon fan, has become fifty feet.

At this time, the tiger is strong, the famous weapon warrior, only the light pole commander, the red mech on his body.

The war is still going on, and the people around you are watching.

It’s really ups and downs, twists and turns, who will win?

On the other side of Zhang Hanyang, the most powerful people have been unable to hold on. On the side of the tiger to the strong, the mechanical army has not been beaten, and the energy of several people in the body is also quickly consumed.

They have not guessed the outcome.


Tiger to the powerful drink.

This time, they are like a broken bamboo, they have used a powerful attack, quickly breaking the 50-foot sea moon fan, the momentum is like a bamboo.

In the eyes of several people, the dawn of victory has been lingering.

"Finally have to win!"

Donn can't be excited, he is there, and only they know how hard it is to win this battle.

On the back side.

Li Mu sighed: "It's a pity, it's almost a little."

"I don't think so." Yi Hou looked suspiciously: "Zhang Hanyang, he seems, that look, like a beast staring at the prey, he may have to shoot."

"Is it?" Li Mu forgot to observe Zhang Han, and heard a little afterwards.

I have to say that the observation of the righteousness is very detailed.


"Husband, start?"

Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han because she felt that Zhang Han’s hand with her waist was pinched down.

When fighting, it is definitely not the kneading of the game.

"Well, let's end."

Zhang Han suddenly leaked a faint smile, and his eyes flashed.

"not good!"

"There is fraud!"


Hu Zhiqiang and others changed their faces.

It’s too late, and the routines that have been prepared for a long time will finally let them get in.


Star map Lei Hai, water broken empty hand!

Incorporating integration, the ability to limit space has doubled, and several people from Hu Zhiqiang are trapped in the center of Leihai, and it is impossible to quickly crack the moves.

It takes at least two seconds.

Can't arrive in a second.


A huge sea moon fan of more than two hundred feet appeared out of thin air.

"you you you!"

Dorn's face was pale, looking at the purple, and his face was unbelievable.

At this time, the purple eyes, the colors of those faces are very calm, and at the beginning, there is no change at all.

"You are acting! You dare to lie to us!"

"Oh, hehe." Zi Yan smiled coldly.


The tiger's strong look suddenly became quiet, applauding: "Great, powerful, we lost, but you dare to kill? I brought the fleet, forty-eight ships, one main ship, forty-seven frigates, as long as I Dead, the fleet will destroy the lost continent, you can't run one, can you kill?"

As soon as this statement came out, the face of the audience changed suddenly.

Scorpion poison!

"A few minutes, enough for us to escape the lost continent." Silver wing Tang Zhongan calmly added a sentence.

"Zhong An!"

Hu Zhiqiang looked deeply at Zhong An.

Are you downhill?

During the talk, the three of them smashed the first sea moon fan of Zi Yan.

Someone has been injured.

The second sea moon fan came one after another.

The tiger is strong and cool inside.

"Hahaha, but it’s just a death, there are you as a funeral, worth it!"

"Don't struggle."

Zhang Han suddenly opened his mouth and his tone was dull: "You don't want to die, you can say so. It's useless. With dozens of fleets, even the storm here can't be dissipated."

"You don't believe?" The tiger's strong and calm face could not be maintained, and the face was crazy: "I am the tiger of the royal family, and you dare to kill me. The whole sea dragon star field, there is no place for you to stand! You will face Endless pursuit."

"And my ancestor!" Dorn snorted and said: "We are in a few ancestral halls, and the Hufu royal family is an alliance. If you stop moving, if you stop, there is still room for discussion. If you are obsessed with it..."


Zhang Han re-applied a method, a huge soundproof cover, covering them.

Tiger Xeon, Dorn: "???"

Are you really ironic?

I am so angry!

Are we going to be cool?

Fallen in the hands of a dead brain?

Don't you talk about it?

"Sea Moon Fan!"

"Sea Moon Fan!"

"Sea Moon Fan!"


The huge sea moon fan of five or more than two hundred feet has fallen.


The last attack, throwing out a crater of tens of meters.

The ash is pervasive.

Zhang Han waved: "Yes."

This represents the fall of a few people from the tiger to the strong.


The hurricane formed by Yu Bo swept in all directions, mixed with vegetation, flying sand and walking stones, but hundreds of people were present, no one moved, wide eyes, looking at the picture.

When the smoke dissipates.

"All dead?"

Many people are full of uncertainty.

"Dead! All are dead!"

An old man in the crowd looked at the deep pit of dozens of meters and said:

"I seem to have seen some pictures. In the last third attack, they were physically destroyed. In the end, the second attack, but not yet laid, the aftermath of their Yuan Ying shock, horrible, horrible, the attack can not be blocked, Really, it’s really strong.”

"Would the Hufu royal family have such a miserable time?"

"Hubin died, and the tiger is strong, and the tiger is afraid of an earthquake."

"There are not so many mechanical corps, and who are they? Zhang Hanyang..."

"Hu Zhiqiang just said that he is dead and his fleet is about to attack."

A young man said palely.


The sound of sucking in the cool air is everywhere.

The crowd was shocked.

"If you really want to attack, can you break the storm outside?" Li Mu asked to look at the righteousness.

"I don't know."

"So, are we going to escape?"

"No hurry, I look at their looks, there is no slight influence, it seems to be very confident about the external storm." Yi Hou said with a dignified tone: "They don't escape, we don't need to panic, even if the main ship is under the gun, Touching the storm, we can also feel that it is not too late to escape."

"Yes." Li Mu nodded. His eyes looked at more than 20 people in front of him. His eyes were filled with emotions, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Nearly a thousand people in the periphery, those who are flustered are those who are small forces, about a dozen seconds.

The people who saw Yunyingtian and Yinyitang were calm and they only relaxed.

Anyway, the sky is falling, there is a tall man, they are not afraid, and they are afraid of something.

"The teacher is invincible!"

Mu Xue smiled and leaned to the side, eyes adoring: "If I can have half of my teacher, then I can wake up dreaming."

"That little girl you have to work hard to practice." The fire said a funny sentence.

"Hey? You old man, not a few days, I don't have to be awesome, you still have to worry about yourself." Mu Xue gave him a look, no good answer.

Fire: "..."

How do you smile a second before, and then mmp in the next second?

Other people are not surprised, Zhang Mu also smiled and explained: "Mu Xue this girl, only convinced her master family three, different from others, and she is also telling the truth."


The face of the smoldering face is somewhat resentful.

Wood brother, you also come to the heart of my brother.

“Great victory!”

Zhang Guangyou came over and took a shot of Zhang Han’s shoulder: "We have left a legend in the Hailong Star Field. We will be ready next time."

Directly offended the one of the super-powerful Hufu royal family, the key they did not take the initiative to think about it, think about it, perhaps this is the helplessness of life, Zhang Guangyou feels in his heart.


Mo Wen swallowed his mouth and was as elegant as him. At this time, his look became cautious. He gently touched Nina's arm with his finger and whispered:

"They, your friend?"

"Yeah." Nina answered with a broad prescription: "I mainly like Meng Meng and I like to play together. We have a good relationship. Oh, yes, Meng Meng is the daughter of Zhang Shu and Aunt Zi."

"What are you doing about this?" Meng Meng looked at Mo Wen inexplicably.

"No, no, I just asked, I asked him." Mo Wen nervously waved.

Nothing to joke, he didn't dare to take Meng Meng as a real ordinary little girl. Her parents were so fierce, and the fighting power was lost in the whole continent. It was already the first, and the wind was perfect. Who would dare to provoke them?

"Hey, I am a good friend with Nina. I will take Nina to our place to play later." Meng Meng said seriously.

"Okay, okay." Mo Wen responded again and again.

The heart beat a few times quickly.

Nina and such a mysterious strongman are friends. This relationship is very good. She also wants Nina to go to their hometown to play. Where is it? Is it a very high end?

However, if you can't go there, you should consider it. At the very least, you must first pass the adult ceremony.

The tiger is a royal family, hey, it’s also a problem.

Mo Wen’s mood is ups and downs, ups and downs, quite complicated.

Other elements of the elves, but also do not say anything, I do not know what to say, even if their king, it seems that there is no such strong.

"Women, if you talk about these people, the treasures will be in my hands, and they will not get them." Liu’s instructor patted the spurs of Jiang Yanlan.

"Close up, what is it?" Jiang Yan blue eyes.

So good.

Liu instructor received it directly.

Then everyone talked around Zhang Han.

In the eyes of the public, no one around them left.

At this time, they also really believed, the fifteen people who went in front, fell.

Together with Hu Zhiqiang and others, the whole 21 is a Yuanying monk, all of which are degraded here. This result is shocking.

"Master, where do we go next time?" Mu Xue asked in a playful manner.

"Play? Are you infected? Do you know how to play?"

Zhang Han said with a good and funny voice: "In the next few days, you can each have activities in the west of the river. In fact, your cultivation is almost the same. It is a full-fledged wing. It is not difficult to swing alone. Give you a week and swing in the river. Finish, I will take you to the river to explore."

In a word, Li Mu and others looked at each other in a moment.

Li Mu did not hesitate, and he quickly came to the front.


Mu Xue and others looked at Li Mu.

This made Li Mu feel the pressure, and her heart was not emboldened, but her face did not change, and Zhang Han arched her hand:

"Yun Yingtian Li Mu, I have seen Zhang Hanyang, I have seen Mrs. Zhang. Before in Yuncheng, if Li Mu’s attitude was inappropriate, he would still like Haihan."

After he finished, he looked at his eyes.

Suddenly, I went to Li Mu’s side and also said:

"I heard that Zhang Hanyang wants to explore the river east. We used to have several cities where it is safe. We also know a few unexplored cities. If you are interested, I can lead you."

"Of course, our cloud shadow days are also more hospitable." Li Mu's afterglow sweeps into the nameless thief, he laughed: "There are several kinds of special drinks in Yunyingtian, and I sent some of your brothers some time ago. It is a relatively ordinary drink, and some are dedicated to guests."


Zhang Guangyou seems to cough inadvertently.

It caused Zhang Han’s mouth to tremble.

Your reminder is good, meaning that if I don't agree, you are not happy?

For Dad who loves to drink, Zhang Han also satisfies him. Anyway, the world's fine wines have gone, and I will try them one by one.

Just right, for Yunyingtian, Zhang Han also has some words to ask.

In the past millennium, the old friends of Yunyingtian are still there?


Zhang Han nodded.

Zhang Guangyou suddenly laughed.

The laughter had just been maintained for a second, and Meng Meng said something, and suddenly his smile solidified.

"Dad, but I still want to play with Nina." Meng Meng whispered.


Without waiting for Zhang Han to say anything, Li Mu quickly rushed to open:

"The relationship between Yuntiantian and the elemental elves is also good. Since you are all friends, then of course I welcome the seven princesses to go together. I wonder how the Seven Princesses are?"

"Thanks to Li Mugong, I have no opinion." Nina replied with a smile.

Mo Wen: "..."

Li Mu, Li Mu, I am still here, I am also a Yuan Ying period, do you not look at me all the time?

I can also lead them!

What are you doing?

It’s so bad to be ignored!

"I don't know how Mrs. Zhang called it?"

With a smile on his face, he looked at the purple eyes.

At first he didn't care much, but at this time the distance was close, and his eyes were blurred, and suddenly there was a sense of surprise.

Mainly in his heart, or strength to temperament, appearance set off, people are not too red, the righteousness is still the realm.

Undoubtedly, Mrs. Zhang in front of her eyes is terrible. After dozens of supernatural powers have been hit, her face is not red and not breathing.

"My teacher is the emperor of the moon." Mu Xue responded.

There is also a kind of pride in the face.

Master is the big devil, and the teacher is also super strong. If she is a disciple, she must continue to work hard!

"Moon Emperor..."

Yiwu waited a little, and quickly smashed the arch of the purple scorpion, and the polite voice: "The first hundred elders of Yunyingtian have seen the emperor."

More polite than Zhang Han.

In his heart, Zhang Hanyang may be a Yuan Ying monk, but when it is displayed, there is no purple sturdy, this endless attack is too shocking.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han does not matter, what kind of flattery, he is not interested.

"Silver Wing Tang Zhongan met the Emperor and saw Zhang Hanyang."

Zhong An was not good at words and led the crowd to the front and said hello.

Other people present at the scene, some of the status, can be said to be the few Yuan Ying period, almost all come to say hello:

"Red feather Zong Anfeng has seen the emperor and has seen Zhang Hanyang."

"Bai Hezong Yuan Xing has seen..."

The greetings are constant, and the people around them are talking about it.

"The stars are holding the moon."

"No one here can be Zhang Hanyang's opponents. They want to continue to try and say hello, it is not a bad thing, it is normal."

"Unfortunately, I don't even have the qualification to say hello."

"Zhang Hanyang, Yuehuang, Hailongxing has several strong people."

"Hufu Royal Family, Silver Wing Hall, Yunyingtian, the strongest forces of the three parties, were eliminated. They also destroyed the strength of the other two parties. Fortunately, Li Mugong and Zhongan did not show any hostility from beginning to end. Otherwise, Zhang Hanyang’s decisive degree of their shots, fearing that they will not keep them."

"Oh, in order to change, Li Mu and Zhong An are even more powerful than the rumors. When they see the sixth-order treasures, they must be tempted, but they are not like Hu Bin. It is necessary to leave the other side tough, and the result is degraded. The tiger is still strong and the tiger is the sinner."


The arguments came one after another, and all eyes were gathered in the center of the field to watch the people surrounded by the major forces.

"As a place to rest, our stronghold should be the best place, a large-scale mountain village, which is our newly built building. The surrounding environment has also been treated. Why don't we go to the base to rest first? In the northwest of Yuncheng Miles."

See everyone saying hello, Li Mu asked Zhang Han.

At this time, his posture is very low.

In fact, the heart is also slightly embarrassed, until Zhang Han nodded ‘umah’, it was relieved.


Yunyingtian and Zhang Han and Nina and others flew into the air and went straight to the base of Yunyingtian.

Two hours to get to the place.

This is not the stronghold of the nameless stealing of wine, but the previous few days, the environment is still good, they built some buildings and gardens.

At first glance, it is also a good place to enjoy the scenery.

It seems that this Li Mu will enjoy life.

“Come to people, inform the dining room, entertain the guests according to the best specifications, and take out those wines.”

Li Mu waved his hand and issued an order.

A lot of people have been moving for a while, cooking, taking wine, decorating the restaurant, people come and go.

There are more than two hundred people in the entire stronghold.

Most of them don’t know what’s going on, and at this point they’re still a little confused:

"How did Mu Gong invite those people to come?"

"Isn't that Zhang Hanyang? He killed Hu Bin yesterday, is it all right? Isn't our Mu Gongzi and the other party alliance?"

"No, I didn't see Princess Nina also beside me. Hey, are you saying that the son of the Nina has seen her? Princess Nina is also a very famous beauty. Although her status is not comparable to that of her son, it is counted. The door is right."


All kinds of speculations are available, but when they learn from their companions, the tigers are royal, the tigers are strong, the Dorn, and so on. A total of more than 20 infants have fallen, and many people have been shocked.

The fifth chapter of Fanwai will be released tomorrow morning in the public list Wang Zhang, interested in paying attention to Kazakhstan.

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