Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1047: Zhang Hanyang's old friend

"Zhang Hanyang, Yuehuang, Princess Nina, the restaurant is already ready, let's move over, sit and drink some cloud tea, chat, and the wine is ready."

Li Mu laughed.

The crowd got up and went to the restaurant.

Some of the patina's scent is open-air, the energy flows above it, and it looks like a screen around it. It flashes through a beautiful pattern, and on the other side, you can see the sky.

"Nina, sit here."

Meng Meng sat on the right side of the purple sable, she patted on the chair on her right.


Nina smiled and walked over to sit down, and the two whispered.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu thoughtfully:

It seems that their relationship is very good.

Waiting for the two descendants, I will give everyone a good tea and drink two. Li Mu looks at Zhang Han and tentatively asks:

"If I didn't guess wrong, are you from other stars?"

"No, it's in the Hailong Star Field, a place you don't know." Zhang Han responded.

"This is the case." Li Mu nodded and smiled. "There are people who can be such a powerful person as Zhang Hanyang's predecessors. It is definitely not the same. Since they are all Hailongxing, then if the predecessors go to the prosperous area of ​​the star field, I can lead you, if you have any trouble, you can find me. I will be very willing to help you."

"Oh, you are not going to grab two pieces of six-stage treasures to play?" Zhang Han said with a drink of tea.


Li Mu’s face was awkward and silent for two seconds before he said:

"Before Yuncheng, there are indeed such thoughts, amount, I think, whoever suddenly sees so many treasures will be heart-warming, but I have not given any action. Now, I have no idea, many friends. A lot of roads, and even if I think, there is no such strength, so you can rest assured that I will not play tricks, Princess Nina may know more about me, she should be clear, I do not like to play with people."

After talking, Li Mu looked at Nina.

At this time, she should nod and agree: "Yes, the character of Li Mugong is still guaranteed, although sometimes it is very public."

However, Nina and Meng Meng's eyes looked at the table, I don't know what to swing, and when I talked, I didn't take care of him.

Li Mu: "..."

Some are speechless, and my heart is a little embarrassed.

"Our Li Mugong, in the head of the children, is very good, I can see that he wants to make friends with the guests."

In the end, Yi Hou was his own person, and immediately opened his mouth to ease Li Mu’s embarrassing feelings.

"Cut, it’s good to say, then you are not afraid, the things here are coming out, the tiger is waiting for you in the royal family?" Mu Xue said.

"Ha ha ha."

When I heard this sentence, Yi Hou suddenly laughed a few times: "It’s really a joke. We have some opposition to the relationship between the tiger and the royal family. And with the strength of Yunyingtian, we are not afraid of the royal family."

The tone is full of confidence, and does not care about the tiger's royal family.

"They rely heavily on the power of technology."

Li Mu thought for a moment and said: "The star field in the sea is a place where high-tech is gathering. The royal family is very powerful, but it is not a world. The forces are not only one of them. Although the fleet is strong, it is not impossible to buy. We are clouds. There are also several batches of the shadow fleet, plus we are the cultivators, and their personal strength is stronger than them. For decades, we have had several battles with the Hufu royal family..."

Having said that, Li Mu drank his mouth very elegantly and calmly spit out the last two words: "All wins."

"Hah, so confident."

Liu instructor patted the slap.

He really likes the confidence of Li Mu.

"Fortunately, the elders' blessings, the cloud shadows are very powerful, in fact, it doesn't matter to me, I am just a lover." Li Mu does not care.

Seeing him, Zhao Feng and others felt the same breath.

It’s as if I had been in the city at the beginning, and the jade trees that I met were very few.

Among the big and small people that Zhao Feng has touched, some have bad temper, some are willful, some are violent, some people with higher status are not necessarily the kind of imaginary, like to make trouble, always not No role.

Obviously, Li Mu belongs to the top class. After all, it is one of the eight majors in the Yunxing District.

In the eyes of Zhao Feng and others, Li Mu is a personal thing.

Talking and laughing, a few words, the wine began to serve.

"I don't know how you call it?"

Li Mu wanted to pour the nameless wine and asked for it during the period.

"I have said it earlier. My name is no name. The name is unnamed. It is not the nameless one." The nameless lazily responded.

Li Mu: "..."

When he heard that someone had stolen the wine, he also had a hand to mention it. The kid also wanted to argue in the beginning and said that he was nameless.

It seems that it is really nameless and misunderstood.

"The hobby of the unknown brother... very interesting." Li Mu smiled and teased.

It is also tentative. Seeing the other side does not reveal a disappointing look. He has a few in mind: it seems that they are not difficult people to communicate with.

"Li Gongzi don't give me a drink, give Zhang Shu and Zhang Ye down." The ring finger pointed to the side: "This is Zhang Hanyang's father, this is Zhang Hanyang's grandfather."


Li Mu’s eyes trembled.

Lying in the trough, and grandfather?

The moment is a little cold in my heart.

And Nina's reaction at the time was very similar. She subconsciously thought that Zhang Hanyang's grandfather was not much better than him.

Zhang Hanyang is so strong, grandfather's seniority, what is it?

Calling... can have six-order treasures casually, they are extraordinary!

Li Mugan laughed

Sound, slightly addicted, and said hello:

"I have seen Zhang Ye, Zhang Shu."

Anonymous is an outsider. If he introduces it, he will call it like this. He doesn’t have a name for his predecessors. It’s close to him. It can also make you inadvertently pull closer.

"Li Gongzi is polite."

Zhang Mu calmly responded to the sentence.

"This is the wine we entertained. You can taste it. I don't know what kind of wine the moon emperor likes. This bottle is a fragrant wine. It is easy to get drunk. This bottle is deer liquor, which is sweeter." Purple said.

"Drinking deer wood wine."

Zhang Han took the bottle and poured a cup of purple scorpion. During the period, he said: "Deer wood wine is a precious wine in Yunyingtian. Deer wood is a kind of plant. It takes hundreds of years to produce fruit, and the process of making wine is also It takes forty-nine years, the taste is mellow and the aftertaste is endless."

"How do you know?" Li Mu looked surprised: "Deer wood wine is generally only us... people at the core level know that they never sell, and rarely give it to people."

"I heard from the mouth of old friends." Zhang Han responded casually.

Can you not know? He was also the core of the cloud shadow world.

"I can take out the deer liquor, you little guy, sincerity is also full." Zhang Han smiled.

For Li Mu’s senses, his thinking is meticulous, he is not impulsive, and he thinks twice. There are actually many people who can do this, but few of them can restrain the greed.

"Looks like red wine." Zi Yan took a crystal wine glass and looked at her eyes. The color was reddish.

"What kind of wine is red wine?" Li Mu said to Zi Zi, he asked the sentence for the first time.

"It's a kind of wine, the degree is not high, it's not easy to get drunk, but you can also raise your face." Zi Yan smiled and replied.

"Wine..." Li Mu is quite speechless.

Isn't that the most common drink?

"In our place, it is a kind of fruit wine. Fruit wine is also an oversized series. There are a lot of good tastes. If you have a chance, we can taste some wines in some special places in Hailongxing." Li Mu laughs. .

“Zi Zi!” Zhang Guangyou sipped his mouth and said something intoxicated: “Don’t say it, it tastes good.”

"Hey, muttering....." The nameless three mouths made a cup: "It's very good."

When you look at the corner of your mouth, you tremble slightly: "Can you taste it according to your drinking method?"

“There are few foods here. There are only some animal meats and a few common vegetarian foods. The dishes are very simple and the conditions are limited. It can only be like this. You will go to Hailongxing in the future, I am going to entertain you again.” After the dishes are cooked, Li Mu began to be active.

Talk while eating.

Familiarity is not slow, and soon I will understand the general character of Li Mu.

Even the righteousness can be seen, the son is really in love.

No matter here or in other places, there are very few people who can make Li Mu like this.

After three rounds of wine, Zhang Han looked at Li Mu and said casually:

"How is your white elder of the sect?"

"Elder White Mountain?" Li Mu gave a slight glimpse. It seems that the 100-member elders group is not familiar with the elders of Baishan.


Yi Hou suddenly replied: "He only started to practice retreat some time ago. I don't know if he can break through the middle of the Yuan Ying this time. The preparation is sufficient and the comprehension is enough. It should be almost the same."

"Amount, which elder is it?" Li Mu asked.

Yi Hou: "In the name of the Yunyingtian Presbyterian Church, the surname is white, isn't it the Elder Bai Kuishan? The 53rd elder."

"Oh." Li Mu thought of the man, leaking a look of awkwardness.

It was originally for him.

Bai Kuishan, still quite powerful, did not expect Zhang Hanyang and he actually know.

Just know, you can know more news.

Li Mu is also thinking like this.

Who knows that Zhang Han is sighing:

"I am talking about the elders of Bai Shanhua, the elders of Yunying Tian."

"Who? Baishanhua Elder?" Li Muyu lived and sank for three seconds, only to doubt: "Sorry, I have never heard of Baishanhua, our great elders are one, And he has been a great elder for five hundred years."


Li Mu’s heart jumped, and there was some doubt. Did Zhang Hanyang say the last elder of the last session?

The last session... It seems that it was not Baishanhua in the last session. It is really strange.

Li Mu eased his emotions and chuckled: "I don't know which generation of elders you are talking about?"

When Zhang Han saw Li Mu’s look, he knew that he had never heard of this person.

I sighed in my heart and asked: "You must know the cloud shadow in the sky, you should always know?"

When I heard this sentence, Li Mu’s face was even more strange. When he looked at his eyes, he said, “Isn’t Yunyingtian my father’s?”

"Yeah, the former Yunyingtian was just a small force. The scale like the present is rising under the leadership of Li Zhangmen. I have never heard of anything before. The old generation’s things, I am certainly not. clearly."

Yi Han’s expression of Zhang Han’s look.

Like Li Mu, he was a little shocked.

Zhangkou said these secret things, even they don't know, what is the sacredness of this cold sun?

Even Zhang Mu and others have a strange look.

Listening to Zhang Han’s tone, seems to know the Ning Zhangmen?

How many years have this been?

‘Small Han should not be affected by that inheritance? ’

Zhang Guangyou was shocked.

But when I think about it, it’s not that it’s so complicated. I think it’s necessary to talk to him alone at night.

Asked two sentences, Li Mu did not give any accurate answer, Zhang Han did not continue to ask.

The entire sea dragon star field

When he returned, he only knew a few people in Yunyingtian. Now they don’t seem to be there. Is it fallen?

Thousands of years, the sea and the sea.

Everything is possible.

After retracting my thoughts, everyone talked without a word, and the food was very rich, and the place to be accommodated was also very good.

Very modern and technologically-friendly houses are all intelligent.

Li Mu gave Zhang Han a family of three, arranged for a three-bedroom large house.

Approaching the house, a half-meter-high robotic cat slid over and waved at them:

"Welcome to the guests, I am your housekeeper robot cat, I can bring convenience to your life, what is needed, you can directly call the cat..."

“Amount? Intelligent robot?”

Meng Meng's dawn is light, watching the robot cat, very cartoon, big eyes are also like the screen, one by one, looks like a smile, the subconscious mind makes people happy, Meng Meng could not help but curious, ask: "What will you do?"

"Cats can sing, dance, turn on the lights, cook, clean, warm the bed, massage, will..."

“Wow, what will it be?” Meng Meng looked up at her mother and said excitedly: “Would you be magic?”

"Zi Zi La La, oh, Barabara..."

Who would have imagined that this robot cat actually got some tricks, swiping a few meters backwards, and jumping and dancing with current, it was quite interesting.

"Cats, sing a song," Meng Meng said.

"Wave, wow, wow, wow...."

A song that I have never heard before sounds.

Meng Meng suddenly came to the mood, playing in front of the machine cat for more than half an hour, this is to look at the large-eyed house, three large bedrooms, are full of black technology feeling, for this, Meng Meng and Zi Yan It was the first time that the two men were walking around in a house, and all kinds of advanced functions were overwhelming.

"Mom, we have three big bedrooms. In the evening, I let Nina come here to live? Dad, you didn't bring the ingredients, I want to eat the dishes you made." Meng Meng shouted.

"You want to show up in front of Nina?" Purple smiled.

Said Meng Meng raised his lips: "That, then my father is very powerful, still not let people show off?"

"Let's let it go, go ahead."

When I saw Meng Meng talking, I twisted my ass, and Zi Yan said with a funny smile.

"Then I am going."

Meng Meng immediately ran out, this residential area, Nina was arranged in the next room, directly invited by Meng Meng.

Li Mu, who is on the edge of the side square and Liu’s instructor, has measured it in his heart:

It seems that he married the relationship between Nina and Meng Meng.

The sky quickly darkened and most people went to rest.

Meng Meng and Nina, with **** and black, little dots, playing in a room very lively, eating dinner, seeing a table full of delicious food, Nina is full of praise.

Meng Meng used to sleep at eleven o'clock, and felt that she couldn't sleep early. Everyone played outside for a while and then went to bed honestly.

The next day, after the meal in the morning.

"Take this, sensor." Zhang Han gave everyone something: "Today, you can practice in the river, for a week, if you are in danger, use the sensor, I will Knowing the news, with your strength, it will not be dangerous here. Of course, especially the instructor of Liu, be careful, there are six-order treasures that will attract you a lot of enemies."

"They don't dare."

Li Mu suddenly laughed: "Last night, our people contacted the fleet that was coming from Dahlxing. It is said that the dozens of fleets of the royal family of the tigers were all turned into pieces and destroyed by unknown forces. Now I am including Inside, I feel that all this is your hand, plus the strength you have shown, and so many people who have not done it, lost in the mainland, unless there is a problem with the head, or who will dare to provoke you."

"Oh? The tiger's fleet of the royal family has been destroyed? Hehe." Zhang Han suddenly smiled.

I don't have to think about it, it is the hand of Yue Wuwei.

This old guy...

"Where are we going?"

Mu Xue said: "Master, you don't lead the team, we have no backbone."

"How did you mix before, how can you mix now?" Jiang Yan blue gave her a look: "How? Before was the little witch Mu Xue, now is the kitten Mi Mu?"

"Cut, I will ask casually, you don't need to worry about it, you will honestly play with your family's eunuch." Mu Xue scorned.

Then Jiang Lanlan did not speak, and she was not the opponent of Mu Xue.

Liu instructor can compete against a few times, but he does not dare, if one does not pay attention, pull out a yellow paragraph, not only Mu Xue hit him, his wife also wants to beat him, nor has it not happened.

"It’s finally going to make a difference."

The fire slashed the knife, Huo Huo, already ready, looked at Zhang Mu, said:

"Our brothers are together?"

"it is good."

Zhang Mu laughed loudly and flew into the air with the smoldering fire and headed south.

"Master, we have gone."

Zhao Feng and A Hu left one after another.

"Han brother, you are... oh, I am leaving."

Chen Changqing said helplessly.

I wanted to work with Zhang Han. As a result, the goods are getting stronger and stronger. Now I can suppress the Yuan Ying period. The gap is a bit big. There is no point in fighting side by side. Chen Changqing is alone.

Zhang Guangyou, Wang Xiaowu, Lengyue, etc., all left.

"Meng Meng, I, I have to go through the experience, wait a few days to come back, when you are going to the river east, I will follow you," Nina whispered.

In fact, she also wants to play with Meng Meng, but from now on, she still has nothing to gain, experience is also a business, can break through Yuan Ying, it depends on this harvest enough.

. m.

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