Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1060: fiancé?

"Wang, we have encountered some situations. The seven princesses are retreating and practicing, not suitable for the voyage of too bumpy, so it will take some time for us to go back."

"Give you seven days, don't challenge my patience."

Elemental Elf King said a word, directly hang up communication.

This attitude has been expressed very clearly, and he is indeed angry.

As for why it is angry, there is only one possibility, from the pressure of the tiger's royal family.

The fall of Hu Bin and Hu Zhiqiang made the royal family of the tigers full of violent, and the various large-scale fleets were rampant. It seemed to be venting. It seems to be warning. At this time, no one can contact the top of the royal family of the tigers. They are What are you planning? Nothing to know.

Li Mu took the fleet and spent a few days in the cloud.

"It turned out to be the case."

"My previous journey was wrong."

"This is the real cloud map!"

"It is time to retreat and break through the Yuan Ying."

Li Mu looks excited and ordered:

"From now on, I have to start retreating. When I am in the Yunxing District, I will just stroll around and wait for me to break through and return to the cloud."

Li Mu’s breakthrough is very fast.

Originally he stayed at Jindan Peak for a while.

It took a total of 13 days to break through the Yuan Ying.

A blast of breath, sweeping his room.

Tables, beds, wine glasses, etc., all smashed, but fortunately, a lot of defensive energy was emitted from the wall, and this fluctuation was quelled.

"Don't you break through?"

In the room, there were six or seven people in the room. When they saw the extraordinary and fascinating Li Mu, they knew that Li Gongzi broke through!

"Back to Clouds."

Li Mu’s palm waved, and the momentum was mighty.

"We are in the cloud shadow days." A weak answer.

Li Mu: "???"

Hurry and turned to look at the window, suddenly found that the scenery outside, is not the main palace of Yunyingtian?

"I am not saying that I will come back after I break through?" Li Mu's face sank.

Without waiting for him to get angry, one of them said that he rushed to say:

"It's not that we have to come back. Yes, we met the main mother's fleet. When she went shopping, she came across the road and came back to us. I ordered it to be brought back directly. We dare to violate the order of the mother."

"My mother?"

Li Mu didn't have a good look, and he didn't move. He could only get out of the aircraft.

The huge palace is boundless, and the scale is catching up with a large city. This is the main hall of Yunyingtian.

As a large force, the population base is extremely large.

Going to the royal palace where the Limu family lived, many people on the road respectfully said hello:

"Li Gongzi."

For these greetings, Li Mu did not respond with a look. Everyone nodded and responded, and no other day was busy with other things.

Quickly return to the palace, meet Li Wei, at this time Li Wei and the three ladies are drinking tea.


Li Mu arched his hand.

“Breakthrough?” Li Yan’s face suddenly smiled.

Very satisfied with the point.

"Breakthrough, I thought about coming back from the outside, who knows that it is breaking through at home." Li Mu was very dissatisfied.

"Where the breakthrough is not the same."

Li Xiao smiled and said to the men at the door: "The notice goes on, Li Mu breaks through Yuan Ying, and Yun Ying Tian celebrates three days."


The man at the door was excited.

The three days of celebration by Li Wei are not only able to eat a lot of rare foods that can't be eaten normally. Among the delicious foods, there are many spiritual herbs. These three days of meals are not weaker than January. repair.

This is already a big celebration for Zongmen.

However, the news should also be notified. In the Yunxing District, some people with heads and faces will come here to pay a visit, and the gifts are far beyond the value of the celebration.

"You drink first."

Li Hao said to the three ladies, and he looked at Li Mu: "Follow me."

The two walked down the palace and walked into the backyard. There was a towering cloud in the backyard. After three levels of guarding, they finally came to the cliff.

"This book burns the three secrets of Yunyingtian, but Zeng Yunyingtian has experienced a big battle. The three secrets are only cloud maps, leaving 70%, it is difficult to comprehend." Li Wei said with a sigh of emotion.

"When you get a complete cloud map, it's a different experience."

Li Mu whispered a sentence, and the whole body was shocked. The massive spiritual power came out and gave Li Wei a complete picture.

"It's really a complete cloud map." Li Wei's look was not as exaggerated as he thought, calm, and very pleased to take a shot of Li Mu's shoulder: "This time you made a great contribution."

"Should, father, Zhang Hanyang's predecessor will not only be a cloud map, he will still shadow like a dragon, I saw it with my own eyes, he is very easy to cast a shadow like a dragon, our cloud shadow days second trick sci-fi!" Speaking here, Li The look of wood is a little excited.

"He will still shadow like a dragon?"

When Li Wei looked shocked, his brow wrinkled: "It seems that he is indeed related to the predecessors of Yunyingtian."

"Father, before we clouded the sky, did there be white elders?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, the White Elder is a legendary figure."

Li Wei’s look is full of admiration: “Yunyingtian, with thousands of years of inheritance, has been brilliant in the Hailongxing domain. It has also been lost. The most brilliant time is the millennium, the cloud shadow heaven system, the sea dragon star field, At that time, there were eight elders, each of whom was a strong person in the realm of the gods. The strength of the head was more powerful and unbelievable. The sea dragon star field could not accommodate them. It was left here and meaningless, so they left. After several decades, Yunyingtian has been in a chaotic battle. After three hundred years, the father is a pro-disciple of the Yunying Tianlou elders. After going out for more than ten years, he got a lot of opportunities. From protecting the law to the elders and heads, cloud shadow days have become more powerful, and they are far from the original glory."

After saying this, Li Hao sighed heavily:

"It is a pity that the three secrets of Yunyingtian are lost. I found a trace from the land of ancestral ancestors. After a few years of comprehension, I compiled 70%. I thought I could The cloud map is completely portrayed. I did not expect that this mystery is not the three secret techniques of Yunyingtian. It is very mysterious and requires good understanding. You now have a cloud map. For Zongmen, it is a piece. Very helpful thing."

"It doesn't matter, I will paint the picture now."

Li Mu’s insights are revealed, and a complete cloud map is burned on the cliff.

"Hey? How is it different? Is it different?" Li Wei gave a slight glimpse.

"Father, the complete cloud map, that's it," Li Mu said: "I tried to practice for a few days. With the deepening of comprehension, the power has multiplied. Zhang Hanyang Zhang predecessors, he used the cloud map to attack and scare away. A lot of Yuan Ying and other beasts, I still clearly remember that his power of the cloud map is too strong, and Zhang’s predecessors will definitely understand the cloud map very thoroughly!"

In fact, it’s not just a simple understanding, cloud, shadow, heaven, and three mysteries. It’s just that Zhang Han’s gift to Yun Yingtian after he returned to the robbery, this is his different secrets. Created.

"Miao Miao Miao!"

Li Yu’s eyes became brighter and he finally laughed at the sky: “Good, good, good!”

"Father, Zhang predecessor, excuse me, Zhang predecessor is definitely a very terrible big man. He is still very easy-going. Usually, the father and grandfather of Zhang’s predecessors, and his friends, like to drink. Lost in the mainland, I brought them some drinks, I gave them all, I promised them, in the past six months, I have collected some of the characteristics of the Hailongxing domain, waiting for them to come to Yunyingtian for a good taste. Li Mu said one by one.

"They will come?" Li Wei asked.

"Yes, the daughter of Zhang's predecessor, and the seven princesses of the elemental elves are very close. They said that when Nina Princess is married, she will visit in person." Li Mu said.

"Are they close to the Seven Princesses of the Elemental Elf?"

"Yes, they seem to be very rich, buy boutique clothes and some useless gadgets, and spend a million crystals." Li Mu said: "They almost everyone has six-stage treasures, and Hu Bin is precisely because he wants Get the sixth-order treasures, greed for the top, it is hard to leave them, and eventually fall."

"They went there, right. They have come together for almost a hundred people. They have lost trials on the mainland. It seems to be specially for them. There is a strange old man who is superb and has treasures that can cross the void of the universe. In the east of the lost mainland river, there is a small lake where everyone can try and get what is vital to inherit..."

Li Mu told all the things that happened.

He listened to Li Wei’s glimpse. He had heard about some news before, and he also learned some from the mouth of Yiqian. But the news of Li Mu was so thorough. Only Li Mu was in the following days and accompanied him all day. .

After saying this, Li Wei was silent for five seconds before he said:

"The situation of the recent elemental elf is not very optimistic. The tiger's royal ship's name refers to Roland Star. It should not be used for the time being. So, I sent people to inquire about the situation. We don't need to do anything, wait and see, if the tiger's royal family is really against Roland. Stars, we are sending people to block, at least to drag them to the seven princess adult ceremony, you have recently practiced well, and cultivated firmly, waiting for the elemental spirit seven princess adult ceremony, you as a representative of the past."



In fact, the status of the elemental elves is really not very optimistic.

"Movin, they haven't come back yet?"

The elemental Elf King sat on the throne and looked at the dozens of men underneath. He said plainly: "How is the battle of the 濡布星?"

“Not very optimistic.” One of the men said: “The three parties, such as the poison scorpion hall, are about to win the sputum, and our people can’t stop it unless there are more people.”

"Is there any news on the tiger's royal family?" Elf Wang asked again.


A young elf, walked over to the Elf King, leaned down and whispered a bunch of words.

The handsome face of Elf King, flashed a gloom, and then flat, long time no words.

The scene was silent and terrible. Five minutes later, the Elf King opened his mouth:

"Send a message to the outside world and say... Seven Princess Nina will receive a fiancé on the day of the adult ceremony."

After saying this, the Elf King flashed and disappeared.

The audience was in awesome:


"I didn't get it wrong?"

"How can this be? Our elves have never been like this."

"Wang's decision, this..."

It’s not that I have never married some princesses. In the history of the elemental elves, there have been several times. Apart from the special kind of elopement, it is a shameful and pro-family.

The current situation is really pressing to this point?

In this regard, Mo Wen and others did not know, until the night of the night, only someone informed Mo Wen.

Hearing this, his face became ugly.

Adult gift selection fiancé, simply...

Nina is still young!

"How can you do this."


Mo Wen looks very distressed and somewhat overwhelmed. Although he has a higher status in the elemental elves, the question of the Elf King cannot be countered.

He also guessed that what their family might face was the extremely urgent pressure on the royal family.

It can be stressful, and I can't send Nina out. If I really choose someone she doesn't like, isn't it a darkness in her second half?

"What should I do?"

Mo Wen grabbed his beard hard.

Ten days later.

Nina retreats in the room.


An energy fluctuation has emerged.

Breaked through!

Nina officially became the cultivator of the Yuan Ying period.

"Uncle Mo Wen, I broke through!"

"Okay, very good." Mo Wen was so depressed that he finally had some fun.

After Nina was happy for five minutes, Mo Wen told the story one by one:

"The pressure on our people may be a bit too big. As a result... Wang has sent a message, in your adult ceremony, you will choose your fiancé."


Like a blue sky, I hit Nina's heart.

She is stupid.

The eyes were stunned and looked at Mo Wen.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds passed.


Tears flowed down instantly, and Nina turned and ran back to her room.


Mo Wen sighed deeply.

I don’t know how to comfort. I thought about whether or not to take Nina first, let her be happy for a few days, but things always have to face. It’s better to know earlier, there is a preparation, but also Think about it on the road.

As for the way, Mo Wen couldn't think of it.

"Back to Roland Star."

Mo Wen spirits volatility, returning home, open.

In these few days, the Elemental Elf Seven Princess will choose a fiancé in the adult ceremony, and the news spread quickly.

Let a lot of people talk about it:

"Elemental elves, you have to kiss and kiss this again? This is the Elf King, this is the second time to kiss it? It is really amazing."

"The seven princesses are Nina? I heard that it is a beautiful woman. It is the most beautiful among several princesses. I said that the five princes just fluttered, he definitely wants to return Nina, the elemental elves. Beauty, a lot of benefits."


The news was quickly learned by most of the forces in the Sea Dragon Star.

After hearing the news, the Hufu royal family calmed down and many people speculated that they were brewing a bigger storm.

What's more, it has already been said that the Elf King's move is to marry Nina to the prince of the Tiger Royal Family and to calm their anger.

Cloud shadow days.

"Father, the message of the elemental elves, have you heard that?" Li Mu said.

"I heard it." Li Wei replied: "Things should not be so simple. The seven elements of the elemental elf are beautiful. I am afraid that many people will be tempted. The crisis of the royal family may have a different turning point. Before her adult ceremony, There should be nothing wrong with it. Of course, if you are interested, you can also fight for it."

"I? I... I still forget it." Li Mu started to feel a little heart, but when he remembered that he didn't call, he practiced and shook his head: "I don't want to get a relationship that is not easy to get because This matter is over, the daughter of Zhang’s predecessor is very concerned about her."

"is it?"

Li Wei suddenly smiled: "In fact, Nina's adult ceremony, I also want to look at the past, there should be some drama to see, but unfortunately, I am not good at self-automatic, when you pass, bring more people."



A lot of powers are being discussed, and some people speculate that the news contains extraordinary things.

As for Nina, she came out of the room the next day, and her look was very calm, as if nothing had happened before.

Along the way, returning to Roland Star, she has no attitude and is more dull than ever.

When they met the Elf King, the two looked at each other for three seconds. Eventually Nina did not say anything, and the Elf King said:

"Go to rest."

Then there is no more then.

The Sea Dragon Star Field has returned to calm.

On the Crescent Moon Hill.

It was still so lively, and when I was at the weekend, I went out to play with Zhang Han and Zi Yan for two days.

Dahei and Xiaohei have been a lot more honest recently. They have been slowly absorbing the two groups of energy that Yue Wuwei gave. They don’t have to go to sleep when they are fine. They will get up for a while except for a group of meat.

The last time I was fed in the lost continent, it took a while to digest.

Others, daily practice, there are also breakthroughs, the whole world, as if there is no place where they can not go, Mu Xue and Jiang Lanlan, Zhao Feng, Xu Yong, Chen Changqing go out several times, in Kunlun Xianjie, South, North, West , laid the name of Hehewei.

Basically there is no killer, it is a nature of discussion.

The reputation of Xinyueshan is getting bigger and bigger.

Once talking about the Crescent Moon Mountain, it belongs to the forces backed by the Tianxia Mountain.

Now talk about the Crescent Moon.

Everyone will say this:

Xinyue Mountain is the place of Zhang Hanyang. In the Kunlun fairyland, the valley and other forces, in the small world, Tianxia Mountain, Luofu Jianzong, Shuiyunzong and other forces, the dragon scales in the ancient mines, the Nanshan King, all are new moons A vein of the mountain.

In today’s world, there is no one in the millennium, the most terrifying force.

The Moon Emperor is the wife of Zhang Hanyang, their family, which is above all.

It is already a recognized thing.

Unfortunately, many people in Wangjing do not think so.

Among the shadow families, they value strength as respect.

"He Zhang Hanyang and the Moon Emperor are very powerful. They don't even dare to come to the kingdom once. Aren't they the giants who are jealous of us?"

Many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

The shadow family, the darling of Saint Wuxing, seems to have their unique self-confidence.

This day is noon.

Zhang Hanpan sat in the exercise room.


It seems as if the movement of the combination of thunder and thunder is suddenly sounding in Zhang Han’s body.

If there is none, the current is looming in Zhang Han's body.

If you look closely, you will find that the small current is actually a Thunder that shrinks many times. The pressure contained in it is the pressure on the heart.

Two minutes later.


Zhang Han’s long spit out.

Open your eyes and stunned.

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