Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1061: Horror North

"Too virtual thunder, I have mastered some fur, and the original Thunder method is not like traditional spells."

The deeper the comprehension, the more he feels the power of Leifa.

It can also be realized, the Thunder imprint in the sea of ​​knowledge, Taiyimu thunder, can exert a powerful power.

"It's time to go to Ray Zunta to see."

Zhang Han’s thoughts drifted to the sea, and next to the Thunder’s mark, Lei Zunta quietly floated there.

Give him the feeling that it seems that the Lei Zun Tower is very high.

When Zhang Han’s thoughts touched it.


The entire Lei Zun Tower trembled.

Originally, some of the dark-colored Ray Zun Tower suddenly burst into a crystal blue light.


Zhang Han’s thoughts entered it on the first floor.

"Not what I thought."

I thought that there would be a jade slip or inheritance of the Thunder mystery in the Rezun Tower, but I never thought that there was only one wall.

What is the role of the wall?

Zhang Han was not a rookie. In just two seconds, he guessed the function. He portrayed his understanding of the sacred lei and the understanding of Lei Fa on the wall.

After portraying it again, Zhang Han can feel the flashing picture on the wall, and his own thoughts, and the places that will not be realized will be integrated.

"It turned out to be deeper understanding."

Suddenly found that his understanding of the Taixu Lei Jing went up to the next level.

At the same time, some of the Thunder secrets that Zhang Han knows are constantly integrated.


In time, an extraordinary breath rushed to the front.

I saw the huge thunder suddenly appearing on the wall. It was very simple. I rushed straight on the way. On the way, a five-meter-long thunder was suddenly turned into the head of a prehistoric giant crocodile, opening a **** mouth and trying to bite everything. a feeling of.


It can be felt that the crocodile's mouth is full of crises.

what is that?

Combine the blows of ghost soldiers?

Nothing to hide, Zhang Han has a bit of shock.

A good trick is the Thunder Giants.

When the blood basin is big, it will bite Zhang Han’s mind.


The insights of this trick are full of thoughts.

Turned into his own magical powers.

"Thunder crocodile."

Zhang Han slammed his eyes open:

"This is a thunderous magical power that can show the power of Taiyimu thunder."

"Star map Leihai, the power is even higher."

"Lefa! This world, I did not expect that I actually embarked on the road to Leifa."

"It's also a...in the sky."

Zhang Han looks slightly slightly:

"The undead king, but also from his hand, Lei Fa, is also his biography, I really have a chance."

For the mysterious person, Zhang Han is somewhat curious.

"I don't know the true face of the mountain, I am only in this mountain."

The level is not enough, too much is useless. One day, he can open the mysterious veil and know everything.

"It's time to practice."

Put away the thoughts, Zhang Han's figure instantly appeared in the sky of the Crescent Moon, a few breaths, came to the coast.

"Thunder crocodile!"

Shentong played, the ten-meter-wide Thunder flashed forward and flashed away. When approaching the sea, the edge of the Thunder suddenly turned into a giant crocodile's head, opened a large **** mouth, bite down, and the power was amazing.

"This slashing crocodile can kill the premature infants."

"The days when I practiced the sacred lei, it seems that my strength has improved very quickly. After a period of stability, I thoroughly absorbed the source energy and strengthened it, and realized the ultimate breakthrough."

"Ten inches of infants, the Thunder imprint, the Yuan Ying period, can be played."

The strong heritage will become stronger with the gradual practice, not only invincible, but also invincible.

It’s just that Zhang Han wants to be quiet for a while. Breaking through is not an urgent matter. Let it be natural, it’s the king.

In the sea, practicing for more than two hours, some exhausted, it is already dusk.

"It's time to check out my big baby."

Zhang Han intends to take a break, and his thoughts move, and the vast amount of spiritual knowledge spreads in all directions.

Xinyueshan, Ziyan has not returned yet.

Mengmeng Group, the conference room on the ninth floor.

Zi Yan is giving everyone a meeting, a president of the elite fan.

Wearing black tooling, white short lining, black jacket, plus a black skirt to the knees and a small high heel.

Very elegant sitting in the main position and telling you about two recent projects and goals.

Normally, at the time of the meeting, some companies may look like this:

"Time is tight, this week, we have to take this project, all move..."

Here is the purple scorpion, it is like this:

"There is a lot of cooperation with us. When you look at the project, choose one at your discretion. The place of attention is quality. We don't need a lot of works, quality is good. Come here today, meet."

The entire meeting is also ten minutes.

Da da da.....

Zi Yan stepped on high heels and went back to the office with Zhou Fei.

"Fifi, do you want me to participate in a variety show these days? I haven't faced the camera for a long time." Zi Yan smiled and asked.

"You are just like you, but you have to face a problem." Zhou Fei looked a face.

"What kind of problem?" Purple is curious.

"Yan, you have been like this a few years ago. The result has not changed a few years later, it is even more beautiful. It is estimated that many people will be envious."

"Giggle, what's the matter, aren't you the same?" Zi Yan said with a funny smile.

"Sister, you said that we have been in a decade or two, and the result is still a beautiful young look. Is it too much? I can’t continue to make movies. You, if you want to film, I have been playing more games in recent years. I listened to our family Evergreen. After a while, we can all go to Hailongxing, and Meng Meng and Chen Chuan are all going to school. You are also planning to let Meng Meng live here. It’s been going to the university for many years, so it’s very interesting to run both ends. It’s a holiday trip, haha, we can shoot in Hailongxing.” Zhou Fei laughed.

"Hailong Star Field filming? No." Zi Yan slightly shook his head: "I have no addiction to filming now, the pursuit is over, the sea dragon star field is very big, we can play it."

"Liu Shu wants to open a company. When he is stable, he has to go to the situation. When we can play, we can work in the company. The world is big, hey, the future life is really beautiful."

Zhou Fei smiled and opened the door and slammed it: "Hey, my brother-in-law is here?"


The purple step was three points faster. When she came in and saw Zhang Han’s hand sitting in the office chair, she grinned:

"Husband, how come you? Think about me?"

"of course."

Zhang Han leaked a familiar, full-bodied smile.

"Oh, I went back to the opposite office, looked at this document and refused to be a light bulb. You two are waiting." Zhou Fei turned and went out.


Zhang Han made a snap and the door was locked.

"What do you want to do?" Zi Yan slightly bite his lower lip, and Mei Han took a look at Zhang Han.

"Yes I do."

Zhang Hanyi nodded his head.


A look of purple eyes.

Do you want to... Do you?

I reacted instantly, and I was so angry and funny.


Zhang Han made another snap.

A black wire appeared in his hand.

Come prepared?

I saw the index finger of his right hand swaying slightly.


A set of rabbit black silk was instantly placed on the legs of the purple.

"I haven't got off work yet, there are people passing by."

Zi Yan quickly looked out the window, but found that the roller shutter window has been pulled down.

"This dress is very good, the skirt is a bit too long."

Zhang Han’s finger is shaking again.


The brand-name skirt of the sable is cut upwards layer by layer, and it stops at the most tempting level.

The white shirt inside, starting from the neckline.

In just two seconds, the costume of Zi Yan became a **** item.

She has the temptation to think about her.


The purple sable bites the lower lip, and there are some strange expressions, but it makes people feel that they want to refuse to welcome.

The atmosphere of the hustle and bustle spread.

Zhang Han smiled and hooked his fingers, and the purple scorpion floated over.

The two are sitting in the same chair, gradually...


Zhou Fei knocked on the door for the second time and said aloud at the door:

"Sister, brother-in-law, I will go back first. It’s five o'clock."


The door was pushed open, his face was normal, but his face was slightly flushed with purple eyes, and he came out wearing a dress and said casually:

"We also go back, first pick up Meng Meng, call, the air conditioner is broken, the room is a bit hot."

"Hey?" Zhou Fei saw it, and suddenly laughed and said: "Sister, I didn't ask you if the air conditioner is bad, how can you take the initiative?"

Purple: "..."

On the way to the first middle school, I was stunned by Zhang Han several times, but I couldn’t stop Zhang Han’s smile.

When I arrived at the school, I didn't wait for two minutes. The school bell rang and Meng Meng quickly ran out.

"Dad, Mom, this weekend, I have a lot of classmates with Muen and Babe who want to go out to play." Meng Meng applied on the train.

"Do you want to go out and play by yourself?" Zi Yan smiled slightly: "Where to go?"

"Hey, I haven't decided yet. At first we want to go to the Internet cafe to play, but if you don't want to go online, you may go shopping." Meng Meng replied.

"Well, pay attention to safety, girls are outside, but also to protect themselves." Zi Yan gently licked the cute face.

"Know it." Meng Meng said proudly: "I can do it now, is it Dad?"

"Yeah, my daughter said that it is also a martial arts master, like other martial arts masters, in the city, have been in the air."

"I am also awkward, I have killed countless enemies, I am even more powerful than them." Meng Meng heard, not happy, immediately retorted.

"Right right." Zhang Hanyi flattered the appearance: "My daughter is the real world, killing countless, is the most powerful little girl in the modern era."

"Hey, it's not so exaggerated, low-key, low-key." Meng Meng laughed and said.

"Meng Meng, you don't be confused by illusion." Zi Yan reminded.

"What illusion?" Meng Meng.

"You are a very powerful illusion."


Meng Meng screamed and expressed his dissatisfaction.

This stinky mother always ridicules others.

On the weekend, you will have a good time to go out and play for a day.

This time, I also have experience. When I go out, I will check the price first when I take a taxi. It is one thing to have money. It is another matter to be pitted.

On the Saturday, Meng Meng played outside, Zi Yan and Zhang Han sat on the Xinyueshan sightseeing boat and enjoyed their leisure time.

At twelve o'clock, the phone rang, Dong Chen hit:

"Xiaohan, Sinan is coming, saying that there are important things to talk to you, we have two hours to Xinyueshan."


Zhang Han responded and hang up.

"Dong Dong is back?"

I asked after I took a mouthful of juice.

"Sinan has something to say, it is estimated to be a matter of kingdom."

Zhang Han slightly indulged: "When we came back from Dahlxing, Yue Lao said that he could go to Wang Wang, where the resources are the most abundant, especially the spar. The spar on the holy Wuxing has a lot of reserves, and still Renewable resources, at this point in time, Sinan took the initiative to come to the door, perhaps the kingdom was turbulent."

"Nanshan Wang is not one of the thirteen giants in Wangjing? The most powerful group of people, he can have any trouble." Zixiao strange.

With the deepening of the understanding of spiritual practice, Zi Yan is also clear, like their giants, ancestors, basically no major battles.

The ancestors of the Kunlun fairyland have not fought for many years. In total, they are so little people, they know each other, and there is nothing to fight for.

"Is there not another twelve giants?" Zhang Han said with a smile: "In addition to Yue Lao's wife, black and white palace owners, there are eleven giants, they are not a piece of iron, and it is normal to have a fight."

"Oh, let's wait for the Dragonscale Lord to see what it is."


After seeing Zhang Han, Sinan was a little excited:

"Zhang Hanyang, you can count it back."

He also learned the news. Since Zhang Han left here and went to the lost mainland, there is no way for Nanshan Wang to come to the secular holiday.

Very unaccustomed, especially those who are preparing to enter the secular holiday, can't do it urgently.

Zhang Han has been back for a while, and he did not take the initiative to contact them. Or the people of Tianxia Mountain experienced in the ancient mines, and he only knew when he met Sinan.

"what's up?"

At this time, Zhang Han, they are all in the pavilion.

Sinan drank a large mouthful of tea and said:

"I am troubled by Nanshan Wang."

"Liu Wang specially asked me to inform you of this news, and that if you can help, we need you to help, whether it is spar or other resources, it is good to say." Sinan slightly incoherent, also I don't know where to start.

"Wang Wang fights?" Zhang Han looked at the light.

"Yes, it’s playing."

Si Nan took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I still talk from the beginning. Two months ago, Wang Jing appeared a huge spar mine with amazing reserves. The visual quality of the crystals reached more than 500,000, and the middle and lower grades were more. This is the second time in the millennium. Such a huge spar vein, the last time the giant war broke out, this time the thirteen giants gathered together, in addition to the black and white palace master, other giants want to compete for the spar mine, originally divided is a way, can spar The area where the veins are located is the boundary of the Nanshan King."

"According to past practice, Nanshan Wang should be a lot more, but our relationship with you has been said. Nanshan Wang has a traitor, can leave the ancient mine, see the real world, and in the world, our practice speed will Faster, a lot of things, they all know that those people have given two conditions, one is to open up your relationship, let you cooperate with the whole kingdom, and the other is to split the spar."

"The original Nanshan King had to agree to the second condition. The splitting of the spar mine would be considered. The first condition also allowed them to send people to communicate with you. Listen to your opinions. When everyone agrees, the North Huai King will have a hand. He and five other giants, a total of six people together, want to swallow the spar veins, that negotiation, more than 30 true kings died, Liu Wang almost fell, and finally meditate."

"Another strength, the four giants headed by Zhenhai Wang, and finally our Nanshan Wang and Donggu Wangcheng third force, Nanshan Wang has always been proud, only Donggu Wang and his relationship is not bad, Donggu Wang is also relatively strong, and This number is too many."

"There are many people in the North Huai Dynasty, and the Zhenhai Wanghu is a singer. Only our Nanshan King is the most disadvantaged."

"The forces of the three parties have not been able to play at the beginning. The whole kingdom is in turmoil. Fortunately, it is the forces of the three parties, and they are guarding against each other. Now the fluctuation of the battle is much smaller. There are 13 seals of the spar veins. No movement, there is the center of the battle. Now there is no large-scale battle. There are many small-scale battles. The power of Nanshan King is being wiped out quickly. In this way, the safety of him and Donggu Wang is a problem. The cooperation between Wang and Zhenhai Wang is the point that Nanshan Wang is worried about."

"In the king's realm, it is also very helpless. In the current situation, there is no retreat. I heard that you are back, and I quickly reported the news to Liu Wang. They immediately sent me to ask your opinion."

Speaking things out, Sinan sighed and smiled bitterly:

"The Northern Huaiwang is in the king's realm. It is also a bad role. He is very fierce, he does whatever he wants, and because he is very greedy, he has to talk about good things... only to talk about collapse, Zhenhai Wang is not good. Hey, and several giants look at it and want to take advantage of the fishermen’s interests. Our Nanshan King and Dongguwang are suffering from innocent disasters, Zhang Hanyang. If you can see the friendship between Nanshan Wangyi and you for many years, I hope you can help. In the worst case, if we can stay here for a long time, it will be the last retreat."

"It’s really lively."

These things did not cause any psychological fluctuations for Zhang Han, he said calmly:

"I am interested in the spar mine."

"Oh, there are Xiaohan and Xiaoyan shots, you put your heart in your stomach." Dong Chen smiled, his eyes slightly stunned, said: "You go back now, let Nanshan Wang prepare resources, we also You can't go to the kingdom without any reason, you said yes?"

I started to pit resources again.

He is also worried that Zhang Han is only interested in the spar mine.

Nanshan Wang is a big family, and the resources are very important.

"Thank you, thank you." Sinan excited: "I have brought some resources, here."

He took the initiative to pass a space ring to Zhang Han:

"That... can we go to the kingdom soon? I am afraid that it will change soon."

"it is good."

Zhang Han took the space ring and shook his head with a funny smile.

They are quite dry.

"When do we leave?" Sinan said.

"I will ask my daughter first."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the phone in front of Meng Meng:

"Daughter, my mother and I are going to the kingdom. Yes, maybe you are going now. The situation there is very dangerous. It should be a dozen. You have to go? OK, um, rest assured. I am sure to wait for you."

When talking with Meng Meng, Zhang Han’s mouth will reveal a smile.

"Wait a minute, my daughter is coming back, let's go to the kingdom together."

Zhang Han said very casually.


Sinan actually wants to leave now. The situation in Wangjing is more urgent. He is worried that he will change later.

But it is also clear that perhaps these two hours can't change anything, but the urgency of my heart is still somewhat involuntary.

Sitting here, I don't know why, he looked at Zhang Hanyang, some inexplicable sense of awe.

"He is getting stronger again?"

Sinan was shocked:

"The breath on his body seems to give me a feeling of being unable to resist. Zhang Hanyang is really perverted. Maybe he has a way to resolve the crisis of my Nanshan King."

"Xiaohan, let's go to the kingdom?" Dong Chen looked a little excited: "Then I will inform you and ask them if they can't go."

Without waiting for Zhang Han to answer, Dong Chen ran out quickly.

In a short while, Zhang Guangyou, Zhang Mu, Rong Jiali, Mu Xue, Zhao Feng, Chen Changqing and others all came together.

"Let's go to the kingdom to go?"

Zhang Guangyou laughed: "When I go to Wangjing, we can always show our talents?"

"Yeah, last time we went to lose..." Chen Changqing looked at Si Nan, the spider's words, said: "We went there and only fought a few times. This time we return to our home, it should be painful." Have a few quick hits."

"I think so too." Zhao Feng laughed.

They are all such thoughts. The experience of losing the mainland is somewhat high-end. Most of them are in the late stage of Jindan. They have no use, but they have obtained some benefits and inheritance, so that their strengths are qualitatively flying and they are very confident. Can fight the role of the Golden Dragon peak.

Kunlun fairyland and ancient mine kings, the situation is similar, the giant and the ancestors belong to the kind of fake Yuan Ying, and it is stronger than Jindan peak, very limited, although they can not beat, but there is still a way to escape, not to mention There are also a few people at that level. Other Jindan peaks are their goal.

Zhang Han glanced at him and nodded.

In this world, Zi Yan has surpassed the attacking ability of all things, Meng Meng is also the master of the sky, his own strength is also very confident, it can be said that the world is big, there is no place to go, and there is a more enchanting behind Yue Wuwei.

Seeing that there are so many helpers, Sinan is uplifted.

I am waiting for Meng Meng to come back now.

At this time, Meng Meng is shopping with my classmates.

When I received a call from Zhang Han, the little girl couldn’t play anymore.

"I have something."

Meng Meng and a few classmates said: "I have to go home first, we will come out and play next time."

"How do you have something to do with Meng Meng?" Li Muen said: "Or else play for a while, go back at night? Is things very anxious?"

"I'm in a hurry, they are waiting for me." Meng Meng did not say much, waved a taxi: "I am leaving, you are happy."

"Well, I sent a WeChat to my home." Li Muen said.

"um hum."

Meng Meng crisply responded, got on the car and went back to Xinyue Mountain.


Bei Jinnan sighed: "Meng Meng went home, do we still play?"

"Continue, this is where it is, and it’s hard to come out and relax once."

Several students don't want to go home so early, and they can continue to linger in the afternoon.

It’s just that there’s less sprouting, and Bekinan feels boring.

After returning to Xinyueshan by taxi, the driver has not experienced this kind of battle. He wants to park the car on the side of the road, but Meng Meng has placed a small hand: "Go straight in."

"Ah? Can you drive in?"

"Can you." Meng Meng answered very casually.

You don't have to get off the bus, you don't have to shake the window, because people at the door can feel the cuteness sitting inside.

Directly raise the railing and unimpeded access to the Crescent Moon Mountain.

The driver feels wonderful.

"It turns out that you can enter here casually, isn't it a private territory?"

The driver said with a smile: "The villas should be private. Is the outside venue like a park?"

"Oh... this." Meng Meng grinned and said nothing.

Down the car on the front side of the castle, the driver slid down Dada's drive down the mountain.

That night, the driver who was less than 30 years old picked up his girlfriend and said mysteriously:

"I will take you to a beautiful scenery, to ensure that you have not been to the place."

Going to the new moon mountain.


"Don't let in..."

"I went in during the day."

"Ah? The big lady here is on the car, okay."

Thinking of the very beautiful little luoli, the driver's little brother was speechless.

The daughter of the rich family is so beautiful, it is estimated that her mother must be beautiful too.

Under normal circumstances, the brain fills this situation, how can the rich man have a few handsome, the child's face value, it can be brought by the mother.

This is a little episode in life.

In Meng Meng came under the Leiyang tree.

"Dad, Mom, when are we going?"

Meng Meng rushed over.

"We went to change clothes and set off."

Zi Yan looked at the lovely daughter, with a smile on her lips, pulling her cute little hand back to the castle, going out might be fighting, and dressing is not too casual.

Changed to the sportswear, the two of them look like they are ready to go.

There is nothing to bring, because today is Saturday, and it will come back before tomorrow night. Meng Meng will start school on Monday, and it will not take too long to solve this problem.


Zhang Han smiled and got up and led the team.

Yunfeiyang, Wang Xiaowu, Jiang Bing and other Tianxia disciples of Tianxia Mountain also traveled with them.

I heard that Zhang Han was going to Wangjing. When he arrived in Kunming, more than 50 people were waiting.

"What are you going to do?"

Dong Chen brows slightly: "You are still less than Jin Dan, and it is just cannon fodder. This time, forget it."

"Who said, we have all broken through to Jin Dan." The three elders said: "On the line you make a quick breakthrough, but we can't break through? Jindan period, in Wangjing should also be able to walk, say Now, we still have mountain owners, and little and little masters, afraid of anything."

"What you said is justified." Dong Chen scratched his head: "But, listen to the little master."

Everyone thought that Dong Chen had to make a decision. He said that you should go with a big hand. The result is still to listen to Zhang Han.

"Then go, it’s always good to see more." Zhang Han chuckled.

The team is a lot bigger.

Came to the ancient mine, across a huge area, and finally came to the edge of the North.

"How the sea here is a bit like a pale black." Meng Meng squinted with big eyes, but also saw the North Minghai for the first time.

"The North of the Sea is a place of some extremely fierce beasts."

Zhang Han replied: "The depth of the North Minghai should be the deepest of all the oceans. There are many hegemons in the sea. Without this air chain, the way to enter the kingdom can only be as stable as the Kunlun fairyland. The space channel is more dangerous than the endless sea. In the future, if you want to play, the North Minghai is also a temporary place to go."

"Oh, I know, I won't come here to play later." Meng Meng gave a serious answer.

That serious appearance, let Zhang Mu and others can not help but can not help.

"It's time to go see the king."

Zhang Han chuckled.

He also went to Wangjing for the first time, but Zhao Feng and Chen Changqing and others were very familiar.

"I take the lead!"

Chen Changqing laughed loudly and lifted his body to move forward on the chain.

One by one, like a rope, with a series of ants crawling over it.

"It’s been ten minutes, why haven’t we arrived yet?”

Meng Meng looked at the sea from the air, maybe because the sky is gray, the eyes of the sea are also pale black, not beautiful, and it is boring to see a few eyes.

The ancient mines in the rear are also invisible, the chains are suspended in the void, and there is no sense of security. Meng Meng feels like ordinary people flying on the plane, the kind of uncontrollable taste.

"This is just the beginning."

Chen Changqing in front laughed: "It takes two hours to travel."

"So long." Meng Meng's little mouth glimpsed.

"What's the matter, Meng Meng, are you afraid of it?" Mu Xue asked.

"I am not afraid of it."

Meng Meng’s reluctant answer, but also snorted.

"You can look at the sea below, and it is possible to find a giant."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The voice just fell.


The sea below the 10,000 meters suddenly jumped out of a big fish and looked like a squid, rushing upwards.

Five kilometers, three kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters!

At 500 meters, I suddenly found out that this squid was a hundred meters long, carrying a mighty pressure, like a giant mountain.


Meng Meng was shocked. The human body is like a sesame next to a watermelon.

"It's okay, the sea master can't get up."

Chen Changqing said: "This air chain is very strange."

"World rules." Zhang Han mouth spit out these four words.

"Call, it fell, so high will not fall to death?" Meng Meng's big eyes were stunned, and some worried.

"No, how can such a powerful creature fall to death." Mu Xue answered with a smile.

"Is it supposed to fly?" Zizi said strangely: "How to fall directly."

"Maybe because it can't fly, there is some kind of suppression against them in the air in the North Sea." Zhang Han said.


Every 10,000 meters away, everyone still heard the sound of falling water.

The huge squid, which fell in the northern sea, raised a big wave.

"Yeah, its belly turned over, it really fell to death!" Meng Meng saw the picture below, suddenly stunned.

“Hey?” Chen Changqing stayed.

What is this squid doing? Have you killed yourself?

"Stunned, I can wake up in a few seconds." Zhang Han said with a funny smile: "It should be to jump the dragon door, perhaps crossing this chain, can give it some essential benefits, squid leaping gantry, still That's true."

"The squid jumps to the dragon gate, then if it jumps over, can it really become a dragon?" Meng Meng quickly blinked a few eyes, is there really such an allusion?

"This one......"

Zhang Han was slightly indulged and smiled. "Even if it jumps over, it won't get any substantial benefits, but it will be great for a firm improvement of mind, a person's mentality is strong, and the benefits of spiritual practice are not one and a half."

"Mind, Dad, is my mentality strong?" Meng Meng grabbed Zhang Han's palm and used a little force.

Most of the eyes of others are also watching them.

Out of habit, I also like to watch.

"My daughter's mentality must be very strong." Zhang Han smiled: "You are the master of the sky, father and mother have not obtained, which means that you are even better than father and mother."

"Giggle," Meng Meng directly laughed, the big eyes that are shining are curved, like crescent, very eye-catching.

"It's amazing, but don't be proud." Zi Yan said with a smile.

"That can't be." Meng Meng waved her left hand: "I am not proud, I am proud."

Purple: "..."

I don’t know how to say her for a while, this girl, now more than thirteen years old, is getting more and more skinned.

However, compared to the very shy, very introverted years, the cute personality is the favorite of Zi Yan, carefree, happy, happy, happy childhood, everything, Meng Meng has.

Zi Yan also hopes that she will continue to be happy.

I also hope that her future will meet a good man like her father.

Zi Yan has a boyfriend in the future, and her husband does not resist this aspect.

If you are a child, you can't do it. When you hear about such a thing, your face will be pulled down. If the family says that Zhang Han will be dull, it seems to be sulking. If it is an outsider, he will fly directly.

The last time the King of North America’s Guangmingzong came to visit, there was a big force in North America. It was an old friend of John Shengwang. When he saw Meng Meng’s appearance was very beautiful, he said that his grandson is almost as big as Meng Meng. Maybe two people will be very good in the future.... Hey!

The whole person flew out a dozen miles.

Since then, outsiders dare to say this.

The family usually does not say, Meng Meng is how big, if according to the ordinary age, perhaps a few years later, Meng Meng went to college, may talk about love, but the little girl is not an ordinary person, the eyes are abnormally swayed by Zhang Han.

Without those two sons, it is impossible to enter the Meng Meng's eyes.

"My little princess, don't twist your ass, look to the right."

Zhang Han said with a smile, and gave a mouthful to Meng Meng.

"what is that?"

The big, cute eyes instantly solidify.

The look of everyone is also quite curious.

"This is a big king." Liu’s instructor’s look was wrong.

Looking down from the air, there is a sea surface, suddenly rising a lot, I saw a huge turtle, and the surface of the sea.

"It's wide, it looks like it's a kilometer long?" Chen Changqing said shockedly.

"It is not a king, it should be called Xuanwu." Mu Xue turned a blind eye to Liu instructor.

"Belongs to the basaltic species, the name is Xuanlong turtle." Zhang Han's look also has a touch of surprise: "It seems that the North Minghai is more horrible than I thought, Xuanlong turtle, with this scale, at least Yuan Yingfeng The strength is very likely to be a sacred god, the North Minghai, the name is not imaginary, if the creatures of the North Minghai can go out, the whole world will be swept away."

Zhang Han’s tone is somewhat emotional. He thought that the creatures in the North Minghai were at most in the early stage of the Yuan Ying, or in the middle of the period.

The sacred world, the sacredness of the sky, the various abilities are even more strange, and the means are endless, capable of guiding the energy of the heavens and the earth, and carrying out larger and more powerful moves.

"Nine years."

Zhang Han did not expect that if he returned for nine years, he would encounter the existence of a suspected deity.

In nine years, Jin Dan peaks.

This speed is undoubtedly very fast, but Zhang Han is more clear, if he wants, he can break through to Yuan Ying more quickly.

But it is not necessary, the realm is important, and the solid foundation is that Zhang Han is more valued.

"Realization of the gods? My God, is it a god?" Liu’s instructor’s eyes were rounded.

"Deification of the gods!"

The crowd is shaking, and the eyes are extremely dignified. Who can think of it?

Although Zhang Han said that it is very likely, but the suspected god, has already explained the strength of the very powerful.

What is the sacred environment?

They wanted to ask a word, but the inner shock, so that they have no idea of ​​opening, staring at the huge dragon turtle on the sea, it floated on the sea for three seconds, slowly sinking.

"What is God?" Sinan looked at Dong Chen next to him and whispered his mouth.

"It is a very terrible existence." Dong Chen looked pale and replied: "Some things have not reached a certain realm. I know that it is a burden. Xiaosi, you are just just in the early stage of Jindan. The road is still very long. Don't ask for anything, because it is likely to hit you."

"Ah? Ok, I remember." Sinan's mouth was stiff.

When I thought about it, you Dong Chen saw me in the ancient mines, and all fled quickly. Nowadays, even the predecessor style, hey, Zhang Hanyang, what kind of anti-day means you can, will train the people who are so qualified. A character that is more powerful than me.

Nothing to say, as the Xuanlong turtle sank into the sea, the atmosphere returned to calm.

After nearly two hours in advance, I finally saw the mainland.

"Is the kingdom in front?" asked Meng Meng.

"Yes, the front is the territory of the king's coastal area. When I walked in, I went to the boundary of my family. The number of our people is very large. There are tens of thousands of small forces, large forces, more than 100,000 people, and 200,000 people. Yes, these include Wangjing and ancient mines. The number of people in ancient mines is about nine tenths. There is only one tenth of the kingdom. Not everyone is qualified to practice in Wangjing.” Sinan replied in front.

"Dad, is there a fun place in Wangjing?" Meng Meng pulled Zhang Zhang's palm.

"It's similar to Kunlun Fairyland."

Although Zhang Han has not been here, he can also give an accurate answer: "The ordinary world is like what we have seen. Only special places are full of strangeness."

“It’s like the clear water we pass by, and the sea like mercury?”

"Yes, that type is equivalent to a special place." Zhang Han said with a smile: "No matter how mysterious the world is, you can go anywhere to play in the future, even in the North, and swim with you."

"Then I want to play with my parents." Meng Meng laughed and said.

Sinan inadvertently touched his chin.

Changyou North Minghai?

Just kidding, it’s too long to go there to play.

There is a big chapter in the afternoon, and there is a big chapter in the afternoon. If there is a manuscript, it will burst. Thank you for your reward. What are you? Everyone pays attention to the illustrations of the public singer Wang Zhang, Zhang Han and Zi Yan, released this month.

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