Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1083: Tongtian means

[Add more 2 in 1 seven thousand chapters for bob ice brother]

"not good!"

The face of the nearest Pang Zhanlong changed drastically.

He felt the pressure from this attack.

Even if it is oneself, facing this trick, it will take a lot of hands and feet.

The important thing is that this attack seems to be Lei Fa?

Who can control the Thunder?

is this real?

Or is it the energy that resembles thunder?


The look of the Tiger Fu royal family changed drastically.

Many people did not expect that the other party would make such a decisive move.

For the person, it is still the trash tiger below.

The power of this move made Hu Yuan's face slightly solidified.

Not to mention, if there is no one to help, Hu Qi will definitely end up dead.


Hu Yuan's eyes were cold, and without saying anything, he would use his moves to block the opponent's attack.

But at this moment.

He suddenly discovered that his moves were blocked by an invisible energy.


Hu Yuan's face changed completely.


Hundreds of people around him made moves. What's more, Pang Zhanlong had already rushed over.

Although his figure could not be reached quickly, at such a close distance, Hu Qi would surely be able to save him by using a defensive secret technique.

But they don't know what role they are facing.

With a move, Yue Wuwei cut off all defensive moves.

As a result, Zhang Han moved the thunder crocodile.

An unstoppable attack on Tiger Qi.

"Ah! Save me!"

Hu Qi reacted quickly and took out three defensive treasures and turned them into layers of energy shields.

He knew that at this critical juncture, he only had to delay for one second and Uncle Yuan could save himself.

Mechanical Corps!

The grade of the machinery in Hu Qi's hands was not low, and he instantly blocked him, with endless firepower, pouring out into the blood basin above.

Boom boom boom.

Various roars continued.

But never thought, that blood basin swallowed all the firepower attacks without causing any fluctuations.

It can't stop it at all!

Hu Qi's face was pale.

He wouldn't understand until he died, in front of Yue Wuwei and Zhang Han, the women who ridiculed them would end up.


The Elf King crowd was already dumbfounded.

This is their palace.

Fight as long as you fight?

"Will Hu Qi really be killed?"

"Under everyone's eyes? Can't they save it?"

Including Zhong An, Yi Lin and others, looking at the picture in front of them, their scalp numb, and their inner thoughts make their faces constantly change.


Seeing that all his hole cards were useless, Hu Qi, his mouth had fallen, and he even felt the suffocation and the cold in the air.


The big mouth of the thunder crocodile, bite.


The power of thunder slowly dissipated, and likewise, Hu Qi's figure disappeared on the edge of the square.


Many people swallowed.


I couldn't believe it at all, it was Zhang Hanyang who took the lead, and I couldn't believe that they actually killed Hu Qi in front of Hu Yuan.

"Senior Zhang, you are as straightforward as you always have."

Li Mu leaked a stiff smile.

It seems that from this moment on, the situation is already obvious, and this war is inevitable.


Nina was also dumbfounded.

Even the tears from just now hung in the corners of her eyes, but the whole person was lost in confusion.

It really started fighting.

If something happened, did I cheat Uncle Zhang and the others?

The scene calmed down a bit.

But everyone knows that this is the eve of the storm.


Many people in the stands on the central square retreated.

Stay away from the circle of war.

Hundreds of people fought, and the entire palace of the elemental elves would collapse.

At the very least, there were many people who couldn't hold it.

The crowd rioted.

People in all the squares got up and flew into the air, rising, then rising again, away from the battlefield.


The tip of the sun, setting.

Night has come.


Countless fallen leaves fell one after another, as if they were cut by strands of murderous aura.

Hu Yuan's face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with angry fire.

"Damn it!"


Hu Yuan's body for a while, a massive mechanical army appeared, and the firepower was aimed at Zhang Han's side.

"Zhang Hanyang, you are so bold!"

Hu Yuan said fiercely: "I was going to kill you, but I didn't expect you to come here. From the time you chose to move Hu Xieqiang and Hu Bin, you and the tiger talisman royal family are dead, no matter you What is your identity, no matter which force you are, you will die! All the members of the Tiger Talisman royal family obey orders!"


"Kill them...all!" Hu Yuan's expression was grim: "I'm going to skin them and refine their souls!"

With the sound of many words, Hu Yuan's aura grew stronger.

The momentum is soaring.

Even many monks in the Golden Core Realm were present, their legs trembling.

The pressure from Hu Yuan was too strong.

But just when the momentum reached its peak.

Zhang Hanhua's air is as plain as water: "Are you finished?"

"Kill!!!" Hu Yuan suddenly reflected the red light on his body, and began to assemble pieces of mecha, covering him.

A big battle, Roland's character that is about to be under the night, will start!

At this time, the Elf King didn't dare to say anything, and took his tribe back for a kilometer.

"Finally, just hit it, the big deal is the rebuilding of the palace."

I didn't think about the shameless question.

Survival is king.

"What, what should I do!"

Mo Wen's face was bloodless: "Do you want to get in? Zhang Hanyang, you are too impulsive, too impulsive!"

He was annoyed and not decent.

I knew I should have brought Zhang Hanyang and the others to the other hospital to wait.

Even acting at night is good.

Now facing Hu Yuan and others, the chance is really slim.

He didn't even notice that Zhang Han's face had not changed from beginning to end, and his face contained murderous intent when the tiger was overwhelmed.

"Fight alongside."

Li Mu's palms were shaking, not afraid, but nervous.

He was so nervous that his voice was trembling:

"Everyone, get ready to fight. Choose and have no regrets."

It seems that what is going to be fought is a mortal battle.


The atmosphere was too overwhelming, and Mengmeng became nervous too, raised her head and glanced at Zhang Han.

Is it still safe now?


Zhang Han smiled lightly, gave Mengmeng a relieved look, and looked up at Hu Yuan:

"Now that they have finished talking, Elder Yue, do it."

Yue Wuwei: "..."

I thought you were going to play in person.

I also want to see if you can use the realm of the Golden Core Peak to compete with people in the middle of the Nascent Soul.

Yue Wuwei wanted to see the depth of Zhang Han's strength.

Unexpectedly, he was not even ready to do it.

If it weren't for Hu Qi's words, maybe he didn't intend to use that trick.

This is using me as a thug.

In fact, Yue Wuwei felt a little unhappy, you little slippery head, really thought you could direct me to move?


Look at the face of Mengmeng.

Forget it this time.

Yue Wuwei handed Zhang Han a look of'you experience it by yourself'.

As a result, Zhang Han didn't respond, and looked calmly at the court.


Countless firepower turned the sky into a sea of ​​fire, and various moves, at first glance, there were thousands of attacks.

"It's over!"

The Elf King patted his forehead.

I don't know if it means that his palace is over, or that everyone on Nina's side is over.

"The attack is too violent!"

"This attack... everyone has to die."

"No bones left."

"Perhaps the moment they show up, it's already doomed."

"It's a pity, Yun Yingtian Li Mu, it will become the past tense, he shouldn't have participated." Zhong An's tone was full of regret.

In his imagination, fighting is not like this.

Maybe there will be tit-for-tat, but today is not the time to fight. Returning to the camps of all parties, the war of several forces is the most correct choice.

You know that the tiger is powerful, you know that they are going to stand up this time, and you dare to participate.

Li Mu, Li Mu, it can only be said that your choice has lost your life.

Zhong An sighed deeply.

Li Mu, one of the eight great young masters in the Yunxing area, still made Zhong An appreciate, at least he thought he was a good opponent.

It's a pity that if you make a mistake, you lose your life.


Pang Zhanlong held up a battle axe and hit a hundred zhang axe.

Cut horizontally, endless fire pouring down.

There is no way to hide.

"Dad, I'm scared."

Chen Chuan was a little frightened.

"Don't be afraid." Chen Changqing was a little nervous, but his tone was still very calm: "They showed us fireworks. What are you afraid of."

The comforting words were a little bit of a foot.

But it made many people sneer secretly, at the moment of falling, still have the heart to say these things?


Just when everyone thinks that the dust will settle.

A crisp sound emerged.

Looking closely, it turned out that Yue Wuwei snapped his fingers.


After the snapping of fingers appeared, there was another dripping sound, extremely ethereal, resounding in everyone's heart.


Waves spread out from Yue Wuwei's fingers.

There is no sound, no momentum to the sky.

But endless firepower, including various moves, at this moment, stand still!

Frozen in the air, as if the space is fixed.

The wind stopped, the leaves no longer fell, and the moonlight fell on the square again.

"This, how is this possible?"

Hu Yuan's pupils shrank sharply.

The heart seemed to stop beating, looking at Yue Wuwei's gaze, full of shock.

One finger to the sky?

What kind of supernatural power is this?

How could it be possible to freeze such a majestic attack?

Impossible, impossible!

What kind of strength is needed to do this?

Could it be that he came from a powerful person in the high-end star field?


In an instant, Hu Yuan was full of cold.

The hundreds of people beside him almost stared out, unable to speak.

It's cold!

Perhaps these two words are the thoughts of all of them.

In the Sea Dragon Star Territory, the most terrifying thing is to provoke the power of the high-end star Territory. Those supernatural cultivators have earth-shaking cultivation bases, and their bodies can span the cosmic starry sky.

Is he the mighty one?

Do not!

Didn’t Zhang Hanyang and others come from a remote corner of the Sea Dragon Star Territory?


"The attack is very strong, so you can understand it yourself."

Yue Wuwei snorted and raised his right hand.

Whoosh whoosh...

Pang Zhanlong was the first to fly upside down, flying into the sea of ​​attack and fire frozen in midair.

The second is Hu Yuan. He found that his body could not move at all.


‘Fortunately, I wore mechs, those fire attacks, can’t I break the mech defenses? ? ? ’

Hu Yuan suddenly discovered that the top of his head was the axe light that Pang Zhanlong played?


Cutting down, the mecha broke.

"Do not!"

Hu Yuan shouted in his heart.

Followed bleak.

Oh, just an illusion, fantasizing that I can live.

But in the face of such an existence, there is no chance.

One after another, as if being thrown into the fire.

And the sea of ​​flames in the sky turned into an incinerator.

To burn everything, including thousands of mechanical legions.


The flames filled the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky like burning clouds.


The court fell into dead silence.

Everyone stared at the picture in front of them blankly, and didn't know what exclamation to express.

Or that they were completely frightened.

At a loss.

Including the mysterious old man with the surname Guang, stood up blankly, his facial muscles trembling uncontrollably.

He had been sitting firmly in the stands. At this moment, he could not sit still, and even what appeared in his eyes was extremely shocked.

"What strength is this, this, this?"

The eyes of the old man surnamed Guang drifted to Yue Wuwei.

He knew that this big brother in front of him was not as simple as Yuan Yingqi.

Where did this man come from?


He was very confident before, and he was the strongest character in the game, but now, he feels his legs are a bit weak.

Fortunately, he did not express his position, otherwise he would follow in the footsteps of Huyuan.


The old man surnamed Guang exhaled a long breath, his expression became solemn and cautious.

"They are all dead?"

Only then did the Elf King react, feeling a little numb in his nerves.

In Roland Star, the Tiger Talisman Royal Family's line of alliances all fell and were killed by the unknown strong.

Oh, my God, the Sea Dragon Star Territory must be in riot.

The Elf King was scared, so he didn't dare to say anything. He stood there, his eyes floating on the court.

More and more people have recovered.

The field was also into a sensation:

"Who is he?"

"What is his strength?"

"He can kill the middle stage of the Nascent Infant casually, and kill the Hu Yuan casually. Is he...the peak of the Nascent Infant that is not born?"

"I'm afraid Yuan Ying Peak, it is difficult to achieve his level, right? The least of his moves, starting with Yuan Ying Peak, if it is the Transcendent God Realm, these people will die in vain."

"It's over, the people of their line have fallen, and the Tiger Talisman royal family has been hit again. They can't sit still, they definitely can't sit still, they have to use some core forces."

"A top-notch giant like the Tiger Fu Royal Family has backers behind it, and perhaps it is also the pinnacle of Yuan Ying. This incident will definitely intensify."


Countless rumors resounded across the horizon.

Mo Wen stared at Zhang Han in front of the crowd.

"It turns out that they haven't panicked, Princess Nina, you are safe. Knowing them may be the biggest opportunity in your life."

Irene on the other side patted her slightly numb face.


She sighed, shook her head vigorously, and sighed: "People are incomparable, Nina, how can you know such a powerful man?"

Seventh princess Nina became safe, and the jealousy in Yilin's heart began again.

God is not fair!

Chu Luoer, the social flower hidden in the crowd, has a pale face.

I remembered that I just went to strike up a conversation, but indirectly said something ironic. They didn't respond. It turned out that there was too much difference in status and strength, and she just performed like a clown.

There are lingering fears.

If she said too much, she felt that she might have become a residue now.

Nearly 100,000 people in the audience were located everywhere, watching the flames gradually dissipating, the court gradually calmed down.

"Well, Grandpa Yue, you are very good."

Mengmeng looked fascinated, raised her head slightly, and praised Yue Wuwei.

"It's okay, you will be better than me in the future." Yue Wuwei touched his beard, the old **** was there.

"Will it?" Mengmeng's eyes shone slightly.

"Sure." Yue Wuwei smiled and said, "You are the lord of the sky."

"Hmm, I don't want it."

Mengmeng pouted: "I have a father to protect me, I don't need to be very good."

"Your dad?"

Yue Wuwei squinted at Zhang Han.


It's still a scum now.

I want to taunt this little slippery, but I can see that Mengmeng's eyes suddenly become a little crisis, hiss!

Yue Wuwei's hair smashed, and he filtered through his mind. If he said this, he would be speechless for fear that the little girl was going to be ashamed.

That's it!

This is the first time I saw such a baby who protects his father.

He glanced at Yue Xiaonao again.


Yue Wuwei sighed with emotion.

Why doesn't she protect her father.

"Don't tell me, my dad is a bit capable."

Yue Xiao laughed and glanced at Mengmeng, and said, "Except for her ugly appearance, she has many other advantages."

Yue Wuwei: "..."

The facial muscles were a bit stiff, he hesitated for a second, his face was younger again, and he looked like he was about fifty years old, but he still kept that white beard, after all, he had to maintain the feeling of being a fairy-style.

What is the bone of fairy wind?

In Yue Wuwei's view, the white beard accounted for half of the country.

Seeing this scene, Lisa's mouth rose slightly.

If you can be conquered by Yue Wuwei, you can know that she still cares very much in her heart, but Lisa doesn't speak much or expresses well.


Chen Chuan stepped on the rattan wooden chair and clapped: "That's amazing, grandpa is so handsome."

"It's okay, low-key."

Yue Wuwei waved his hand, and he found a sense of coolness from Chen Chuan's admiring eyes.

"Old Yue is indeed amazing." Zi Yan smiled slightly: "Now it's finally quiet, Nina, don't you worry now?"


Nina pursed her lips, and solemnly saluted Zhang Han: "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

Yue Wuwei: "???"

I felt a little crazy in my heart.

Isn't it?

Are you wrong? I just shot, OK?

What do you mean by thanking him?

What's going on.

I worked hard by myself, and the benefits were all taken up by him, and he was unreasonable.

Fortunately, Nina is more powerful.

She bowed a big gift for a little longer, and it took three seconds to say hello to Zhang Han, and then bowed to Ziyan:

"Thank you Aunt Zi."

"Mengmeng, thank you."

Nina was quite moved.

"Oh, we are good sisters, you are welcome." Mengmeng waved his hand angrily.

"Thank you old man."

Nina looked at Yue Wuwei and saluted.

"My name is Yue."

Yue Wuwei snorted, adding some dissatisfaction.


Nina seemed a little surprised, and said again: "Thank you Senior Yue."


Yue Wuwei just responded.

"Okay, okay, you're welcome." Zi Yan said: "We are here this time, mainly to participate in your coming-of-age ceremony. The second is to stroll around in the Sea Dragon Star Territory. In addition to the last lost continent, there is Dahl Star, we have never been to other places, oh yes, now we are here at Roland Star, the scenery under the night is beautiful, why don't we wait for you to take us to some beautiful places."


Nina's mood turned sharply, her mentality calmed down a lot, and she also thanked Zhang Mu and others around her.

"Is there a big meal in the evening?" Chen Chuan asked.

When these words were spoken, Chen Changqing and Zhou Fei looked at each other helplessly.

How do you know how to eat.

"There is a big meal."

Nina hesitated for a second, Yu Guang glanced at the Elf King.

In fact, her heart really hoped that the father would come soon, and she also said hello to thank her, and explained his difficulties to her.

For the sake of the whole family, she can still understand.

But he was indifferent, or he didn't dare to come over.

Originally, these arrangements for food and lodging had to come from the father.

But now...

Nina sighed in her heart.

He no longer hesitated, looked at Chen Chuan and smiled: "After a while, I will prepare dinner according to the best."

"Okay, I like to eat meat, especially the pig's feet made by Uncle Zhang. It is soft and fragrant. I want to eat it now. Uncle Zhang, will you cook for Sister Mengmeng later?" Chen Chuan raised his head and looked at Zhang Han and asked.

He tried it before, and asked Zhang Han to make him delicious.

Go to the restaurant!

Zhang Han responded with three words.

Everyone in Crescent Mountain knows that Zhang Han now cooks a lot less often. Unless Mengmeng wants to eat, he rarely goes to the kitchen.

Later, Chen Chuan also learned to be clever. If he wanted to eat the meals made by Zhang Han, he asked sister Mengmeng. When Mengmeng spoke, she had everything.

"Chen Chuan, I still pester you Uncle Zhang when I come out." Zhou Fei said irritably: "You can be honest for a while, otherwise your Mengmeng sister won't take you to play."

"Ah, um, then I'll be honest."

Chen Chuan jumped off the rattan chair and ran to Mengmeng and said, "Sister Mengmeng, you have to take me to play."

"Look at your performance." Mengmeng hummed softly.

"Old Yue." Mu Xue blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "What state are you?"

"Secret." Yue Wuwei said softly.


Mu Xue curled her lips when she heard the words: "Don't talk about being pulled down, anyway, it's very powerful, Elder Yue, you can still learn more with my master now, or after two years, my master will surpass you. No chance."

"This is it." Zhang Mu lightly coughed, trying to say something, but didn't say anything.

"Something makes sense, or let's learn from each other?" Yue Wuwei suddenly became interested, looking at Zhang Han with provocative eyes.

How dare you?

"Little trouble."

Mengmeng's face suddenly faded: "Your dad's beard is growing again."

Yue Wuwei: "..."

As soon as this statement came out, Yue Xiaonao glanced at him and nodded decently: "It's long. When he falls asleep at night, I will cut all the scissors."

"You girls."

Yue Wuwei's face turned dark, and he glanced at Lisa: "You don't care about Yue Xiaonao."

Lisa groaned for a second when she heard the words, and nodded: "I think Mengmeng's words make sense. Your beard is growing again, and it's also very good. If you cut it secretly at night, I will help."


Yue Wuwei wanted to growl.

You people, just can't understand the detached appearance of my fairy style, huh.

"Then let's play, Dad."

Mengmeng pulled Zhang Han's palm and said, "Many people around here are looking at us."

"To understanding."

Zhang Han touched Mengmeng's head, raised his gaze, looked into the air, and said lightly:

"Give you ten breaths, those who have nothing to do here..."

Whoosh whoosh...

The 100,000 people around, heard these words, their faces changed greatly.

Is this going to kill?

Fly away like an escape, not even dare to take their aircraft.

"I have to remind you of something."

At this moment, Liu Qingfeng suddenly walked two parts quickly, came to the front, and said:

"The Tiger Talisman Royal Family, there are a total of more than a dozen forces in the alliance. Since they have taken action, they have all fallen, so can we receive those fleets parked on the space station? There are more than a dozen forces, at least a few hundred ships, then We will save a lot of money."

"Brother Liu, you have a unique vision." Zhang Guangyou laughed loudly: "None of us thought about it."


Yue Wuwei said: "When Hu Yuan and the others fell, those fleets jumped and left.

"It's a pity." Liu Qingfeng said with a grimace, shook his head and sighed, "It seems that the spacecraft is more functional than I thought."


Li Mu finally found the moment to interrupt. He hurriedly said: "People on and off the fleet have locators. With the technology of the Star Zone in the sea, the aircraft over there are all controlled and automatically fly to the controller. In addition, there are some metamagnetic investigations. Once the people like Huyuan die, the control team on the fleet can detect it. It takes two seconds to obtain some basic data of the attack. It is normal to evacuate as soon as the crisis is discovered. Thing."

"Fleet or something, just go and buy it at that time." Zhang Han said casually.


Liu Qingfeng nodded, looked at Li Mu again, and smiled: "Then if some knowledge of the fleet is zero, if I buy it, will there be some people in charge of teaching?"

"No, there are intelligent robots on it, and the main intelligent system. Except for some necessary facilities, it can be completed intelligently. It's just that many forces are worried that the people who build the spacecraft will leave a back door for the intelligent system. Some are replaced by adults."

Li Mu replied: "If you want to learn the control technology, intelligent robots are fine, but the intelligent system is also very expensive to research. Generally, you buy other defense systems to block interference and signal loopholes. Through learning, manual control is gradually eliminated. The authority of the main intelligent system is fine."

He answered here, Liu Qingfeng listened, and the little spirit next to him was responsible for recording.

Sometimes I can feel that Xiaoling is a very good secretary.

People are good-looking, they can do things, and they can do nothing.

With the evacuation of the surrounding people, including the old man surnamed Guang, he wanted to come over and ask something.

It turned out that the other party didn't even look at him at all.

Is the card of the North Ice Hiroya not big enough?

He was a little suspicious.

After thinking about it, according to what Zhang Han said, the ten breath time retreated.

Many aircrafts rushed in all directions in the sky.

Roland Star, the false grand occasion of the elemental elves, Princess Nina's coming-of-age ceremony, ended.

With twists and turns, the scene was repeatedly sensational.

In the end, the strongest forces on the spot such as the emergence of unknown powers and the killing of Hu Yuan.

One can imagine how shocking this news will bring to the Sea Dragon Star Territory.

Nina coming-of-age ceremony.

Zhang Hanyang reappeared, killing the tiger with a single finger, in full view.

The mysterious old man came out, and the world changed with his hands, crushing Hu Yuan and hundreds of people.

Sighing that the sky is wireless, the mountains are also old, and whoever laughs is always ups and downs.

Obviously, the last person who laughed was Zhang Hanyang, who was thought to be defeated.

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