Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1084: Want to hug thigh

Most people left, leaving the elemental elves staring at them.

Mo Wen moved over and walked over.

"Thank you, thank you."

He smiled and looked at Nina and said, "Seventh Princess, it's over, it's over."

"Uncle Morwen, I worry you." Nina said with her lips pursed.

"It should be."

Mo Wen Yuguang glanced at the thousands of Elf royal family members at the back and didn't say much.

"Uncle Morwen, can you help me arrange a dinner party? It's in my palace." Nina said.

"Of course you can." Mo Wen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will arrange a dinner with the best specifications."

"Thank you, Uncle Morwen." Nina nodded slightly, and looked at the Elf Kings behind her. Her gaze froze for a second, but in the end she didn't say anything. Instead, she turned to look at Mengmeng and smiled: "I Take you to some fun places. Let me go to my palace first. I want to change this outfit."

"Nina, you are wearing pretty clothes." Mengmeng glanced up and down.

"But it's not comfortable." Nina replied.

"Well, then go change clothes."

Mengmeng nodded, and everyone floated towards Nina's palace, and no one paid any attention to the Elf King's side.

In this field, some plants were damaged. For the building, there were not many damages. After all, the previous battles were kept at a low altitude.

Seeing that they were leaving, the Elf King raised his hand, his mouth moved, and finally his palm was retracted.

Weak in heart.

He knew that when he gave up Nina, she would be sad.

But if the whole elven clan leaves one with her, the elven king chooses the former.

In this case, once a choice is made, something will be lost.

After Nina and others leave.

A man over two meters from the Elf Queen said in a deep voice:

"The seventh princess didn't even come to ask for instructions, so she left by herself. She even pretended to entertain guests for our elves. After the coming-of-age ceremony, she really grew up.

There was some irony in the voice.

The elemental elves care most about these etiquette issues.

Nina made the decision by herself, which obviously touched some people's nerves.

After he spoke, two women also agreed:

"Yes, Princess Nina has completed the ceremony. It can be said that she is already an adult. Why doesn't she even understand these basic rules?"

"I think she is relying on her own power. There are those strong people as backers. She knows that we dare not say anything. This is warning us? Is it intentional?" The last woman who spoke was a little bit sour.

Why would Nina know such strong people?

The sound of their words made the Elf King's face darkened by three points.

He is the Elf King.

The majesty is untouchable.


At this moment, Mo Wen, who was about to leave, frowned, looked directly at the man over two meters tall, and said:

"Speaking ill of others behind is more detrimental to etiquette. Why didn't you say these words just now? They saved Nina. What kind of person Hu Qi is? Everyone knows that the life-saving grace will return to you, Nina It’s normal to entertain them. How can it come to you? It seems that you are going to be on your behalf? Or else you will invite Zhang Hanyang and the others to come to the dinner party?"

"What are you talking about?" The man's face changed slightly, and he said angrily: "I just kindly reminded that there are no outsiders here, so I just said that if they are seen by outsiders, the seventh princess of my clan will not even ask for instructions. Please tell me, what is the face of Wang?"

"Ha ha."

The man sneered again:

"Mo Wen, I see you go out, and your mentality has changed a little. Is it possible that you are attracted by the life of drunkenness and gold from the outside world, and the essence has changed? Oh, there is a saying that makes sense. Those people are in my elves. The king should take the lead in the reception. You can arrange a dinner, but it will be set up in the palace of the king. At that time, some core disciples of our clan will personally accompany them."


As soon as this remark came out, many people present slightly changed their expressions.

Especially those queens, their eyes flickered.

There is no doubt that among those Zhang Hanyang, there are masters.

Especially Zhang Hanyang and the old man.

With the strength to kill Hu Yuan and other hundreds of people in a flash, it can be counted with one hand in the entire Sea Dragon Star Region.

This is an opportunity to hold your thigh!

If you make good friends, it will be an opportunity for everyone.

Before they saw that even Yun Yingtian's Li Mu was following them honestly, looking like a small attendant.

How much do you have to think about how dignified Li Gongzi can do this?

There is Yunyingtian and Zhang Hanyang. If you participate in it, it may become another large power alliance in the Sea Dragon Star Region!

"You think well."

Mo Wen shook his head and turned to leave.

At this time, several queens spoke:

"Wang, I think this is a good idea. They came to Roland Star. Actually, they need to be hosted by Wang personally. As the seventh princess, Nina is able to make good friends with these people. It is also a good idea. It is absolutely possible to give this dinner. As a celebration feast."

"Yes, it is also to celebrate the complete success of Nina's coming-of-age ceremony."


A few words impressed the Elf King.

Just listen to what he said:

"Mo Wen, go and arrange the dinner party in the palace of the king."


Mo Wen stared, trying to pretend not to hear, but it was impossible.

He turned to face the Elf King, and said, "Wang, I don't think we should be too hasty about this matter. I can ask Zhang Hanyang what they mean first, and then make a decision."

"It's okay."

The Elf King turned into that majestic king again, and said quietly: "They are here to attend Nina's coming-of-age ceremony. Since their strength and status are up to the standard, I naturally want my royal core to entertain them personally, and Nina takes them around. When the dinner is over, you can take someone directly to the palace."


Mo Wen answered, turned and left cleanly.

When he reached a distance, he sighed deeply.

I can hear that the people behind are falling into discussions.

Indeed, it is the luck of the elves to be able to make good friends with Zhang Hanyang, but...

Zhang Hanyang, who couldn't guess his thoughts, sounded. He acted too casually, as if he didn't pay attention to any rules with you. Will he come?

Will it be on Nina's face?

Some headaches.

Mo Wen didn't know what to do. Right now the Elf King spoke, and he could only follow the orders.

Go to the elves’ dining room and start arranging the highest standard dinner.


Until Mo Wen left, the two-meter tall elf spoke:

"Today's matter has too much influence. Under the anger of the Tiger Talisman royal family, our elemental elves cannot get out of the matter."

"You come with me."

The Elf King didn't want to discuss these things in the public, so he waved his hand and asked more than twenty core personnel to follow him to the palace and sit in a hall.

"Today's matter, Mubu, you send people to always pay attention to the development of the royal family of Tiger Talisman."


"The Tiger Talisman Royal Family Alliance is very powerful. Fortunately, Yun Yingtian is involved, otherwise our situation will be in crisis." The Elf King frowned.

"It may not be so."

A queen with a curling hair leaked a smile and slowly said: "That old man, who is extremely strong, must at least have Nascent Soul Peak. Such a big man, even the Tiger Talisman royal family, must be considered, and no one knows theirs. Origin, in the Sea Dragon Star Territory, such big people are rare, and most of them come from some hidden families. Ha ha, if they come from the hidden families, the tiger talisman royal family has no choice but to swallow the broken teeth. There are Nina and We can also get acquainted with and make friends with them."

"That's right." Someone agreed: "We continue to be a strong and stable backer. It happens that Zhang Hanyang and the others are such a force. Li Mu's attitude can tell a lot of things. Clouds and shadows are there, even if something goes wrong. As for things, they will also move faster, Princess Nina, it seems that they really have done something."

"Nina is the most beautiful princess of our elves, and she has good luck and eyesight."

"Zhang Hanyang and the others, we need to entertain them, and we can also have some of Nina's sister Wangs accompany them. I see those people, they are here for Nina, maybe it is because of Nina, and they are married... .."


The Elf King and a group of core personnel discussed here.

I even thought about how to entertain them these days.

Nina knew nothing about this.

Maybe she wouldn't have any thoughts if she knew it.

After all, used to it.

At this time they had just arrived at Nina's palace.

According to common sense, Wangdian does not welcome guests of the opposite sex.

But now, Nina has begun to tire of those etiquette rules.

Does understanding etiquette mean excellence?

Do not.

That's just the city house.

Mengmeng can say whatever she wants to say, where do she want to play? What to eat It's very casual.

This sense of freedom attracts Nina all the time.

She is very envious of Mengmeng, especially when she has such a father and mother who dote on her.

Now there is another Yue Xiaonao, and it can be seen that she is also at ease.

Gradually, Nina didn't want so many rules.

Great freedom is something that many people pursue.

But there are very few that can really be done.

"Mengmeng, Xiao Nao, Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zi, I'm going to change clothes first, you can sit and sit here." Nina said with a smile.

"Okay, go." Zi Yan nodded gently.

The palace is like a large villa with a circular staircase of vines and wood. Nina is walking towards that side when she wants to go to the second floor.

Chen Chuan blinked, staring at the dress on Nina's body, and ran over:

"Sister Nina, I will change clothes with you."

"Huh?" Nina didn't react, she was a little dumbfounded, and when she reacted, her pretty face blushed.

"Puff..." Chen Changqing almost spouted water, dumbfounded.

My eldest son, what are you doing? Molesting someone?

"Chen Chuan! What did you say? Come over here! Hurry up!"

Zhou Fei's eyes widened, and she looked at Chen Chuan murderously, her voice full of seriousness.

Chen Chuan's momentum weakened for a short time, and he ran to Zhou Fei in small steps, standing straight upright.

"What did you just say?" Zhou Fei said calmly.

This child is getting skinny, whether he wants to go to heaven or not?

At this time, Mengmeng did not speak either. Everyone looked at Chen Chuan and felt that Chen Chuan should want to play something. At least at his age, it was definitely not because Nina looked good.

As everyone knows, some fate is actually destined when they meet.

"Mom, me, why are you so fierce."

Chen Chuan pursed his mouth very aggrievedly and said in a low voice, "I am, I am the one to look at the clothes on Sister Nina's body. I want to show them to my mother and take pictures."


Knowing his thoughts, Zhou Fei was angry and funny.

"This, the idea is good, but right." Chen Changqing said: "In this regard, you have to ask us first. If you want to borrow clothes, you have to ask Nina instead of just changing clothes with her. Didn’t Dad tell you that boys and girls are of different genders, and many things cannot be done. Have you forgotten?"

"I remember." Chen Chuan clasped his hands together and whispered: "You can't kiss or hug girls. You have to ask first when holding hands. I didn't want to kiss, hug and hold hands with sister Nina. ."


Nina's pretty face was even redder, and she couldn't wait any longer, and hurried to the second floor.

"Your son, it's very interesting." Yue Wuwei wanted to laugh, his eyes floating towards Lisa, full of meaning:

Do you want to work hard to give birth to a son?

Lisa pretended not to see it and ignored it.

"I can't do this next time." Zhou Fei rolled her eyes unhappily, then sighed lightly, looked at Chen Chuan and said: "We should be a good, polite child, as good as your Mengmeng sister, you know? ?"

"Sister Mengmeng..."

Is she good?

It seems very naughty too.

"I know."

After humming twice, Chen Chuan nodded decently.

"You made your sister Nina blush just now, you must be punished and you stretch out your hand." Zhou Fei said.

"Mom, tap it."

Chen Chuan carefully stretched out his right hand.


Zhou Fei hit him three times.

Thunder, little rain.

It didn't hurt at all, but Chen Chuan's expression, let alone how wronged.

Standing by the side silently, as if about to cry.

Mengmeng kicked Chen Chuan's **** until Nina changed into a light blue dress: "Okay, stop pretending, let's go out to play."

"where to play?"

Chen Chuan raised his head, his expression looked aggrieved, his eyes were bright, and he couldn't wait to go out to play.

"How do I know where to go? You can follow wherever you go, just ask." Mengmeng gave him an angry look.

"Hmm." Chen Chuan closed his mouth honestly, for fear that Mengmeng would not take him to play.

With Xiao Chenchuan, Mengmeng, and Yue Xiaonao, the atmosphere of the whole team is active.

Children love to play, and even at certain moments, some adults will remind them of their childhood, time passing by, and full of emotion.

Seeing Zhang Li staring at them with a smile, Liang Hao smiled and whispered in her ear:

"I think we can actually consider having children."


Zhang Li nodded shyly, and then replied something shocking Liang Hao: "We will have to wait until we have enough of Sea Dragon Star Territory."

Liang Hao: "......"

Ma yeah, the Sea Dragon star field is so big, when will you be able to play enough?

Liang Hao and Zhang Li are together, and most of them are Zhang Li who can make decisions.

It's not that Zhang Li has great backers like Zhang Han and Zhang Guangyou, and it's not that Liang Hao lives and eats here, which makes him feel a bit cumbersome.

It's because of his personality. When Liang Hao returned to Xiangjiang, he was a bit personable, gentle and gentle, and belonged to a more considerate and warm man.

Zhang Li is very eclectic, always at a loss, and has her own ideas. At the beginning of the relationship, Liang Hao listened to her. Over the years, she has become more and more habitual. She is out of control, and even Zhang Li does not do anything. Decided, Liang Hao didn't know what to do.

Seeing these two people whispering behind, Zhang Guangyou and Rong Jiali turned their heads and glanced.

"What are you talking about sneakily?"

Zhang Guangyou's dissatisfied tone: "Sneaky, not studying business all day."

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