Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1088: Game bin


Yue Wuwei touched his beard: "This method does have a hit. I knew at the beginning that our habits, including **** and black and small, are also at the table. There are not so many rules, and there are many rules for the elves. For the ethnic group, they are not used to it. If this is the case, it is better to directly tear the skin. They know that we can be unscrupulous here, and our hearts are gradually weak. Finally, we apologize to Nina, which is a mediation relationship. After all, the bell must be ringed. I want Nina to get better, this method is the best."

At the end of the day, Yue Wuwei shook his head again and again; "This kid, at the beginning, is in the next set, just because Nina's mood will affect Meng Meng, haha, I am the first time I saw someone like you."

I also admire the bottom of my heart. Zhang Han’s attention to Meng Meng is not too high.

Single-minded, just for Mengbao to have a carefree and happy life. In this respect, Yue Wuwei feels that Zhang Hanyang said the second, no one can say first, including himself.

"Great Master." Mu Xue eyes brightly: "I want to be taken care of like this."

“How old are you?” Mu’s head said with a sigh of relief: “It’s already late, and then, when you were naughty, when you were young, I’m very used to you, don’t forget.”

"Oh oh, my father is right." Mu Xue spit out his tongue.

Everyone around them looked at Zhang Han.

He laughed and said nothing about it.

"Dad, you are super good, what?"

Meng Meng’s mood was very good. She stood up straight and kissed Zhang Han’s cheek several times.

"Well, well, kiss your face." Zhang Han said with a smile: "Come and eat, so many dishes, you have to eat every bite, pick some that you usually don't eat, eat more."

"Uh huh."

Meng Meng is very stinky and shook his head.


Next to the **** also opened his mouth to Zhang Hannu, indicating: Master, what?

However, Zhang Han did not look at it.


The **** nostrils spewed two white air.

Oh, angry!

The atmosphere of the scene turned sharply and became very peaceful.

Everyone has also moved chopsticks to start this sumptuous dinner.

At this time, outside the palace.

The Elf King went out and stood not far from the gate, sighing heavily, with helplessness and shame.

Until the big lady came out.

What they are talking about is why Zhang Hanyang is so overbearing?

Silently sucked the hatred of hatred.

When Mo Wen and Nina came out, they didn't say it.

"Nina, you are wronged."

The Elf King was silent for two seconds and said: "But if you change to someone else, I will do the same. I hope you don't blame me."

"Well, let alone this, Nina is a good boy, she will understand..." The three ladies took the initiative to say a few words.

The atmosphere was not bad, only the elemental elves were left, and they spoke comfort words to Nina.

Of course, the Elf King also said that he should be good with them.

Although those people swept their faces.

Elf King is such a person, oil and salt do not enter, but also the heart of the whole family.

After chatting for half an hour, the Elf King dissipated, and Mo Wen and Nina returned to the main hall.

Talking inside and laughing, the atmosphere is like a real dinner.

"Nina, why are you coming back?"

Meng Meng raised her lips: "We are all finished."

"I am not hungry. When we sit for a while, we will go back to my palace. I will give everyone a room," Nina said with a smile.

When she came to the front, she gave a tribute to Zhang Han: "Thank you, Zhang Shu."

"You're welcome." Zhang Han looked at her.

Compared to the previous boring, like a storm, the mood has turned sunny.

This kind of thing on the mind can feel more.

In fact, it is really what others have said, Zhang Han likes to be positive and energy is positive.

Positive energy is one of the important reasons for staying happy. If you say that people who are together with negative energy bursts all day, they will also be troubled.

"Meng Meng sister, wow, your room is beautiful, I want to be together... Hey!"

In the night, when Nina was condensing the house in the palace, she looked at the cute and exquisite house. Chen Chuan’s eyes were bright, and when she did not finish, she was kicked by Chen Changqing:

"How many times have you said that boys and girls are different, keep distance."

My heart is saying: Baby, Dad doesn't hit you, wait for you, Zhang Shu, to beat you, then your **** will hurt, Dad is for you.

"Oh, I know."

Chen Chuan was very wronged and touched his ass.

In fact, it does not hurt at all.

"Nina, do you give me a hammock?" Meng Meng stunned and pulled Nina into the design room.

Others do not have this treatment.

Including Zhang Han and Zi Yan, they also cleaned up their own rooms.

The scale is somewhat like a planned row of bungalows.

Nina and Meng Meng have to live together at night. Nina was not used to it. After the last time, it felt quite interesting. There are still so many key topics.


Yue Xiaoyun stayed there for a few minutes, ran out and said with Yue Wuwei: "I don't go back to sleep at night."

After that, I ran back.

Three gimmicks, is this going to be a long talk at night?

during break.

After chatting for a while, Meng Meng asked:

"Nina, where is the game bin you said?"

"I am going to take it, or do we go to the palace to play?"

"Well, I looked at the hall during the day." Yue Xiao said: "Just take us to visit, I will see if your palace has a cute castle."

“The cute castle?” Nina smiled slightly: “That should be beautiful.”

"Yeah, it’s very nice, there are rooms in it." Yue Xiao said with a big voice: "It’s better than my palace. Hey, look at Meng Meng Dad, it’s designed well. My dad designed this. No, he used to fool me..."

The three people chatted, coming out of the house on the right side of the palace, entering the palace, and began to experience high-tech games.

Entering the game bin, as if stepping into another world, the game inside is quite real.

Meng Meng played for a while, I feel very strange, it is a fun type, but what is missing.

"It’s fun to play, but it’s not right.” It’s the same after Yue Xiao’s experience.

"Ah, I know, there is only one game bin, we play in it ourselves, I used to not get used to black." Meng Meng suddenly said.

"Yeah, there is no soul to play black games!" Yue Xiaoyun suddenly realized, and then tangled and said: "But there is only one game warehouse, we can't open black."

"Or else, today, I will let my dad buy more game backs tomorrow." Meng Meng muttered.

In fact, I still want to play for a while.

Meng Meng is a schoolmaster, but also a small internet addiction girl.

"Or else I am going to find a few sisters to borrow a game bin?" Nina thought about it.

"That's not so good." Meng Meng hesitated.

"Nothing, I will ask first."

Nina indulged for two seconds, turned on the communicator, and contacted her two sisters.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only promised, but also personally sent it, the attitude is good.

I want to come back to Elf King and others, and then I opened a small meeting.

This is what I want, and the three enter the game bin and enter the game world.

In the novice village, they got together and looked at each other.

"Meng Meng, our appearance can't change like it." Yue Xiaofan looked at himself and didn't understand the rules of the game. Look left and right.

“It’s going to change the face to be spar.” Nina smiled. “The recharged spar needs to be at the designated location. The nearest address is a star, there is a two-hour flight.”

"Can this game also be used for money?" Meng Meng stunned and looked a little disappointed.

"Oh, it’s a bit simple to play with money. My dad is very fierce in playing games." Meng Meng said with a sigh: "Every time you charge, you are the first to serve."

"The whole service is the first..." Nina is speechless.

I don't know what to say.

This game is full of the first appearance seems to have spent thousands of crystals?

"The first service is not very useful. Besides, this game is a bit outdated. A few years ago, Deere forces released a new game warehouse. There is a game inside, called the Devil World, and the response is not bad. When we go out to go shopping, we can buy a few models," Nina said.

"Oh, well, then let's hack people now." Meng Meng's eyes drifted in other directions.

"Kan, hacking?" Nina stunned.

"Yeah, playing games doesn't cut people's things," Meng Meng said strangely.

"Go to kill the beast and treasure hunt." Nina touched her forehead and said: "The fun of this game is that the beast inside is based on the real, maybe we can see some powerful beasts, touch If you get it, you can understand it. If you encounter it in reality, it won't be too flustered, but the spirit beast will also change. The illusion here can only be used as a reference."

"Oh, playing games, I want so much." Yue Xiaoyun looked at his arm wearing armor: "Meng Meng, you cut me a knife."


"Biekan." Nina saw Meng Meng in the knife, and said quickly: "Meng Meng your number is higher, the level of the small trouble is lower, you slap her a knife, the blood is going to drop a lot, the recovery is very slow, I have died twice today, and I have to wait three hours to recover after I die."

"That's a hurdle." Yue Xiao was shocked: "No, how to give me the low level."

"Is this game bin not your choice?" Meng Meng snorted: "Well, let me wait for you to follow us, I will take you to hack people."

As soon as I play the game, Meng Meng’s subconscious feeling is like the size of the original, and the result is confused:

"It doesn't seem to work, I won't play, Nina, take us."


Nina smiled and walked out of the novice village with her two people. Looking at the cautious look, she knew the fidelity of the game.

The three of them played in the palace.

The other one.


The two figures quickly lifted off and flew into the distance.

Not a while.


It was two figures and flew to other places.


Someone is constantly flying out.

Li Mu, sitting in the courtyard, looked up at the sky and sighed deeply:

"Hey, they are all married in pairs. I can only watch here. I know that I have come with a female companion. I want to be a good man, but I also admire others when I fly."

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