Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1089: Eucharist Road

Then, go back and tell your father.

Li Mu returned to the room, sat in a chair and called Li Wei's communicator.


It is only turned on in three seconds.

A flash of fluorescence flashed across the plane, and Li Wei’s figure was projected.


"I have heard about it." Li Wei said directly: "At Nina's adult ceremony, Tiger Yuan passed, a total of nineteen-party alliance forces, Tiger Qi almost became Nina's fiance, and the result was in Zhang Hanyang's crowd, suddenly appeared A mysterious old man, who killed 430 people such as Hu Yuan, what strength is he? Many people speculate that it is the strongest of Yuan Yingfeng, and some even say that it is the power of the gods, what are you there? Message?"

"It should be similar to what you heard." Li Mu smiled and said: "I didn't expect the news to spread so fast. It is estimated that most of the Hailongxing domain knows it?"

"All know." Li Wei nodded, did not wait for Li Muwen, he took the initiative to say: "The tigers in the royal family are silent, no gestures are expressed, but some people saw that the tiger king's main ship flew to the northern frontier, suspected Going to Tiger Dragon Star to ask the ancestors, the impact of this matter is too great, the strength of the old generation?"

"I don't know, I can feel it in the end, it's unfathomable." Li Mu smiled bitterly: "I can't see anything in the key."

"What strength is Zhang Hanyang?" Li Wei asked again.

"I don't know, I can't feel it. It may be the middle of the Yuan Ying? Anyway, he used the secret method of the spirit to play the Pang Zhuanglong opera of the tiger's royal family in the palm of his hand." Li Mu said.

"It’s a strange group of people. Are they from a messy place?" Li Wei whispered.


Li Mu said: "There is something, or what I said last time. Zhang’s predecessors are very concerned about their family. For the sake of his daughter, he has helped Nina to shoot. It is a very subtle means. He started with the theory of Elf King. After talking for a while, he forced the people to apologize, and eventually they apologized to the elf king. Instead, they resolved the embarrassing feelings of some elves and others and Nina. This, I also said that it is not clear, anyway, he cares. Meng Meng, and the old predecessor, is a cute butler, I don’t understand, how strong is his strength, how can it be a cute butler?"

"He is a cute butler?" Li Xiao brows slightly wrinkled, sinking for two seconds, said: "That is to say, Zhang Hanyang is the core of their team."

"Their family is the core of the three." Li Mu said: "I see the old predecessors' attitude towards Mrs. Zhang is also very good, but for the predecessors of Zhang, sometimes he will say that he is a little slippery, giving me the feeling is very familiar, very close However, Zhang’s predecessors are most concerned about the mood of his daughter and his wife.

"I know, you are there to entertain you well... to be with you, when will you come to Yunyingtian?" Li asked.

"I don't know, but I shouldn't be here for a few days. They may have to buy some fleets, as if they are interested in the high-end main ship of the Snow Alliance." Li Mu said.

"The Snow Alliance, it is not cheap." Li Wei said.

"It's not cheap, but they have a lot of spar. I feel like a terrible number. Right, my father, Zhang’s predecessor may have had other interests. He knows everything well and also talks about the Lord of the Snow Alliance. The ship, in the province of Tianlongxing, can also count on the countertop."

"He has also been to the province of Tianlongxing?" Li Wei suddenly laughed: "I am more and more interested in them. This Zhang predecessor, probably not an ordinary person, can make good friends with them. It is your creation. You have to grasp it."

"It's fortune, but unfortunately I am not a woman." Li Mu's tone suddenly seemed a bit resentful: "Nina has lived in Meng Meng's room, and like a sister, I can't do it, they are not interested in me."

I thought that my father could comfort himself.

The gap between imaginable and realistic is very large.

I saw Li Xiao’s mouth with a smile and came to the sentence:

"Is it still too late for degeneration?"


Li Mu’s face was incomparably dark and hangs up the communicator directly.

At the other end, Li Wei is laughing.

"What are you laughing at, so happy?"

A beautiful woman came over with a teacup.

"Laughter Li Mu." Li Xiao smiled.

"How is your son in Roland?" asked the beautiful woman.

"It's very good." Li Wei took the tea cup handed by the beautiful woman and drank the tea. He said: "He has a very good relationship with Zhang Hanyang and others. They have an old predecessor and they have killed the tiger yuan. I feel that it is very likely that the gods are powerful, and the gods are almost invincible in the sea dragons. Unless the high-end stars come, the tigers and the royal family are waiting for the attitude of the royal family. I think they There may be an action, but it may not be that big."

"Yeah." The beautiful woman nodded slightly.

"If they move, I am also ready to move." Li Wei suddenly said: "Whether it is for the chance of Li Mu, in order to pay them well, Zhang Hanyang knows how to make a cloud map, but also like a dragon, then it will explain The old people have a relationship. He can teach Li Mu. It also means that it is not a bad relationship. In this case, it is very important to have a good relationship with them. There is only one point. We know too little about them. Always be cautious, what do you think?"

When this sentence was exported, the beautiful woman sank and laughed:

"Let Li Mu come to do it. He has grown up. It is enough for you to give Li Mu support."


Li Wei nodded.

The two chatted together.

Most are still about this.

After all, Tiger Yuan and others have fallen, and it is like a 12-magnitude earthquake. The news is swiftly swept in the Hailong Star.

When people learned about this, they didn't believe it at first, and then they were amazed and finally became awkward.

"What is the realm of the old man?"

"Zhang Hanyang? They had just happened to be in the lost continent for a while, but they didn't expect it to be them again. The people who died in the defeat were still the royal family."

"How do I feel that the world is going to be chaotic? With the hegemony of the royal family, it is impossible to swallow the sound, maybe the next time they attack, they will be moving."

"I didn't take it seriously at the beginning. Now I can only say that this is a real dragon fight."


A variety of arguments, this night, the sea dragon star field has occurred everywhere.

The degree of news has never happened in the past 100 years.

It also allowed many forces to smell the atmosphere of the crisis.

The sea dragon starry field that has been calm for a long time seems to be chaotic.

There are also many people who are gloating and sorrowful.

In short, there are many birds in the forest, and all kinds of people have various emotions.

this day.

Zhang Hanyang, the old predecessor, suspected of turning the gods, the tiger is the royal family.

Such words have become the focus of people.

Zhang Han does not care about this.

At this time, the purple scorpion is flying in the air, overlooking the beauty of the Roland star.

"Husband, do you love me?"


“How much love?”

"Old love is old."

"Oh, let's talk about the specific point."


Zhang Han light coughed and said some sweet love words.

Something funny in my heart, the child girl knows that she loves very much, but she always asks this question.

When I saw the baby, I didn’t talk, and the purple lips were licking.

"Oh, you can hang the oil bottle."

Zhang Han smiled and reached out and scratched her soft lips.

"Say." Zi Yan reminded.

"I love you as high as the sky, as deep as the sea."

"Good old."

"I am talking about the sky in all places, the sea in all places."

"It's still cheesy."

"Then you are not cheesy."

"Oh, as high as the sky, as deep as the sea."

Zhang Han: "..."

Some naughty.

But then the purple scorpion stretched out his fingers and pressed Zhang Han’s heart:

"It is the sky in your heart, the sea in your heart."

The same discourse speaks two moods.

Zhang Han worshipped.

"Going to the front is the day, we can look at the sunrise."

Zhang Han smiled and said.

"Yeah, the sky is brighter. Have we been out for two hours?" Zi Yan looked at the sky and stunned.

With my sweetheart, time is always fast.

"Almost." Zhang Han nodded.

"Then we went back after watching the sunrise, I was a little sleepy." Zi Yan yawned.

"it is good."

Continue to fly forward, as if the sun rises from the horizon, illuminates the earth, and is green.

"I feel like there is no big earth here." The beautiful eyes of the purple eyes quickly swayed and looked at the surrounding environment.

"It's a lot smaller." Zhang Han said with a smile: "In the Xiuxian world, some places are big, some places are small, like Roland Star, the environment is very good, the aura is strong for practice, the area is not big, but it is also the sea dragon star field. A good planet in the middle."

“The environment is beautiful and looks attractive.” Ziyan tapped his forehead and then leaned on Zhang Hanhuai: “I didn’t expect that we could come to the wonderful place like Xianxian one day, a few years ago, my The ideal is to get an Oscar."

"It's so cute." Zhang Han said with a smile: "Our age, in the cultivation of the fairy world, is still the kind of young, don't always feel emotion, in fact, if you want to play, you can also enjoy playing, like Meng Meng."

"Is it crazy?" Zixiao laughed: "I am a mother, my daughter is 13 years old, and I have to be steady."

"Can say such a thing, it means that you are not a steady person." Zhang Han shook the waist of the purple dragonfly: "The cultivation of the fairyland is so big, we will go to all places in the future, the sea dragon star field can only be considered temporary. Stay at the foot, play first, familiarize yourself with the environment and then go to other places."

"Well, it’s good to have you, let’s go back, I am sleepy.”

Zi Yan yawned again.



The two quickly returned to the back, and the child wanted to sleep, and Zhang Han showed the fastest speed.

In less than half an hour, I returned to Nina's palace. In the furnished room, the two were lying on the bed for a moment, and they fell asleep.

Zhang Han’s daily practice is too sham, and he does not die.

The progress is relatively slow. In fact, on the Xinyue Mountain, when Zi Zi works, Meng Meng still goes to school, and he will practice for a whole day.

With his vision and insight, plus all kinds of comprehension, the understanding of the practice, the speed of practice is very impressive, but only to the sea dragon star field, the energy of practice will be put down a lot.

Practiced at night for a while, the progress was slow.

However, for the road to practice, Zhang Han still considers a lot.

"Too virtual thunder."

"Undead King Gong."

"It’s all from the hands of mysterious masters."

"The two exercises are very suitable for my body."

"Through all kinds of comprehension, I got the magic power that suits me the most. I can say that I am not a dead demon. I have become a road to my own. I don't die, the five elements are not dead, or some long, I have absorbed five kinds of origins, but I can't fully understand them. Can be gathered into a five-line undead understanding."

“Don't you say that the timing is not enough? My absorption of several sources is almost the same.”

"It won't be...?"

Zhang Han suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of incomprehension and a smile in his eyes.

The five elements are not dead.

There is no doubt that it will be a true step into the Eucharist.

Although the undead body is strong, but after all, there is still some fire, although there is almost no human body will pass the horror of Zhang Han.

But incorporating invisible, his body is not only water and fire does not invade, it will represent, can engulf the world energy, to enhance the Eucharist, to prepare for the evolution into yin and yang undead.

Today, his property is supernatural, the broken water is empty, the fire of the magical fist, the wooden ghost, the golden mountain, the blood of the earth.

Five kinds of attributes, Zhang Han feels that the distance is not dead, and it is still a lot worse.

Before meditation, suddenly a flash of light.

Found a possibility.

That is, each magical power, each has a five-line attribute.

The broken hand of water, the broken hand of fire, earth, gold, wood.

There are five kinds of supernatural powers. He needs twenty-five kinds of attribute sources. In addition to the five kinds that are currently owned, twenty are needed.

Is that going to be too much?

Zhang Han is a bit stunned.

Attributes don't have a lot of problems. Sometimes, when they can be controlled, they can devour low-level attributes to nourish high-level attributes.

For each of the attribute energies that you have, the pressure on the body will multiply.

The amount of work will be enormous.

With Zhang Han’s comprehension, he hesitated, and this difficulty can be imagined.

“Some challenging.”

Zhang Han took a breath and his eyes flashed slightly.

This matter still has to be considered.

Not to mention those original attributes, just the amount of engineering absorbed, he has some scalp tingling.

“Before you count, it’s important to accompany the purple and cute.”

Soon, Zhang Han gave up this plan for the time being.

First, practice the sacred lei, the things of the Eucharist, you can only watch while walking, and the sea dragon star field, there is no such thing as the attribute energy, such as the high-end thing in the cultivating world.

"Do you know how old Yue?"

"If the property energy is ready..."

That will save a lot of time and effort.


Zhang Han’s Thunder’s spirit was detected and turned into a palm, knocking on the door of Yue’s stable enchantment.

‘Dry? In the middle of the night. ’

Yue Wuwei explored the spirit and said something to Zhang Han.

"Shengwuxing, the attribute origin should be quite a lot." Zhang Han said bluntly.

"What is your idea?" Yue Wuwei's voice is full of vigilance.

"My daughter is the master of the sky." Zhang Han proud of the voice.

"..." The other party is silent.

In the middle of the night, what is the truth?

"What do you want to do?"

"Ask the idea of ​​the next step of practice."

"Don't you have five?" Yue Wuwei was a bit strange.

"Not enough, according to my thoughts, it still needs twenty."

"Oh... don't even think about it." Yue Wuwei is as big as a cow: "If it is before, I can promise you, but after the village, there is no such store, and the owner of Tianliu has been Meng Meng got, I don't have the authority to get the attribute source, you really think that I am a housekeeper, can you manage anything? There are many big secrets on the holy Wuxing, even I only know one and a half points, can not control."

"So, are those controlled by your lord's mind?"

"Yes, the lord has several ideas on the holy Wuxing, but there is no chance. As long as you can conquer the idea of ​​the lord, you will have the opportunity to get it. It happens that I know the master's idea and control some attribute origins."


"The depths of the North Sea."

"..." Zhang Han was speechless.

Nowadays, he also knows that Beihaihai is not a joke, and even some high-end.

"Can you go?" Finally, Zhang Han asked.

"I can go, I can take you there, but now you can't live that level. The idea of ​​the lord is terrible. If you are careless, you will fall."

"Got it."

Zhang Han directly recovered the spirit.

Brow wrinkles.

It seems that the things on the holy Wuxing still need time to brew.

Some secrets, when Meng Meng began to unlock the Saint Wuxing Orb, it will become much simpler.

"And look and see."

Zhang Han put away his thoughts, sideways, looking at the beautiful woman beside him, his mouth hangs a soft smile, closes his eyes and falls asleep slowly.

Most people are resting, and Meng Meng is still very happy to play.

The three people played black games and it felt different.

The result comes out of the game bin.

"Oh, it’s dawn!"

Yue Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped.

"Yes, it's already morning, we have a display in the game." Nina said.

"Is there? I didn't notice it." Meng Meng snorted: "I remembered that I didn't sleep last night, and I was a little confused. I can't play the game tonight."

"When are we going to have breakfast?" Yue Xiao said.

"I am going to arrange it now, and wait for Zhang Shu, they have to wake up."

Nina smiled and said, walking out of the palace, there were two men in front of the door.

"Lorraine, go to the informant to arrange breakfast."


For about an hour, a hearty breakfast was prepared at Nina's palace.

During this period, Zhang Han and others also began to get up.

Washing your teeth is a habit, even though a small spell can do it.

"I played a game yesterday?"

When eating, Zhang Han asked and looked at Meng Meng.


Meng Meng a glimpse, clear eyes are not blind.

"Yeah, we played for one night, that game is awesome." Yue Xiao said loudly.

“Uh huh.” Meng Meng said, “The game doesn’t show time. When it comes out, it’s bright.”

"Greedy." Zhang Han said with a smile.

There is no blame.

"Meng Meng, love to play nothing, but also pay attention to rest." Zi Yan gave Meng Meng a horned hair: "Although the body can withstand, but the brain has not rested, the spirit is in disorder."

"Well, I know, I won't play games tonight, sleep." Meng Meng smiled and said.

At home, as long as the mother doesn't say anything, it's okay.

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