Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1126: Master touches porcelain

"Oh la la la."

The applause is ridiculous, there are few people, and there is no feeling of thunder.

It’s all adults, and the applause is as hard as it was when I was young.

It means meaning.

"Zhang Han! You are too insane, and you don't contact the old classmates. If Nana happens to meet you, I can't find you. Is it possible to punish three cups? The wine is ready." Someone started.

"Yeah, Zhang Dashao seems to have disappeared. This time, it’s hard to catch people, but you have to say it."

"Well, let me be joked first, wait for the dishes to be served, and drink on an empty stomach. We are not in the past, we have to pay attention to health."

"Yes, right, drink later, Han Ge, nephew, you do it first."

Arranging the seats, Zhang Han poured himself a beer:

"Then first pee three cups, just a little thirsty."

Three cups of belly, the face does not change.

"light and spacious!"


The man in the flat white shirt sitting inside, who had never opened his mouth, said, and he clap his hands again.

He was the original squad leader Li Yuqi.

At this point, he looked up and down a few times and poured himself a glass of wine:

"We have been in college for three years and played six times. I lost you six times. I haven’t done this in Taekwondo. I have always been worried."

When he heard him, Zhang Han smiled.

Li Xiaoqi, a kid, learned Taekwondo for a few years, and he had a lot of tricks, but he didn't have the strength. He and Zhang Han also agreed to be in Fujian. The contradiction between the two is because Li Qiqi is the squad leader. Zhang Han is a disobedient student. Six times, the second time was smashed.

This is a thorn in Li Zhiqi's heart, and Zhang Han has never dealt with it. He always has to wait until he graduates soon. At the last party, he smiles and enemies.

It didn't matter much, and it was not a bad thing to leave.

Now, after a few years, in retrospect, Li Qiqi discovered that it was an indelible and full of interesting memories.

Those honest students, he forgot a lot, but Zhang Han, the impression is not profound.

"Come, I will drink one."

"Come on." Zhang Han poured a glass of wine and gestured, and the two men drank.

"When I was internship, at Hongyi Technology Company, one year, from internship to team leader, and less than half a year, I was promoted to department manager. I heard about your business at that time, I can’t find you if I want to see it. Now look. Your appearance is quite good, then I am relieved." Li Xiaoqi laughed.

"Now is General Li." A man next to him added: "It has already climbed to the position of general manager. It is very powerful."

"Don't say this." Li Yuqi waved his hand: "Our party, don't say what position salary deposit car, chat is not easy, now we also have a family room, squeeze time to gather, happy It will be."

Li Yuqi did not reveal the look of showing off.

It is difficult for him to climb to the position of the general manager. He also knows that this place in the Beijing area is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Similarly, he learned to be a low-key person and do high-profile work.

Such a small gathering is still more likely to be seen by Zhang Han.

Mainly to miss the youth that has passed away.

Everyone is very polite, the scene is peaceful and lively.

When someone asked why the sable did not pick the hat.

I am afraid of messing up my hair.

Zhang Nana did not say that Zhang Han was the ‘fact’ of the son-in-law of the door. I thought he would come by himself, and whoever thought of him also took his wife.

Oh, maybe people are worried. What female students do Zhang Han have for him?

It’s really tight!

Other people, many people have repeatedly looked at the purple.

I always feel that I have seen it before, and I can’t remember it for a while.

Very weird feeling.

For the relationship between Zi Yan and Zhang Han, everyone feels different from Zhang Nana, and feels that Zhang Han’s wife is very well-behaved.

His ability to pick up a girl is really first class.

Speaking of becoming a family.

Surprisingly, more than half of the people present have not yet married.

"I paid nine thousand wages a month, went to rent three thousand, eat three thousand, entertain one or two thousand entertainment, buy some daily land, still left? I am very tired of living, get married? Forget it, can not afford. ”

"I used to be self-satisfied, and there are a lot of wages. The life of a feasting is just beginning to enjoy. Women have everything, and finding a wife is a bondage."

"The old lady only talks about love, not about marriage."


For this kind of class reunion, it is still quite lively.

As for Meng Meng, it is even more lively.

"What is the mountain?" Yue Xiaoyun asked in a taxi.

"North Qingshan." Meng Meng answered.

"What are you going to in Beiqingshan? It used to be a place for mountaineering. It will be dark after a while." The taxi driver swallowed and said: "There are no people there, how dangerous are your three little girls?"

"Hey, we are going camping, there are many people." Meng Meng said with a sigh.

"What about your parents?"

"I have been waiting for us there."

"Camping..." The driver was speechless.

In the middle of the night, camping in the wilderness, what joke?

However, at the foot of the mountain, I saw more than a dozen luxury cars parked in front of the road, and there were seven or eight people.

The driver is at a loss.

It turned out that some rich people came to find a stimulus.


I don't understand the rich world.

Get the money and get off.

Meng Meng subconsciously touched the left leg.

Moved twice, only to withdraw the palm.

Forgot to bring black, if you bring a little black, this position will usually be black.

It was less than six o'clock at this time.

The setting sun is already dusk.

"They are on the top of the mountain."

Nina said.

The spiritual knowledge has already felt that hundreds of people chatted in groups on the top of the mountain.

There is a curved mountain road.

A few people next to the car, after seeing Meng Meng three people, looked at each other and missed a smile.

"When the martial arts party, how come three small gimmicks?"

"Are they a warrior?"

"Whose younger generations come out to play, how can they not be brought by adults? If you hit a strong person, it will be a disaster for some small forces."

I whispered two sentences.


Yue Xiao screamed coldly and glanced over there.

What is the ink over there?

After thinking about it, I still haven’t learned the lesson. Some of the men who watched the car were too lazy to take care of it.


The three men ran into the jungle.


"They are very good and they seem to be very good."

"At this speed, at least it’s hard to change. The power of teenagers is very powerful."

"The girl just glanced at him and called, and I won’t talk about it next time. The ears of the powerful warrior are very spiritual."


Go all the way up.


In fact, they will fly.

"Meng Meng, why don't you let me teach them?" Going halfway up the mountain, Yue Xiao asked questions.

"My dad said, don't bother with the eyes of others." Meng Meng replied.

"In the back, you are bored. The next time you come across this, I want to beat people, don't stop." Yue Xiao said with a serious statement.

"Oh, let's go." Meng Meng also took her no move.

After a while, they reached the top of the mountain, the mountain is not high, and there is a flat place not far away.

Looking from afar, there are three or five hundred people gathered there.

There are several long rows, some people gather to chat, some people put out the booth, want to trade some treasures.

"Hey? So many third-order, fourth-order Lingbao?" Nina looked at her eyes.

"It's normal."

After Meng Meng finished, I reacted: "Oh, yes, we are here, we have not touched the martial arts. Nina, we are not the same as the Hailong Star. We have a lot of treasures, and the sixth-order Lingbao is Commonly, you see my little fingernail here, there is a small white point, that is, the sixth-order defense treasure, my father gave me refining, I have dozens of such treasures."

“How many kinds of six-order treasures?” Nina’s pupils shrank.

She never thought that there would be dozens of six-level Lingbao on one person.

My goodness.

Dozens of six-order Lingbao?


"I also have a lot, twenty." Yue Xiao said: "The sixth-order Lingbao is not the same as a toy?"



Nina’s worldview was damaged.

“There are a lot of six-level Lingbao here?” Nina took a deep breath: “There seems to be only four steps in front.”

"Not here, it is the Kunlun fairyland, where the sixth-order gems are abundant, then the ancient mines we pass by, plus the kingdom, the sacred herb, the fifth-order, and the sixth-order, Nina, you are all new. I lived on the moon mountain for a month. Haven't I seen my medicine field? There are a lot of six-order spirit herbs in it." Meng Meng looks strange.

"Ah?" Nina suddenly confused: "I didn't pay attention. I have been studying these days. The medicine gardens I have seen are all third-order."

The sound has dropped a lot.

When I came back, I only saw the moment when Leiyang’s treasures were gathered. Many things, Nina didn’t understand. When I looked at my eyes, I didn’t see other six-order treasures. Only the fifth-order, Leiyang tree. It became a sixth order, and she also knew that she was surprised for a long time.

"It seems that there is a squad there. This time we go back, I will take you to see." Meng Meng said decently.

"Well? If you are not convenient, you still don't see it." Nina was hesitant.

Medicine fields are the most important thing. Although they have a good relationship, some things have to be avoided.

"What is inconvenient, my father does not care much about those treasures." Meng Meng said.

"What do your father care about?" Nina asked her mouth subconsciously.

"I care about me!"

Meng Meng did not hesitate to answer: "He loves me the most, I said what my father listens to, especially used to me, especially men! Especially handsome!"

What's the matter?

Listening to Nina was a mess.

The relationship between Meng Meng and his family is very good.

"My dad is also very good to me." Yue Xiaoyun said: "Nina, your father can't, he is not used to you."

Speaking is too straightforward.

"My father is a king, that kind of character." Nina replied.

There are some things she can't do. At least her childhood has passed. It is also a very normal thing in the elves.

Like Meng Meng's close feelings, she is envious, but she will also face reality.

"Let's go ahead and see, I still have some third-order Lingbao that I can't use. See if it can be changed." Nina smiled and took the lead to the front.

Before you reach the crowd, you can hear a lot of arguments:

"More than six o'clock, I heard that the wind and waves Wang Anhe, Tang Jia Tang Qingshan will come over, is the news reliable?"

"It is definitely reliable. It is said that the older generations of An He and Tang Qingshan should learn from it earlier."

"What do you mean by the younger generation? The two of them are cool, they are the masters of the masters, and the Miaofei in the northwest. This group of people is close to the realm. Whoever makes the first breakthrough, the reputation will definitely reach its peak. ”

"This time, it’s not just An He, Tang Qingshan, there are many other masters who will come over. It is said that some people want to challenge An, who is also a young master. If it is true, then it will be lively."

"I don't care whether it's lively or not. I can sell these third-order Lingbao today. I can buy the fourth-order Yuqing Stone when I go back."

"What do you buy from Yuqing Stone?"

"Cultivate my Tomahawk, Mom, last week and Atai went to the ruins, my battle axe is broken."


People in groups of three or five say everything.

Most of them are masters of Qi Jin. There are a few masters in the early stage. The number of Huajin is not too small. You can also see a few dark fighters. These are dark, but they are dressed in luxurious costumes. It is derived from the famous family.

"How much is it?"

Before Nina walked to a booth, she pointed to a third-order herb, which is a red heart grass. It has the effect of keeping the spirit clear and awake, and can dissolve the power of illusion. It can double the effect in the elemental elf. In the Hailongxing domain, such a third-order spirit herb requires 20,000 crystals.

But she knows the number...

"Two hundred crystals, or exchanged with three-order gemstones." The stall owner is a warrior in his twenties, looking up and down Nina, his eyes sparkling and stunning.


Two hundred spar!

Hey, hehe...

Nina suddenly felt the heart beat.

But her look is still calm.

At the same time, she noticed the surrounding gaze and suddenly understood that the original Meng Meng and the Xiaofan wearing a cap were to prevent too many people from watching.

"Then I bought it."

Nina licked her lips and took out two hundred spar directly.

If you don't say anything, buy it directly.

I feel awkward and cheap.

She didn't even care about the treasures of space.

Who would have thought that this little gas-powered stall owner seemed to care less about her space treasures.

Oh, right, this is the earth, the treasures are worthless, and the space treasures are also.

That is here, with so many spar, you can definitely buy a lot of treasures!

"How much is this?"

"One hundred and eighty crystals."

"I want it."

Nina leaked a smile.

The feeling of leaking is very comfortable.

"How much is this?"

"Three hundred and seventy crystals."

"I want it."

"How much is this fourth-order gem?"

"Two thousand crystals."

"it is good."

The fourth-order gem is only two thousand crystals?


"What about this gem?"

"I have enough spar, this gem is a barter." The stall owner flashed.

This woman in front is a rich man.

Seeing the hesitation on Nina's face, the other stall owners nearby came to the spirit.

"I have a lot of good goods here, you can check it out."

"I also have a lot of spiritual herbs."

"Look at it, I have it."


These stall owners took out some herbs and gems from the treasures of space.

Only two people took it out with a backpack.

Since the small world together, the space treasures have become worthless, and many of them have a few cubic meters of treasure.

Of course, it also costs a lot, but this thing is a necessities in the relics, and it can’t be like a Liu instructor.

He has a background, others don't, isn't it properly taken away?

Suddenly saw so many treasures.

There are also a variety of stall owners with space treasures.

Nina was filled with emotions.

The earth is too exaggerated.

How is it like a treasure?

"Nina, do you buy these things?" Meng Meng pulled La Nina's arm: "It's a very common thing, I will give you a batch when I don't finish it."

"Meng Meng, I have troubled you so much here. How can I collect things again? It doesn't matter. I just want to buy some. I have a lot of spar here, Meng Meng, Nina, if you look at it. What, I bought it for you." Nina said with a smile.

She feels that this is too much value.

Even if she spends her spar, she will return to the Hailong Star Field and sell it several times.

It’s just that she wants to buy something she can use.

When I came to the next booth, Nina bought a lot.

that's it.

One two three...

People in this neighborhood know that they have come to the landlord.

In the seventh booth, it was a predecessor of the master, two booths beside him, and five predecessors.

More consistently, these people are very calm.

There are also several fifth-order Lingbaos on the booth.

There are also types that girls like: the look is good.

No, Meng Meng saw a jade-sized small castle.

The castle is blue, white and pink, very nice to see, and is Western European.

The above shows a fifth-order atmosphere.

"This is very nice."

The sprouting light is bright, ready to buy back and give it to my mother as a gift.

Hey, what grew up?

Who can think about it.


Just picked up the treasure, the center of the small castle, but there have been several cracks.



The face of the stall changed, stood up and stared at the fifth-order treasure. With the increase of the crack, his face was hard to look like:

"Little girl, you can see it, but it won't be destroyed."


Meng Meng squatted and then said: "I have no strength, it is bad for myself."

The main brow is slightly wrinkled:

"You use no effort, you know best, just my treasure is still intact, the breath can feel, is the fifth-order treasure, now? Lingbao's breath, only three-order, is a pure gem, before the fifth-order The top layer, the spiritual power goes in, you can set a strong defense, even the gods are difficult to break, it is my most precious treasure, the only drawback is that it is fragile, you are too hard, how can you treat it like this ?"

At the end of the day, the face of the stall owner was a bit sorrowful.

Look at the Meng Meng glimpse, I feel very wrong, the expression of the owner can be true!

"What, it is how the treasure can be broken, I see this is the flower shelf, are you touching the porcelain?" Yue Xiao said with dissatisfaction.

"what did you say?"

The stall owner's face is heavy.

The body's breath is flowing, as if it can't hold back the anger.

"It is impossible for a treasure to be broken. You are still a defensive treasure. It is bad before it is clear. We didn't pay attention to pick it up. Do you want to play it?" Yue Xiao asked.

Meng Meng reacted instantaneously, and some were not happy:

"I have been taking it very lightly. It cracks itself. How can you frame me?"

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