Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1127: I don't care who your parents are.


The stall owner sneered.

When I just want to say something.


A group of more than 20 people rushed from the direction of Houshan.

Walking on the tip of the tree, the body is chic.

At first glance.

It is the wind and waves of Wang Anhe and Tang Qingshan.

There are more than a dozen people on one side.

Come with you.

"This thing will be said later."

The stall owner in front of Meng Meng said coldly and then turned around.

After waiting for five seconds, he said with a hand:

"Anmou has seen Anhe and Tang Qingshan."

The voices of greetings on the field came one after another:

"An He, Tang Qingshan, I didn't expect you to come together."

"Qing Ma Zonglang seventeen to see An brother, Tang brother."

"They are coming!"

Someone even asked:

"An brother, I heard that someone wants to challenge you today. Is this true?"

The person who opens the mouth is one of the dark fighters. He is quite a leader. He is a commercial rich child and a gold lord of many people.

"There are people who have to challenge me."

An He and others fell on the innermost side, and there were several rows of chairs. After they sat down, An He said plainly:

"It is a young disciple of Feidaozong. When he first entered the master's peak, he wanted to take the road of the invincible master. Hehehe, he not only challenged me, but also challenged Tang Qingshan today."

From the tone of Anhe, it is not difficult to hear the dissatisfaction in the heart.

What is your hand?

Just entering the peak of the master, I am in a hurry to challenge me.

Really thought that I was a soft persimmon in the peak of the master?

"Zheng Shishan is invincible?" Tang Qingshan shook his head: "Only the monks Zhang Nai and other predecessors can only fall into the name of the invincible master. It is still when the predecessors just debuted, who else is qualified to dare to be the master of this master? Young People, still too arrogant."

"He hasn't come yet, just in time, Tang Qingshan, my cousin and your brother, compare it?" An He said.


Tang Qingshan nodded.

He had some hostility with Anhe before, and now it has been mixed for a long time, and the relationship has improved a lot.

In the eyes of everyone.

The two younger brothers went to the open space.

They had been fighting before, and they belonged to the general manager. At this time, they looked fierce and wanted to violently swear each other.

Because Meng Meng is far away.

With the sense of the spirit, there is no such thing as a wonderful look.


See them fighting.

Meng Meng will take the lead to go forward.

"Are you sure you want to leave now?"

The stall owner said with a calm face.

In the early stage of several masters, and a dozen masters of heaven, they took a few steps and faintly surrounded them.

"What do you want to do?"

Meng Meng is a little angry:

"I didn't mean it, I don't want to be blamed."

"Not how did you crack it?"

"I tell you, don't mess with me!" Meng Meng sent the first warning signal.

"Hahaha, are you not going to reason?"

"You touched the porcelain and chose the wrong person? Eyes?" Yue Xiao squinted at him.

District martial arts master, I killed you with one hand, what to install?

Even Nina’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"My mother won't let me bully people, but you can't help people..."

"Little girl, this is not a blame, this is the truth."

"My father is..."

The kindness of Meng Meng did not want to bully the weak, thinking about the name of the newspaper.

Who knows that the other party’s head has a rib and does not give a chance to speak, then they successively said:

"I don't care who your parents are. Today is your fault. You broke my Lingbao. If you don't lose, you have to go. There is no such good thing under the sun. I will tell you a few, don't give I am satisfied with the reply, you should not leave! An He, Tang Qingshan are also here, everyone is watching, even if you have come, do you dare to rebel against the world? Do you dare not reason?"

As everyone knows, Zhang Han has never been a reasonable person.

"I have given you a chance, I don't want to say it now, how do you want to say it!" Meng Meng snorted.

"Everyone knows that the fifth-order Lingbao belongs to the defensive treasure close to the sixth-order. At the very least, it must be the same treasure. If there is no, pay 80,000 spar. I will let you leave." The face of the stall owner leaked his heart and hesitated. It seems to give them 80,000 spar, and it is also very good.

"You are not touching porcelain!"

Yue Xiaosheng said loudly, she is ready to shoot.

Because of the loud voice, all the surrounding eyes looked over.

"Ha ha."

The stall owner seems to be helpless and laughs:

"Everyone saw it. She broke my fifth-order Lingbao and compensated 80,000 spar. Is it reasonable?"

At this time, the nearby masters had a dozen days of enthusiasm and nodded again and again:

"Yeah, they are really unreasonable, they are ruining other people's treasures, and they have to go straight."

"It’s ridiculous to say that it’s ridiculous.”

"It’s such a big age, just like this, will you grow up later?"

"Hey, this is the quality problem. What kind of birds are there in the forest? If you forget, they are still little girls. We don't want to say too much. When anyone makes mistakes, I know that repentance will do."

"What do not say too much? This is a reversal of right and wrong, that is, there are problems with the character, and they do not know how their parents are educated. Is it true that the whole world is their home? If you want to destroy other people's things, you want to go directly."

A series of words.

Let some people around the crowd see the stunned look.

More people secretly shake their heads.

It is really too young.

First, they don’t know the truth that money is not revealed.

Second, if you buy something at the booth, can you just touch it?

Being pitted is also reasonable.

At this time, no one dared to speak. In the early stage of the masters, plus a dozen masters.

Except for An He and Tang Qingshan, others are not opponents.

As everyone knows, a series of words have already made Meng Meng decide.

Little girl is still too kind.

If Zhang Han is here, these people are afraid that there is no chance of even nonsense.

The only end is death.


Tang Qingshan looked slightly and looked at the side.

Zongshi’s peak, just touching the spiritual knowledge, can’t control the power. The place where the naked eye said it is a circle of people.

"It seems that something happened there." Tang Qingshan said something.

"What can be done here."

The wind and waves, Wang Youyou, swim, pick up the cup in his hand, drink a cup of tea, look at the other side, through the gap, he seems to see a figure of a little girl.

Oh, la la la.

I shook my head.

The wind wave king carefully stared.

"Oh... I’m lying down!"

The tea sprayed on the ground.

Because he saw it, the little girl... eyes are haunting this anger.

She has delicate cheeks, the clear eyes of the past, and the light of the flames.

"what happened?"

A trip to Tang Qingshan.

Some can't think of anything, can you let Anhe spray tea?

"You are three little gimmicks that haven’t grown up yet. It’s not your place, you won’t pay for the spar, otherwise...”

"Ha ha."

Meng Meng sneer: "My mother won't let me bully people, but I don't say that I won't bully me."

"what did you say?"

The stall owner's face was gloomy and slowly moved forward.

Just at this moment.

"Oh la la!"

A heat wave came to the surface.

This is the smell of flame, it is extremely hot!

Even the people who are in front of the stalls feel that their hair and eyebrows are a little bit burnt.

Burning light, let them temporarily close their eyes.


Ok, very good!

These people have a happy heart.

A variety of weapons appeared in the hands.

After a second, they ran their spirits, filled their eyes, and opened their eyes.

The picture that caught the eye, let them glimpse.


What kind of weapon is this?

and many more!

How does she float in the air?


Many people have a heartbeat.

I saw the cute figure floating in the air, and her pretty face was a bit raging, holding a dozen long flames in her right hand.

"Zong, Master?"

"Isn't that a godland?"


The stall owner and others rounded their eyes.

They can also do the short-term floating, but the shape will eventually fall to the ground, the little girl in front.

Isn't this just floating?

At the very least, you must have a master!

Don't say that the master is a peak, even if the master is late, and the thief is strong, they will not be opponents.

"Who is she?"

Tang Qingshan did not see clearly, and some were dull.

"Bad, broken, broken, big things! She..." The wind and waves Wang Anhe's pupils narrowed sharply, took a deep breath, and slowly spit out Tang Qingshan's words: "She is Zhang Hanyang's daughter."


Tang Qingshan’s face turned white instantly.

Paralysis, the daughter of the demon king.

Who doesn't know that he is a pet madman?

Who doesn't know if he is offended, don't provoke his daughter?

Who was the last time? Silver Star Zong, wants to catch his daughter, and the result is over.

That is the Zongmen, which is very strong in the Kunlun fairyland.

There is also the Wind and Snow Temple...

One news flashed in the mind of Tang Qingshan.

He is a little panicked.

Zhang Hanyang is doing things casually, causing fire to his daughter. He still does not kill all the people here?

Don't miss the fish!


Tang Qingshan, An He and others immediately set off and rushed to the front.

Even their younger brothers didn't fight, and some looked at it.

what's going on?

When Nina saw the people coming around, she was slightly wrinkled.


A wand suddenly appeared in her right palm.

Rotate a circle, accompanied by the pale green glow of her body.


The staff hits the ground.


A dull sound, accompanied by a pale green glow, spreads around her in all directions.

In addition to the people within 30 meters of the radius, hundreds of people outside are suddenly covered by light green light.


Including An He and Tang Qingshan, the heart of all people has shrunk.

Can't move!

What is this strength?

Tiancheng peak?

Bad things!


Meng Meng left hand forward.

A fireball that is about the size of her is out of thin air, and it is like a broken bamboo shooter.

There are still many treasures on it.


"Puff puff......"

Meng Meng is also a bit surprised, his own fireball power will be so big.

Under the fall, the boulder is empty, the fog is everywhere, and the sand is flying...

In the early stage of the three masters who were very close, they were directly vomited by the aftermath of the bomb, and the body flew away.

At first glance, this is also fifty meters.

"Kill them!"

Yue Xiaoyun yelled aloud, his body shape changed, turned into a shadow of the road, extremely fast to one person.



Her shot was even heavier. The master was directly smashed hundreds of meters in the early stage and went down to the foot of the mountain.

See this scene.

An 瞳 瞳 聚 聚 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

"Let you play rogue!"

Meng Meng raised the fire whip in his hand.


Every time you wave, you can fly one person.

The key to this fire whip is too beautiful, so that everyone around it is a little dazed.

"God, this is definitely a god." Tang Qingshan said dryly.

Although the body can't move, but the eyes and mouth are still ok, I can't help but marvel at it: "How old is she? Fifteen years old? So small is the godland, and there is a little girl over there, teenager? This Are you all good?


He sighed heavily.

Full of words, can't say no.

He felt that the warriors of their generation were somewhat sad.

The previous generation of the Qing Emperor became the king of the gods.

Zhang Hanyang called Zun, invincible in the world.

But at the very least, there are many endless generations of Tianjiao.

For example, the world's demon king Ye Longyuan, for example, Xiaopeng Wang Shifeng waiting, Shi Feng has experienced the destruction of Feng Xuege, Feng Xue Temple, and now still lively, seems to be due to Zhang Hanyang spar? The last time there was a big force, you had to deal with Shi Feng, set up the Tianluo net, just when Shi Feng was about to lose, a light fluttering: I owe Zhang Hanyang a few million crystals, and you have the ability to kill me.

As a result, the force hesitated for a moment, and still let Shi Feng wait.

When is the money owed to Zhang Hanyang is a talisman?

Apart from them, there are some big people, such as Su Beimu of Guangming Cliff, the dust of the soul sect, Luofu Jianzong princess Mu Xue, excellent disciple Ding Jiu-ming, Tian Xiashan Yunfeiyang, Jiang Bing, Wang Xiaowu, Shuiyun Zongjiang Indigo, Xinyueshan Wuhu General Zhao Feng, Ahu...

It was a wonderful time.

Nowadays, they are so hard to have a head and a promotion to the gods. As a result, they have encountered the daughter of Zhang Hanyang.

She began to sneak in the martial arts world.

"Have it been a lot of time? Is it a god?" Anhe has some doubts about life.

I feel that this generation of warriors is going to be bad.


Yue Xiao is a foot, Meng Meng is a whip.

Just five breaths of time.

The place near them is empty.

“Hey!” Meng Meng is cold.

Holding a long flame whip, floating on it, let the minds of everyone present a thought:

Little witch?


"Who else?" Yue Xiao screamed at the audience, faintly said: "Who else dare you?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, women are forgiving."

"We don't have any thoughts. They are all self-sufficient and have nothing to do with us."

Everyone begged for mercy.

Seeing the horror of these people, Meng Meng dissipated the flame whip and said, "Let them go."


Nina nodded slightly and lifted her staff.

Everyone immediately felt that the power of imprisonment on the body dissipated.

He did not hesitate and hurried forward. When Meng Meng landed on the ground, he just came forward and said hello:

“Anhe said hello to Meng Meng Princess.”

"Tang Qingshan meets Meng Meng Princess!"

Tang Qingshan was even more happy and directly bowed his hand.

"I don't know Zhang Hanyang's predecessors... Have you come?" An Heguang looked around and asked carefully.


Meng Meng faint answer.

"Puff puff......"

In the early days of several masters who were injured in the distance, they finally managed to breathe. As a result, they looked up and heard these words. They looked at the attitude of both of them, plus the name of Meng Meng’s princess.

Scared mouth spurting blood, happy fainting past.

Zhang Han observed the entire picture.

At this time, at the class meeting, the small mouth was drinking beer, and the gentle corner of the mouth was raised.

Little girl, now there is also the capital of the martial arts world.

Seeing his smile, purple sly, as if thinking of something, squinting with beautiful big eyes, slightly bowed.

She couldn't see her appearance at the scene, and no one appreciated the beautiful picture.

This class reunion, there are also some atmosphere, drinking is even more so far, drinking happy is good, half have a family room, not ready to play too late, it looks like, after eating almost end It’s about nine o'clock.

On the side of Anhe, on the top of the hill.

Many people are a little scared and look at the deep pit.

Surprisingly, the fifth-order Lingbao, under these attacks, the spiritual treasure of the little castle, or those cracks, no more.

The defense is amazing!

At this time, even if I didn’t understand the taste before, I also knew that it was the former owner who saw that these girls had money and wanted to hang them.

It is also self-confident.

"Please come to the seat."

The three Meng Meng were greeted by An He and Tang Qingshan with great enthusiasm.

"Isn't anyone going to learn from it?" Meng Meng looked at her.

"Yes, someone will challenge me, it is estimated that it will arrive soon." An He stood by and answered.

"Then you will prepare for it, we will go back after watching the fun." Meng Meng said.


Ah thought about it and wanted to retreat it again.

He doesn't know what kind of temper is Meng Meng, he has met twice, or a few years ago.

Do not understand or do not hold the stinky feet, in the whole set, but not worth the loss.

The same is true of Tang Qingshan.

Do not dare to say more.

I am afraid that the Tang family will be provoked.

This makes the scene a bit quiet.

Big eyes are small, and no one dares to say anything.

Until a few minutes later, a group of more than a dozen people, quickly came from the mountains.

The body shape is chic.

Headed by an old man, he stood next to a young man. He looked seventeen or eight years old and looked arrogant. But when he saw Nina, the boy’s eyes were straight.

Beautiful woman.

I stared at Yue Xiao’s trouble and looked at her eyes.

Cute face, not my dish.

Turned to Meng Meng, and watched for two seconds.

This cap is a bit of a mistake, but it seems to be good.

"The King of the Winds, this time I came to learn from each other and I was bothered."

The old man said to Anhe that he said: "We fly the knife, the killing power is relatively strong, I hope that the next discussion will not hurt you, oh, you can prepare the defense treasure in advance, so as not to be in case."

The voice is steady and the expression is calm, as if it is really concerned about peace.

But he scorned his eyes and sold him.

It is he who has not been able to get on.

"Then you can rest assured that you don't want to come with anyone, you can hurt me."

"Hey, don't be afraid of better, please advise."

The youth around the old man rose up in a straight line and showed some power.

It seems that there is a knives in the air, and the face is slightly itchy.

Is a master.

An Ho put away the contempt.

I walked a dozen steps forward and looked at the young man.

At this time, the surrounding people have to step back, and the battle of the masters of the peaks must give up a large distance.

Only Tang Qingshan and Meng Meng are still sitting, and they are as stable as Mount Tai.

"There is nothing to look at this." Yue Xiao lazily leaned back in the chair: "It's better to go back and play the game."

Zhang Nana's illustration has been released, pay attention to the public number Zhang Zhang can see, in the lower right column, there are illustration options, you can see Kazakhstan.

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