Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1231: Zhang Han’s shocking practice speed

"Clerk, I want a mignon steak, it’s a seven-point cooked meal. It’s this table."


Meng Meng sat next to Zhang Han.

"The little fairy is coming?" Zhang Han smiled.

When the space door opened, he felt it.

"Hey, I don't come and no one asks me to eat." Meng Meng gave a slap in the mouth.

"Who knows when you lazy to sleep?" Zi Yan said.

"Meng Meng, how did you become so powerful?" Zhou Fei was very interested and said: "I also teach my family Chen Chuan at the time, how to say it is also your brother, you can take care of it."

"I take care of it, I am still a child." Meng Meng shook her head again and again.

"Hey, is it a child now?" Zhou Fei looked at her eyes and said, "If you don't have a conscience, don't forget, you were in bed that year..."

"Make the line." Meng Meng heard a big head, and quickly said: "I am going to eat steak, Aunt Feifei, don't say those things, your family Chen Chuan is not OK? Only eight years old, also Congenital, how much higher you want."

"Also." Zhou Fei said with a smile: "My son is only eight years old. He is innate. If he is ten years old, he can be Jindan. At the age of fourteen, Yuan Ying."

Some smug looks, from the surface meaning, seem to be much better than Meng Meng.


However, Meng Meng sighed and said with a decent voice: "Fei Fei's aunt thinks very well. Your son has also practiced for two years. He is a natural world. I am only a golden dragon."

Zhou Fei: "..."

Meng Meng ate a steak.

To be exact, it’s just two, then:

"Dad, give it to you, don't waste food, I go back to read the book, I have to take the exam tomorrow."

After I finished, I sneaked out of Dada.

"It’s really coming and going now." Zhang Han said with a sigh of relief.

After sitting in the western restaurant for a while, I went to the seaside and turned back to the Crescent Moon Mountain.

A family of three, mainly to Ziyan also experienced the fun of the space door.

It was dark, and in a blink of an eye, I came to the place where dawn.

In a blink of an eye, oh, look at the aurora.

Very warm, peaceful and happy time.

Under the night, Meng Meng and Nina and Philipna, Yue Xiaofan, plus Ahu, Xu Yong, Zhang Han and others, came to the sea.

The main thing is to look at the strength of Meng Meng.

One shot, the horror of the volatility, made their faces change.

Someone exclaimed: "What is going on, isn’t it the most natural in the world?"

"It is Meng Meng who controls the Orb. The suppression of the rules in the vicinity is temporarily dissipated." Zhang Han explained the sound.

Everyone is ashamed.

It is normal to think about it. After all, the little princess is the master of the sky.

Many people are very shocked to see the super-strong combat power of Meng Meng.

With a complicated mood, returning to the Crescent Moon, most people went to practice.

The next day.

Early in the morning, in the hum of four super-runs.

Four beautiful girls went to the first middle school and went to the exam.

The two-day final exam is over.

After three days, the school day is coming.

For the super sports car that occasionally appears in the teacher building, everyone is used to it.

"Meng Meng, aunt, Nina, Farina."

Bei Jinnan and a few classmates stood at the gate of the teaching building. After seeing a few people coming in, they greeted them:

"I have to score today, how? Is it nervous?"

"I am nervous, I am the top five." Yue Xiao said.

"If nothing unexpected, Meng Meng is the first, Nina second, the third sister, you are the three kings of the rivers and lakes, cough, and Filinha, I don't know what to test this time." South smiled and said.

"Top ten." Filina said lightly.

Bekinan suddenly didn't want to talk.

"This is not necessarily the case. Nina was only very different from me last time. Maybe she is the first to do this." Meng Meng said casually.

"It shouldn't be." Nina shook her head and smiled. "The basic question, we are all the same, don't lose points, the answer to the type of understanding of composition, I will lose more points than you."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's a simple little problem. I didn't play well this time, but it is definitely the top five." Yue Xiao said loudly.

Bekinan: "Sister, don't say..."

He wants to say a word, I really don't understand the schoolmasters like you. Oh, every time I say that the exam is not good, the result is not the top ten is the first, the general test, the top five.

I just don't want to talk.

Thinking of my own achievements, Bekinan’s heart was sad: “I may be this time, hey, maybe thirty.”

"Don't fall again?" Meng Meng glanced at him: "Is it a love talk? I haven't talked about the results."

"I don't have it, it's a good friend."

"Hey!" A cold and crappy voice came from afar.


When Beckinson looked at it, he quickly chased it up.

"I am going, can you change someone?" Yue Xiaochao looked at it carefully.

After returning to the class, Meng Meng was surrounded by a number of people, and Li Muen was quite happy.

I chatted for a while.

Class teacher Bai Yilin walked into the class with a transcript.

"Zhang Yumeng, Yue Xiaofan, Nina, Farina, how many of you can."

"Simply read it."

Bai Yilin clap his hands and look at the transcript:

“Zhang Yumeng is 739 points, ranking first in class and first in grade.”

Oh la la!

Applause thunder.

"Nina, 733, second class, second grade."

Another burst of applause.

"Yue Xiaoxiao, the progress is great, 711 points, the third class, the sixth grade."

"Fillina, progress is very fast, 699 points, class seventh, grade fifteenth."

"This time, the title is relatively difficult. The teacher team is very surprised. Zhang Yumeng, Nina, can still get such good results, the whole grade, more than 712. Only two of them, what does this mean? This is a kind of integration of the knowledge we have learned, understanding is very high, it is worth learning, the teacher also said, not blindly doing the problem ~www.readwn.com~ this The knowledge, as well as extended learning, like this exam, some extended types of questions, many people are confused?"

Bai Yilin's gaze was repeated from Meng Meng, Nina's several people, and his heart was quite admired.

so amazing.

"Other students, the score is generally lower than the last time. This is normal. The scores of the whole grade are not the last time. Our class is still the leader, the first class of the grade..."

Speaking of the situation, also named some good students, there are still need to pay attention to the retreat, the typical example is Bekinan.

"The next semester is the third year, the last year of our junior high school career."

"Everyone studies hard, your high school days are coming soon, and you are trying to get a good grade, and you will be assigned to a key class. Right, when you are leisurely, you will also do more sports. There is also a score in the senior high school entrance examination."

"If we are next semester, we have to move down the fifth floor and the sixth floor."

After chatting for a while, Bai Yilin just clap his hands:

"I wish you all a wonderful holiday."

The summer vacation is coming, and I am very happy with most of my classmates.

More than nine o'clock, the students left.

Li Munen sat on the cute car.

"It's so comfortable, I finally have a summer vacation." Li Muen said happily: "Where are we going to play?"

"Go eat an ice cream first and then talk about it." Meng Meng replied.

The small team drove to the often eaten ice cream shop, located in a shopping mall.

Everyone holds one and walks while eating.

"Yeah, Meng Meng, you look over there, isn't it a geisha?" Li Muen suddenly patted Meng Meng's arm.


Meng Meng, Yue Xiao, Nina, and Filina all looked in the direction pointed by Li Muen.

It is indeed Wang Yizhen.

Her hair turned back to black, dressed in a sportswear, and she was simply dressed.

Beside her, walking with Wang Jiawen and Su Yu, the two talked and laughed.

Wang Yizhen also had a happy smile on his face.

"Do we ask her to play together later?" Li Muen asked.


Meng Meng hesitated, shaking his head: "Still not, she is with her parents."

After a few glances, they walked outside the mall.

During the period, Meng Meng still pondered.

Look at their expressions, there should be no divorce, and reconciliation.

Meng Meng does not know the specific things.

In this case, the complete interpretation of the broken mirror, or the meaning of the suspicion.

Played outside for a whole day.

Several people returned to the Crescent Moon.

"Dad, when are we going to the Hailong Star Field?" Meng Meng ran to Zhang Han and asked.

"No hurry, you must first train and train you." Zhang Han said: "When you master it, we are going out."

"Oh, okay, then I am going to practice."

"It's not the kind of practice, it's training." Zhang Han laughed: "Look for a good island, we passed."


Meng Meng smashed, and then reacted, the right hand emerged the holy Wuxing Baozhu, the idea was put into it, staring at the half-sound: "Nobody here."


Draw a space door at your fingertips.

A family of three walked into the bedroom and came to a small island with a beautiful view.

The area is small, the sand on the beach is very thin, it is very comfortable to walk barefoot, and there are some coconut trees around.

"Get a gazebo, daughter, look."

Zhang Han’s thoughts moved.

Oh, la la la.

A few trees in the distance rise from the roots, a total of four, falling to the side of a few people, not deep into the ground, leaving only a few upper branches.


It seems to be a knife, carving trees.

Leaves, cortex, branches fly, gather up, and soon form a circular shed of more than three meters.

On the four trees, some stripe patterns were gradually burned.

When the pattern is finished, many crystal pebbles are constantly embedded in the surface of the trees.

A spar appeared on the top of the gazebo.


A little bit of mystery emerged.

“The pavilion is successful, and there is a set of tactics that can insulate and deworm.” Zhang Han said: “These are all controlled by the spirit, Meng Meng, you try, give your mother a lounge chair.”

"um hum."

Meng Meng is full of confidence, and knows how to control a strong tree.

Two minutes later.

"How is this!" Meng Meng is a little crazy expression.

Just because of the chaise longue next to the purple scorpion... almost like a wooden board, only a little arc.

"Because you are not familiar with this kind of subtle control, and have not practiced." Zhang Han laughed: "Subtle control, like carving, is also somewhat difficult. The immortals are good at fighting. Many people have a common problem and are very dependent. Gongfa, mystery, magical powers, long-term practice, but also strengthen these, is essentially correct, but strong and strong have a strong hand, Dad has seen a cultivator, he controls Wanjian, each sword All have their own moves, the swords are ever-changing, and they move with the heart, that is the real sword."

"I also want to learn such a cool move."

Zhang Hanwen shook his head slightly and said: "The cultivation of that person was only Yuan Ying, but he was able to kill the gods with the sword."

It is very bullish to kill God with Yuan Ying.

That person, who has been robbed for 50 years, is a terrible qualification, much stronger than the original Zhang Han.

Known as the world of Wan Jian, it was eventually praised as Wan Jian Xian Jun.

"I am not talking about Wan Jian, but the road he had taken."

Zhang Han’s eyes looked at the ups and downs of the sea and said:

"Spiritual knowledge is the energy of the sea that is cultivated by the immortals, but the meticulous practice is from the beginning of the gods. The person I am talking about begins to refine the practice from the spiritual knowledge. Level, primary, micro, perfect."

“Beginner, it’s not that you are using the spiritual knowledge normally, but the initial mastery, you can make two reclining chairs. Even if you master the initial situation, the process is relatively simple. Most of the cultivators can practice for a period of time, and they can achieve fine control. If the primary is a two-dimensional one, sensing a face, then the micro is a three-dimensional, the feeling is three-dimensional, probably this feeling, the perfect environment is like the full control of points and faces."

Zhang Han touched the sprouting brain and encouraged:

"The pavilion is there. As the little princess at home, your task now is to make two reclining chairs for your mom and dad. It is a kind of angular chair."

"Must complete the task!" Meng Meng replied loudly and asked: "How long does it take for the average person to reach the primary?"

"Two days." Zhang Han thought about it and said a relatively fast time.

"Then I will be within two days too!"

Meng Meng came to the side, ran to the side, using the spirit to control, began to make reclining chairs.

One, two, ten, twenty...

It seems that each one is similar to the previous one. It is not very beautiful, even a bit ugly, and it has been thrown aside.

"How long have you been using it?" Zi Yan looked at the sprouting of cultivation, smiled and looked at Zhang Han.

Faced with this sentence, Zhang Han coughed and raised a soundproof cover, saying:

"I used it for seven days."

"Oh... then you said two days?"

"Two days is the record of the Wanjian Xianjun." Zhang Han laughed: "I deliberately said for two days, wait for Meng Meng to master it in a few days, afraid to be depressed for a while, hahaha, I am Is it a pit baby?"


Purple mouth is laughing, it feels interesting, but I can't help but turn Zhang Han's eyes.

Dissipating the soundproof cover, the two walked back and forth on the beach, watching the Meng Meng.


"Dad, I am done."

The cute little face is a bit gray, and the little look that comes back from work to the ground is very cute.

But Zhang Han saw three lifelike wooden large reclining chairs in the pavilion, and also had the kind of lifting backrest angle.

The whole person is not good at all.

"It took six hours." Zi Yan laughed and said: "Hey, it’s a face."

Zhang Han: "..."

I don't know what to say.

Daughter, are you enchanting to smash the sky?

"Very good, great, very good." Praise three combos.

Let Meng Meng suddenly laughed.

"Sit down and have a rest."

Zhang Han said that the three people leaned on the lounge chairs, and Zhang Han took out a glass of juice and handed it to Meng Meng.

"Dad, it's not right, I don't see Hu Shu, the wind is uncle, they can get it out casually." Meng Meng looked suspicious.

"They are controlled by spiritual power, and only a small part is used for spiritual knowledge." Zhang Han said: "The spiritual power is controlled from the training period, which is equivalent to your own hands and feet. Naturally it is simple, and the spiritual knowledge wants to reach At the beginning, you can do it by cultivation, but the two levels of perfection and perfection require the correct method. Once the method is used wrongly or alone, it will take more time."

"How do you learn to enter the micro?" Meng Meng asked while drinking the juice and being confused.

“Like what I just said, the difference between 2D and 3D, want to be micro, and know your own spirit...”

Zhang Han will understand the general story, and wait for Meng Meng to finish the juice before teaching her specific practice methods.


Hundreds of spar appeared and fell into the open space behind the beach.

With twelve flags, a formation is formed.

"This is a Taiyi Psychedelic Array."

Zhang Han said: "According to each of the patterns presented above, according to different stages, step by step practice, you can use the spirit to control the sand, or the leaves can be anything, as long as the pattern is consistent."

"Daughter, come on," said Zi Yan.

"Well, I can!"

Meng Meng ran over and saw that the face was black: "Dad, are you sure you have no pits?"

"No, hurry up and practice. I thought that my father used to practice these things for five days." Zhang Han said.


A long snoring is full of resentment.

In the resentment, there is mixed ambition.

In sight.

The pattern in the array method is dynamic. There is only one line at the beginning, suddenly it becomes a cross, and it becomes a rice word, a circle, a double circle, and gradually becomes a maze, and then a more complicated pattern. A snake, two snakes, and thousands of snakes danced. Gradually, there was a giant python. The giant python walked between the mountains and forests. It was a prestige. Then, on the forehead of the giant python, two drums appeared, turning into horns and becoming dragons. Into the river, into the sea, overturned, thunders all over, the dragon into a five-claw flying dragon, flying in the clouds.

This is the entire picture from beginning to end.

Even Meng Meng saw the images behind it, and they were a little confused.

"How do you get this?"

"It's so hard."

Some pressure.

But Meng Meng has the spirit of not admitting.

Relative to practice, she prefers to see her own success, the praise of her father and mother, and the smile, pride and pride on her face.

Serious sprouting is very quiet.

He stared at the big eyes shining and stared at the picture inside the circle.

In the picture, the image of the first stage has been presented.

Is the conversion of the line.


Under the control of Meng Meng, Xisha continued to gather and became a straight long line, gathering five meters in front of it.


It is also a long line of fine sand.

The cross is very simple.

When it becomes rice.


The sand fell to the ground.


Meng Meng stayed up.

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