Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1232: Travel

"The previous cross was not in control."

"That's it."

Meng Meng once again gathered into a cross, did not become a rice, this ‘ten’ word began to rotate, front left and right, left and right, and constantly flew around. After a few minutes, it seemed to be strong, and Meng Meng gathered into a rice.

Quiver a few times.

Oh la la!

Also scattered on the ground.

However, the time for the word maintenance is two seconds longer.

"The progress is fast."

Zhang Han saw this and said: "My daughter must be a big fairy in the future."

"Then you have to work hard." Zi Yan joked: "Don't wait for Meng Meng to surpass you, then she will fall in love..."

"Ha ha ha, think more." Zhang Han snorted.

My heart is beginning to ponder.

The five elements are not dead, but they still need to be practiced and silenced for a while.

The split fist can continue to improve.

The next road is a very normal stage of spiritual practice.

"Somewhat strange, practicing the sacred lei, transforming the gods, this process, let me feel the sea emptiness, hunger."

"Reprint, is it to swallow the Thunder?"

"should be."

"God knows, the big devil Yuan Ying, to maintain balance, that yin and yang do not die, how to practice?"

“Extremely yang, extremely yin?”

"Maybe you can practice the magic of the gods, control the Thunder, and open the third floor of the Rezun Tower, not far away."

Zhang Han was indulging for a while.

I don’t think about it, I’m looking at Meng Meng’s practice.


Unexpectedly, this blasphemy, Meng Meng has solidified the word 'm'.

This is too fast, right?

Even Zhang Han is a bit stunned.

In this way, watching Meng Meng practice, until the night falls.

The progress is great, and Meng Meng is still practicing.

"Daughter, don't practice, go home and daddy will give you a good meal." Zhang Han couldn't help but interrupt: "The rest should be rested, and it is not good to practice."

"Ah, okay."

Meng Meng ran over and shook his head: "It's a little dizzy."

"Ha ha ha."

Zhang Han laughed and laughed again and again: "Go, go back and sleep well, we will wake up tomorrow."

This kind of practice does have some vertigo.

Zhang Han clearly remembers that after he practiced himself, he slept and his spiritual knowledge grew a lot.

Go back to the Crescent Moon Mountain.

"What have you been doing? Come back in the middle of the night?" Zhang Guangyou passed by.

"Going to practice, I am even more powerful to my grandfather, you are not my opponent." Meng Meng said happily.


Yes, I can't help it.

Zhang Guangyou immediately went to practice.

"This is midnight."

Zhang Han said something, went back to the kitchen and made a sumptuous dinner.

The next day.

After waking up, Zi Yan was on the bed with a tablet to download the TV series.

Meng Meng is washing, she does not seem to feel how much the spiritual growth has increased, a bit of a big gesture.

Zhang Han is in the kitchen.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Han thought to tell Zhao Feng that the family of three left directly from the space door.

Come to the island again.

"I am going."

Meng Meng went to the side of the circle and continued to practice.

The sable is sitting on a lounge chair, snoring and watching TV shows.

Zhang Han closed his eyes next to him, practicing the sacred lei, or feeling and perfecting the cracks.

A family of three, on the edge of the island, listening to the sound of the waves.

Time passed slowly.

In the evening, the progress of Meng Meng is very fast, and the maze has a rough trace.

The third day, the fourth day... until the tenth day.

"Dad, look here!"


Meng Meng screamed and screamed, accompanied by her spiritual knowledge, group snakes danced, giant python appeared, turned into a dragon, hiring the sea, and then for the dragon, soaring clouds.

A vivid picture, with the sound of budding.

It’s really murderous.

"I am done."

Meng Meng was very happy to run in front of Zhang Han, and then sighed again: "Hey, I finished the micro level in ten days."

"Ha ha ha,"

Zhang Han laughed: "Dad is used in the micro level for five days, and ... the maze is the micro level, the dragon cloud is the perfect situation, congratulations, my princess, you have reached the spiritual control The perfect environment."


Meng Meng was stunned.

I did not expect that I had completed the control of the perfect environment.

"It's amazing, applause!"

The purple cicada is applauding for Meng Meng.


Meng Meng smiled happily.

The surprise came too suddenly.

"But... I have not practiced other things. I am not trying to improve combat effectiveness?" Smiled and laughed, Meng Meng was puzzled.

"It has been upgraded. Today is the small island, the last day of practice."

Zhang Han got up and said: "You are now playing a fireball, and then try to divide a thousand flames in an instant."

"um hum."

Meng Meng turned and faced the sea.


A group of white fireballs, mixed with the power to fly out.

About a dozen meters, sprouting some kind of white awning.


The fireball is turned into a long line of thousands of flames, constantly flying in the air.

Under the control of Meng Meng, a hundred flames fell in the sea, and it was like a covered bombing.

In addition, nine hundred flames, according to the idea of ​​sprouting, constantly rotate and dance.

Half a ring, gathered into a giant python, half ringing, and gathered into a dragon, flying dragon, gathered into a big fish, gathered into a fire person...

Point, line, surface, all-round control.

In order to teach Meng Meng, Zhang Han is painstaking.

Instead of using any moves to enhance her combat effectiveness, she will solve the problem from the root.

"There are endless possibilities."

Zhang Han smiled and said: "Now I know it. In fact, this seemingly cool change comes from the level of control. After a while, I am teaching you a few tricks."

"Then I want to learn grandfather, grandfather, uncle, snow, and they will be the kind of extraordinarily powerful and super cool moves." Meng Meng said to the flames.

"Well, the first trick I taught you is called the phoenix and the wings." Zhang Han licked the cute shoulder and said: "When you know later, you will practice in perfection. It only took ten days, you wind. Uncle, snow, they, even your grandfather, grandfather, at least have to work hard for months, even for several years."

"The height is not cold." Meng Meng hands shouldered, chest up, very proud to say.

Zhang Han: "..."

This began to scream.

But I like it.

At noon that day, I returned to Xinyue Mountain.

Meng Meng once again challenged Zhao Feng.

Many people in Xinyue Mountain are onlookers.

The sprouting flames, a variety of changes, emerged in an endless stream, making up for the flexibility of long-range attacks.

Zhao Feng made a full response, and ultimately with a wealth of combat experience, plus more changes in the tricks, so that Meng Meng some hands and feet.

But it is stronger than the first time.

Let Zhao Feng be a little dizzy.

Suddenly exclaimed: "It's terrible."

This is especially true for others.

Two days later.

Meng Meng and Mu Xue, Jiang Lanlan, Ahu and others played against each other.

Although there is no win, but they also fight each other for a moment, it is a real battle.

Meng Meng also found that she still can't beat Yuan Ying in the middle.

It seems that she forgot, the middle of the Yuan Ying, such as Zhao Feng and Mu Xue, is not an ordinary medium term.

After a breakthrough in the past few days to Jindan, the strength has exploded, and now it has gradually eased.

How much is a sigh of relief.

They are happy to see that Meng Meng is more powerful, but the heart is still under pressure, especially the security group.

The full name is Meng Meng's security group, but don't become a security group protected by Meng Meng.

"Work hard."

Xinyueshan, all staff practice.

Here, even faster than the Sea Dragon Star.

Zhang Han has made alchemy several times, providing spiritual resources, and teaching a lot of secret laws. The targeted teaching has greatly improved the strength of everyone.

"Little Chen Chuan, still playing!"

Meng Meng often ran to the magic paradise, watching the child Wang Chenchuan: "I can now fight with Yuan Ying, can you fight with Jin Dan? Not going to practice!"

"Nina, Xiaofan, Filina, let's go for a ride?"

I practiced almost the same and started playing again.

This is called work and rest.

"Meng Meng, you ask your dad, let's go to the Hailongxing domain, it's been so many days." Yue Xiaoyun said.

"Go away tonight, and go out with Muen for a while, she will go to Australia tomorrow, and next November may be able to meet."

Wandered around outside.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Xinyue Mountain is quite lively.

"Xiaohan, Xiaoyan, granddaughter, go out to pay attention to safety, wait for you to come back." Ziqiang said; "We are also practicing now, and so on, if you can't live for a long time, you can go to Hailongxing with you." ”

"Sister, I am going to play with you next time." Zi Shiya greeted him.

"Boss, my parents don't want me? Can you come back this New Year?" Sun Dongheng couldn't help but ask.

It’s been more than a year.

At the beginning, he was very comfortable as a president. Until now, it seems that he has no feelings, and he is not even happy.

It is very easy to play.

I thought that with the value, identity and status, you can sing songs every night and enjoy luxury.

However, he found that sometimes, the status of status is high, but more scruples.

Or the heart does not have that idea at all.

"Reassured, this year, let them all come back." Zhang Han said with a smile.


There are many people who can't go together and can only send them.

Under their gaze, Zhang Han and others left the plane.

Other things are arranged.

Now in Kunlun fairyland, small world, ancient mine.

The Hailong Star Field does not seem to be a big secret. Many high-level executives try their best to send people out.

Still the old rules, from Dong Chen's idea, harvesting leek.

There is a ticket to go to the big world.

Whether it is the Kunlun fairyland or the small world, it can be said that it is a person on the holy Wuxing. There are some resources in the hands, and together, Zhang Han’s treasure house is gradually large.

Got the thunder king.

"I, Meng Meng, will take everyone away!"

Riding the wind and breaking the waves, Meng Meng controls the holy Wuxing Orbs and guides the way forward.

"Xiao Han, do you feel the vision of the blue sand wind area, will there be any change?"

Everyone is sitting in the lounge.

Zhang Mu suddenly asked a sentence.

"There will definitely be changes, but it will not be the same when we leave. Grandpa, you and the smoldering father, don't run around recently, wait until the situation stabilizes." Zhang Hanzheng said: "Everyone also Similarly, changes in the blue sand winds cannot be controlled, or be careful and careful."

"Master, I still have the mood to do other things." Zhao Feng smiled bitterly: "I was educated twice by the little princess. I intend to practice for a while and strive to break through to the late Yuan Ying."

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