Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1342: it's him

"Shadow avatar?"

Zhang Han's eyes are slightly condensed: "There are actually eighteen."


I did not expect that the realm of the shadow of the shadow will reach such a high level.

I remember that when he was in the fourth stage of the robbery, the shadows were only able to display twelve avatars.

This trick is difficult to defend.

It is the sublimation of the avatar, and the higher end exists.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if it is the late stage of refining the emptiness, it is necessary to temporarily avoid the edge.

"If I don't have five elements, I really want to be won by you."

Zhang Han thought.

It is also more strange, why Chu can rely on the early stage of refining, showing eighteen.

Shadow avatars require a high level of accomplishment in the space system.

In addition to some special races, others need to take a long time to comprehend this trick in order to display an invincible move.

Special race?

Is she a magic movie family? God hidden family?

Zhang Han could not help but sink.

No matter which race, it is very powerful, the Devils, the strongest assassin of the Terran, the murderer is like eating and drinking.

God's invisible family has a strong affinity for space. This kind of **** race is arguably even rare in the vast world.

What is Chu’s confession is still to be discussed.

"I didn't expect her to hide her strength."

Zhang Han has no defense. In front of the five elements of the undead body, it is no problem to suffer the secret technique of Chu.

"watch out!"

Chu leaned at the last moment, or the pronunciation prompted.

On the right side, the thirteenth avatar.

However, Zhang Han did not care, and was indifferent.

"Oh, arrogant!"

Chu leaned on the cold, but reduced the means of attack.


A fist print, fallen.

Zhang Han suddenly raised his left hand and pressed the punch to touch it directly.


Chu leaned on.

The commentary was stunned: "Is it hard to pick up mystery by hand? Is this true? He is not hurt?"

Ye Xiaochen smiled: "His body is better than me."

The first person to repair?


A feeling of heartache.

I was so light that I had a third result.

Under all eyes, Zhang Han's left hand will absorb the secret technique of Chu, and his right hand will suddenly bloom a ray of light, and he will quickly smash it out.

A more powerful punch was shot.

From left to right, he went to Chu and leaned on eighteen.


"Hundreds of broken!"

A trick of sorcerer reappeared, and Chu’s swordsmanship was defeated, and the punches were resolved.


Zhang Han snorted.

He suddenly turned sideways and held his right hand forward.


With a crisp sound, Zhang Han grabbed something with his hand.

Two seconds later, a cold mangling bloomed from Zhang Han's palm. Gradually, the cold light became a long sword, and then the person holding the sword was leaning.

"You found me?" Chu said with amazement.

"You turned out to be the Shadows." Zhang Han said.

"Do you still know the Devils?" Chu was more surprised, and thought about it. Anyway, he was also a person. She said, "I am not a Devil, but I swallowed the blood of the Devil."

Zhang Han: "..."

The child is sincere and asks what he said.


Chu said with a smile: "You are a very strong body repair, quite powerful, you are under 40 years old, are you a disciple of Debao Dao?"

In this regard, Zhang Han did not answer.

Chu is dissatisfied, and once again plays a secret technique, and the long sword shines.

However, Zhang Han did not defend the front, and the left leg kicked sideways.


A muffled sound.

Chu’s body shape reappeared. She gave up the long sword and the slender right leg collided with Zhang Han’s left leg.


Chu leaned back and pulled back the long legs, some pain.

"It's a hard bone."

When the words fall, Chu’s body shape is a panic.

This time, Zhang Han kicked three feet from three directions, as if he was kicking in the void, but actually there were three muffled sounds.

Chu’s body shape reappeared. She was somewhat puzzled and went back more than ten meters: “How do you know my movement?”

"Being a magical shadow family, but there is no talent, no magical power. Are you fake?" Zhang Han held her long sword with her fingers, and slammed it.

When Chu leaned over the long sword, she suddenly leaked a mysterious smile:

"Who said no?"


It seems as if it is a blue sky, there is a muffled sound, and Chu seems to slowly drift toward Zhang Han.

"This trick is called a sword!"


In Zhang Han’s perception, in all directions, it’s the sword sea, the big flag, everywhere.

It seems to be a little troublesome.

"Lei Liu Town!"


The devastating light seems to represent the endless idea. A few meters high of Lei Liu, appearing out of thin air, will surround Zhang Han.

With Lei Liu to fight against a sword.

The power of Lei Liu, once again shows the world, Thunder power, will block the endless sword.

"Do you even control the mine?"

Chu’s voice of surprise was heard again.


After three seconds of confrontation, Chu said that he could not take the other side and said:

"There is the ability to remove the Thunder, we are more than swordsmanship!"

"That will accompany you to play with this little guy."

Zhang Han brows slightly, and a three-footed sword appears in his right hand, and the Thunder is removed.


The sword light kept flashing, and the two men fought with a pure sword.

What surprised Zhang Han is that Chu’s many swords are all unpredictable and tricky.

What makes Chu Chuanyi even more unexpected is that Zhang Hanyang in front of him can stop all his swords, and even his swords, like himself, can produce stronger power.

With a slap in the face, Chu’s mouth hangs a smile.

I am very happy that the search for many years has finally come to fruition.

However, she is happy and some people are not happy.

"This little wave hoof, how are you still smirking? I thought my brother-in-law didn't have a wife? Hey! Not only is it better than you!" Zhou Fei said with a sigh.

Others look a little embarrassed and don't know what to say.

But everyone's afterglow is watching Zi Yan.

At this time, the purple eyes are very calm.

But when I was cold, everyone was under some pressure.

Once a child who has never been angry is angry, the consequences are unimaginable.

Not only here, the lens gave Zhang Han and Chu a variety of close-ups. Zhang Han was fine, and his face was moderate. He smiled and smiled, sometimes his eyes sparkled, and the two of you came to me. What is it, it is easy to make people think.

And Zhang Han.

It is not intentional and Chu to follow this way.

But Chu is the darling of the Devils, the first echelon of energy attributes, the darling of the space department.

It is not easy to win the other party. At least Zhang Han does not necessarily show the cards, so he is laying the ground and waiting for the opportunity.


Various swords are fighting against each other.

Zhang Han is also a bit strange. This Chu is definitely getting his own Dongfu. Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many moves that he will have, and two are the moves he has realized.

"You are a sword, the fire is too bad."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

Chu’s lotus sword, which was played by Chu, is somewhat contrary to the body of the Devil’s family, and its power is greatly reduced.

At the time of Zhang Han's solution.

In fact, Chu Tingyi has used the talents of the Devils, and his body shape has changed, and he has quietly come to Zhang Han.

When she saw Zhang Han holding the back of the sword.

Holding the sword on the right, looking at the front, the body is extraordinary and refined, very indifferent, as if you are a free-flowing person.

"It's him."

The figure in memory, and the figure in front of each other, overlap each other, and after repeated confirmation by Chu, there is no difference.

"it's him!"

"Debao Taoist, I finally found you!"

Chu leaned back and lost.

At this time, Zhang Han did not look back, calm words, but slowly came:

"Why don't you shoot?"

"I lost." Chu leaned down, licking her lips, and her complex look. After a few seconds, she said with some excitement: "I feel the large circle of yours. When I confront the sword, I can't. Block, so I am not your opponent."


Zhang Han turned around and also felt a little emotion: "I don't think it's a magical shadow family. I am so hidden in the legal array, and I found it in advance."

But fortunately, under Zhang Han’s intensive attack, she couldn’t stop it, so in the ring, she knew that the other side had action, but she couldn’t help but lost.

If she is outside, she can still escape.

"You, you..." Chu said that he wanted to say something, but if he was in the throat, some could not say it.

Zhang Han did not say anything, looked at the direction of the stands: "End, send a reward."

"Ha ha ha ha."

There was a loud laughter from above, and the device cast his figure on top:

"This year's Dragon List has ended, the top 100 list has been released, let us congratulate these players on the list, gossip is not much to say, many of you in the top 100, the stage is in the Haotianxing, Zhenlongmen also welcome you Join, and then, the organizer of the town, Longmen, will pay the rewards on the spot."


One hundred squatting platforms were constantly changing and became a huge square. One hundred people stood on it. Some people were still injured, and their faces were pale, but it was difficult to hide their joy.

The disciples of many large gates in the stands have come down.

"Zhang Hanyang, awesome, you really is the first, this is the seventh-order breaking stone you need."

Yan beat and laughed, and the colleague who spoke took out the broken stone.

"it is good."

Zhang Han’s goal is this, nodded and closed the broken stone.

At this time, the Chu who stood on the side looked at Zhang Han.

She subconsciously took over the rewards and ignored the men who gave her the award.

"Zhang Hanyang, Zhenlongmen, for many people, the stage is very big, but for you, I think it is very small. If you want, I hope that you can come to the town of Longmen. If not, I hope we can be friendly. Get along, if there is anything in the future, you can contact me."

Yan beat began to climb.

He is very sure that Zhang Hanyang will develop very well and be much better than him.

It's a good thing to do with a big man in the future.

"Zhang Hanyang, really powerful, you created the miracle of the Dragon List."

"I think you can compete for the first place in the Dragon Watch."

Many of the disciples of the big gates have opened the dog's mode.

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