Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1343: Zhang Han **** cold air

"I still have something to say."

Zhang Han was not in the mood to entertain and went straight away.


Many people look at each other and smile.

They also said that Zhang Hanyang was arrogant, but now, as if it has become taken for granted?

"Chu is leaning, your strength is really amazing."

Many people ran to Chu and went here to start talking.


Who knows that Chu is more apt, and flies straight out, looks like anxious?


Yue Wuwei smiled and looked at Zhang Han who walked into the aircraft.

The good show is about to begin.

"What happen to you guys?"

Zhang Han looked at everyone's face strange, he also asked strangely.

"Ah, haha, nothing."

"Yeah, yes, nothing, that, congratulations to Han Ge." Chen Changqing rushed to warm up: "Han Ge took the first, thank you, too much."

"Master is invincible!" Mu Xue called.

"Dad, you are this." Meng Meng first gave a thumbs up, then immediately looked at Zhang Han and gestured to her mother.

Zhang Han soon noticed it.

Just at this time.

"Oh, our great heroes are back."

Zi Yan smiled, quickly got up, Jiao smiled and said: "Husband, come sit, you must be tired, drink some water? I will give you massage?"


Zhang Han heart sucked in the cold.

I finally knew the problem and I couldn’t laugh at the moment.

When it was over, the vinegar jar at home turned over.

"That, I am not tired." Zhang Hangan laughed.

"Isn't it tired? I played so many games..." Zixiao said with a smile, a look of human and animal harmless look.

"Cough, let's talk about something first, everyone waits."

Zhang Han said a sentence, his body shape, pulling the purple scorpion into the room not far away.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Yue Wuwei laughed.



Everyone laughed, and even Meng Meng was laughing.

It feels very interesting.

They don't have to think about it, Zhang Han is a horse, and Zi Zi is also very simple.

Laughing outside, in the room, Zi Yan went straight to the bed and sat down, his head turned to not see Zhang Han.

"Hey, big baby, what's wrong with this?" Zhang Han said quickly.

"I know what I want to ask?" Zi Yan snorted: "You are jealous of me with others on the stage."

"When did you marry me, this is not it!" Zhang Han said with a positive face, "I only have one in my heart, how can I marry someone else?"

"Who knows what you think, huh, huh, and everyone's moves are exactly the same, look at people's smiles, who knows if you are a lover."

"I swear, really, no, I have any lover." Zhang Han couldn’t help but laugh: "I have told you all the time."

"It will be very quick to finish, but with others over there, you will lie to you, the man does not have a good thing!" Zi Yan shook his shoulders, sitting more inside.

Zhang Han: "..."

"Not really." He immediately came to the opposite side of Zi Yan and said: "The Chu is leaning, I don't know. She should have got some of the caves I used to have, so I will have some moves, and I will not accompany her. Her strength is very strong. Don't look at the early stage of refining, even if it is in the middle of refining, it may not be her opponent. This is still in the ring. If it is in the downfall, she may kill in the late stage of refining."

"Well?" Zi Yan was cold and cold: "Who said her? You see you? Now a bit of a Chu, I am quite familiar?"

For a time, Zhang Hantou was as big as a cow.

But he knows how to solve it.

A swoop.

Press the purple scorpion on the bed.

"What are you doing? You start, you release me, hey, uh..."

Two minutes later.

The long kiss is over.

"Say, what the **** is going on."

The attitude of Zi Yan is softened by eight grades.


Zhang Han sighed, lying on the bed, licking the purple, whispered: "I just said that she is a magic shadow family, the magic shadow family is very powerful, among the Terran belong to the assassination of the first family, the first attribute of energy The darling of the echelon space department, the Devils are born with the talent of reaching the first stage of the robbery. If you want to take her, you need to recruit other tricks, so I only played for a long time. She also discovered this and later did not play it. The last move will admit defeat."

"Then she looks at you always laughing, as if to seduce you, look angry." Zixiao dissatisfied.

"This, because she found out, she got my Dongfu inheritance? I called Debaodao for a while, it should have been left at that time, so I used the name of the Dubao people at Tianluo College, she will come. Looking for us, I saw it after the move. I don't know anything else." Zhang Han replied.

"I am not happy, what should I do?" Zi said with a sigh.

"Simple." Zhang Han immediately said: "Then I will ignore other women except you."

"The mouth is slippery, and it's like it." Zi Yan turned a blank eye: "Aunt is also a woman, and her daughter is a girl. Can you ignore it?"

"Pick the hair and pick the thorns, find a fight." Zhang Han waved in the purple arm's very good arm.

Also provoked a white-eyed woman in the arms.

“Is it too easy to be jealous?” Zi Yan suddenly said: “Look at that Chu and I am playing with you, you are talking, and she always laughs, I can’t control it.”

"It's normal." Zhang Han said: "If you and other men are in the ring, the man is eyeing you, I have already rushed to the ring to fly him."

"Oh." Zi Yan couldn't help but smile: "It's like going back, um, I also had this idea."

"Men and women are different." Zhang Han said: "It is normal. After marriage, you must keep a distance to the opposite sex. What friends, women's girlfriends, men's girlfriends are fart, don't know, don't know. Where did you go, this time my husband did not perform well, and made you angry. When you go back and practice well, the next time you meet a powerful female monk, you will be defeated."

Either the child is awkward and sly.

"It’s good to say, it’s a lot more powerful, and not all of them can be played.” Zixiao smiled: "I am not angry with you, just seeing that uncomfortable."

"it's good now?"

"Well, well, let's go out, they are waiting outside," Zi Yan said.

"I look at those people outside, are very happy to see the lively?" Zhang Han blinked, I do not know what bad ideas.

"Who said no, they have to find a way to tidy them up." Zixiao smiled.

Speaking, the two walked out of the room.


The eyes of everyone fell on Zhang Han and Zi Yan, and they looked a little weird.

Soon, many eyes fell in the other direction, standing there three people.

Ye Longyuan, Yan Chen, Su Beimu.

They are talking quietly with Mu Xue, Zhao Feng and others. After Zhang Han and the two came out, they stopped chatting.

"That... Zhang Hanyang." Ye Longyuan swallowed his mouth and said dryly: "My sister invited you to say something in the past."


A lot of gaze gathered again on the purple scorpion.

"Yeah, the enemy is coming." Meng Meng's face changed slightly and looked at the excitement.

If it was changed in the hour, she would not be happy, and she started to make trouble. Now she understands very well that her father and mother have very good feelings and do not need to eat salty carrots.

"What are you looking for? No time." Zhang Han refused.

"Oh... cough, there are important things I want to talk to you." Ye Longyuan was almost caught by the saliva.

"If there is something to talk about, then go and see."

Without waiting for Zhang Han to respond, Zi Yan suddenly opened her mouth, and her look was calm and her tone was faint.


Zhang Han’s mouth moved and wanted to say something, but did not say it.

"Okay, please."

Ye Longyuan did not see anything, laughing and leading the way ahead.

"Go and go."

Yue Wuwei looked at the lively posture and followed the team with melons.

The pace of walking is fast, but it took ten minutes.

The people finally came to their destination, a black aircraft.

Entering the doorway, I saw a petal basket in the largest lounge.

A woman leaned on it and it seemed to be seen from the side that there was a stack of books on the right hand side of the hostess of the basket, but the most attractive one was the white legs.

Barefoot, wearing a light pink skirt, long hair and waist, looks like a special dress.

Before the Chu in the ring, it was a female warrior, and now Chu is leaning, as if the neighbor is pure and beautiful.

The purple scorpion flashed slightly.

When I got here, I didn’t say a word, and even secretly smashed Zhang Han’s arm.


Zhang Han sucked cold air.

I feel that something is not good!

Be sure to deal with it seriously, and there are still so many people watching the bustle.

When they came to the near.


Chu leaned against the horse and jumped from the hanging basket. It was still barefoot, but it was suspended, and it was three or four centimeters from the ground.

She licked her lips, squinted and looked at Zhang Han, her face suddenly red.

It’s shameful.


Ye Longyuan was shocked!

God, is this still my cold, Chu Chuyi Chu Shijie?

Shouldn't she have a leg with Zhang Hanyang?

Even Ye Longyuan is so suspicious.

Not to mention other outsiders.

On the contrary, like Zhang Guangyou and others, they are only a little suspicious, curious, and have full trust in Zhang Han.

I didn’t open the sable, I was silent there.

Looking at the red face in front of the Chu.

Zhang Han can't smile.

what happened?

"You asked me to come and want to say something?" But Zhang Han can only ask the sentence.


Chu turned his face very red, his heart was like a small deer, very nervous and excited.

In fact, during the time just now, she was brewing emotions, waiting for Zhang Hanyang, when the Debao people came, shouted a master.

I can say it to my mouth, I can’t say it, I’m sorry.

I will pick it up at a time.

Feeling hot cheeks, is it blushing?

As soon as I thought about it, my cheeks were hotter.

The results were out of control and developed into what they are now.

At this time, Zhang Han opened his mouth and broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

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