Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1417: Afraid to be cool

The soil protection law is awe-inspiring.

He intends to kill Zhou Fei, causing a soul injury to the little boy and making an idiot.

Holding a hundred million crystals and going to other places to mix, no more than staying in the Guangmingyuan.

The sneer gradually hangs on his face.

A long knife appeared in his right hand, and the blade was light blue and looked forward.

Knife is like a fire, whistling away.


Chen Chuan screamed and his face changed greatly. He had experienced such a battle.

However, Zhou Fei, who is next to her, needs protection. Chen Chuan did not hesitate. Although she was afraid, she still held her round eyes and shouted: "I killed you!"

The predecessor's attack, under the fire and the knife, is like cutting a tofu, and it has no effect at all.

"Chen Chuan is back!"

Zhou Fei’s face changed and he rushed to catch Chen Chuan who was going to rush.

The young man was very powerful and almost stumbled on Zhou Fei.

However, Zhou Fei is an adult after all, and has seen so many worlds, knowing how to deal with it now.

She took out more than thirty kinds of defensive treasures in one brain and motivated them.

All kinds of light will cover her and Chen Chuan.

She and Chen Chuan have about one hundred and thirty sixth-order defense Lingbao.

Resisting the peak of the gods can still be dragged on for a long time.

"How to contact my brother-in-law?"

Zhou Fei’s heart was extremely anxious: “Brother, can you feel us! Waiting will be late, we will be finished.”


On the outermost layer of light, Knife Mang raised fierce fluctuations.

A knife down, cut the energy of the outermost defense, half of the energy.


The soil protection method brows slightly, and some are surprised: "There are so many defenses of Lingbao? But useless, they have no strength, and more treasures are just waste."

During the talk, the soil protection method brows soothing, and the corner of the mouth leaks a little play:

"Look at me slowly breaking your treasure."


The secret technique is out, and eight knives are shot.

The outermost defense trembled violently, and then ruptured, and then, the next layer of defense, under the attack, also broke.

However, more than 30 defense treasures can be dragged for a while.

Lingbao is a comprehensive defense, some defensive soul attacks, some main defense secrets and so on.

At the beginning, the outer five-layer defense, the soil protection law did not take a minute, it broke.

In the next step, the defense is extremely strong, and the soil protection method has produced more than a dozen secret techniques to break.

"It's a hard bone."

The earth protection law laughed: "You can only delay a little time. No one can feel it here, wait until you die."

At this time, the earth protection law is like a cow in the arable land, working diligently and constantly exerting attacks.

Ten, twenty, twenty-five, thirty.

"There are two last two, hahahaha."

The soil protection method is much faster than just gasping. The obvious high frequency attack makes him a little tired.

Zhou Fei began to panic, but gradually calmed down.

She took Chen Chuan and did not let Chen Chuan speak.

"What would she do if she was a sister?"

Seeing that there are only two layers of defense left, Zhou Fei changed his position.

"Ha ha."

Her face was pale, she looked up and looked straight at the soil protection method. The tone was even plain:

"The last two?"

Oh la la!

No more nonsense, Zhou Fei once again took out more than 30 kinds of treasures.

This is her last treasure, and the next step is to use Chen Chuan.

However, when the earth protection method saw these treasures, the pupils shrank.

"Oh shit!"

"How is it so much?"

Some of his faint feelings are not good.

Generally, there is no strength, but there are so many treasures, and there are big backers behind them.


"You must kill her."

"Otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

More determined the determination of the soil protection law.

If she is allowed to leave and go back to find the backing, which is better than the Guangmingyuan, then is he not sure?

The safe way is to leave the Guangmingyuan, and instead of killing the woman, earn 100 million spar.

"If you want spar, I can give you 50 million crystals."

Zhou Fei conducted a mental test and slowly disintegrated the other's mentality.

"Yes? Well, then you come out, I will take you to see the Chu family." The law of the earth protection law was slow.

"You are coming over, I promised to divide your spar in person." Zhou Fei said.

At this time, Zhou Fei already knows the result.


"Want to play tricks? When your grandfather was outside, you haven't been born yet. The old man has eaten more salt than you have." The soil protection method sneered, and the attack was once again strong.

"Ha ha."

Zhou Fei had no choice but to sneer and express his disdain.

But my heart is not eager.

If this continues, it will not last long, and they will have no spiritual treasure.

"Really to die?"

Zhou Fei’s heart is sad.

As everyone knows, when she was in the second batch, there was a blue defensive energy in the outer layer. When it was broken, a thought was quietly swaying.

The beast peak.

Chu Jiachu's long house.

Chu Laozu is working with Zhang Han in the next period, Qingfeng Daojun, Honghu Laodao, and Chu’s three people watching the fun.

For a month or two, it is very fast for the immortal.

Honghu Road and Qingfeng Road Jun are also not here, and they are planning to help Hanyang Brother.

The East Shaozhu and Chu Qing returned to the Red Mountain.

The blood red mountain gate, and a group of high-level, Honghu old road forces, are also gathered here.

"Big brother, this chess is really good!"

Honghu Laodao applauded and said: "It's amazing, it's amazing! Lao Chu is not a chess player. It is not an opponent of Big Brother."

"That is still used to say that the big brother has seen the world more than we do not know how many times, the state of mind is high, the next period is like a heart, ten Chu brothers, may not be the opponent of the big brother." Qingfeng Daojun said unwillingly behind.

Zhang Han: "..."

Some are speechless.

This situation happens too often.

"Ha ha ha."

Chu Laozu laughed: "How could I be the opponent of my eldest brother."

In normal times, these two people bury him, with the temper of Chu's ancestors, sure to blow his beard and blink, and now, lost and laughed happy.

The three old men, turned around Zhang Han, the one who called the big brother to be sincere.

Chu was very awkward at first, but gradually got used to it.

Originally, Chu intended to follow the plan, and Chu family did not have much relationship, but the Chu ancestors did not want to, her identity in the Chu family now, rising water, simply overshadowed the Chu family.

"It's still a strong master."

The beautiful woman who turned to Chu looked at Zhang Han and thought: "Even younger brothers are all ancestors of others."

In the next issue, Zhang Hanren’s heart is erratic.

No peace at all.

He couldn't find a purple and a cute day, and he couldn't be peaceful.

I am always in a hurry, and I can say that my mood is not good.

With the help of the king, such as the tiger, Zhang Han, in this state of mind, is almost able to catch up with the degree of magic in the seven wilderness areas.


Zhang Han sighed and said: "Be serious."

"I have been very serious, but this chess is not a big brother opponent." Chu old ancestors smiled, looked at the chessboard, and shook his head halfway: "Dead. I lost again,"

"Old Chu, you let me go, I will accompany the next big brother."

Just when Chu Laozu just got up.

A hint of thought touched Zhang Han.


Zhang Han's face changed, his eyes locked tightly in the direction of the east side.


He is right handed.

Oh la la!

An aircraft appeared from the bottom of the backyard lawn, floated, and came over them, no more than a second.

Zhang Han was physically moved, alone, and drilled into the aircraft.


The maximum power of the aircraft, like lightning, flies directly into the distance.

The whole process is only three seconds.

Chu’s buttocks were lifted in half, and Honghu’s old road did not react.

"Well, something went wrong!"

Chu leaned and exclaimed.

"Fast, keep up."

The three old ancestors of Chu were immediately raised and flew into the air.

The fastest speed to follow, to the periphery, Chu ancestors want to open the enchantment.

Suddenly found that on the aircraft, rumbled a circle of law, directly broke the enchantment and left.


Honghu Laodao was shocked: "Big brother is not a big brother, the means is very good!"

"Use what you say?"

Chu Laozu said: "There is definitely something, is there a relative of a big brother?"

"Go, we also take the aircraft to keep up."

Qingfeng Daojun waved his hand.

In the area where the aircraft was docked, a black aircraft arrived quickly.

Several people entered it and followed.

The distance of fifty miles will arrive soon.


“How come someone will come?”

"How to do?"

The earth protection method found the aircraft in the distance and the face changed greatly.

"Not good, run away immediately."

The spar was not taken, and the result was to escape.

"Why is that?"

He clearly set up a barrier, but it didn't work?

"I looked down on her."

The soil protection law no longer hesitated, picked up his own earthen jar, and immediately left, took the aircraft, and quickly flew to the Guangmingyuan.

There is no turning arrow in the bow.

The Guangming Institute found this incident and certainly severely punishes it.

It is better to take the opportunity to take some treasures and leave in the treasure house.

The speed of the aircraft leaving is fast.

Zhang Han’s aircraft is docked here.

"Fifi, Chen Chuan."

He exhaled: "Come up."

If it is Meng Meng or Zi Yan, it is a surprise, but Zhou Fei and Chen Chuan are also very good situations.

The strength of both of them is not high. If they are outside, the safety factor is also low.


Zhou Fei’s eyes were red, and the endless pressure finally dissipated.

"Uncle Zhang, the bad guy, want to kill us." Chen Chuan shouted.

"Well, it's okay."

Zhang Han comforted the sentence and waited for them to get on the spaceship and immediately catch up with the spacecraft in front of the earth protection law.

At this time, Qingfeng Daojun has already followed.

The spacecraft of the Earth Protection Law is far away.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

Chu Laozu asked.

"Go to kill."

Zhang Han calmed his face and just left these three words.

The array of law outside his aircraft emerged.

The speed is fast.

Even the aircraft sounded an alarm.

"How come so fast?"

Instantly pulled closer to half the distance.

I was shocked by the law of the soil in front.

"First return to the sect, the insiders can not enter."

The soil protection method is shocked.

Along the way.

His aircraft took the lead in front, and the spacecraft behind Zhang Han followed closely a few kilometers. In the back, it was the aircraft of Qingfeng Daojun.

"It's over."

"Big brother wants to kill."

Chu Laozu’s heartbeat:

"You don't know, my big brother, Hanyang, has pushed over ten super sects in the past, and slaughtered hundreds of millions. This Guangmingyuan is afraid of being cold."

"What, killing hundreds of millions?" Qingfeng Daojun and Honghu Road were shocked.


Chu Laozu exhaled a long breath and said: "Don't look at my cold-yang brother is very easy-going now. If he is fierce, he can't imagine."

"Guangmingyuan, Guangmingyuan ancestors and our relationship are still okay, this." Qingfeng Daojun is somewhat overwhelmed.

"It's okay, Guangmingyuan is also good for me Chu, the key, hey, what should I do? I try to stop it." Chu ancestors frown, want to ask for love, and dare not say.

Suddenly, the afterglow saw Chu’s retreat, and his eyes lit up:

"No, lean, what are you doing? Just stop your master, or the planet will flow into the sea."

"Ah? Ah."

Chu leaned on a bit dull, thinking about it, she said:

"Master, the relationship between Guangmingyuan and Chujia is good, don't, don't kill."

After hearing this voice, Zhang Han squatted.

Tu Zong?

I was so unreasonable when I was?

Zhang Han shook his head slightly and passed back: "No, you have a debt."

Chu confessed to the words and relaxed, saying: "The teacher said, will not be slaughtered, and there is a debt."


Chu Laozu stayed for a few seconds: "It seems that my temperament of the big brother is much better, and this can be said from his mouth."

"In fact, the teachers are very easy-going, people are good, and foreigners can sometimes tolerate them." Chu said.

"No, it's impossible." Chu ancestors said very calmly: "You are too young, this year, Hanyang Xianjun, killing half of the sacred world, what a horrible person? Even a lot of crossings The robbers are afraid to look up at the big brother."

"Chu brother." Qingfeng Daojun said: "So famous, why have we not heard of it?"

"Because the nine sacred gods have affected the rules, you and I don't understand the things that are robbed." Chu ancestors didn't want to say too much, they shook their heads.

Qingfeng Daojun and Honghu Road, silent, the brain fills a picture.

Really strong cold brother.

But now it seems that the breath is not too strong?

In fact, they also have various questions, sitting in a wheelchair, and the atmosphere is erratic.

At this time, the words of Chu Laozu dispelled their thoughts.

"The nine gods are too horrible, so the situation of the big brother of Hanyang is not very good. It is still recovering. It is very easy to restore the robbery with the ability of the big brother. He has countless treasures and can bring you with you. Ferry," said Chu Laozu.


The two men sucked in the air.

That is a disaster!

"What about you?" Honghu asked.


Chu Laozu smiled and said: "I will see my older brother now, that is fate, I must go along all the way."

There is a hint of sorrow in the look of Chu’s ancestors:

"That, if possible, I want to be a disciple of my eldest brother."


Honghu Road and Qingfeng Road are stunned.

Chu leaned on for a few seconds.

If the ancestors became a disciple, it is the fifth disciple.

Does he want to call himself a sister?

The old ancestor called himself a sister?

It’s not good when Chu leans down.

"Fast, inform the head of the Guangmingyuan."

Qingfeng Daojun reminded: "Don't let the notice be late, it will cause a big disaster, we can't keep up with the speed ahead."

At about 10 o'clock in the next night, it will be earlier and more early, what?

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