Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1418: Shock

Zhang Han's spaceship.

Zhou Fei has a lingering fear, but from the footage captured on the screen, they can also know that they came to the outer door of the Guangmingyuan, and the front is the inner door.

At the time of coming, Zhou Fei also read some news of the Guangmingyuan.

It is said that an ancestor is very powerful and famous. The heads of Guangmingyuan are often retired. There are countless disciples and powerful people.

On his own side, only Zhang Han.

"Sister husband, or else it will be, anyway, we have nothing to do." Zhou Fei whispered.

Zhang Hanwen shook his head slightly, looking at the gaze in front, very cold.


The aircraft accelerates again.

The aircraft of the Earth Protection Law was soon approached.

At this time, the soil protection in the aircraft was shocked.

"How come so fast!"

The law of the earthen protection law flows up and down the cold sweat, so how can he go to the treasure house to get things?

"No matter what, first, there is no evidence, life is important."

The soil protection method is faint.

When he flew into the inner door, he immediately issued an order to a nearby patrol.

"Take off the invading aircraft in the back!"


The patrol has five small aircraft.

After hearing the order, immediately guarded.

There are five small aircraft that lead the unmanned combat aircraft that rise from the building. There are hundreds of black holes in the muzzle that are aimed at the aircraft behind.


Zhou Fei saw a slight change in his face.

"Let my brother and sister be scared, he will die today."

Zhang Han smiled lightly and looked at the front.


His eyes flashed in his eyes.

The power of the five elements of the undead body is overwhelming.

It seems like the space is tearing.


Countless fighters, connected to the several blocked aircraft, all bursting in the air, the explosion came.



The warning system of the Guangmingyuan rang quickly.

"There is an enemy."

"Fast, kill them!"

The earth protection law is rampant.

The sound waves spread in all directions.

Many people have been alarmed, including deacons, deacons, and even digital guardians.

When they heard the news, they took off the first time.

What you can see is two fast-moving aircraft.

"what happened?"

Some people are shocked.

"The aircraft that can reach the surface have been verified by the space station. How can it still cause trouble?"

"Don't he want to live? Dare to do things in the Guangmingyuan."

"Catch up!"

Just in the time of their blasphemy.

The aircraft has already flown far.

However, the defense system of Guangmingyuan is also quite powerful and hierarchical.

Across the distance, various combat aircraft slowly ascended into the air, releasing the aircraft of the Earth Protection Law, and the attack locked Zhang Han.

The number of these combat vehicles reached 3,000.


Zhou Fei exclaimed, some scalp numb.

In front of the enemy's aircraft, it seems that the next second will pour firepower.

Zhang Han saw it and waved his hand.

Countless spar flew out along the hatch and laid a large net in front of the aircraft.

The law matrix is ​​implicated.

Strong defense, blocking a lot of fire suppression.

After his aircraft passed, the big net suddenly burst into a burning light and turned into a brilliant arrow.

The second round of the aircraft turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"God, what is this means?"

"That is the squad? It is impossible. How can the squad have such a transformation intensity?"

It is simply too difficult to make a strong offensive by defensive transients.

Countless distant disciples of Guangming Temple were shocked.

The soil protection method has changed its face and has some remorse:

"Who is the man behind?"


His heart was cool, but there was a way. He didn't dare to contact the head, but it was enough.

"There is the strength of the late stage of refining."

"Dare to chase me."

Earth protection law:

"In the inner door of the Guangmingyuan, he is dead!"

Without hesitation, he immediately sent five messages of help to Taishang by communication:

Too rescue me, someone is making trouble at the inner door, he has killed many disciples.


Too many words in response.

The Earth Protection Law issued coordinates.

The mind is big.

In the back, there are a few people in the Qingfeng Road.

I saw a scene full of mess.

"Cold and big brother, this shot is very decisive." Honghu Road muttered.

Chu Laozu said: "This matter, no matter what, with the temper of the big brother, did not kill too many people, has already given me the face of Chu, but the rice head has not responded to the news, do not know to see no To."

"Qingfeng, your aircraft is too bad, you can't keep up with them." Honghu Laodao said with anxiousness: "The cauliflower is cold for a while."

Continue to fly forward.

After a few minutes.

They finally reached the core area of ​​the inner door.

In the distance in the distance, there is a large group of people, headed by the elders of the Guangmingyuan.

There are tens of thousands of higher-end combat aircraft around.

Zhang Han’s aircraft on this side, quietly suspended the void.

On the aircraft, standing three people, is Zhang Han, Zhou Fei and Chen Chuan.

At this time, the Guangmingyuan elders and many other elders, protect the law, his face is not very good-looking.

But when they saw Chu Laozu and others.

"I have seen Chu predecessors, Qingfeng predecessors, Honghu predecessors."

The elders of the elders arched their hands and said no humbleness.


Chu Laozu sighed: "What about Mi's head?"

"The head is not there, but I have sent someone to inform the head." The elders said.

"This thing." Chu ancestors thought about it and said, "Who is that person?"

He pointed to the man standing next to the elders.

"He is my patriarchal law."

"It is he who is wrong, so my big brother will chase after him." Chu ancestors said: "Hand him over, maybe kill."

The words of Chu’s ancestors made the elders in the elders slightly unhappy.

But his eyes were quite dignified and looked at Zhang Han.

What is the sacredness of Chu’s eldest brother?

"Stop killing?"

The elders of the elders wrinkled: "Chu predecessors, what you said in this sentence is chilling, Tianshuangxing is our brightest house, the best place, the beast peak, is forbidden, for the Chu family for more than a thousand years, we The relationship between the two is very good. You don't ask me to be so straightforward. Let me hand it over directly. If I hand over people today, how can I leave my face in Zongmen?"

"Don't listen to advice, my older brother is angry..." Chu ancestors said.

The words have not finished, Zhang Han smiled, smiled very light, very light, he said: "So you do not want to pay?"


Seeing this posture, Chu Laozu sucked cold air and did not dare to interject.

"If the soil protection law is really wrong, then it can be." The elders said a little.

"Too, I made a mistake!" The soil protection law said: "It is obvious that they want to kill me. Before I guarded the space station, my men told me that there was a reward. It was a reward from the Chu family. Take them to the Chu family, see the woman is good, and because of the Chu family, I did not guard against anything, and took out some Lingbao who need to check the verification, but she saw the money, suddenly shot at me, if not I have a close-fitting Defending treasures, I was in the middle of the trick. I went back to Zongmen after I died. I..."

It’s almost like crying.

Zhou Fei’s face was white.

Plus the appendage of the number of Guangmingyuan digital guards:

"Yes, the soil protection law has been so many years, and it is really hard to say."

"He is responsible for some of the matters of the space station trade, and he still works when he leads the way, which is worth learning."

"The law of soil protection is definitely correct. Some people may not be able to make money, and they are greedy and ungrateful."

The elders of the elder waved and said: "The Chu predecessors, the soil protection law in Zongmen for so many years, really have no heart, the woman sneaked..."

If the words are not finished, the soil protection law will be in tears: "Too, I am very lucky to have not died, but it does not matter, I do not know who is not guilty, look at the face of the Chu family, this matter should not be pursued, not because of a The woman has influenced the two affections."

Some performances have touched many people.

The earth protection lawsuit is really good, and the responsible work also has the matter of reviewing Lingbao.

It’s just that he has not reviewed a large number of batches.

Have to review Lingbao with the lead?

Some people also wonder if there is any trickiness.

But this time they will not say, who is not to their own people?


Zhou Fei said with anger: "It is obviously that he wants to get 100 million bounty."

"This woman, please be cautious." The elders were dissatisfied and said: "One hundred million crystal stones, many in your eyes, in our eyes, just a small number."

"Feng Feng, do not make mistakes, some people do not match him in the first place, I have told you the head of this matter, now you hand over people, and you have nothing to do with." Chu ancestors said again.

"Chu predecessors." The elders on the table refused: "I don't want to pay, this person can't pay. Everything must pay attention to the word, not that I don't give face, that person, just destroyed a lot of aircraft, the crystallized stone that needs compensation. It’s all in the hundreds of millions. Moreover, is it so loud in the inner door that the face of the Guangmingyuan? Is it too light to look at us, thinking that there is no one in the Guangmingyuan?”


Chu ancestors laughed and said nothing.

Zhang Han looked calmly for a few minutes.

Only the one who was in the first place did not wait. He looked at the elder and said:

"Either you kill him, or I kill you and kill him."


The communicator of the elders of the elders rushed.

However, he did not pay attention, his eyes glared at the front: "You don't want to deceive too much. Here is the Guangmingyuan. You are clamoring for the Guangmingyuan. I haven't said anything yet!"

"Maple elders don't!"

There was a sudden rush in the distance.

Just at this moment.

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Han's figure flashed.


In the crowd ahead, there was a **** fog.

The elders of the elders have disappeared.

And the earth protection law, there is a virtual shadow in the air.

He was clutched by the young man and squatted back.

So young, it is the big brother of Chu's ancestors, the meaning of this big brother, everyone seems to understand what.


The head of the Guangming Institute was late, and it turned into a streamer in the distance and flew quickly.

"I am guilty of my people's heart." Zhang Han looked at the soil protection law indifferently: "You said that I can't kill you?"

"You, you, you."

How is such a young person a hidden tyrannosaurus?

"Predecessors are angry!"

The head of the Guangmingyuan was horrified in the distance.

The soil protection law thought there was hope.


"Let me kill him!" The head shouted in the distance.

Earth protection law:?

It’s cold.

Many of the elders of the Guangmingyuan, many elders, were shocked.

Under the witness of these people.

The body of the earth protection law is turned into a faint cloud, slowly dissipating into the human world.

In the Guangmingyuan site, in the face of the head and all the high-level faces, the soil protection law was killed, and the elders who were hard-headed were killed by the way.

The so-called killing chickens and monkeys.

The small means was played by Zhang Han.

At this moment, with their heads, Zhang Han suspended the void, one person, shocking the Guangmingyuan.

Sorry, I went home late, didn't save the manuscript. Today, the first anniversary of Lao Zhang and the little assistant, went out to meet friends for dinner, and the result was delayed. Hey, I will do it as soon as possible, and then fight for more.

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