Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1419: Pointing

"The path meets...big brother."

Under the eyes of the public, Mi's head was sweating and quickly flew to Zhang Han's body and greeted him with a big gift.


I don't know how many people slobted, and the sound and sound of the cool air appeared frequently.

The headman called him?

Called Big Brother?

God, this talent has just slaughtered the elders and the law of the earth.

As a result, the head still smiles.


Many disciples of the Guangmingyuan were caught in the squad.

"Big brother, the management of the trail is not good, the squad has a scum, I should have committed suicide, and I am bothered to help the big brother to help clean up the portal. This is really, let the little gang."

Mi Zhimen said that Xiaozhi is emotional.

It seems that Zhang Han has just been harmed by the people.

He received the news of Chu Laozu, only said one sentence: Some of your sects have offended my older brother, telling you, my older brother is a fairy, or the kind of cruelly killed Xianjun.

When you know the moment of the news.

Mi Mamen is scared.

Contact Zongmen Defense Intelligent System, get a lot of pictures, and watch the heartbeat.

Immediately, I came over and contacted the elders, but I didn't contact them. This guy didn't pick up the news.

The end result is cool.

The cruel immortal... The back of the rice head makes the cold sweat wet.

In the face of the apology of Mi Mamen, Zhang Han did not respond in a friendly manner. His look was dull and his eyes were cold and indifferent:

"If there is such a thing next time, there is no need for your sect."

Zhang Han left a sentence and turned around, taking Zhou Fei and Chen Chuan to the entrance of the aircraft.


This time is over.

Mi palm door sighed.

This can be seen in front of this fairy, when he walked to the entrance, his body shape, sideways, looking at him.


Mi Mamen involuntarily swallowed and spit.

I am terrified in my heart.

"I don't know, I don't know what the big brother told me?" said the head of the meter.

"My younger brother, sister-in-law, was frightened. What do you say about this?" Zhang Han asked.

"The path is to apologize in person." Mi said immediately.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled lightly and took people into the aircraft, turning it into a streamer and leaving.

After he left, Mi’s palm wiped his forehead and saw that his palms were all sweaty, feeling physically and mentally exhausted, and it was worse than a big fight.

"It’s true that you are accompanied by a tiger."

Mi Mamen can now feel the heart of a fierce beating. He arched his hand to the old Chu ancestors: "Thank you Chu Chuan seniors for telling."

"You and I have two thousand years of friendship, how can I keep silent?" Chu ancestors shook his head slightly.

Mi Meimen was moved in the heart.

He nodded heavily, and then his face sank, as if he had to drip. He looked at the many disciples of his own ancestral hall, and his voice was cold:

"Notify all the deacons and above, and let me go to the Qing Han Temple!"

Obviously this is to open a fight.

Oh la la!

In the face of the rising head of the fire, who can dare to say anything, left in vain.

Mi Mamen only flew to the front of Chu Laozu and others, arched hands:

"Chu predecessors, Qingfeng predecessors, Honghu predecessors, thank you, if not everyone, the consequences are unimaginable."

"Thank you more for the brother of Chu. He has sent a voice to his eldest brother several times. Otherwise, he is afraid of being a big brother. The Guangmingyuan is afraid to be destroyed." Qingfeng Daojun sighed.

"Yes, yes, the path must be more thankful Chu predecessors." Mi said.

"Thank you for being useless. It is true that my brother's anger is calmed down. He said it personally. The two relatives were frightened. It was a mortal situation. Now there is life, Mi Mi, remember, my big brother Lingbao A lot of things, don't get things with no grades to fool." Chu ancestors said.

"Definitely not." Mi Meimen had some pain.

It seems that this time it will be bleeding.

"Let's go back and see, I will talk to my eldest brother." Chu Laozu and others left to leave.

No one is there, Mi’s head is cold and the front is clear.

If you hear their conversation, Zhang Han may feel funny.

Is this a fox?

It’s a bit weird to think about yourself by your own power.

"Zhang Shu, you are just too powerful." Chen Chuan admired and envied and said: "So many people do not dare to put a fart, I will become a powerful strong man in the future."

"Then you have to work hard to practice," Zhang Han said.

"Brother, how can you... so powerful?" Zhou Fei did not understand.

"Because Chu ancestors, he helped a lot." Zhang Han felt a little emotional.

If it is not the ancestors of Chu, it is estimated that he and Chu will both escape from the Chu family, and then release rewards and the like, slowly looking for, the efficiency will be much lower.

But now, Chu Laozu and other three people personally sit here on the side, led by Chu, and several other sects fill the current front, this kind of reward is more authoritative.

"Do you know the old ancestors of the brother-in-law?" Zhou Fei said: "What is the ancestor of Chu? What strength is he?"

"The early days of Dacheng." Zhang Han said.


Zhou Fei was dumbfounded.

Dachengjing, that is a real high.

Chu Laozu is a big Cheng, also called a brother-in-law a big brother.

"I found out that when your brother-in-law is there, you can mix and grow."

Zhou Fei said with emotion.

Zhang Han shook his head.

He shot only a few times and his soul trembled.

There is a hint of control over the body.

So I went back to Chu Youyou House.

"You live in that room."

Zhang Han pointed to the house on the west side. There are three rooms in this small house, one in Zhang Han, one in Chu, one in Zhou Fei and Chen Chuan.

It is arranged and it is also a place to live temporarily.

"Brother, how are you?"

Seeing Zhang Han sitting back in the wheelchair and taking out two medicinal herbs, Zhou Fei’s face changed.

"Zhang Shu!" Chen Chuan was also shocked.

Zhang Han’s lazy gesture lay on the chair, feeling like a crippled one.


Zhang Han shook his head slightly: "It just takes a break."

"Brother, you..." Zhou Fei said: "Is it okay?"


"Where did you appear? The last time." Zhou Fei asked.

"I and Chu Deyi stayed in the hall." Zhang Han thought and said: "Because I was attacked by the demon gods of the seven wilderness areas, my soul was damaged, so I will cultivate, and I will wake up soon, from the starry sky. The road came to the Haotianxing world, and there were several rewards for the sect. It should be able to retrieve a group of people."

"It’s almost a year.” Zhou Fei’s eyes were slightly reddened: “I don’t know my husband, sister-in-law, Meng Meng, how are they.”

"Wait for a while, short two weeks, long one month, no news, I am thinking about other ways." Zhang Han said.

Suddenly sighed in my heart.

His biggest concern is Meng Meng and Zi Yan. Both parents and grandfather have experience. The safety factor in the external experience is much higher, and others are better.

The shot is the sixth idea of ​​the lord, he will certainly control some, will not be transmitted to those ridiculous areas, stars and animals, ancient groups of animals.

As everyone knows, many people have been randomly sent to terrible places.

For his own people, the idea of ​​the sixth is also controlled to some extent.

"How did you get together?" Zhang Han also asked.

Zhou Fei said: "We, I am very lucky. In a city, I have a lot of spar, find a place to live, and then post a tracing notice on various information networks. I also sent some tasks. Later, someone brought it. Chen Chuan found me."

"Good luck." Zhang Han nodded. "Chen Chuan followed you, and I can rest assured. If I am evergreen, I am not worried. He can mix well outside."

"Well, he will definitely come to us." Zhou Fei whispered.

However, the facts are always beyond expectations.

The famous Qingdi.

The situation is not good today.

In an ancient mine pit.

"Hurry up!"

The guards are strict, many miners who mine, swing the shovel, and dig down.

Here is the place to dig spar.

Chen Changqing is one of them.

The space ring was also disarmed, and the body was bare, nothing, and the face was black and white.

"Oh, it’s been a month, I am mining here for August."

Chen Changqing is depressed...

It can be as savory as it is, only in a very small number.

Zhang Han here, soon, Qingfeng Daojun and others returned.

"Big brother."

Chu Laozu said: "Do you feel better? Or else, I will play chess with you?"

"No need." Zhang Han shook his head and said that he was not interested.

"Mi Mamen said, tomorrow will bring a big gift, personally come to apologize." Chu ancestors again.


Zhang Han is not interested in this.

But this is only superficial, and my mind has also considered it. He does need some high-end special Lingbao now.

In the good star world, the seventh-order Lingbao is not a rare thing, but it is not a bad street. The eighth-order Lingbao is rare.

There are almost no nine-level Lingbao, and it is also brought from the outside world.

Here, it is almost the same as the treasure of the Silver Dragon Galaxy. The Nine-order Lingbao is not a lot in the entire Xiuxian world. Xuanbao is rare.

But the eight-order Lingbao has different quantities in different regions.

This time, Mi Mimeng apologizes, and it is estimated that he will bring something that can be taken out.

"It’s good for you to get into Dacheng in 1200 years, but I don’t know if there is any talent to achieve the robbery. What kind of exercises do you practice now?” Zhang Han asked the old ancestors.


Chu Laozu’s face changed slightly, and the excited palm trembled.

Big Brother is going to fly again!

"Cough, you guys first shun." Chu ancestors waved to the side of the crowd.

Qingfeng Daojun and Honghu Laodao were quite envious, but they left and went to the side. Chu Chuyi entered the room and talked with Zhou Fei.

At this time, Chu Laozu set up a sound insulation layer.

"Big brother!"

"What I am practicing now is..."

Chu ancestors are also real, the key to Zhang Han assured.

The practice of practice, the situation of its own, has been said in one brain.

After listening to it, Zhang Han nodded and sometimes shook his head. Some of them practiced in the direction of approval, while others did not.

In the eyes of Qingfeng Daojun and Honghu Road, Zhang Han said something to Chu Laozu.

"Looking at the look of the Chu brother, I will definitely benefit a lot."

"Old Chu really embraced the thigh, envy, a Xianjun's support, how many people can't believe what they dream."

"I don't know if we can get some advice too."

"Do a good job, after all, there is a chance." Honghu Laodao looked firm.

Zhang Han, now in the early stage of refining the emptiness, when he first came to the Haotianxing world, he directly added three younger brothers of this age.

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