Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 985: Stubborn sprout

"Yes? Is there still this statement?" Zhang Guangyou snorted, drinking a little more, his face flushed, shaking his head, carefully sensing, half a ring before reaching out the palm of his hand: "So big."

"???" Zhang Mu squatted, looked helpless, and hit a sentence: "Do you drink too much? You are all eight inches of Dantian, and Jindan is almost seven inches. You are three or two. Can the qualifications become the ancestor of Kunlun?"

"Hey, this...mu brother, my Dantian and Guangyou are similar, only a little silk." Dong Chen also made a stroke.

"You have also drunk too much?" Zhang Mu patted his forehead: "Eight-inch Dantian, do you think you are joking?"

"Mu Ge, the key is almost the same." The three elders shook their heads: "What kind of dantian are you? No, a few inches of Jindan?"

"I am a six-inch Jindan." Zhang Mu sighed: "The south wind is a seven-inch Jindan. He is still favored in the Fengxue Hall. There are many resources. You should be wrong?"

"Yes, I am still a little bigger than Zhang Shu." Mu Xue also reached out to the palm of his hand: "Father, my master is a big demon, and his practice has always improved various factors, eight inches. Dan Tian is nothing. After a while, I will give you a nine-inch Dantian look."

How simple is it to say?

"Is it too much for me?"

Zhang Mu looked up at the sky, some awkward.

This is not right!

See Zhang Mu, who doubts life, Dong Chen laughed:

"It’s like when I was forced to do so, Mu Ge, our exercises are all given by Xiao Han, absolutely sharp."


Zhang Mu responded: "Is it all given to you? You show me the exercises."

Oh la la!

The four elephants emerged as if there was water flowing in Dong Chen's body. What is even more bizarre is that with the flowing water, the four sounds are looming, representing Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu and Xuanwu.


Zhang Mu quickly extended his right hand and felt for three seconds in Dong Chen's body.

Lying in the trough! What the hell?

Dantian can't detect it, but feel the energy of the sky. Zhang Mu knows that the original eight-inch Dantian... really! It's all true!

I can't sit still.

"What kind of Jin Dan are you?" Zhang asked quickly.

"Are you sure I want to make a plan?" Zhang Han leaked a weird look.

Ten inches of Dantian, the ratio is drawn out, you are afraid not to believe it!

Zhang Mu suddenly flashed, did not mention this matter, sinking for two seconds, got up:

"Guangyou, Xiaohan, you two come with me."


Say, Zhang Mu will fly into the air, and the result... jumped ten meters high, then fell down, his face was wrong:


"Forbidden field, the ability of the stars and five elements of the big array." Zhang Guangyou responded with a voice, his face proud: "Dad, you are only six inches Jindan, I am at least seven inches later, hey, this is not a qualification, hey, go Let's go over the cliff."

Looking at Zhang Guangyou, who looked at him, Zhang Mu wanted to kick him.

I have never seen a child for more than ten years, calling...

Restraint ideas, Zhang Mu, Zhang Guangyou, Zhang Han.

The three slowly moved to the back hill and fell into the jungle.

"Many people have mixed eyes, and some things still have to be talked privately." Zhang Mu shook his head slightly: "What is going on in the end? You seem to have any secrets. Where did Xiaohan get so many exercises?"

"This let him talk about it." Zhang Guangyou looked at Zhang Han.

"When I got Leiyangshu, I got the memory of Xiuxian Xianjun for five hundred years, and passed on the powerful." Zhang Han simply replied.

Zhang Mu: "Hey... what do you say?"

"Psychology, peace of mind." Zhang Guangyou laughed: "Great."

"The five centuries of Xiuxian, that is at least Yuan Ying? Is it the inheritance of an ancestor of Kunlun?" Zhang Mu muttered to himself.

"It is not the Kunlun fairyland, it is the vast universe, the sea of ​​the stars, and it is not a weak Yuan Ying."

Zhang Guangyou said with pride:

"I don't know if you have heard of the robbery."

"Take a robbery?" Zhang Mu shook his head: "I have never heard of it. The strongest person in Kunlun fairyland is Yuan Ying. No one said anything on Yuan Ying. Maybe it will be known to Yuan Ying to know the secret."

"Ha ha ha." Zhang Guangyou laughed: "Kunlun fairyland is really ignorant, son, up."

Zhang Han’s mouth trembled and said with a funny voice:

"The realm of cultivation is divided into training period, Gongji, congenital, Jindan, Yuanying, Huashen, smelting, combining, Dacheng, and robbery. In addition to the robbery, they are divided into the early, middle, late, and peaks. The robbery period starts from the first order to the ninth order. The 9th order robbery requires enlightenment and has the opportunity to step on the fairy road to rise to the upper bound."

"Yuan Ying, Huashen, smoldering, fit, Dacheng, robbing, ninth order, so much?" Zhang Mu has some scalp numb.

"The vast expanse of stars, the tens of thousands of people vying for the glory, and all kinds of cultivators, Kunlun celestial world is just a dust. For example, the nearest sea dragon star field, the region is huge, some cultivators are not able to step on their lives. Throughout the entire star field, the practitioners of the Golden Age are considered to be the middle layer, and the Yuan Ying is the top of the Hailongxing domain. If there is a god, it is the top of the pyramid."

Zhang Han chuckles:

"Grandpa may ask even Jin Dan is in the middle of the sea dragon star field? Because the earth is not as simple as you think, its real name, called the holy Wuxing ball, is the innate treasure, it is hidden in the sea dragon star field, no one can It is found that unless we go out on our own, this road is still unclear. In the vast Xiu Xianjie, the Hailong Star Field is nothing more than a county."

"So big?" Zhang Mu's facial muscles trembled.

You can see the expression, and it is the scene of the collapse of the world view.

"and many more!"

Zhang Mu’s face changed: “Do you mean that you have acquired the inheritance of the ninth order of the robbery? Are you the top superpower in the cultivating world?”

"Yes." Zhang Han responded.

"This..." Zhang Mu was dumbfounded and stayed for a long time before he asked: "How big is your Dantian?"

"There is nothing, just so big." Zhang Han took the opportunity to draw.


Zhang Mu looked blank: "You are under the plan, I just didn't see it."

"Forget it, don't commit any old heart disease, go back."

"No, I can see it again."


after an hour.

Grandpa walked back, but Zhang Mu’s expression was always wonderful, as if he really was drinking too much.

"We... we will leave tomorrow?" Zhang Mu looked at Zhang Han and asked.

He finally knows why Zhang Han is the backbone of the heart.

"Tomorrow night." Zhang Han thought for an answer.

During the day he wants to strengthen the formation, but also to accompany Meng Meng and Zi Yan, the little girl must be entangled with him, it is also a headache.

At five o'clock, everyone went to rest.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, Zhang Han got the three drops of blood from Rose's blood ancestors.

The people who came here shivered, and also said a few words, introduced other blood ancestors to Zhang Han, and also had the next time to find Ross blood ancestors, rather than die.

Zhang Han laughed and said nothing about this.

Holding a variety of treasures, came to the Leiyang tree.

"Dad wants to strengthen the world."

Meng Meng and Zi Yan and Zhang Mu, etc., all ran to see the excitement.

The result is colorful and colorful, and various radiances emerge. Zhang Han dissolved the blood of Ross's blood ancestors in the town of Tianshi, and with Leiyang treasures, he got a new round of reinforcement.

Even if it is the strength of Jindan's medium term, it will not be broken for a while. Although it is only seven days, Zhang Han feels that it is enough.

"The great elders, these days, the formation will be handed over to you."

Zhang Han spoke to the elders.

"There is me, Xinyueshan is a solid soup!" The elders are also passionate.

"Dad, what are you going to do?"

Meng Meng is very keenly aware of the tone of Dad, is this going to go out again?

"Dad and your grandfather went to Kunlun fairyland, and returned in about six or seven days." Zhang Han smiled and touched the sprouting little brain.

"Yes." Zhang Mu nodded: "Taigong and your father have things to do in Kunlun, and if they are fast, they will solve the problem in six or seven days."

"Oh, can we come back in six or seven days? Then I have to ask for three days off." Meng Meng said something tentatively.

Look closely at Zhang Han's look, some helpless expressions.

Sure enough, don't bring yourself, hehe!

"Meng Meng." Zhang Guangyou laughed: "This time I really can't go, you are waiting at home, and you are going to marry you with Xue Xue."

"No, I want to be with my father." Meng Meng was very stubborn in answering.

All of a sudden, everyone around them looked at Meng Meng, and did not know what to say.

"Play with the snow owl here, next time your dad does not take you to Kunlun, the snow scorpion will take you to play?" Mu Xue also persuaded.

" Obedient." Zi Yan face a board.

Meng Meng also maintained a little smile and then dispersed, a little wronged pouting, but the shiny big eyes, still watching Zhang Han, the expectation in the blind can be seen.

how to answer?

Zhang Han would not refuse at all. At this time, he was as big as a cow and hesitated for two seconds before he sighed:

"You are going to start school soon....."

"I can test the first time in a few days." Meng Meng replied.

"There are people in the Kunlun fairy world who are better than Dad." Zhang Han added.

"I am not afraid." Meng Meng is still stubborn.

"Don't be troublesome, cute!" The voice of Zi Yan is a bit strict.

But Meng Meng is still watching Zhang Han.

"Next time, next time Dad must bring you?" Zhang Han couldn't help but laugh and squat down. Who knows that the little girl turned and ran away.

Don't you cry?

Zhang Han was very worried and looked at the back of the little girl who disappeared at the gate of the castle.

For a time, the field calmed down.

"The granddaughter is very sticky." Zhang Mu touched his hair: "But going up this time, the crisis is not just sprouting, and no one else can bring it."

"Go and squat, Meng Meng is still a little girl, it will be better in a while." Zhang Guangyou patted Zhang Han's shoulder.


Zhang Han and Zi Yan are planning to return to the castle.


The cute figure appeared on the third floor balcony, jumped straight down and ran to the front:

"Dad, I am going."

The little girl is really stubborn. I haven’t been to the other places before.

Now even wearing a cap, but also carrying a school bag.

"can not go!"

The purple frown is wrinkled: "When you go, will you know what to do with your father?"

"I won't mess up."

The more powerful the mouth is sprouting, it seems to be crying, the right hand sticks out from behind and spreads out the palm of your hand.

The action is the same as when she was in kindergarten. There is a small red flower in the palm of my hand. This is the first time that Meng Meng came out with a small red flower. Her voice is somewhat wronged:

"Dad, can't I use a little red flower?"


Zhang Han slightly bent:

"Why do you have to go with Dad?"

Zi Yan is also a little angry, this thing can not be noisy, just want to say something, get a cute answer, but let her heart slammed.

"Because, because there is danger, I have to accompany my father, there is danger, and safety is also together."


Listening to Meng Meng's words mixed with a cry of crying, Zhang Han was struck by lightning.

The people around him vibrate.

No one spoke again, even if he wanted to say it, he swallowed it.

The pure emotions of Meng Meng seem to render the whole world.

Not the last time I was crying, this time I really want to cry.

Zhang Han’s eyes were slightly red, and he was touched and helpless. He licked Meng Meng and gently patted her back, softly saying:

"Okay, don't cry, Dad promises you, promises you, take you with you, no matter where you go."

I thought that the mood would be cloudy and sunny, and I would laugh and say that I was going to explore.

But who knows...

Meng Meng wowed and cried, very sad and sad.

"My little red flower has lost one..."

The little red flower seems to be the sacred obsession, very very important thing. In the past few years, the small blackboard has been in the cute bedroom, and it will be cleaned every few days.

This scene, let the purple scorpion stop in place, the brain is blank, do not know what to say.

Yes, she never wanted to accompany Zhang Han.

Health, together, die, no matter.

Suddenly, Zi Yan understood Meng Meng. Although she has the strength of strength, but there are also many treasures on her body, she also knows some moves, and she is a mortal. Is it more chaotic?

Can't go, can't go.

But I also want to go.

Why can't I practice?


Mu Xue on the side can't stand it anymore:

“I heard that the first middle school Christmas holiday was held for two weeks, that is to say, there are still nine days of holidays.”

In fact, there is only one week, but Mu Xue wants to turn the holiday into two weeks, which is a matter of words.

"Moreover, there is a Kunlun fairyland in the district. What are you afraid of!"

As soon as I heard Meng Meng crying, Mu Xue had a distressed pain.

Two sentences went on, and the practitioner who followed Zhang Mu’s face was helpless.

When did the Kunlun fairyland become a Kunlun fairyland in the district?

"Okay, don't cry." Zhang Han said quickly: "Who said to use a small red flower? Take you to the Kunlun fairy world to play, and don't need a small red flower, daughter, don't use too much force, give a little red flower If you catch it, it’s really one less."

"Well, um, I don't have to." Meng Meng sobbed and said: "Mom, I want to go with my father."

"Go, my mother agreed." Zi Yan sighed, and there was a bit of pain in his eyes: "Mom is waiting for you at home, waiting for you to come back safely."

"Mom is the best, I love my mother, I love my father."

"Ha ha ha." Zhang Guangyou saw the atmosphere a little sad, and laughed a few times: "I can go, granddaughter, don't cry, look at the **** and the black, they are all fried."

Turn your head and look.

Big black and little black and little do not stand under the Leiyang tree.

The hair on the **** body was like an electric shock. All of them stood up, their faces were so strong that they were scratching their heads.

Xiao Hei was also stunned, kneeling on the ground, with a pair of poor expressions.

The little ones are very gregarious, and they are fried and squatted on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Meng Meng broke into laughter:

"Giggle, **** looks so cute."

Meng Meng smiled, the atmosphere on the field immediately became cheerful.

The little princess has this kind of magic.

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