Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 986: Xuan Ran

Zhang Han sees the sprouting palm, holding the purple palm in his right hand and going back to the castle:

"Let's go, Dad makes lunch for you to eat, we are going to leave at night, and we have to let your mother show you what clothes to wear."

"Uh huh." Meng Meng wiped a face, and the eyes were radiant.

The little guy now has his own ideas, his personality is very strange, casual, elf eccentric, cute, no aristocratic dignity and rigor, what has always been expressed, angry is angry, happy is happy, this state, perhaps Great freedom.


They entered the castle, Zhang wood frowned, and looked at Zhang Guangyou and Rong Jiali:

"There are also dangerous situations for them? How are your parents?"

"Cough." Zhang Guangyou simply retorted: "Dad, you didn't talk to you old."

"My granddaughter cried, how do I say?" Zhang Mu glanced.

"That is also my granddaughter!" Zhang Guangyou turned black: "I also taught her martial arts for several years."

"The wings are hard." Zhang Mu faintly glanced at him: "Don't listen to it?"

"No, Dad, we are listening to you very much." Rong Jiali said with a smile.


Zhang Mu sighed: "Small Han should not really bring Meng Meng, it is too dangerous. If it is true, you will go to persuade."

"Old man, you can rest assured." Mu Xue stepped forward: "My teacher respects Jinkou Yuyan, saying what is what, since he promised, must be brought, and my master's means are endless, what the wind and snow temple People are not opponents at all."

"Yes." Jiang Yanlan came from the back side: "I have already called to inform you that the first middle school holiday is extended by one week."

Nothing to say.

Zhang Mu glanced around and finally touched his forehead, helpless.

"Dad, do we all go up and see?" Zhang Guangyou whispered.



at the same time.

The practitioners who fled back to the Kunlun fairyland informed the Zongmen.

This incomparably explosive news makes people stunned and spread.

"what did you say?"

"The lower bound Zhang Hanyang killed hundreds of Kunlun people? The elders of Wu actually died?"

“Do you all eat dry food? Waste is waste!”

"Even all escaped, what are your faces?"

In the face of all kinds of doubts, temper, direct response:

"When you go to you, who doesn't know that the lower bounds are very powerful in suppressing the strength, can only be half-step Jindan, what is the use? That Hanyang is even killed by Jin Dan, is Nanqi, he took Nirvana, temporarily upgraded In the early period of Jindan, it could not stop Zhang Hanyang's edge. He would kill him with a face-to-face. If he didn't run, would he kill us?"

"Zhang Hanyang is invincible in the lower bounds. We can't go any further. There is really no way. His supernatural power is too strong, unless he can come to Kunlun Fairyland, otherwise it is below, no one is his opponent."


Many people were surprised to hear about the news.

"What! Even the South Seven who took Nirvana was killed?"

"South Third, South Sixth, South Five, South Seven, the Three Princes of the Wind and Snow Temple, the thirteenth battle will almost die, interesting and interesting."

"Zhang Hanyang, there is a dragon in the lower bound."

The Fengxue Hall is responsible for the lower bounds of the Three Princes. When he learned the news, the number of his men fell, and even the South Seven who had Nirvana was killed. His expression was stiff on the spot for two minutes. Close your eyes and gently exhale:

"Are you sure you are not Zhang Mu, but his grandson Zhang Hanyang?"

"It is true that five years ago, Zhang Hanyang could kill half a step of Jin Dan. Now, in the past few years, he did not expect that he could even kill Jin Dan in the early stage. He achieved such success in the lower bounds. This is a must for this!" The tone of the hands is very heavy.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." The handsome south wind stood at the window and looked at the great river and hills. He sighed: "I would have used Zhangmu as a good enemy, a spice in life, and I want to see him. Where did he grow up? Now that he has just emerged, he never thought that it was his grandson who broke the deadlock."

"Three princes."

Suddenly, he walked into a clothed old man outside the door. His pair of eagle eyebrows caught the eye and only listened to him faintly:

"I have heard about Zhang Hanyang's affairs. As a Zhang Muyu, I have committed such a sinful crime. I would like to go to the lower bound to take his first level. I wonder if the Three Princes can be interested?"

The man who reported the news saw the old man arched his hand. He was Gaochuan, the strongest character of the south wind. He broke through the late Jindan 30 years ago, and now he is not far from the peak, even stronger than the south wind. Belonging to the Wind and Snow Temple, it is not really a man of the south wind.

Hearing this news, he knew that he was not moving, and it was difficult for others to kill Zhang Hanyang. The prince was more optimistic about the Three Princes. The responsibility for the lower bounds could not be too much trouble.

"He can kill Jin Dan in the early stage." The south wind looks calm and calm, and the tone is not shocked: "In the world, it should be his limit. This son can't stay, Gao Shu, this time you have to bother yourself to the lower bound. Belongs."

"The three princes are not polite." Gao Chuan nodded.

"Come on, bring the Nirvana tree up."

The south wind issued an order.

Nirvana, which possesses it in the secular, can have the strength of the mid-Jindan in a period of time.

If Jindan is not invincible in the middle of the world, then it is really a ghost.

Such an uproar, of course, also opened the eyes of those who entered the Kunlun fairyland a few years ago.

In the past few years, there were only five people in the world. Only one person was alive, and he was a doffer. At this time, he was sighed in the Zongmen:

"How? I am right. Fortunately, we did not send people to the first batch, or they will be suppressed by Zhang Hanyang. He, that person, I can’t see through, but what is certain is that in the lower bound, he really It’s too strong.”

Many of the elders in Zongmen have a lingering fear. Of course, they all advocated following the tide and following the big forces. Now the situation is still used. Whoever leads the team who died, may have a chance to live, but who dares to gamble!

"Zhang Hanyang, he still hangs the sky." Ye Longyuan scratched his head and looked depressed: "Although the owe money curse was dissipated by the head, but his temper, this account can not be relied upon, counted, the ground I owe 40,000, Tiancheng is 80,000, Jindan has become 160,000 in the early period, and it is 320,000 in the medium term. Mom, I owe such a huge sum of money? Fortunately, it is only the next product, if it is the top grade, it took me. I can't afford it."

"No! The congenital peak is still a realm, ah! 600,000, ah ah..."

Ye Longyuan was relieved at first, and there were more than 600,000 crystals in his mind. He couldn’t help but tremble, and there was an idea in his mind:

Do you want to pay?


Thinking of Zhang Hanyang's record, Ye Longyuan looked around with a few eyes.

After forgetting it, for a few more years, it will not be possible to break through the later stage, and save money. Sixty-four thousand can still be returned, and more than one million will not work.

Fengxue Temple, Shifeng has become a famous character, the legend of Xiaopeng Wang continues, and now his identity is also a pro-disciple of the elders.

At this time, after hearing the news, his eyes flashed:

Zhang Hanyang, you have left me a life... When he becomes famous on the day, he will pay off all your debts. Before that, I believe that you will not fall.

In my mind, I also said that I entered Kunlun and Zhang Hanyang said to myself:

"It doesn't matter if you don't die, don't forget the spar."

"Shi Feng waiting, practice well."

Yes, I am doing well, but this account....... More than one million spar, Zhang Hanyang, calculate it!

In their generation, more than 10,000 warriors came up, relatively speaking, only a few are known.

The dust is still so bad, it is also a disciple from the soul sect. The reputation of the dust must be over ten times that of Ye Longyuan.

Some people mention Ye Longyuan, they will say: voice is his brother.

Someone can raise the dust, that is to mention the dust, did not say that Ye Longyuan is his younger brother.

This makes Ye Longyuan feel the pressure and power, and the name of the devil is also his own!

He believes that one day, in the Kunlun fairyland, he will become a fascinating demon king.

As for the Luofu Jianzong Ding Jiu Ming, the reputation is not high, but the strength is not low, belongs to the kind of relatively low-key people.

When he learned about Zhang Hanyang's affairs, he did not speak for a long time, but eventually spit out such a sentence:

"Miss, wait for me to go back and raise my family!"

I haven't forgotten about it.

Ding Jiu-ming is also a boring person. He remembered Mu Xue for many years, and dared to say it when he left the world to go to Kunlun, but he seemed to forget that Mu Xue refused at that time.

Including Guangmingya Subeimu, many young strongmen who could be called out at the beginning, I heard the news, and all of them felt shocked:

Zhang Hanyang, Zhang Hanyang, you are so fierce in the world, you did not choose to enter Kunlun more than five years ago, I thought that to annihilate the world, who thought that in the world will make the Kunlun fairy world shake things, kill so much, still no such thing It’s a strange person.

I am more than happy. When I came to the Tianxia Mountain, I was in the valley. I heard the news and I was refreshed. This is the only good news I have heard in two years:

"The little and the Lord are really powerful. The mountain owners and the young masters are also reunited. It's really good. It's just... what should happen in the next crisis? What should I do?"

The pressure is very, very large, how can the enemy be overpowered by a dozen or so forces?

“Quickly, the frost spar mine is forming immediately, and the fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger.”

"It was originally a good news, but now it seems to represent a dead period."

"Live a way..."

They stood on a high mountain and looked at the mountains in the distance. Hundreds of people were watching and their hearts were heavy.

These people are waiting, waiting for the formation of spar veins.

Time seems to be getting more and more urgent, and the disaster of extinction is coming faster and faster.

In the valley, the center of the vortex, they simply don't know if there is a chance.

at the same time.

Among the castles, Zi Yan also eased the mood, facing the sprout like a horn, she was helpless.

"It’s really a biological one."

Zi Yan sighed and remembered that when she was at the tip of the horn, she left the Purple House and went to Xiangjiang to develop. It was also so persistent.

But for Meng Meng, she was so angry and funny, and licked the face of a little girl, said:

"If you talk about you, you can't accept it like your father, and listen to it."

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