Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1200: Delisting Kunlun!

"Everyone, the days of the elderly have been going on for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, the old man has never done anything that hurts the world. %d7%cf%d3%c4%b8%f3 don't say five Whether the tragedy of a hundred years ago was the result of the old man, even if he did not harm in these five hundred years, he said that he was also repenting.

When people make mistakes, just like you, haven’t you done anything wrong? Cheng Yu said loudly.

He knows that it is very difficult to let everyone accept the fact that the elderly are not murderers, so what he can do now is to minimize the hostility of the elderly.

"Cheng Yu! You said these words are not ridiculous? You have to blame for such a person, is it because the other party has joined your Cheng family, you even ignore the most basic justice and shame?

Yes, compared with the Promise Palace, our Kunlun qualifications are not enough, but I believe that even if they are the Promise, they will never support you!

The evils left by the old man in the realm of cultivation are simply horrifying. As long as it is a person full of justice in his heart, it is impossible to forgive him. If you do this, you will not only ruin the Promise Palace, but also destroy all the people in the world who have a sense of justice!

I advise you to surrender the old man, so as not to go on a road of no return! Zhu Hongsheng said quickly that he saw Cheng Yu wanting to shake them.

However, his remarks are justified, and everyone feels more persuasive than Cheng Yu’s argument. After all, the old man left a great influence on the people of the world, and the things of the year have long been undetectable. As for what happened in the past, it is not so important.

What is important is that they must remove the wicked people like the old man, even if the old man is not the murderer of the day, what does it matter? They can get rid of the magic guards!

"Very good! It seems that your brainwashing course has been very successful. Since you have to stand in line with Kunlun, I will not stop you. I only hope that you can bear the consequences of your own decisions!" Cheng Yu saw These people were suddenly moved by Kunlun, and he no longer talked nonsense, but killed a few more people.

As a result, Hong Fei was anxious, and he did not care about the truth of the old man. He was concerned that he could not let his sects involve the personal grievances of Cheng Yu and Kunlun.

But now these people have been moved by Kunlun, he wants to say his own ideas, but he does not dare. Because he knows how the situation is still unclear, he does not know whether Cheng Yu can hold on, or whether Kunlun really has the strength to kill Cheng Yu.

If Cheng Yu is not good, he will make a statement at this time, then it is undoubtedly equal to angering Kunlun. But if you don't express your position now, then it is undoubtedly confirming their battle with Kunlun. In Cheng Yu's view, they are already a group of people. This is equivalent to being completely dragged down by Kunlun.

Which side should I choose? Hong Fei has been entangled. He has long known that this is not a good errand. Especially after getting the shackles of the head, there are two serious problems in front of them, but they dare not make a decision.

Because no matter which side you support, you will offend the other side, but neither side of either side can be provoked by a small sect of their Feiyun school. If you take the wrong step, it is to let the sects go into ruins!

In fact, the person who is as entangled as him is just him. Those masters who were in the early days of the combination came with the mission of the sect. They just wanted to arrest the old man, but not for the personal grievance between Kunlun and Cheng Yu!

"Cheng Yu, do you say that you are acknowledging that the old man is here for you? In fact, you don't have to defend it at all. Even if you don't admit it, everyone in the world knows this fact. What do you mean if you die like this? "Zhu Hongsheng saw that he once again stabilized the military heart, and he was proud of it."

"Oh, I don't talk nonsense with you. What kind of urinary **** do you have in Kunlun? I don't know yet? Don't you just want to take up a big righteousness? Tell me how Cheng Yu can cover the evil people like the old man, how to abandon justice and ignore it. Damage to the hearts of the people, etc. Raising your image of Kunlun and degrading the reputation of others is the commonplace of your Kunlun family.

Want to find an excuse to get rid of me? Oh, you Kunlun is not qualified. However, I have to remind you that if you want to kill me, it is better to be early, or else I will kill Kunlun again or later.

I was very sorry when I was at the Kunlun Mountain Gate last time. The Kunlun disciples I killed were too few, but you can rest assured that this time I will never be merciless, because this time, I intend to Kunlun. .. in addition to ... name! Cheng Yu said with a smile, especially when it comes to the last four words, it is a word, and every word is said to tremble!

When I heard this, everyone was shocked. Although Kunlun was not the top martial art in the realm of comprehension, it also had a sect of far-reaching history.

Especially in addition to the four hidden sects such as the Promise Palace, no one in the right way can compare with Kunlun, even the Tianshan, Wolverine and Lushan factions ranked second, third and fourth are much worse. .

Otherwise, in the beginning, Lushan would not drink soup after Kunlun.

However, such a strong martial art Cheng Yu actually threatened to remove Kunlun, what is he based on? Is he going to let the Promise Palace shoot?

Moreover, the Promise Palace is not Cheng Yu's. He is also a disciple of the Promise Palace. Although his master is an important figure in the Promise Palace, it is impossible to get rid of the big things like Kunlun. !

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not based on the Promise Palace, is it because he has just established a two-month family? Is this a bit too much fun? As far as the current strength of the Cheng family is now, more than two hundred distractions, this should already be the limit.

And Kunlun? It is not only a small group of distracted martial art, but Kunlun has the existence of several scattered immortals. How strong are the scattered immortals, no one really experienced it, but they know that their strength is definitely similar to the master of the robbery period.

This kind of strength can be said to be really top-notch. More powerful than this is the immortal. Although his Cheng Yu is very talented, he has left many legends in the realm of cultivation, but like Kunlun, there are many The sect of the underlying, how could he be removed?

"Cheng Yu! You are too crazy. Since you want to die, we will fulfill you! But this is what you are looking for!" Zhu Hongsheng said with a sullen face.

"Haha! Are you afraid of my revenge? You can rest assured that the day I removed Kunlun, you absolutely can't see it, because you are going to be removed from me today!" Cheng Yu laughed. Said!

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