Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1201: Leave again!

Cheng Yu’s declaration of Kunlun’s delisting was out of the scene. Everyone was staring at Cheng Yu. He seemed to want to see if this was a joke that Cheng Yu said casually.

But when I saw Cheng Yu’s serious and solemn expression, everyone gradually began to believe that Cheng Yu might come to this time, not to talk about it.

"Ha ha! Cheng Yu, want to remove my Kunlun, you rely on you?" Zhu Hongsheng first glimpse, then laughed.

"You don't have to worry about this. Kunlun is already a history in front of me. You must remove Kunlun first!" Cheng Yu said that he was the first to take the weapon!

Cheng Yu’s action once again shocked everyone. No one thought that the first thing to prepare for the war would be Cheng Yu. You must know that Kunlun is now a master of the mid-synthesis, and the strongest of them is the five identical "old people", but it is only the beginning of the fit, where does he have the guts?

"Cheng Jia disciples listened well. Today, Kunlun invaded my 36 peaks, insulted me Cheng Jia, and killing the enemy is the responsibility of our Chengjia disciples. Anyone who killed a Kunlun distracted disciple and won a family contribution of 100 Kill a young disciple of Kunlun and get a family contribution of 1,000. Kill a mid-community disciple and get a family contribution of 2,000. After the battle, get the top five of the family contribution, each rewarding the Horcrux!" Cheng Yu sneered, and in the face of everyone, once again said the reward of the battle.

I heard that Cheng Yu was actually rewarding at this time. Everyone was speechless, but the people who knew about the Cheng Yu family were completely envious.

They are very clear about what these family contributions mean, but they can exchange things for various resources, and I heard that the top five people who have contributed are actually the Horcruxes, and everyone is completely jealous.

Horcrux! That is how many people dream of magic, but Cheng Yu is directly regarded as a reward. Some people who are unclear, when they hear the explanation from the people next to them, they are too excited.

"I have heard that Cheng Yu has set up an extraordinary family. Now I seem to understand it!" After listening to other people's explanations, he immediately said.


"You believe now! I said, in Chengjia, there is no discrimination, everyone is equal, as long as you work hard enough, enough skills. Horcrux, five pieces of Horcrux, Cheng Yuzhen is too big Only by following such people can we grow even further.

In our current martial art, even a little soup can't take us, let alone a far-reaching future! "The green robe man Liu Yuanyi said envious."

"We believe that, as you said before, they really use contributions in exchange for resources. Although these five Horcruxes are not available to everyone, others can get the same contribution. These contributions can be In exchange for resources, so they are not very disadvantageous! Besides, as long as their strength is strong enough, all of them have the opportunity to get the Horcrux, it is enviable!" Ma Zinan said.

"Unfortunately, we are not a disciple of Cheng Jia, Liu Xiong, the same brother you said is also in Cheng Jia, have you seen him?" Tian Zhi asked.

"I saw it, that is, standing at the forefront of the right side. He is just like us. Now he has a half-step fit period. I believe that this time he is afraid that he will win one of these five places!" Liu Yuanyi Said the face envious.


Cheng Yu’s words caused everyone’s arguments, most of which were envious and envious of the eyes. Only Kunlun’s people were all the face of the blue color.

Just now, Cheng Yu made it clear that Kunlun invaded the 36 peaks, and it was able to get the family contribution by killing the Kunlun disciples. This clearly means that Cheng Yu once again made an alienation to them.

In the coalition forces of Kunlun, people like Hong Fei don’t know whether they are happy or worried! Cheng Yu’s words have undoubtedly officially declared war on Kunlun, but in his declaration of war, it seems that only Kunlun disciples are included. This shows that Cheng Yu is actually unwilling to make trouble with everyone.

Then, is he standing in the same line with Kunlun now, or should he protect neutrality and let them fight?

Seeing Cheng Yu’s prestige, they were also shocked. They were already in the early days of the match. They had never seen anyone and things, but they never saw people like Cheng Yu.

If you can also enter a family like Chengjia and get their rich resources, fear that your future will never be less than the initial stage.

At this moment, his heart has actually been somewhat inclined to Cheng Yu, the so-called water is flowing low, people go to the heights! Although the small sects such as the Feiyun School have the support of Kunlun, but with his disciples, it does not have much practical significance.

It has been a few hundred years since the beginning of the fit, but he still can't see any road ahead. He even thought that he has reached his peak until now, and maybe he hasn't made any progress.

However, seeing Cheng Yu, I feel that if he can get the support of Cheng's resources, his strength may be able to move further!

Just as he was constantly struggling in his heart, he heard that Cheng Yu spoke again.

"For the major sects who followed Kunlun~www.ltnovel.com~ I know that you are really coming for justice, although we still have some differences in the matter of the elderly, but I hope that you Don't intervene between me and Kunlun.

As for the old man, we may be able to find another time. Maybe we can find a way that everyone can accept. What do you think? Cheng Yu looked at the other people in Kunlun and said.

When I heard this, Kunlun’s face changed again. They understood what Cheng Yu’s words meant. However, in fact, when he said this, he turned everything into the personal grievances of Cheng Yu and their Kunlun. This is definitely not what Kunlun wants to see.

The reason why they have to bring so many people is to pull the sects together to make the Wuji Palace unable to put hatred on Kunlun.

"You are the same doormen, don't listen to Cheng Yu's one-sided words. He is doing nothing more than hoping to completely separate us. If you really wait until later to talk to them about the elderly, you feel that there is still in front of him. Opportunity? You now see how arrogant Cheng Yu is. Now I will not solve the problem of the elderly. We will not think about it in the future!" Zhu Hongsheng said quickly, hoping to save the hearts of these people!

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