Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1231: Master door!

"Is it heard? Cheng Yu can make people quickly upgrade a realm in just a few days, which is too strong, no wonder he has improved so fast in just two years!"

"Who is this Cheng Yu said by the brothers? Is there such a thing?"

Nowadays, Cheng Yu’s legends are everywhere in the entire realm of comprehension. Almost everyone’s after-meal talks are all about Cheng Yu’s deeds. If someone asks who this Cheng Yu is, it will definitely cause contempt for everyone.

"Lian Chengyu doesn't know, how do you mix in the practice circle?" Some people despised.

"Oh, the younger brother is very good at walking outside, all the things outside are not very good, but also ask this brother to explain one or two!" The man smiled slyly.

"Then I will tell you about this Cheng Yu, this Cheng Yu, but the only disciple of the elders of the Promise Palace, one of the four hidden gates, he..." Next, this population is hanging. The story of Cheng Yu is divided into eight chapters, nine chapters and ten times, ups and downs, and the endless talk.

It has been said that Cheng Yu recently directly raised the strength of the family disciples directly to a step. The expression, the tone, is so excited, so proud, as if all this is the general experience of his own experience.

"It turned out that listening to the brother said so, this Cheng Yu is really a legendary figure!" The man listened, the eyes full of all yearning for the color.

"That is of course, now who does not know Cheng Yu's name in the practice world. And this time Kunlun took people to the 36th peak to force the palace, he even said that he would kill Kunlun.

But unfortunately, there has been no news for so long, it seems that he will not do this in the short term. Otherwise, we can see a wonderful battle! "The man's face showed a look of no regrets."

This is just one of the scenes. Now the entire world of comprehension is full of such stories. There are even many storytellers who have written the story of Cheng Yu into a book, which is widely publicized in the teahouse restaurant, and Cheng Yu is completely fire.


Although Cheng Yu, who is far away from the world, has not yet set out to go to the realm of cultivation, he has already anticipated this. Because the sensation and temptation brought by Da Yan's inheritance and practice is absolutely huge, even a master like the Mahayana is hard to refuse.

However, Cheng Yu's most hope is not to be famous, but to have a real master to come to him, so that is really to achieve their goals.

Although there are certainly many masters who are using his bad ideas, he believes that there is the identity of the Promise, these people will certainly not come to him blatantly, so he does not have to fear now.

Time goes by, but unfortunately, there is no master who Cheng Yu hopes to come to him, which makes him somewhat disappointed.

"Yu Shidi, this is almost a month, but there is not a master to come to our Cheng family, it seems that you are not very successful in this show!" Xin Luo said in a big rocking chair and smiled.

"What are you eager? The size of the comprehension is so big that there are still many places that have not been spread in a month. Even if it is spread, those masters will not be so easily moved. Of course, we must first consider and understand!" Cheng Yu picked up a cup of tea and blew it gently. He sipped a small mouth and filled his mouth with fragrance.

"That may not be the case. If I want such a master, even if I have to consider it, I have to come to the 36 peaks to see it. Only by confirming this matter from you can you consider it, or else consider it?" "Xin Luo said in disapproval."

"It doesn't matter. If you don't come, you won't come. Anyway, the advertisements have already been played. If you don't come, you will see their creation. Everyone needs what they need. If they come, it will be good for me. If they don't come, they will There is no harm!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

He is also very helpless. These masters seem to be extinct all of a sudden, and no one is coming. Even if it is a find one!

"Home! Not good! Not good!" But at this time, a disciple ran to the door in a panic and reported loudly.

"Come in and talk!" Cheng Yu said: "What happened?"

"Homeowner, a master in the late stage of the fit hurts a few people outside, saying that he is looking for a homeowner!" The disciple walked into the house, sweating on his head, and seeing it really scared him.

"The master of the late stage!" Cheng Yu was not shocked and rejoiced, and suddenly stood up.

"Hey, Yu Shidi, what do you really say? This is the time when the guy came, just don't know that the enemy is a friend!" Xinluo is also a spirit, and suddenly sat up from the rocking chair.

"Go, let's go and see, it's hard to come to a master, can't let him run!" Cheng Yu said excitedly, actually took the lead out of the house.

The disciples of the letter saw that there were not a few nervous appearances in the big brothers, but they were somewhat excited. It seemed that they had long known that there were masters coming in, and they suddenly felt puzzled.

"The owner is the owner, and I have already expected things like God!" This is the only thought in his heart. Looking at the back of Cheng Yuwei's shore, his heart is more admired.

Everyone came to the Yunshoufeng lobby and saw a white-bearded old man sitting in the hall and playing with a cup of tea.

"Homeowner, this person is strong and strong, afraid that it is not good!" Han Yuwu and a group of elders saw Cheng Yu come, the original nervous heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly came forward, whispered.

"No problem, go on, I can do it here!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"But the owner, this person is specially directed at you. It is not safe for you to stay here for a few people!" Hu Sihai said with some concern.

Although he is also a master of the fit period, it is only a combination of the early stage, the other side is the late stage of the fit, this gap is not the general big.

When he wanted to commit crimes in Kunlun, he was vulnerable in the middle of the middle of the fit, not to mention the late stage of the fit. It was the ecstasy that exudes from him that makes him feel a little trembled.

"You can rest assured, I have my own ideas, there will be nothing, you go ahead!" Cheng Yu said.

"That Lord, you should be careful, if there is something to call out loud, we are waiting outside!" Hu Sihai thought for a moment.

Now Cheng Yu is the true backbone of Cheng Jia. The reason why Cheng Jia can develop so prosperously is all because Cheng Yu is there. He is more and more confident about the current Cheng family, so Cheng Yu is absolutely impossible.

"Well! Brother, you are going out too!" Cheng Yu saw the heart of the river and they followed him and thought about it.

"Teacher, you are too dangerous, let us go in with you!" Xinhe said with some peace of mind.

"Brother, have you forgotten what realm is he? If he really wants my life, don't you go in and die? Don't worry, I will do it!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"This... well, then you have to be on guard against it. Although he is directed at your secret method, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not use some extreme means!" Xinhe reminded.

"Well! I will pay attention!" Cheng Yu nodded and one entered the hall.


Cheng Yu is not in a hurry, step by step into the hall, the old man drinking tea has been staring at Cheng Yu since that moment.

"You are Cheng Yu? The owner of this Cheng family?" The old man put down the teacup and said slowly.

"It is exactly below, I don't know how to call Mr.?" Cheng Yu smiled lightly, sat opposite the old man and poured himself a cup of tea.

"A false name, not to mention it." The old man shook his head and smiled.

Cheng Yu did not care, shaking his head and gently blowing the hot tea, his face relaxed and natural, as if sitting opposite is not a stranger in the late stage, but his friends.

"Young people! You don't worry about my disadvantage to you! How many people are in the eyes of the real world?" The old man saw that the young man had no trace of tension in front of him, but he still came in alone. A little more curious, it seems that the rumors are not fake, this kid does have a few courage.

"Oh, although I am a piece of fat, but not everyone can eat it. Since I dare to promote this thing, naturally it is prepared, or else there is such a good thing under the sun. If there is a pie from the sky at the end of the day, it must be thrown by me!" Cheng Yu did not care about the appearance, took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and laughed.

When the old man heard Cheng Yu’s words, his heart was tight and his eyes were clear. No one knew what was in his heart at the moment.

"You are so confident, do you think that there is a Promise Palace behind you to support you? Young people, you know, many times, the Promise Palace is not omnipotent.

Although the Promise Palace is known as the four hidden sects, there are still many more powerful sects. Therefore, your life, the Promise Palace may not be able to live with you! "The old man laughed ~ www.ltnovel.com~ So, the old gentleman is bigger than the Promise Palace? Is the old gentleman... is the nine-study family?" Cheng Yu looked at the other side and smiled.

"It seems that you know a lot! It is no wonder that Kunlun is not in the eyes." The old gentleman smiled.

"Hey, the old man won the prize, but he is not talented, but even if my strength is no longer good, Kunlun, I have not looked at it!" Cheng Yu faint, but it is extremely domineering.

"Young people have the courage to be good, but if you just use it yourself, it may not be a good thing. You must know that it has just been easy to fold!"

"Thank you for the reminder of Mr. Lao, but I also know some of the nine masters of the family, but which one is the old gentleman?" Cheng Yu said to the other side.

He said that he is also growing up for himself, in case this guy really comes from the nine family, and is still an enemy. Ji Chen, one of his nine great family members, is an ally, at least life is still somewhat guaranteed!

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