Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1232: Mahayana Dan!

"I am not a member of the nine family!" said the old man.

"Oh? The old gentleman came to the enemy is a friend?" Cheng Yu said to the other side.

Since the other party is not a member of the Nine Major family, it is better to do it. After all, the people of the Nine Majors can no longer join him. Moreover, if you are a family of nine great families, even if there are two families in Jichen, it will inevitably lead to a lot of unnecessary troubles.

"It is an enemy or a friend. It depends on your conditions. Let me talk about your conditions!" said the old gentleman.

Those who can reach his realm will not understand Cheng Yu’s thoughts. For now, those who dare to make such things public are really only Cheng Yu.

But he also believes that Cheng Yu will not say such an important secret for no reason, and that is undoubtedly an enemy for himself. But the other way around, think about it. Why do he know that it is an enemy and insist on saying such an important secret?

He did not believe that Cheng Yu was really just to show his disciples. He believed that Cheng Yu was not a fool, so he must have another picture.

As for Cheng Yutu, he has already guessed one or two, but still wants to hear Cheng Yu say it.

"Oh, since everyone is a smart person, then I will not go around the corner. I don't have anything in the Cheng family. I don't have a master who can be a one-offer!" Cheng Yu laughed.

The old gentleman smiled a little, and the heart was really like this. Cheng Yu was madly recruiting disciples in these few months. This is well known.

Kunlun has always been arrogant about him. He even heard that Cheng Yu wanted to commit suicide to Kunlun. It is difficult to determine whether it is true or not. But whether this is true or not, Cheng has no ability to face the conflict with Kunlun.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for Cheng Jia to recruit a master of the fit period or even a master of the Mahayana period. After all, those who have reached such a realm generally have their own stable spiritual environment, and many people are reluctant to change the status quo.

But this is not absolute. The water flows down and the people go high. If someone can provide a better environment and resources, then the result is another scene.

Now that Cheng Yu has passed this out, it may be the wedge to break this situation. I believe that there are many masters who will put on Cheng Yu’s idea, whether it is an enemy or a friend.

"Do you want me to join the Cheng family?" The old man was in the heart, but he couldn't see any expression on his face, nor did he know what he thought.

"What is it?" Cheng Yu smiled.

Today, this old guy is willing to come here, he believes that his heart has long been weighed, he even risked a huge risk of throwing such a big piece of cake, he really does not believe that can not be replaced by a few masters.

Although the master of the late stage is not the highest expected by Cheng Yu, if he can be taken down, it will be a great achievement. At least, Cheng has not yet had a master in the late stage.

"You seem to be very confident about yourself!" the old man squinted.

"I am not sure about myself, but I believe that you are interested in the things in my hands. The old gentleman is now in the late stage of the fit. If I guess it is correct, the old gentleman has been in this realm for many years!" Yu said to the other side.

"As you said, I have been in this realm for more than two hundred years!" This seems to be the pain of the old man. When he mentioned this, there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Everyone knows that the breakthrough in the big realm is far from the improvement of the small realm. Especially for the masters like the old gentleman who have reached the level of the late stage.

Further reaching the last realm of the mortal world, the avenue of dreams is very close. But whether you can pass this or not is an unknown number.

Throughout the ages, there are so many masters who stop here. No one can say that they will be able to break through. Cheng Yu smiled.

"Listen to your meaning, do you have a way?" These words are said in the heart of the old man, looking at Cheng Yu with a look of surprise.

Although I heard that Cheng Yu can improve his strength, the improvement of his strength may not be able to break through to a new realm. And the breakthrough in the realm has great risks, not the improvement of strength.

"The old gentleman should not worry, if I really have a way to make you break through, you are willing to stay in my home?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"This..." The old man obviously hesitated.

If it is just to join the Cheng family, there is nothing. The problem is that Cheng Yu’s identity is not normal. Although he is a disciple of the Promise Palace, now Cheng Yu is simply troubled, not only has the enemy of Kunlun, but also heard that there is some festival with Xuan Tianzong.

If he joins the Cheng family, it must mean to be an enemy of these two big factions. This is what he does not want to see.

Not to mention Xuan Tianzong and the powerful martial art of the level of the Promise Palace, that is, Kunlun is not so simple on the surface.

In the late stage of his training, he may be a master in Kunlun, but it is definitely not the strongest. It is certainly a lot better than his master.

Even when Cheng Yu really helped him break through the realm and reached the early stage of Mahayana, it was not enough to make him an enemy of Kunlun.

However, the time spent in this realm is really too long. He has not even felt any chance until now. He sometimes feels that he really has stopped here.

He is not willing to be jealous! After all, I have put in too much effort to reach the realm of the present, and now I can't go up and down in this situation. Although the fit period is a level of master, but compared with the real master of the Mahayana period, the distance difference is not one and a half. This really makes him very embarrassed.

"Old gentleman, joining me, I will not treat you badly. And after breaking through the Mahayana period, I believe that your world will open again. It is a more attractive level. Don't you want to be a real master? "Cheng Yu saw that the old man had some heartbeat, but hesitated, and quickly seduce.

"To be honest, although the realm has been rumored that you can make people improve their strength in a short time, I have not really seen it. I can hardly believe this fact.

Moreover, as far as I know, there are also many ways in which people can improve their strength in the real world. However, these methods have great drawbacks and may even have a great impact on their future practice. The old man said softly on the table.

"So the old gentleman wants me to prove it to you?" Cheng Yu laughed.

"I am really curious! But I am more concerned about whether he has any side effects!" said the old man.

"Does the old gentleman see that I am being bothered by the malpractice?"

"How do you say?" The old man did not understand.

"Since the old gentleman came to the 36th peak to find me, I must have some understanding of my past!"

"Yes! I did inquire about it, and I know you about it!" The old man nodded.

"Then you should know that two years ago, I was only a Golden Age. Now, it is already in the middle of distraction. Although the realm is not high, I believe that in just two years, nothing can be done like me. That's it!" Cheng Yu said.

"If it is common sense, it is true! But this does not prove whether this method is harmful to you, at least not yet!" said the old man.

"Yes, it really can't be seen, but isn't life like this? There must be a house, but I can tell you that this method is absolutely safe. Now I can't prove it to you. As for believe it or not. Look at yourself!" Cheng Yu said.

The old man did not speak, but his low eyebrows meditated.

"Actually, I can deceive others, but I will never deceive myself. This method is also used by me. If there is a problem with this method, first of all, I will not try it first. What do you say?" Cheng Yu said again.

"Even if you are right, it is two things to improve your strength and break through the realm. You may be able to improve my strength, but how can I ensure that I can successfully break through the realm?" The old man thought about it.

"This is where my secret law is. If you are not far from the Mahayana period, there is a big chance to break through after using my secret method. If in this case, as long as I provide you with enough reiki. Then, you will be able to make a breakthrough, you will be able to break through, it will not fail!" Cheng Yu said.

"Can it be enough for me to improve after I upgrade my strength?" The old man continued to ask.

"If this is not enough, then you have to look at the situation. If you have reached the breakthrough standard and can't make a natural breakthrough, then I can use other methods to help you forcibly break through.

But if you have not reached the breakthrough requirements after the promotion, then you can only rely on your own efforts, as long as you meet the requirements, I will help you forcibly break through! Cheng Yu said.

"Do you have any way for me to forcibly break through?" the old man said curiously.

"Da Dai Dan!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

"Da Dan Dan? You have a big Dan? How is this possible?" The old man finally did not calm down, said with shock.

Dacheng Dan is a medicinal preparation used to break through the Mahayana period, but no one can refine it. If Heyuan Dan is already extremely rare ~www.ltnovel.com~ then Dacheng Dan is only heard in Danshu.

As far as he knows, the masters who have reached the Mahayana period have succeeded in breaking through their own talents. They are not like other realms.

Perhaps because of the last test of Heaven, the refining of Mahayana Dan is extremely difficult and requires a special method of alchemy. Even a senior alchemist can't refine it. Most importantly, it is said that Dandan of the Mahayana Dan has long been lost, and now no one knows how to make the Mahayana Dan. So this is not a problem of refining difficulties, but it cannot be refining.

“Why not?” Cheng Yu said faintly.

"The Mahayana period is different from all other medicinal herbs. Even a senior alchemist can't refine it successfully, and the Dandan of the Mahayana Dan has long been lost. How can you have Mahayana Dan? Moreover, the old man has lived for so long, never I heard that there is a big market in the city of Dan Dacheng!" The old man did not believe it.

"You have not seen it, it does not mean that he does not! As long as you are willing to join me, I will be able to help you get the Mahayana Dan!" Cheng Yu said to the other side!

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