Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1803: Shura Wall!

The Ghost King has long anticipated such a situation, will there be no preparation? As early as the moment when the cover-up hand was broken, he sensed it, but in such a short period of time, it was impossible for him to avoid this blow.

"Shu Luobi!" At this critical moment, the Ghost King can only choose to resist.

But the hard-resistance can't be without any defensive measures. I saw the dry hands of the scorpion king crossing the forehead. Suddenly, a black wall appeared in front of his arm!

It is rumored that there is a black wall at the end of the underworld, and the other side of the wall is the human world. However, no one can cross this wall to the other side of the world, because the wall is too hard.

No matter what means, no matter how powerful, even the king of the underworld, there is no way to penetrate this black wall. This wall is the wall of Shura.

However, this is just a legend rumored in the dark world. There is no ghost repair that has really seen this repairing wall, because no one knows where the end of the yin world is, and naturally it is impossible to find this legendary Shura wall.

Of course, the "Shu Luobi" exhibited by the Ghost King will not be the real Shura. However, it is clear from this name that the defense of this wall above the head of the scorpion king is certainly very powerful.

However, the sword of the long scorpion is not simple, and the light is enough to scare the enemy's courage. It is a pity that this singer is a real powerhouse, but is it scared by this sword?


The golden sword of the long scorpion fell down and hit the "Shu Luo Wall" of the Ghost King.

Perhaps it was because the golden sword was almost crushed by the hand of the scorpion, and now the golden giant sword seems to have no power, but it is already a strong outside.

Or perhaps because the "Renovation Wall" of Miluo is not a real Shura wall, but its defense is really very powerful.

Therefore, everyone saw that this golden sword was only a few flashes on the wall of the Shura, and it disappeared without a trace. If it wasn’t after the explosion, a lot of aura came to the surrounding people, forcing the human monks and ghosts to be directly and seriously injured. They all thought that the sword of the long scorpion had no power at all.

At this moment, they only deeply felt that it was not because the sword of the long scorpion was not powerful enough, but because the defense of the Shura was too strong.

"The strength of the Ghost King is so strong, even if the two masters of the mid-majority of Changzi and Changyunzi are not able to defeat this second-order ghost king at the same time, how can this be good?"

"Yeah! Now even the elders of the long cloud son have been injured. If we are not good, we may really have to bury it here!"

"I have some regrets now. I thought it was just like a rumor. It was just a few thousand ghosts. We can easily defeat these ghosts behind the Promise Palace and return to the realm of cultivation to enjoy the glory. But who knows The result turned out to be like this, and tens of thousands of ghosts have been prepared to wait for us."

"Yes, I regret it now. I thought that as long as there is a master of the Promise Palace, even if you really meet a ghost master, you can sit back and relax. But who knows, the Promise Palace is not the opponent of this ghost king, now we even run There is no place to run. Once the elders of this long scorpion are also affected, we really have only one dead road!"

Seeing that Chang Yunzi was injured, and the long-shoulders exhibited such a powerful attack, they could not hurt this second-order ghost king. Everyone was worried about their future.

And many people have begun to regret coming to the forest of death. They thought it would be a glorious thing, but they did not expect to come to die.

There are still many people who come to the name of the Promise Palace. They think that under the leadership of the Promise Palace, it is not a breeze to clean up the ghosts. They can easily fame and fortune with the Promise Palace.

The result turned out to be that they even started to complain about the Promise.

Obviously, at this moment, the Promise Palace fell from the altar of the hearts of the people. Perhaps the Promise Palace is not as powerful as everyone thinks, even a ghost king of the same level can't beat it.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is only a temporary loss. The Promise Palace is not as weak as you think." Someone defended the Promise.

"It's not that we don't believe in the Promise Palace, but the enemy is too strong!" Although I may not think so in my heart, he did not dare to offend the Promise Palace, so they did not dare to say anything to death.

"Teacher, you are fine!" Changzizi came to Changyunzi at this time and asked with concern.

"Brother, don't worry, just a little hurt, can't die! Keke!" Chang Yunzi waved his hand and said, but as soon as he finished, he coughed again.

"I still said nothing, it seems that the injury is not light. The strength of this ghost king is indeed beyond our imagination, his strength may not be weaker than the late Mahayana!" Seeing the state of Changyunzi, the face of Changzizi The color of worry is even heavier.

And looking back, I saw that the "Shu Luo Wall" in front of the Ghost King has disappeared. Jura's face looks relaxed, and then look at the pale face of Chang Yunzi, and my heart is even more worried.

Coupled with this time, he also heard the thoughts of everyone in the crowd, especially the incompetence of some who began to complain about the Promise Palace, but also made the long-hearted uncomfortable.

They may not be pity for their death, but the reputation of the Promise Palace must not be destroyed in their hands.

I saw the long scorpion once again brought the sword to the king of the scorpion, and he became unsuccessful. At this moment, Changzi looked at the distance ~www.ltnovel.com~ That is Cheng Yu's direction.

A sigh in my heart, I only hope that Cheng Yu will not come again. Because he is really worried, since Chang Yunzi can see the abnormal changes in this transmission array, then Cheng Yu may have seen it.

Maybe they are already on the way, and because of this, Changzi’s heart is even more worried.

From the battle with the Ghost King, he has already figured out the strength of the other side. Compared with himself, he is only weak or weak! If Chang Yunzi is not injured, they may be able to compete with this singer.

However, Chang Yunzi’s injury is not too light now, and he does not know whether he can really fight again. Therefore, even if they themselves are not in the future, if Cheng Yu comes, then there is no other way to go except to die.

"It seems that you don't seem to have any way for me?" The Ghost King recovered the Shura Wall and looked at the human monk who came to himself, a faint smile.

"You are very strong, even beyond my imagination. However, our human monks are not as weak as you think! I believe that you will soon realize it, but then you will not be so proud!" Channel!

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