Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1804: Close at hand!

The Promise of the Promise Palace is because the first three are single attacks, while the latter three are group attacks. Therefore, the latter moves may not necessarily be more powerful in the previous moves.

For example, the third type is the strongest single attack of the sword, while the fourth type is a group attack, so the fourth type may not be the third type. However, the fifth and sixth styles are definitely the fourth type of power, because they are group attacks, and the latter attacks will certainly be stronger.

As for which type to use, it is necessary to watch the battle with the enemy. It is not only when there are many enemies that use group attacks. Even single-players will use group attacks.

Because the killing area of ​​group attacks is large, within the scope of their attacks, people have nowhere to hide.

The long scorpion is staring tightly at the scorpion king, and the chest is running fast. If the third type of sword-wrenching emptiness that makes the Promise Pure Sun Sword can smash the Shura Wall of the Jurassic King?

It’s just that the third type of sword-wrenching void consumes a lot of aura and energy. If you can't break the Ghost King, you may be unable to compete with him because of lack of aura!

"Brother, let's get rid of him together!" At this time, Chang Yunzi appeared again next to the long scorpion!

"Are you okay?" Changzi saw that Changyunzi’s face had **** color. It seems that the state is much better, but there are still some concerns.

"Do not worry! Kill him without problems!" said Chang Yunzi.

"Hey, a group of rabble, you will be the first cornerstone of my **** road in the human world, haha!" The ghost king screamed with arrogance, and his hands suddenly appeared two hooks!

"If you want to invade the human world, you have to see if you have this ability!" Chang Yunzi was too careless and was knocked down by the guy. Not only did he lose his face, but he also suffered a lot of injuries. Already angry.

Now I saw that the Ghost King was so arrogant, and where it was still received, the long sword with the hand was killed towards the other side.

The long scorpion knows the power of this scorpion king. A long Yunzi is definitely not the opponent of this guy. He does not say anything, and he rushed behind Changyunzi.

Everyone saw that the three strongest men had fought again, and their hearts were about to be screwed together. They are very clear that the battle between them determines their destiny.

The human monks won, and these ghosts must have only been killed. In turn, the Ghost King won, then their human monks must have only one dead end.

Several humans saw these ghosts scolding and watching the battle of the sky, and they were happy. They took out a fiery fire, and put the flame on the sword, and they went to these stupid ghosts at a very fast speed. I smashed the past.


The man stabbed the sword with a flame into the head of the ghost, and instantly killed the ghost.

Seeing this scene, all the human monks and ghosts are dreaming, and suddenly they react. They are still fighting now. They are watching others fight and look silly. Fortunately, these guys are not awake, otherwise they It is also like the ghost repair just now, easily killed by the enemy.

As a result, the human monk and the ghost repair once again fought. However, in addition to the early days of Mahayana, the human monks can take up some of the cheaper, no matter whether they are the two masters of the Mahayana period or the monks of the fit period, they do not take any advantage.

Of course, the worst thing is the human monk at this stage of the fit, because the number of ghosts under the Ghost King is too much. So many ghosts have rushed over, and these ghosts are all ghosts, and they can't stand it. What's more, there are still many ghost-level ghost repairs, which have added a lot of pressure to them, and there are constantly human monks falling.

In the early days of several human Mahayana masters, the heart was even more anxious. These human monks had many elite disciples who were sent out by their sects. If all of them died here, then for their martial art, it is undoubtedly A huge blow!

Therefore, the original two masters of the first Mahayana to deal with a first-order ghost king will take out a large Mahayana early, rushed into the ghost repair, want to kill a way for everyone, let everyone rush out.

However, although these ghostly first-order ghost kings have no way to withdraw, but so many third-order ghosts rushed over, it is enough to stop the early masters of Mahayana, so that he can not help the human monks to kill the retreat.

As a result, the human monk quickly fell into a tragic nightmare. He could only continue to struggle in the ghosts surrounded by the regiment, slowly watching the human monks continue to fall.


In the north-east direction of the dead forest, a team of more than 100 people is moving rapidly toward the west.

"So many days, Changchun Shishu and Chang Yun Shishu, their two teams should have reached their respective transmission line!" said Xin Hai.

"I think it should be almost the same. After all, we have fewer people and we are moving faster. It has been three days since we started. They are slower and should arrive!" Xin Luo said.

"But I still hope that Changchun Shishu will slow them down. The unusual light of yesterday must have been made by ghosts. If you let Changshu Shishu meet them, then it is a big trouble!" The sea said something worried.

"So we have to get to the transfer point as soon as possible. If there is really a ghost repair here, then the ghost repairs of the empty nests we have walked through should be gathered there." Cheng Yu looked at the distant transmission array and has already released. A normal light, at this time they are still a half-day away from the transmission.

"The long sergeant can take a big meal, and they really have met ghost repairs. Shouldn't there be anything?" Xinluo said.

They are still only in the fit period ~www.ltnovel.com~ but they can still persist in the ghost repair. The Mahayana period is in his eyes, but it is not far from the strongest of the human monks. How about some ghost repairs in the district?

"If these ghosts are only a large number, perhaps not so much trouble, I am worried that the ghost king has appeared!" Cheng Yu said the biggest worry of his heart.

"Ghost King? No! Their transmission array can send the ghost king over?" The crowd suddenly looked surprised.

"I think there should be no problem!" Cheng Yu nodded. Since the ghost demon of the fairy tower said that the ghost king would appear, then the transmission array should be able to send the ghost king.

During this time, each transmission array is empty and empty. If it is not because of the ghost king, why do they make such abnormal behavior?

You know, arranging a transmission array can consume a lot of resources. It is not easy to get the Nether Crystal. I believe that it is the reincarnation of the ghost king, and there are not so many ghost crystals so wasteful?

Therefore, he guessed that there were ten kings because the ghost king appeared in the human world, and these ghost repairs would abandon these transmission arrays that waste so many resources, and come here to gather!

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