Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1838: kill!

Looking at Ye Qian’s familiar face, he thought he had forgotten her, but when Ye Qian appeared again in front of him, he found that he never forgot, her appearance, her everything, already deep It was engraved in his heart.

But when he saw Ye Qian’s familiar and strange eyes, Cheng Yu’s heart was hurt again!

"Ye Qian, do you still remember me?" Cheng Yu looked at Ye Qian and asked affectionately.

Once, she brought her deep hurt, she was so deep in her affection, but she turned a blind eye. However, when she really lost her, she knew how important she was to herself.

Although Ye Qian may not forgive him for the rest of his life, he does not blame her. To blame, just blame yourself for not understanding and not knowing the hearts of others.

Now Cheng Yu wants to make up for his own damage to Ye Qian, but there is no such opportunity.

Ye Qian looked at Cheng Yu, only to see her Liu Mei gently wrinkled, it seems that there is no good impression on Cheng Yu, gently open: "Cheng Yu?"

Hearing this long-lost voice, Cheng Yu’s heart was full of emotions. However, when I heard the tone of Ye Qian’s speech, Cheng Yu’s heart was full of loss.

Her voice was light, but she stabbed Cheng Yu's heart like a sharp knife. Her tone is so dull and plain, it seems that Cheng Yulian is not an ordinary friend.

"Are you alright?" Cheng Yu asked with a heartache.

"Very good!" Light, as always, light!

"That's good! No, how are you here?" Cheng Yu nodded, but suddenly his face changed, and he saw Ye Qian's clothes, and the bad feelings in his heart came again.

"Ha ha! Cheng Yu, thank you for coming to my grand marriage ceremony today!" At this time, Yuan Yangzi suddenly laughed.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Yu's bad premonition is getting heavier and heavier.

"You will understand soon!" Yuan Yangzi smiled mysteriously.

Suddenly the whole picture began to blur up, Cheng Yu squinted his head, and when his eyes became clear again, the whole picture had become completely different.

The whole cloud peaks are lit up with lights, and red silk is hung everywhere, and there is a festive sound around it. When Cheng Yu looked at Ye Qian again, he saw Ye Qiantou wearing a Phoenix crown wearing Xia Wei.

"Ye Qian, what's going on?" Cheng Yu's face changed dramatically, and he seemed to understand something.

However, Ye Qian did not pay any attention to him. At this time, a man wearing a kimono appeared again, and he walked with joy.

This person is not someone else, it is the son of Yuanyangzi, Liu Zhengyuan.

However, what Cheng Yu could not think of anyway was that Ye Qian was so indifferent to him, but when faced with Liu Zhengyuan, her face showed a smile.

At this moment, Cheng Yu’s heart seemed to be smashed by thousands of knives, and his heart was bleeding. He has not seen Ye Qian’s smile for a long time.

I remember that when I was at Yunhai University, Ye Qian was wrapped around her every day. At that time, her face was wearing such a smile every day.

But now, such a smile no longer belongs to him, but another man!


Cheng Yu is crying! His heart is really stinging!

It was not until this moment that he knew how important Ye Qian was in his heart!

"No! This is impossible! This is impossible!" Looking at Liu Zhengyuan and Ye Qian, they took their hands and walked into the Yunxiao Hall. Everyone's face was filled with joy. Cheng Yu kept shaking his head and couldn't believe himself. Everything I saw.

"Cheng Yu, you will die, Ye Qian is my daughter-in-law from now on, you will never be with her. But you can rest assured that in the future, Kunlun will let her kill you!" Yuan Yangzi looked The stupid Cheng Yu, proudly laughed.

"No! This is a dream! Yes! This is a dream, absolutely no such situation!" Cheng Yu is crazy, completely unable to accept everything in front of him.

"Dream! No! This is not a dream. This is true. Everything you see is true. You can never be together!" Yuan Yangzi is constantly inducing Cheng Yu.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Ye Qian is mine. No one can take him away from me!" Looking at the back of Liu Zhengyuan and Ye Qian, Cheng Yu was completely crazy.

I saw that Cheng Yu’s eyes were turned into flames, and the whole person was extremely angry!


Cheng Yu quickly rushed to the Yunxiao Temple!

"What is waiting for you!" However, the smile on Yuanyangzi’s face finally disappeared, and he put on a sneer on his face, and the sword on his hand was already ready.

Seeing Cheng Yu who was rushing, it was a sword that flew it!

"I am blocking the death of the enemy!" Although Cheng Yu was hit by a sword by Yuan Yangzi, Cheng Yu was completely in a state of madness at this time, and the whole person was completely awake.

He clearly knew that this was a dream created by a dream beast, but he could not control himself. This is the terrible dreamland of dreams.

When he first entered the dream, his whole person was still very clear, but when Ye Qian came out, Cheng Yu seemed to have been brought into the dream.

At any time, the change of dreams, Cheng Yu's thoughts are gradually integrated by dreams. Nowadays, his thoughts have been completely immersed in dreams, and he has been unable to recognize what is reality and what is a dream.

The Amethyst sword appeared in Cheng Yu's hand. At this time, there was only one word in his heart!

That is killing!


Under the sword, a purple sword shadow descended from the sky, but Yuan Yangzi would be afraid of him. He seems to have already prepared for the perfection. At this moment, several figures flew out at the same time. These people are the great elders of Kunlun.

Today, most of these elders have already entered the early days of Mahayana~www.ltnovel.com~ and Cheng Yu is just an early stage. However, even if faced with so many masters of the Mahayana period, Cheng Yu is not afraid of anything!

kill! He wants to kill all the people here!

Cheng Yu’s long sword is waving, and the sword shadow is heavy. No one can stop his own steps!

"Cheng Yu! You kill so many elite disciples in Kunlun. Today is your death. I want to take your head as a wedding ceremony for my children!" Yuanyangzi faced Cheng Yu’s attack, but it was not Concerned, the elders attacked Cheng Yu at the same time.

"I want my life, then today I will blood Kunlun, I see who dare to stop me!" Cheng Yu took a step, as the king came, even if faced with so many Mahayana masters, he did not retreat, that kind The momentum, who fights!

"The obstacles! I have to see what you have to kill me Kunlun! The old man will kill you all the pieces, the smoke will be extinguished, and you will never reincarnate!" Yuan Yangzi sighed coldly, and the elders surrounded by Cheng Yu For a time, killing and recruiting, countless attacks rushed to the middle of Cheng Yu, so that Cheng Yu did not have any chance to escape!

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