Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1839: Kill Liu Zhengyuan first!

One second to remember [Love to read the novel network], to provide you with a wonderful novel reading. "Kunlun and I have nothing to do with the revenge of heaven. Today I will kill Kunlun!" Cheng Yu has already been anxious, and his reason has already been disrupted by the appearance of Ye Qian.

In addition, Cheng Yu and Kunlun have been complaining for a long time. In the face of this situation, Cheng Yu was completely angered by Kunlun.

In the face of so many Kunlun elders' attack, Cheng Yu's face has no anxious color, only endless killing!

"Give me to die!" Suddenly, Cheng Yu released his dragons, and time, with him as the center, the endless flames sprang out in all directions.

The attacks launched by these elders to Cheng Yu were all swallowed up by these dragons, which was terrible.

When the elders saw this situation, they could still be indifferent. They all changed their faces. The original rushed to Cheng Yu’s body and stopped. All of them quickly withdrew.

However, there are still some elders who have not been able to quit in time, and they are suddenly swallowed up by the dragon. Fortunately, the strength of these elders is not low, but also the realm of the early days of Mahayana, with their Yuanli cover actually will separate these dragons.

However, these elders did not feel happy because they resisted these flames. Instead, they were panicked because they felt their hoods were being swallowed and their defenses became weaker and weaker.

At this time, their surroundings were all surrounded by this powerful flame, and these people rushed to the outside to rush out when they were not completely swallowed by these flames.

Yuanyangzi stood outside the sea of ​​fire and looked at the elders inside. They were in a hurry, but they did not dare to touch these flames, and they could not save the elders.


But fortunately, these elders took advantage of the last chance, and their bonnets were completely swept away by the flames, and they finally rushed out.

However, two of the elders were completely swallowed up at the last moment when they had not yet rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. As a result, the moment they rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, the entire lower body was swallowed up by the flames.


The two elders finally succeeded in rushing out, but their lower body has disappeared, and the two directly fell to the ground, screaming.

When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly became scared. This flame is so terrible, they are masters of the Mahayana period, and their flesh is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

But even so, they encountered this flame, still swallowed in an instant.

With this piece of fire, everyone no longer dared to look down on Cheng Yu, although the other side is only a small initial stage, they are a big difference from their imagination, but the strength of this guy is not weaker than them.

Especially this piece of fire, so they are also very taboo.

But Cheng Yu can't feel the excitement with these strong people here. Within the Yunxiao Hall, Ye Qian is making a kiss with others, how can he endure?

kill! He wants to kill! He wants to kill everyone on the Kunlun!

Therefore, when this flame separated all of them from Yuanyangzi, Cheng Yu was a person who rushed toward the hall of Yunxiao.

"Block him! Don't let him in!" At this time, Yuanyangzi had no time to stop Cheng Yu, and only the disciples at the entrance of the main hall could stop Cheng Yu.

However, these ordinary disciples are Cheng Yu's opponents. Even if there are several monks in the fit period, it is already a very powerful figure in Kunlun, but it is not an opponent of a metamorphosis character who crosses a big realm like Cheng Yu.

I saw Cheng Yu’s sword, and the Kunlun disciples dared to pick them up and fled to both sides. In particular, a few disciples who were relatively weak were precisely because of the slower escape, and they were directly divided by Cheng Yuxi.

"Slow!" Just after Cheng Yu rushed into the hall, he saw that Ye Qian and Liu Zhengyuan were about to worship the heavens and the earth. Cheng Yu hurriedly screamed!

At this time, everyone in the hall pulled out a long sword against Cheng Yu. As long as Cheng Yu moved, it seemed that he would be cut into meat.

"Let's relax!" At this time, on the big hall, there was a big drink.

Then, a handprint was shot toward Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu's face is unchanged, and a sword is shot, and it is easy to crush this handprint.

Cheng Yu stood still and looked at the big hall. He was familiar with this person, and he had a vengeance with him. This person is not someone else. It was the Guangning that almost killed Cheng Yu’s palm. child!

Seeing his own enemies, Cheng Yu is even more jealous, killing more concentrated!

"Guangningzi!" Cheng Yu said coldly.

Although Guangningzi was in the middle of the Mahayana, Cheng Yu seemed to have exhausted the world, and he did not have any fear and continued to walk toward him.

"Don't worry about him, you continue!" But Guangningzi saw Cheng Yu but sneered, talking to a couple of new people below.

The two men slowly fell, and when they were preparing to go to Guangningzi, Cheng Yu was angry.

Of course, Cheng Yu naturally cannot shoot Ye Qian, but he will definitely not let Liu Zhengyuan, let alone, this is the son of Yuanyangzi.

In addition, Liu Zhengyuan is only a monk in the middle of distraction. Such an age has such a repair in Kunlun may be very good, but in front of Cheng Yu is vulnerable.

As long as Cheng Yu hits Liu Zhengyuan in this sword, he will die!

However, Guangningzi is here, will he let Cheng Yu kill Liu Zhengyuan so easily? Cheng Yu’s attack was blocked by Guang Ningzi.

However, Cheng Yu did not stop, Guang Ningzi he will never let go, but when he understands his grudges, he must first kill Liu Zhengyuan.

Therefore, his killings are directed at Liu Zhengyuan, especially seeing the two people who are close together because of their own attacks, Cheng Yu's anger is more prosperous.

This person does not kill, it is difficult to anger!

"Cheng Yu, the last time the old man did not kill you, it is your luck. But today, you dare to appear again in Kunlun, the old man will let you fly away, never reincarnate!" Guangningzi looked at Cheng Yu cold channel .

"On the day of the revenge, I will return it to you today~www.ltnovel.com~ Who is it that should not be reincarnation, you will know!" Now Cheng Yu has not been the same, it is not Guangningzi If you are free to shoot, you can shoot, so Cheng Yu is naturally not afraid of each other.

Although Guangningzi is still a higher level than Chengyu, the strength is much stronger than Chengyu, but Cheng Yu is not entirely an opponent.

At least these rounds, he was not killed by Guang Ningzi.

However, Cheng Yu knows that this is not the way, after all, Liu Zhengyuan will be removed. Then Cheng Yu’s body was on fire and rushed toward Guangningzi.

Guangning Zi saw that this dragon was extraordinary, and naturally he did not dare to pick it up. He quickly evaded it.

This is Cheng Yu’s chance. Without the blockage of Guangningzi, Liu Zhengyuan’s safety is completely exposed to Cheng Yu’s.

"Kill!" Cheng Yufei's fast sword rushed to Liu Zhengyuan!

However, just when Cheng Yu wanted to kill Liu Zhengyuan, Ye Qian suddenly stopped in front of Liu Zhengyuan! Mobile users please visit makxs6 to read, a better reading experience comes from the love novel network.

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