Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 1883: Going to go 1!

"How do you know that the person who died in this shrine is dead? People may just be hidden, and they don't want others to bother, it doesn't mean they die." Someone said.

"It is also said that perhaps because these people have the death palace, no one knows the location of the death shrine!" Everyone said a word to me, there seems to be nothing they do not know.

Cheng Yu is shaking his head. This restaurant is really the best place to inquire about the news. What else can they not imagine?

When he first came to repair the real world, he also heard the legend of the death shrine. The news was still known from Tianxuekou. I remembered that the character was sometimes violent, sometimes the woman who was tweaking, and the day-to-day sentence of a brother who was with him all day, and did not know how they are now?

What kind of realm are they now? If there is an opportunity, I am afraid that I will go to the Tianshan School to see them.

As for the legend of the death shrine, since Cheng Yu found the Tongtianjing Temple, he felt that the legend of the death shrine was shattered. In his view, this death shrine should be the Tongtianjing Temple.

Since there is no useful news from these populations, several people have no interest in staying, and they have returned to the room directly after eating and drinking.

The speed of the fire feather is indeed not comparable to the average monk, even the Mahayana period. They had a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the six masters at the beginning.

This distance should be only a few hours for several Mahayana masters. However, when Cheng Yu left the night light city the next day, Yao Na did not sense the arrival of the six people. It can be seen that Huo Yu opened them a lot.

Of course, this nearly a month's time, the fire feathers have not rested in a day, relying on Cheng Yu to deliver a lot of water to it, not only to add energy to it, but also to help the fire feathers improve.

Otherwise, the Golden Jubilee will not follow Cheng Yu every day to drink the water. This is a good thing, no harm.

The six masters did not appear. It is naturally a good thing for Cheng Yu. He has no interest in waiting for them here. It is best to let them never catch up with them for a lifetime, but this is impossible.

After all, they can't run all their lives, they will catch up sooner or later.

However, Cheng Yu did not put them too seriously. He just didn't want to be so troublesome. Killing them might lead to a more powerful killer. But if these guys are chasing after him, he doesn't mind finding a place to kill them all.

It’s just that Cheng Yu is not planning to do this anymore. They are coming, they don’t come, they have to continue on their way.

"Yu Shidi, where are we going now? Going back to the Promise Palace? Or going back to the world?" On the road, Xin Luo asked.

"For the time being, I will not go back. I am going to go to Dongzhou overseas!" Cheng Yu said.

“Dongzhou Overseas? Going there to do what?” everyone wondered.

"Don't you want to go to Tianmen?" At this time, the rhyme seemed to think of something, and asked.

"Almost!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"Yu Shidi, you don't want to go to Tianmen to find that god?" Xinluo also remembered those guys in Tianmen.

They have mentioned that they came to the world to find the gods, but he has not seen any gods, only know that the **** is a piece of wood.

"In case this **** is a mirror?" Cheng Yu said.

He naturally knows that this **** is not a sun mirror. This is just an excuse. Do you want to tell everyone that he already has three gods in his hand?

This secret Cheng Yu will not be said for the time being, at least to understand what this fetish is. In particular, it is necessary to expand how many such gods there are in the world.

"No? Those who are in Tianmen are not saying that the object is a piece of wood? And there is more than one. Should it be a mirror?" Xinluo said.

In his opinion, a piece of wood can be a fetish, 80% is a trick to deceive people, it is even more impossible to be a mirror, but I did not think that Cheng Yu actually wants to find this thing.

"Look at this!" Cheng Yu did not say much, but he took out a map, which is the map of the realm that he bought on the street yesterday. At the same time, he took out the third map that he had dubbed from the ruins of Kaitiancheng.

"Yu Shidi, have you found the position of the third map?" everyone excited.

"If I am looking for it, the third map refers to the Tianyang domain of Dongzhou Overseas!" Cheng Yu pointed to a place on the map of the realm.

Tianyang domain seems to be a big place, but from the map of the comprehension, this place is much smaller than the Five Elements and the Devil's Abyss.

"So it looks a bit like this place, but it doesn't seem to be the same!" The crowd compared the two maps together, and there are some similarities, but they are not exactly the same!

"Whether the map in the ruins of Kaitiancheng refers to this day's yang domain, I have to go and see!" Cheng Yu said firmly.

The five elements of the spiritual domain represent the five elements of the mirror, while the demon abyss represents the negative mirror. The third picture represents the natural mirror. Regardless of whether these three maps are related to the seven mirrors, any six mirrors have been found, and only the mirrors are left.

So no matter what, he has to try his luck. If this mirror is really on this third map, then it is not a big profit.

And that day the door is also in Dongzhou overseas. If there is an opportunity, he really wants to steal the gods kept by Tianmen. Although this seems to be somewhat unfamiliar, he has a feeling that this fetish has something to do with the Holy City.

In this case, he felt that the object itself was the object of their saints, or else there would be such a dead wood in the Temple of Heaven.

Now the entire saint seems to have left him alone, then the object itself should be his. If you think about it, even if you steal the gods of Tianmen, it will be finished.

Cheng Yu felt that his thoughts were reasonable and the guilty feeling in his heart was gone.

"Our really is not a good person! However, those who become major events should be informal. How can we achieve the great cause of the world without doing bad things?" Cheng Yu thought shamelessly.

"Since Yu Shidi is going to go, I naturally can't fall. To be honest, I haven't been to Dongzhou Overseas yet? Since it is ~www.ltnovel.com~ then I will take this opportunity to go to Dongzhou to see overseas. Let's go!" Xin Luo said with a smile.

"Yes, anyway, go wherever you go. It’s better to go to Dongzhou to see you overseas. This is also a experience!" Xinhai said with a smile.

"I don't have any opinions. If you want to go, everyone will go together!" Xinhe nodded and said.

Others nodded and did not have any opinions. Everyone has been together for so long and is used to it. If it is so separated, it is really reluctant.

What's more, so many people together in the world, feel the beauty of the world, it is quite fun!

& X25b2; & x624b; & x673a; & x4e0b; & x8f7d; app & x770b; & x4e66; & x795e; & x5668; & xff0c; & x767e; & x5ea6; & x641c; & x5173; & x952e; & x8bcd; & xff1a; & x4e66; & x638c; & x67dc; app & x6216; & x76f4; & x63a5; & x8bbf; & x95ee; & x5b98; & x65b9; & x7f51; & x7ad9; & x25b2;

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