Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 1884: Impulse is the devil!

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Dongzhou Overseas is in the eastern part of the realm of cultivation, where it belongs to another continent, surrounded by the sea, but it is too small compared to the large body of the real world.

But now they are probably in the central part of the main mainland of the comprehension, so it is not a day or two to want to go to Dongzhou.

From the current distance, they will have to wait for more than two months to reach the beach. They didn't worry, they didn't worry, they started going all the way east.

"Cheng Yu, the six people seem to catch up!" However, five days later, when Cheng Yu was still in the wild, Yao Na suddenly reminded.

“How far is it?” Cheng Yu asked.

"Just entering my scope!"

"It has been five days, these guys finally caught up!" Cheng Yu sneered.

"Yu Shidi, are we going to kill them directly here?" What I didn't expect was that Xinluo heard the news of the six people not only not nervous, but also showed excitement.

Cheng Yu shook his head, and these guys were really inflated after the strength.

"It seems that several brothers are already ready, these guys are afraid to ask for their own trouble!" Cheng Yu asked with a smile.

"Oh, that's natural. These guys really thought that they were invincible in the Mahayana period. Yu Shidi, you said, do we want to fight with them?" It seems that the heart is ticking.

"Is it really wanting to fight?" Cheng Yu squinted and smiled.

"Of course! These guys are too arrogant, and they haven't given up all the way for more than a month. If they don't kill them, it's almost endless!" Xinluo said with a chest.

"Xin Luo brother is really courageous, do not know who else want to fight?" Cheng Yu nodded, and then asked other people.

"Yu Shidi, I also agree to fight with them. Our Promise Palace and Xuantianzong are similar sects. Why should we be chased by them everywhere? Although these six people are all Mahayana, our Promise Palace is definitely not I will be afraid of him!" Others have not expressed their views, but the heart is standing out first.

"Xinhai's brother said it is also very good, and some people want to go to war?" Cheng Yu asked with a smile.

"According to the map, the front is not far from Hanyang City. I think we are better to go directly into the city. There is no need to fight with them here, and it is easy to attract attention!"

"Sister Sister said yes, if this is the case, then let Xinluo brothers and Xinhai brothers stop them. Let's go to the city and wait for the good news of the two brothers?" Cheng Yu nodded.

"What? Let us two people stop the six Mahayana masters? Yu Shidi, are you not kidding?" Xinluo and Xinhai both suddenly widened their eyes and felt that the whole person was paralyzed.

The two of them are in the late stage of integration, and such strength is in the face of **** in the face of the Mahayana period. Even if they are united, they may not be able to kill a master of the Mahayana. What's more, there are still six Mahayana periods. Two of them are in the middle of the Mahayana. Are they left to seek death?

"The two brothers are relieved. Seeing the timidity and self-confidence of the two of you just now, I believe that these guys are not opponents of the two brothers at all. You can definitely make a difference!" Cheng Yu smiled. Said.

"Yu Shidi, are you not making fun of us? We don't have this ability. What I said just now is that we all work together to kill them, but we didn't say that we two people will kill them!" Said the face.

"Yes, Yu Shidi, are you not playing us? We are not enough to kill one by one. We want to stop the six masters of the Mahayana. What is the difference with looking for death?" Xinhai also shouted. .

The reason why they are so confident is that they all count everyone. If you work together, you don't need to be afraid of these six Mahayana masters.

Although most of them are in the late stage of the fit, with their current strength, it should be no problem for several people to unite against an early Mahayana.

Although they may not be able to kill the masters of the Mahayana period, but after all, they have an advantage in the number. In particular, Cheng Yu's strength is one of the biggest variables. As long as he can take the lead in killing a mid-term, the remaining five will not be their opponents at all.

"I can understand the feelings of the two brothers, but you can't look down on others because you have made some progress. These guys can reach the Mahayana period, and what would be as simple as you think?"

Your predictions are based on ordinary circumstances, and we may be able to work with them. But can you guarantee that we are 100% capable of killing them, instead of being killed by them in turn?

If they are not what you think, each of them has the ability to fight more than the level, then are we going to be wiped out?

So I hope that the two brothers are still not too impulsive at times, only once in life, we can't afford to lose. Lost, all of us will die.

We are not going to live and die now, why should we make such a meaningless choice? If at the time, we have no choice but to fight, then we might have some meaning in this fight.

Now that Hanyang City is in front of us, we have entered the city. Do they dare to face our killers in front of us? If this is the case, we will not be late again! Cheng Yu said with a solemn face.

He can understand the mood of Xinluo and Xinhai, because in this world of strength, they have the same power for such a fortune for the first time. It is inevitable that there will be some expansion, and it will not be so strong. This is the first time of the year. Having this strength is the same.

He is different now, he is already a man of the two worlds, although he now has the strength not to lose in the middle of the Mahayana ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ even the late Mahayana. But this power is too weak for him. He doesn't have the freshness of Xinluo and Xinhai. Everything for him is just a new one.

So in the face of this situation, he has to be more calm. He is no longer a person now, he is responsible for everyone here.

They are now relying on speculation on the identity of these six people, and they don’t know anything about their strength. It’s obviously a very unwise choice to suddenly fight with them.

"Yu Shidi, you are right, we can't afford to lose, in case these guys are really better than we think, we may all be completely annihilated!" Cheng Yu poured a cold water, suddenly Let Xinluo and Xinhai wake up a lot.

They have always believed Cheng Yu too, and feel that there is no enemy that he can't kill. But now, with so many powerful enemies, if they really fight, they can only win and not lose.

Because of the loss, all of them have only one result, and that is death!

Thinking of this, Xinluo and Xinhai are shocked by a cold sweat, and the impulse is the devil!

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