Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2020: Equality contract!

Phoenix looked at Cheng Yu, it seems that it is indeed seriously considering Cheng Yu's plan.

"This is my last bottom line. Although you are a beast, but you are trapped here now, you should know that I have the ability to kill you, and you have tried it yourself. I don't want to kill you, but I I don't want to be killed by you. It is the best way to be a partner. You are not embarrassed, I will not be embarrassed, we can go out together.

Have been trapped here for so many years, don't you want to go out and see the world outside? Cheng Yu constantly guided the Phoenix to let go of its hostility.

Although Cheng Yu also wants a real beast as a contract beast, he also knows that it is very difficult. If this guy is willing to accompany him for ten years, that's not bad.

I believe that his strength will no longer need a beast to protect after ten years!

After Cheng Yu said what he should say, he did not open his mouth again, just waiting quietly for the Phoenix to give the result.

As long as this Phoenix promised, this result is still very impressive for Cheng Yu. Even if he is an equal contract with Phoenix, he can get help from a beast.

And, most importantly, he is now anxious to leave here. As long as you can safely leave here, even if the Phoenix does not sign a contract with him, it does not matter.


Just when Cheng Yu and Lin Yuqi were in a hurry, the phoenix finally nodded to them.

At the same time, I saw a sudden drop of blood in the eyebrows of this phoenix. Cheng Yu saw the situation, where he still managed so much. At the same time, he also flew a little blood from his brow and merged with the blood of the other party. Bloody flowers. Then the **** flower was divided into two drops again, which flew into the eyebrows of both sides.

At this moment, Cheng Yu felt that there was another connection in his mind.

"Help me break the seal!" Suddenly, Cheng Yu’s mind came with a crisp voice.

"You are not at all polite." Cheng Yu smiled.

Although the relationship between the two sides is not like a master and a servant like Huo Yu and Hong Yu, but it is a contract. With this contract, the phoenix cannot hurt him.

Moreover, this guy will abide by the contract and stay with him for ten years. Cheng Yu is still very satisfied with this result.

"Why should I be polite, this is our agreement, you save me, I will protect you for ten years!" Phoenix said disdainfully.

Obviously, in its eyes, Cheng Yu is really too weak. If it is not because it is trapped here by this seal, a small Cheng Yu is not allowed to protect him.

The beast will never protect a weak human!

Although it is not happy in itself, the contract has already been formed, and there is no way to fail to comply.

"You already knew that you have to help you to get rid of the seal before you go out?" With the contract, they can communicate normally. He also wants to understand the doubts in his heart.

"Even you can think of it, do you think I will not know?" Phoenix's words are full of disdain for Cheng Yu.

However, Cheng Yu did not care, this guy is a beast. Although he signed an equal contract with him, he also knew that this guy was upset.

But what about it? Anyway, I am cool. Although only a short period of ten years, it is still very good to get help from a beast.

"Why are you trapped here?" Cheng Yu continued.

"This has nothing to do with you. This is not what we should discuss now. Do you help me to unlock the seal first?" Phoenix was very dissatisfied with Cheng Yu’s question.

"Do you know that I will be able to unlock this seal?" Cheng Yu said uncomfortably.

This guy is so proud. When he was in the fairy world, even the fairy bet was caught, and he did not see it. Although my strength may be weaker now, it may not be as bad as it thinks.

"Although your strength is very common, it is okay to unlock this seal, just take some time!" said Phoenix.

"Okay, look at your share of my partner, I will treat you first!" Cheng Yu saw that the phoenix is ​​proud, but the state is not very good, before he was not light.

Although this guy is not very popular, but how to say it is now his partner, it is always to give it some benefits.


However, when Cheng Yu wanted to throw this water from the inside of the cage, it was blocked.

"Useless, the seal inside your cage has not been lifted, except for the aura, there is no way to come in!" Phoenix said faintly.

For his own injuries, it doesn't seem to be in the heart.

"In this case, it seems that I can only save you first!" Cheng Yu nodded and collected the water, ready to find a way to unlock the seal.

"The key to the seal lies in the four spar above the cage, which can continuously absorb energy to maintain the power of the seal, or else it will have been broken by me!" Phoenix seems to know that Cheng Yu does not know how to start, so he reminded He said.

"This cage is so high, I have no way to fly, how to remove the spar?" Cheng Yu looked at the spar above the cage, this cage is afraid of five or six feet high, such a high place, he I can't fly, I can't reach it.

"You won't find a way? Was it not very good when you dealt with me before?" Phoenix said ironically.

"Cut, you should be grateful for the kindness of my woman, or do you think you can chat with me so arrogantly here?" Cheng Yu saw that this guy had a thorn in every sentence, and his heart was very upset.

"You human beings are hypocritical. Do you think that I don't know if you want me to be your contract beast? Don't be so nice. Even if I am now your contract beast~www.ltnovel.com~ but the contract between us It is equal. If I don't help you, you can't do anything!" This phoenix really knows everything, it can be very smart.

There are three forms of contract, one is a master and one servant, just like Cheng Yu and Huo Yu and Hong Yu. The second is that they are now, the status of the two parties is equal, and the two are cooperative. If Phoenix does not help him, Cheng Yu really has no way.

As for the third type, it is very rare. It is also a master and a servant, but it is a beast-based and a human servant. This situation is rarely seen, but it is not.

"In any case, I always leave you a life. If not, I can kill you directly, and then go out with my woman!" Cheng Yu said.

"Hey!" Phoenix did not refute this time.

If it wasn’t for himself to be sealed, where is it that it is the turn of a human being to make a fortune on his own head? However, it does not deny Cheng Yu's words, because Cheng Yu can kill the seal if he kills it.

So from a certain point of view, Cheng Yu does not have the right to kill him. If not, it is impossible to sign an equal contract with him!

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