Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2021: This beast is a bit awkward!

"Although I can't fly here, but do you think I really can't do it? Let you follow me for ten years, it is definitely a big profit for you!" Cheng Yu said disdainfully.

I saw him take out Linglong Ding, and he stood on the tripod. Suddenly, Linglong Ding continued to grow bigger, and Cheng Yu’s position continued to rise, and it was easy to reach the height of five or six feet. The high bottom of this cage becomes the same.

"I have seen it, I tell you, as long as you are willing to follow me, I can even make you a fairy!" Cheng Yu stood on the tripod and said to the Phoenix.

"Just you? A little magic weapon. If you want, a magic weapon like you, I can find a bunch for you!" Phoenix saw Cheng Yu's proud appearance, but it was a face of disdain and contempt .


When he heard that the phoenix was so arrogant, Cheng Yu almost fell from the tripod.

"Do you have a lot of magic weapons like me?" Cheng Yu asked curiously.

"Is it strange?" Phoenix said faintly, Cheng Yu saw a chain on the guy's neck.

"Imperial storage necklace?" Seeing the chain, Cheng Yu was surprised and even the eyeballs had to fall. Does this guy really have some good things?

"According to your knowledge, garbage like you, I just take one out of it is much stronger than this!" The phoenix proudly said, looking at Cheng Yu's expression with a bit of sympathy.

"Ma's, he is also a local-level figure in the realm of comprehension. Today, he was despised by a livestock!" Cheng Yu saw the smug look of the phoenix, and his heart suddenly screamed.

The storage necklace hanging on the neck of this guy is all fairy level, maybe there may be quite a few good treasures in this storage necklace of this guy.

This exquisite Ding is only a medium-sized soul device, and it is really incomparable with the fairy.

Although I don't have a magic weapon right now, if there are some better magic weapons, it is not a bad thing. And they have so many disciples in Chengjia, there will be many excellent disciples in the future. If they can have a good magic weapon, it will be greatly improved for the strength of Chengjia.

"You can not use a magic weapon, how can you use such a magic weapon? Or, you give me? I use something else to change with you?" Cheng Yu said to the Phoenix.

"Do you have anything to change with me?" Phoenix said as he looked at each other.

There are indeed a lot of magic weapons in its storage necklace, and these magic weapons can not be used. If you can change something useful for yourself, you can’t miss it.

But this human kid may not be able to come up with something that is useful to it.

"This is what I just showed you. This is called Shenshui. For a beast like you, if you can drink this stuff often, I promise you will soon become a fairy!" Cheng Yu took out the water and laughed. Road.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Because the phoenix could not feel the benefits of this **** water through the cage.

But looking at Cheng Yu's little man, such a small bottle of things would like to change his magic weapon, this kid is too calculated, and it does not think that the thing really has any use for it! First class station

"Now you can't feel it, but after I will help you unpack the seal, you will know the magic of this thing by yourself." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

This is really not to lie to it, Shenshui is good for this guy, or else Kim Min will not follow him every day to drink water.

The beast is the same, it also needs to grow. It’s just in the human world, it’s very difficult for a beast like this to grow again.

If you can drink this **** water regularly, he can't be a fairy beast, but he will definitely let this guy grow up.

"Then you don't hurry to help me unpack the seal, what is the waste here!" Phoenix said with no anger.

"Cough!" Cheng Yu coughed twice, this guy is really arrogant, no wonder it will be sealed here.

Maybe it’s that the human master is too uncomfortable to see this guy, and even with a bunch of fairy tools everywhere to sway through the city, who does not seal you?

Now in this position, he can finally see the four spar in front, or four spar balls. The four spar **** are constantly flowing with energy, and the red light is reflected in the radiance of the above melt.

"Would you break the seal?" Just as Cheng Yu was still trying to figure out how to unlock the seal, the phoenix in the cage obviously waited for some urgency.

"What are you worried about? Do you think this seal is so good?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

The four spar **** are the source of the seal's energy. To break the seal, you must remove the four spar balls. However, this thing is not simply placed there, and then it can be taken down.

It is embedded in the seal itself, and the seal is a whole, so it is not an easy task to take it down.


Just when Cheng Yu tried to solve the **** of one of the spar **** through a special technique, Cheng Yu was shot by the seal and fell from Linglong Ding and rolled to the ground. Go up.

"Cheng Yu! You are fine!" Lin Yuxi saw Cheng Yu suddenly fell down, and his heart was in a hurry, and quickly rushed over.

"I'm fine, this seal is so powerful, I just moved it, I was attacked by it!" Cheng Yu picked up from the ground, and there was still a little tremor in his heart. This seal is more sensitive than imagined.

"Then you can still unlock it?" Lin Yuqi asked.

"Don't worry, there is no seal that can't be solved, but it may take some time. And this seal is a bit complicated, because it is linked to the ban, and there is constant energy transfer~www.ltnovel.com~ I have to be good The research and research will be done!" Cheng Yu said that he was on the exquisite.

This time, he did not immediately start, but to understand how the four spar **** absorb energy. If you can cut off the energy of their four spar balls, then it will not be easily countered by this seal.

Cheng Yu carefully analyzed it for a long time, and found that the source of energy received by this seal is also derived from the energy absorbed by the eight bismuth chains.

If you can disconnect the eight shackles, you might be able to get the seal to accept energy.

However, the eight shackles were linked to the ban, and he had already tried it. There was no way to disconnect the eight shackles.

"It seems that I can only try it with the fairy tower, see if I can isolate the four spar **** first!" Cheng Yu thought about it, and finally decided to use the fairy tower to help, first help him four The spar ball is isolated, which may be a way to cut off the energy of the spar ball.

Although I don't know if I can succeed, I always have to try it first, so Cheng Yu directly takes out the fairy tower and wraps it in one of the spar balls!

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