Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2116: poisoned!

Everyone knows that this poisonous king is not a good deal. The power of Cheng Yu is not enough to catch this guy, so everyone dare not delay a minute and a second, and rushed over to Cheng Yu.

"You are careful, this guy's poison is really terrible!" Cheng Yu saw his brothers appear, could not help but quickly reminded.

Even he did not dare to touch this thing easily, showing how strong this guy's poison is. Fortunately, he was prepared before he refining so many anti-drugs.

So far, he has not felt that he has signs of poisoning, but he is not sure whether this guy can release chronic poison.

"Do not worry, Yu Shidi, we have already taken your anti-drug Dan, are you not okay?" Xinhai laughed.

"Although there are anti-drugs, everyone should be careful. This guy is more horrible than we think!" Cheng Yu can't smile at all.

This guy is not only toxic, but also very intelligent, they want to catch this guy is not an easy task!

"Let me try it!" Lanya stood up and said.

Now Yao Na can't help too much, because the plants she controls are simply vulnerable to the poisonous king, and they are easily poisoned by it. This is just a waste of Yao Na's own. Yuan Li is gone.

But Lanya is different. She has a shield and a mirror, which is the magic weapon of the earth system.

Everyone will surround the poisonous king with a big circle, try not to let this big guy escape. And Lan Ya took out the adobe shield and the empty mirror, surrounded by the yellow sand, and surrounded the whole poison king.

Soon, these muddy yellow sands will wrap the poison king into a big earth ball!

"Haha, get it!" Seeing this big ball stopped, Lanya smiled proudly.

"It's amazing, it's okay!" The crowd is also speechless. They have done so much preparation and are trying to make a good move with this powerful poison king, but they are trapped by Lanya. Is it too casual?

"Cheng Yu, you can reward me well, I made a great contribution!" Lan Ya said proudly.

"Do not worry, you have made such a big contribution, my husband will definitely reward you!" Cheng Yu cast a * to Lan Ya, both of them know the smile, said.

In fact, Cheng Yu did not dare to believe his own eyes. I haven’t made any progress with this guy for so long, but it’s been done by Lanya so that it’s three, five, and two. This is too unexpected.

"Cheng Yu, quickly put the poison king to collect!" At this time, Xinyao quickly reminded Cheng Yudao.

"Good!" Cheng Yu knows that it is not easy to trap this poisonous king. He is going to bring the poison king back with the fairy tower.

"Not good! Everyone is going back!" However, just as Cheng Yu was preparing to put away the big earth ball, the other side of the heart suddenly shouted.


I saw that the big earth ball suddenly exploded, and at the same time, a tongue rushed toward Lanya.

"Be careful!" Cheng Yu pushed Lanya aside, and he himself was hit by this long tongue.

"Cheng Yu, you are fine!" Lan Ya was pushed to the ground, and saw Cheng Yu being shot and flew out, suddenly his face changed greatly, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Don't come over!" But Cheng Yu quickly stopped her.

Everyone looked at Cheng Yu, but everyone’s face changed. It turned out that after Cheng Yu was hit by the tongue of this poisonous king, although he was not injured, but in his chest, there was a group of dark green air masses gathered there.

"What is this?" Everyone!

"This is poison!" Cheng Yu took a deep breath, but fortunately, its Yuanli hood was not broken, and because it had taken the best anti-drug, this gas could not invade his body for the time being.

However, he could not remove these poisonous gas for a while, which made him embarrassed.


However, this poisonous king will not give them so many opportunities, only to see this guy is more competitive with Cheng Yu. Perhaps it was early in the morning that Cheng Yu’s strength was the strongest here, and perhaps Cheng Yu had provoked it before, so it was against Cheng Yu.

However, the poison king is not against other people, and does not mean that others do not deal with it.

Originally they wanted to directly seize this poisonous king, but now I see this poisonous king is so terrible. It is very difficult to catch it directly, so I have to attack it. I can only seriously injure it and let it lose the attack so that it can be arrested.

But this poisonous king is not a vegetarian. They want to hurt it, and it is such a simple matter.

Since the emergence of this area, there have been many humans who have made up their minds, and many of them are masters of the late Mahayana. But in the end, these humans have only one end, that is, death.

In its view, these people will not escape this result!

However, these guys are really harder to deal with than the people they met before, especially the magic of these people are very good.

Although Lanya had just failed, she did not give up, and the poisonous king wanted to attack Cheng Yu. She used this shield to build a soil wall in front of Cheng Yu and blocked it. This still played a lot of roles.

If you want to say that it is most suitable to compete with this poisonous king, then you should count Yang Ruoxue. Because she uses the sharp metal to summon the metal giant is not afraid of poison.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to face this poisonous king, but the metal giant did not care.

It was only this poisonous king who saw that there was no way to poison the metal giant, but he chose to continually avoid it and turned his target to other people.


After insisting on a big meeting, Cheng Yu’s breathing became a bit thicker, and he felt his head began to faint.

"Cheng Yu, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Han Xue saw Cheng Yu's situation and suddenly became anxious.

Everyone also looked at Cheng Yu, his face changed sharply. The poison gas that had gathered in Cheng Yu’s chest actually began to spread, and the entire Cheng Yu had been wrapped up.

And Cheng Yu's face is also a bit too bad ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ lips are a little purple, this is a sign of poisoning!

"Cheng Yu, you are poisoned!" said the rhyme.

"What should I do? I think we should retreat first. This poisonous king is not simple. It is impossible to catch it!" Several women saw Cheng Yu like this, and all said with concern.

In their hearts, only Cheng Yu is the most important. Although they also want to help detoxification without cream, they can't lose Cheng Yu for her.

The example of the former Feilong firm has been placed in front of them. This poisonous king’s poison is terrible, and those people are poisoned by this guy.

Now Cheng Yu is wrapped in poison gas, this situation is already very serious!

Cheng Yu also realized that the problem was a bit serious, but he could not remove the poison. The only optimistic thing now is that although these poisonous gases are wrapped around him, they are not completely penetrated into his body because of the protection of the Yuanli cover and the anti-disease.

However, even so, these poisonous gases are slowly entering his body, otherwise he is unlikely to be poisoned.

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