Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2117: escape!

Although I have done so much preparation before, I did not expect to be poisoned by this poisonous king. Although Cheng Yu is not deeply poisoned, he has already felt that his strength is weakening, and his functions in all aspects of physical strength are weakening.

Look at other people still fighting this poisonous king, but the situation is not very good. Although I am also afraid of the poison of the poisonous king, but at least the strength is still there, so I can try to avoid it when fighting.

However, the strength of other people is much worse than that of him, especially the heart of them, because they do not have the same magic weapon as several other women.

They can only rely on their own strength to fight, but not like Lanya, they can remotely control the magic weapon to attack the poison king.

Therefore, they are very dangerous.

"Don't get close to it!" Cheng Yu shouted at other people.

"Be careful!" However, Cheng Yu’s voice fell, and the poisonous king suddenly sprayed several venoms, and their faces changed greatly, and they quickly avoided the venom.

Before they had heard Yao Na and Cheng Yu said how the venom of this poisonous king smashed the dragon's business, so when they saw the venom, their reaction was quick.

However, this venom was scattered, and although several people responded quickly, they were still contaminated by some venom. Only, they don’t know this now!

"Rewind!" Cheng Yu took the opportunity to make a decision. Now everyone's situation is not very good. It is quite difficult to catch this poisonous king.

In addition, he has been poisoned, and the poisons left by the poisonous kings are everywhere. The longer the time drags on them, the worse they are. Therefore, this time is not greedy, even if you are not willing, you must give up.

If you don't want to get rid of the toxins in the body, he is likely to die, because the dragon business is the best example.

Although everyone is very reluctant, they really have no way to catch this guy, and they are now worried about Cheng Yu's situation, so after an attack, all retreat.

However, they want to go, this poisonous Wang Hao may not let them go, before the Feilong firm was so dragged to death.

Of course, Cheng Yu's people with the Feilong business are always different. What's more, Lanya is a long-range attack. With their help, others first withdraw.

Although the poisonous king was not reconciled, and constantly released venom and poison gas, but still let the heart river they withdrew.

Seeing that they have no way to kill them, this poisonous king is obviously very angry, and the nephews they have made for them are also broken.

Lin Yuqi took the broken mirror in his hand. Suddenly, the temperature between them and the poisonous king was drastically reduced, and a large amount of frost formed before them.


The poison king was actually given to the ice by Lin Yuxi!

Seeing this appearance, the original Cheng Yu ran halfway and stopped. This opportunity is rare. It is finally easy to let it settle down. This is the best chance to catch it.

Therefore, although he was already poisonous, he still spurred the fairy tower to suppress the poisonous king.

This time, he succeeded in shrouding the poison king to the fairy tower. Cheng Yu was delighted in his heart. He did not expect that Li Yu had made great achievements at the last moment.

However, although the fairy tower has covered the poisonous king, but it is not as simple as Cheng Yu imagined, when he was preparing to seal the poisonous king with the fairy tower, the whole ice was shaken again by it.


Cheng Yu itself has been poisoned. In this case, a lot of aura in the body is motivated, which makes the poison gas that originally wrapped him into the body quickly, deepens the toxicity in his body, and the fairy tower wants to suppress. The poisonous king smashed in an instant.

"Run!" Cheng Yu spurted out of black blood, the poisoning was deep, and his heart was disappointed. But at this time, he could not allow him to think more. At this time, they could no longer be the opponents of the poisonous king, let alone Grab it.

However, this poisonous king will not let them run away so easily, because in his hands, no human beings can run away. And Cheng Yu, naturally, is the same, and when they were attacked by them, the poisonous Wang Hao was even more angry and quickly chased it up.

"What to do? This guy is chasing us!" Although Yao Na constantly used long-range attacks to stop the poisonous king to catch up, but this does not solve the problem fundamentally.

For the poison king, this is not a hindrance, and when they are fighting in front, these attacks can not cause substantial damage to it, let alone just obstruct.

Therefore, the poisonous Wang Hao is chasing Cheng Yu and their group, how can they not open it.

"Ma's, this guy is so hard, it seems that it is not ready to let us go, want to put us to death!" Xinluo saw the poisonous king who quickly chased behind him, yelling.

"I feel so tired, it seems that I have no strength in my body!" But the heart of the sea was panting.

"Heart, you are poisoned!" Xinluo looked at the sea of ​​heart, but found that his lips had also appeared purple, suddenly shocked.

"I seem to be poisoned too!" and the other side of the heart also said, he also felt that his body seems to be a little bit wrong, always feels not strong, and feels the body's special weakness.

"Everyone insisted, I let the fire phoenix come out to help us resist for a while!" Cheng Yu looked at the crowd in the process of running, and the result was sinking to the lowest point, because he was in the heart, heart and heart. Poisoned, if this is not handled well, the three of them and their own lives are worried.

However, the poisonous king is also chasing after him, he can only help the fire phoenix.

Although I don't know if Huofeng can help them catch this poisonous king, but how the fire and phoenix is ​​also an ancient beast, even if they can't help them to catch the poisonous king, I believe that it is no problem to help them retreat.


At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ He also does not care whether Hu Feng is happy or not, and does not discuss it with him. In a word, he has to finish himself, let it help himself top it.

However, although the fire phoenix is ​​usually very proud, but since Cheng Yu signed an equality contract, when he encountered danger, it was not so ruthless.

In particular, when I saw a giant poisonous cockroach with a body shape that was comparable to that of oneself, it was immediately spurted out.

This poisonous king hurriedly stopped his body and saw this beast. It was also obviously scared. I did not expect that there would be a beast here.

However, many beasts are afraid to see the beasts, but this poisonous king is not a beast, it is also a strange thing, it can not be like other beasts, seeing the beast is scared and shivering.

On the contrary, seeing this beast, this poisonous king is full of war.

Avoiding the flame, the poisonous king squirts a venom to the fire phoenix. It is still very confident about its own poison. Even if it is an ancient animal, it can be poisoned!

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