Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2118: Detoxification!

A beast and a strange thing are so fiercely fighting. What is shocking is that although this poisonous king is not as good as the ancient beast in the momentum and strength, in front of the fire phoenix, the poisonous king is a little bit Not timid.

"We really still underestimated this poisonous king. It even dared to provoke fire and phoenix. No wonder we are chasing after us!" Everyone saw that the poisonous king had no retreat, but it was a step back. This guy has to make an impact on the fire phoenix, it is really shocking everyone.

"What do we do now? Do you want to leave now?" Xinluo saw that several other people have been poisoned, and now there are phoenixes behind them, this is the best time to leave.

"Let's wait!" Cheng Yu stared at the battle between Huo Feng and the poisonous Wang Hao, and wanted to see if there was any chance to take the poison king again.

After all, this time they paid a lot of money, so many people were poisoned. If they are not handled well, they will be in danger. If they can catch the poisonous king, they can also let the poisonous kings **** away the poison in their bodies, so that they will be safe.

"But Cheng Yu, you are already poisoned now. If you don't find a place to force the poison out, it will be very dangerous!" But other people don't think so. Now Cheng Yu is poisoned the most, even his The lips also turned from purple to purple-black, indicating that the poison has deepened, which makes everyone very worried.

The three of them are poisoned, but the lips are only a faint purple, indicating that the poison is still relatively light, and should not be lost in a short time.

But no matter what, they are already poisoned, they must first solve the toxins in the body, but it is not time to watch the battle.

"Yes! Cheng Yu, let the fire phoenix fight it. In your current situation, if you don't quickly drive out the poison, you will be in danger at any time!"

I know that you really want to catch the poisonous king to help the frost-free girl detoxification, but if you don't save yourself first, then no one can save the frost-free girl, let's go! "Heart rhyme is especially worried about the situation of several people."

She just gave the heart a pulse, the situation is not very good, the pulse is a little disordered, the breathing becomes very urgent, the body's strength is also around, this situation is likely to let everyone go into flames at any time!

"Everyone should drink some water first, see if you can suppress the toxins in the body first. If you don't have poison, you should drink it. If you are poisonous, you can release the poison gas at any time. Our battles are everywhere. The poison gas left by it, even if you are not poisoned, you may inhale some into the body, which is always a hidden danger for you!" Cheng Yu is really uncomfortable now, take out the water to drink a bottle, and then remind everyone Road.

Everyone nodded, knowing that Cheng Yu said it makes sense. They actually smelled several strange flavors when they were fighting. Now think about it, it should be the poison gas left by the poison king.

Although they do not feel any discomfort at present, but the hidden poison in this guy does not know how many kinds, maybe many of them are chronic poison, so they can’t feel it now, it doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future. What effect?

"Cheng Yu, isn't there a tear in the flower god? Isn't the Feilong firm saying that this flower **** tear can solve a hundred poisons? Can you detoxify if you come up with it?" Xin Yao suddenly thought of tears of flowers, Said the opening.

"I almost forgot this, I try!" Cheng Yu nodded and quickly took out the tears of the flower god.

This thing was originally prepared for frost-free, but at this critical time, they must first solve their own poison.

"But Shi Lao said that this flower **** tears detoxification requires a total of nine drops, Yu Shidi, you are afraid that it is not enough for us to use!" Xinhe looked at the flower **** tears in Cheng Yu's hand.

Although the nine drops are not too many, the flower **** tears on Cheng Yu's hand are originally a small bottle with a big thumb, and there are not many tears in it.

Moreover, Cheng Yu has been using this flower **** tear to suppress the toxins without frost. This is a tearful flower, even if it is enough for them to use, I am afraid that there will be no frost after use.

"You are poisoned, this thing may not be useful to me. Whoever try first, if you are useful, you can continue to use it!" Cheng Yu looked at this flower tears, frowned, thought, and then tears Handed over to the heart of the river.

"Yu Shidi, you are poisoned, this is still your own test, I think we can live with it. If you are okay, you may still be able to seize this poisonous king, then you can let the poison king to help us detoxify!" Xinhe looked at the tears of the flower **** in his hand. Although it was only a little bit, he felt that the weight of it was much heavier than anything.

"Or you try it first, I think this tear of flowers may not be able to solve my poison!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

Although he feels that the heart of the river makes sense, but he is too poisoned now, if this flower tears are useless, it is a waste, after all, now there are so many tears.

"If this is the case, then give it a try first. If it is useful, let us first solve it!" Xinhe thought for a moment.

"Yes! Sisters use it first!" Xinhai also made such a decision.

Xinmei is the only poisoned woman among them. It is best to give her a try. In addition, Cheng Yu is the most poisoned. If this flower **** tears are useful, then Cheng Yu should also be.

And as Xinhe said, as long as Cheng Yu's poison is dissolved, it will become possible to catch the poisonous king. As long as they catch the poisonous king, they don't have to worry about this poison anymore.

Xinmei looked at everyone's firm eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ There was no more deduction, and dropped nine drops into the mouth!

Everyone else looked forward to looking at the heart, and the nine drops of flowers and tears, but every drop is precious, and now I was taken by the heart, and if it didn't work, it would be a pity.

However, after the tears of this flower god, I felt that there was indeed a warm current in the body, but she did not feel the poison in her body was alleviated.

At least she still feels very weak now, and Yuan Li is still shaking in the body and can't stop.

"Heart, how? Is there any effect?" The people waited for a little while, and they couldn’t wait to ask.

"I don't seem to have any special feelings. It seems that there is no sign of improvement!" Xinmei shook his head and said.

"It may be that the time is too short, let's wait!" The crowd was a little disappointed, but they didn't want to give up, so there was still a hope in the heart.

Although this flower **** tears can solve the poison, but it is not a **** medicine after all, it will be effective immediately.

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