Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2146: Tianba!

"Isn't the captain just checked the cabin? Didn't the captain think that our dragon company is bullying? Let you play here?" The smile on Xiao's face suddenly disappeared, but it was replaced by a cold heart.

Feeling a sudden change in the atmosphere, these guards felt like they were entering the hail. The guard captain suddenly felt a tight heart and knew that he had already provoked the other party to be very upset.

However, even so, he still does not give up. Before, because there were people everywhere on the ship, it was inevitable that some people would pretend to be on the ship.

But now that these crew members have come out, then those who are hidden on the ship will have nowhere to hide, so he believes that if you look for it at this time, you can find these people.

Moreover, now the elders of Xiao’s anger may also understand that he is deliberately so scared of him. So that he can retreat, but he is the person who knows the truth.

Anyway, he has already told the city owner that if he finds those wanted criminals at this time, it is a great achievement. Perhaps you can get the cultivation of the city owner and move on to a higher realm.

For your own future, how can you fight for it?

"Xiao elders don't want to be angry first. I don't mean anything else. I just don't want to let go of any chance for the prisoners to escape. Before we all saw the people who were on the road, but now these people are in the treasure ship of the dragon company. It disappeared out of thin air.

If we don't find a result today, then we may be afraid of the reputation of Feilong Commercial Bank. We also hope that the Feilong business will be innocent. The captain of the guard said with a bite of his teeth.

"Good! One of my dragons business is innocent. Our Dragon Business has always been the end of the line, sitting right. Since the captain is so persistent, then our Dragon Business has no reason to cooperate. If so, then please the captain to continue searching Let's go!" Xiao Xiao sneered.

Anyway, Cheng Yu has left, no matter how they check, there will be no result, let them check it out.

However, just after these guards once again entered the cabin and searched, the lord of the city government, Tianba, appeared with people.

This made the **** captain excited and nervous. He just sent someone to try it. He thought that the city owner could not really come for so many people.

But I did not expect that the city owner actually came. But now he has not found the whereabouts of those people, which makes him worry.

If you can't find someone, you are afraid that you have not paid for it, but you have to be punished.

"The city owner!" the captain said on the ground with a respectful knee on his knees.

"Get up, I heard that you found the whereabouts of those people?" The city owner Tianba looked at the guard captain and said faintly.

Although Tianhai City’s lord Tianba’s name is very heroic, people who don’t know think he is a very rude person, but he seems to be more like a gentleman and elegant literati.

"I have seen the Lord of Heaven!" Elder Xiao was holding a fist to the Tianba.

Although from the realm, his realm is even higher than Tianba, he can be said to be the predecessor of Tianba. But in terms of identity, Tianba, as the city owner of a city, is indeed much higher than the elder status of such a business.

Therefore, this ceremony, Xiao Elder must do it, this face of Tianba is also to be given.

"Xiao elders are polite, and the people who listened to them said that some of the wanted people in our city's government were on the treasure ship of your business. I don't know if this is true or false?" Tianba said that Xiao Chang politely said.

Although Feilong Commercial Bank is only a commercial bank, compared with the identity of a city owner, it is still one by one. However, the strength of Feilong Commercial Bank is very strong, and nowadays, Haicheng is full of the industry of Feilong Commercial Bank. The tax paid by Feilong Commercial Bank to him every year is very rich.

In addition, I have been practicing in these years. Thanks to the Feilong firm for collecting high-quality resources for him, he can't do anything with Feilong. Now, he still needs to rely on them to be able to go further.

In the eyes of others, there is a huge background of power behind them. What no one dares to do with them easily? There are even people who think that his current cultivation is a back-to-back force that has cultivated him.

In fact, only the hard part of him knows that in the face of that powerful force, he is only a dog supported by the other side.

Although they do get some precious resources every year, they are far less valuable than the resources they have handed over.

Because for them, it doesn't matter who becomes the city owner of this city, as long as they can complete the resource tasks they have explained each year.

Therefore, this city owner seems to be in the scenery, but a large part of the resources he has accumulated over the years has actually been taken away by this power.

However, his current cultivation was achieved by the support of the major commercial banks that came to Tianhai City, such as Feilong Commercial Bank. This Feilong firm is one of the strongest among the major firms.

Now his strength is not strong enough ~www.ltnovel.com~ So he still needs to rely on the Feilong business, and does not want to offend the Feilong business.

However, this time the people they are looking for are very important to him, but the forces behind them focus on the people who pay attention to him.

As for those who have been killed by Cheng Yu, they still do not have this face, because they died and specifically let Tianba to find these murderers.

However, the outsiders did not know all of this. They only thought that he was the one who died for himself. This also allowed him to win the loyalty of his men. Everyone thought that he was the lord!

"Speaking of this, the Lord of Heaven City is just coming. The captain is steadfastly insisting that the people you are looking for in the city government are on our treasure ship. But we have not seen these people, and, for them, I put All the crew members on the ship called out to cooperate with him.

However, he also confirmed that these people are not the people they are looking for. However, they are now looking into the cabin for a search. Although I promised his request, it is only now that the Tiancheng Lord has come. Should we preside over a fair for our Flying Dragons business?

Our Feilong firm has been operating in Tianhai City for so many years and has always been a law-abiding one. The tax money handed over to the city government has never been owed more than half a minute. The people in the main city of the city have treated our company in this way. This is really Our dragon business is chilling! "Elder Xiao looked at Tianba and said.

When I heard Xiao’s words, Tianba’s face was a bit unsightly. I heard someone complaining that the prisoners had been on the boat, but now they have not found anyone. Instead, they have given others a sigh of relief. The original good mood is all right. No more.

The guard captain was on the side but he was also listening to the face, and he was angry. The name of Xiao was clearly the wicked first.

"Wenyang, what is going on?" Tianba asked the **** captain.

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