Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2147: Nothing to return!

"The city owner is angry, this is not the case." Seeing the city owner angry, the guard captain Wen Yang quickly squatted on the ground, afraid of it.

He knows that his **** captain is probably far worse than the position of the Flying Dragons in the heart of the city. If this time I can't explain things clearly, I am afraid that I will not say credit, but I still have to sin.

"You said!" Tianba cold channel.

Elder Xiao stood aside and looked at it all. He did lie, but he didn't have any worry. Because no matter what he says, he will not admit it.

As long as they don't see the process, they can't be like them! Because he is very clear, Tianba will not tear his face with the Dragons at this time.

"We all saw the people on the ship at the time, and before the elders blocked us from getting on the boat, he himself admitted that those people were on board because something was on the ship.

But now, he said that no one is on board, and he is clearly deceiving the city. If the city owner does not believe it, ask other people! Wen Yang opened his mouth to defend himself.

This surname Xiao is not a thing, but dare to marry himself. If there was no city owner before, he really didn't dare to say what this name is.

But now that the city owner has arrived, he also has the confidence. After all, there is a city owner, and this surname Xiao does not dare to treat him.

What's more, he does not believe that these people can really disappear from the air, so he believes that this time their search will certainly be rewarded.

"The city owner, we did see a group of people on the boat at the time, there are actually a few women." The remaining guards around Wenyang also confirmed.

"Tiancheng Lord, you know the rules of our dragon business. Anyone who wants to go on board must pay ten top grade stones, so I am not allowed to board them. Isn't that wrong?" Xiao Chang saw Wenyang. A glance, then said to Tianba.

Tianba is sullen, but he still nods. Because of the rules of the Dragon Company, he really knows it, and many people in Tianhai City know the rules of the Dragon Company, so he has no way to deny it.

"Secondly, some people did get on the boat before they got off the boat, but these people are the crew of our Feilong firm. You also know that it takes more than two months for us to come to Tianhai City from Taize City.

Every crew member who needs to go back and forth needs to be replenished, so these people are all disbursed to purchase supplies, but they found that something was forgotten after they disembarked, so they will return to board.

And what the little brother said just now, that is even more nonsense. There are no women among our crew, and we don’t believe that the Lord of Heaven can check them one by one! "Elder Xiao said with conviction."

Tianba glanced at all the crew members present. He did not find the crew of the woman. His face became more gloomy.

"The city owner, he is clearly lying. We really saw the people on this portrait get on the boat! If those people are the crew members on the ship, how can I not recognize it?" Wenyang heard that this surname Xiao would actually Those people said that their members were disembarking to purchase supplies, and they were even more angry. This guy was just squinting and talking.

Although his cultivation is not as high as this name, Xiao, but he has not been embarrassed, so how can he see the wrong person at a distance? The costumes worn by these crew members are so obvious that he will not recognize them?

"Tiancheng Lord, this matter is related to the reputation of our Flying Dragons business. How can I lie? If you don't believe it, the Tiancheng Master can ask the crew members on board to ask if I have a lie!" said Elder Xiao, who said to Tianba.

"The city owner, the crew of the two guard ships before seeing these people on the boat, the city owners can ask them, you can see the lie of Xiao Elder!" Wen Yang pointed to the two crew members around Xiao Chang, eager Said.

"The people you saw before?" Tianba said to the two crew members.

"Yes!" The two nodded nervously.

"Then you can still recognize those who boarded the ship? Is there a woman?" Tianba stared at them and asked.

"I recognize that those people are the crew members on our ships, and there are no women in them!" One of the crew members said that although they were nervous, they said.

"you're lying!"

"Stop!" Tianba shouted.

"City Lord!"

"Don't say it again, are you not sending someone to explore on the ship now? Everything will wait until the search is over!" Tianba said with a cold voice.

In fact, Wen Yang’s words he believed, and what Xiao Xiao said, he naturally does not believe. However, it does not make sense to say that at the moment.

If these people are really on board, find them out, and what Xiao Xiao said is whether the lies are broken directly. If you can't find it, you mean heaven, and there is no use.

Now, the elders of Xiao, they are clearly confessed to death, they have not found anyone, what is the significance of fighting for it?

Instead of doing this, it is better to wait for them to find out and say.

This treasure ship is not big, but it is not too small~www.ltnovel.com~ These people want to find the whole boat, and it takes a little half an hour.

However, let Tianba and Wenyang look ugly, they really did not find those people!

"Are you sure that all the places on the ship have been checked?" Tianba looked at everyone and asked.

"Returning to the city, we did find the place where the whole ship could be found. I did not find any more people!" The guards saw that even the city owners had come, and they were really scared, and they were trembled. The place said.

With such an answer, Tianba’s mood will be better? However, he did not want to get angry in front of the dragon business.

"Elder Xiao, it seems that today is a misunderstanding. I hope that Xiao Chang will not be surprised. The Japanese city owner puts a table of fine food and wine in the city government, and apologizes to Xiao Chang, and it is also an innocence of Feilong." He said to Xiao Xiao, laughing.

"Tiancheng is polite, since it is a misunderstanding, how can the old man blame the Tiancheng Lord? This is all the disadvantages of the following people. As for the aggravation, it is even less, thank you for the good intentions of the Tiancheng Lord!" Smiled.

"In this case, then the city owner will go first. Go!" Tianba smiled and nodded and left Wenyang.

"You all go back to work!" Xiao Chang looked at the back of Tianba and sneered, and said to all the crew members.

All the crew nodded, all dispersed, and returned to their posts.

And the Tianba group of people, is a gloomy face back.

"The city owner, the old guy named Xiao is indeed lying, I dare to use my own head to ensure that we really saw the people on these portraits on the boat!" Wen Yang said.

"I believe in you!" Tianba cold channel.

"Why is the city owner?" Wen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and he was afraid that the city owner would punish him for this.

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